Freddy's Family Fun - Cover

Freddy's Family Fun

Copyright© 2002 by sourdough

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A pretty cousin joins Freddy in his bed. What's a boy to think?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   MaleDom   First   Slow  

"Freddy? Wake up, Freddy."

"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina.

"Move over. I'm going to sleep with you."

Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one.

"Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years didn't seem to matter to his sleep-interrupted brain.

"My mother snores and my sister thrashes around in their sleep. Turn your back to me," Nina ordered. "I'll show you how we'll sleep together."

Freddy reluctantly complied. He felt Nina's weight compress the mattress and then adjust itself. The two cousins were lying on their sides on the narrow mattress back to back and butt to butt. Freddy was instantly uncomfortable.

"This isn't going to work," Freddy complained.

"It'll work," Nina declared.

"I'm not so sure. I think I snore and thrash around, too."

"You don't."

"How do you know?"

"I've been watching you sleep the past few nights. Now shut up and let me sleep. I've got a lot to catch up on."

Jeez! So much for privacy! "Your mom and mine will have fits if they catch you in bed with me," Freddy warned. It wasn't that Freddy was a prude. He'd like nothing better than to have Nina in bed with him-and fucking her. The last idea gave him an instant boner despite his exhaustion.

"I'm a very light sleeper. I'll know if somebody gets up to go to the bathroom and I'll also know if you try any funny business. Shut up and sleep!"

Freddy sighed and shut up but he couldn't sleep. This was not at all like the fantasies he had of sleeping with his pretty cousin. What happened?

Things always seemed crowded in Freddy's home and now they were getting even more crowded. Fourteen year old Freddy lived with his mom and sixteen year old sister in a two bedroom apartment. His mother had one bedroom and his sister had the other. Freddy slept on a loveseat that pulled out into a single bed in the living room. That suited the boy just fine.

Then his aunt and two cousins moved in. Aunt Carmen had broken up with Uncle Joe over Joe's marital infidelities just as Freddy's mom had broken up with his dad over his marital infidelities. His sister moved into the bedroom with his mom. His aunt and cousins moved into his sister's bedroom. Nothing much had changed for Freddy until tonight. The only major inconvenience had been the use of the apartment's one bathroom with five women living there now.

Freddy finally did fall asleep but he woke up sore and not feeling rested at all. Nina was already up and dressed.

"This isn't going to work," Freddy repeated to Nina when he had a few moments alone with her.

"It's already working. I slept fine last night," Nina replied. "Besides, it's only going to be for a couple of days and then we'll be out of your hair."

"I dunno about that," said the young teen. "Your mom said it was only going to be for a couple of days and that was over a week ago."

"Well, that's not my fault. You'll have to take that up with her. Perhaps you can give my mom a deadline to have us out by such and such a date."

"I didn't mean it like that," Freddy said trying to soothe his cousin's ruffled feelings. "It's just that we're liable to be caught and all hell will break loose."

"You're probably right," said Nina. "Maybe I should sleep on the floor."

"I didn't say that."

"Oh, then you're offering to sleep on the floor? I'd be glad to take over your bed while we're here."

"I didn't say that either." Freddy was getting pissed because he felt his cousin was trying to manipulate him into something he didn't want. Heck! It wasn't his fault either. Freddy knew nothing would be resolved by talking with Nina. Well, if Nina tried to crawl into bed with him again there would be quite a different Freddy waiting for her.

Freddy had a crush on his older cousin Nina for as long as he could remember. For the last couple of years the feelings had become purely sexual. Not that Nina was especially sexy. Still, Nina came across as pure and feminine as well as pretty and always dressed conservatively. For some reason those attributes were more exciting to Freddy than any of the girls around school who dressed like bimbos and wore heavy makeup. Nina was five feet seven inches, almost as tall as Freddy. She had dark brown hair worn short and curly and her skin had a slightly olive complexion. The 17 year old was a bit overweight with child-bearing hips and cushiony breasts. Freddy loved every inch of her body. There wasn't a thing he'd change on her. The boy was sure his cousin would be scared back into her bedroom if she tried to share his bed again but at least he could try to have some fun at the same time.

But what kind of fun would Freddy be able to get away with? He knew he couldn't get away with fucking his cousin. Nina would be screaming rape even if she had come to his bed voluntarily. Freddy wondered what Nina considered "funny business." Probably it included everything Freddy wanted to do with his pretty cousin.

It didn't take long after the last lights went off that evening for Nina to come to his bed. Freddy almost lost his nerve when he saw her come into the living room. Better to just refuse to let her into his bed or play the gentleman and sleep on the floor rather than risk the wrath of his mother and aunt as well as the rest of the family. She was dressed for the night in a knee length nightgown and sensible panties.

"Move over. I'm getting in," Nina ordered. "Not like that. With your back to me like last night." Nina's attitude finally decided him. Freddy pretended to cooperate but when Nina got in bed and settled down the boy immediately flipped over. His prick began to stiffen as it caressed her hips and he let it stay jammed up against her ass.

"Freddy!" Nina hissed. "Turn over this instant!"

"No," said Freddy. "I like it like this."

"Well, I don't," his older cousin retorted. "If you don't turn over I'm getting out."

"That's your problem, not mine. Go back to your own bed."

"What if I told your mom on you?"

"She'd wonder what the heck you were doing in my bed." Freddy noted that Nina hadn't made any move away from his erection or otherwise get out of the bed. Maybe it was time to explore. He laid a hand on his cousin's hip but she reached back and pushed it away. It was accompanied by a slight wriggling of her hips that Freddy's prick rejoiced in.

"Keep your hands to yourself!"

"Hey, I've got to put my hands some place. This is a small bed," Freddy said reasonably and placed his hand back on Nina's hip.

"You're being very rude," Nina warned.

"I can't help it," the horny boy said. "It's the first time I've had a girl in my bed and a sexy one at that."

"You think I'm sexy?" Nina seemed surprised to be called sexy.

"Definitely," said Freddy. He wondered if other guys thought she was sexy. Probably not if she was compared to the look-alike sluts around campus. He'd heard her talk about dating some but she'd never talked about having a boy friend. Freddy took advantage of her silence by moving his hand around his cousin's waist. Nina grabbed his hand when he felt her navel but she didn't try to move it away.

"I'm still your cousin," Nina declared. "You should be more respectful."

"I'm only human."

"I'm beginning to have my doubts," his cousin responded. "Now, if you've had your fun for the night, I'd like to get some sleep."

Freddy expected another demand that he turn around in the bed but none came. He felt that, in itself, was a major victory. Trying to go further tonight might spoil things. The young teenager began to think real sex with his pretty cousin was a real possibility and began to hope her stay in the apartment would be extended indefinitely.

Sleep came surprisingly easily to Freddy but he did wake up once during the night. Nina had released his hand and he felt tempted to roam. Ever so delicately he slipped his hand over one of his cousin's luscious tits. Gosh, it felt great as he palmed Nina's private flesh. It would be so easy to let the strap of her gown down to expose her breast completely. Freddy gave up on that idea when he heard Nina whimper in her sleep but she didn't wake up. Still, it felt like he'd aroused her nipple. It was now nice and hard. Maybe she was just pretending to be asleep.

The following morning was a repeat of the previous one but this time Freddy felt rested and happy. In fact he felt like he was walking on air. He never would have thought he would have been able to get this far with his older cousin. Being mischievous and arrogant the young teenager laid in wait until there was a bit of privacy with Nina. Almost casually he brushed her hips with the back of his hand and sort of let it linger there. Whack! Whack! Freddy didn't even see it coming. Nina whirled around and let him have it in the face with two stinging slaps. Tears of pain threatened to spill from his eyes.

"Jeez! What did you do that for? I wasn't hurting you."

"Listen, you little jerk!" Nina exclaimed. "I had to put up with your groping last night but I'm not going put up with it now or ever again. You had better keep your darn hands to yourself and treat me with the respect I'm due." Nina turned around and strode off.

"Fuckin' bitch," Freddy whispered. Freddy swore to himself that he would get even with Nina if it took him until his dying breath. Various revenge scenarios began to play out in the teenager's mind as he attempted to assuage his humiliation. Nobody gets the better of Freddy C. Fernandez. He'd have Nina gang raped. He'd personally cut off her tits, have them cooked up in a casserole and force his cousin to eat them. He'd... oh, what was the use? Freddy didn't want to do any such thing. He knew what happened was his own damned fault. He'd pushed too hard and too fast and suffered the consequences. What the young teenager really wanted to do was to get back into Nina's good graces. What he really should be doing is apologizing to his lovely cousin. Freddy didn't want Nina hating him for life. He knew that from now he'd only be touching her in his fantasies. Masculine pride finally came to Freddy's rescue, saving him from another round of humiliation. There was no fucking way he was going to apologize to Nina. He'd rather die first.

Freddy spent the next few hours of the day moping around. It was the dog days of summer and nothing much was happening. His mother and aunt were away at work and even Josie, his 16 year old sister, had a part time job at the Burger King. The young teenager was stuck at home with Nina and her 13 year old sister Teresa. Freddy and Nina were keeping their distance from each other and Teresa... Teresa just might be his path to vengeance against Nina.

Freddy and Teresa had always gotten along with each other being only a year apart. The boy never paid much attention to his younger cousin because of his yearning for Nina. Yet Teresa was every bit as pretty as her older sister even if her body was not yet as developed. Freddy decided to start paying attention to Teresa, maybe even making a play for her. That would probably worry Nina. She'd think that dirty-minded Freddy was trying the same things with her sister. Nina might be right if Teresa were willing.

"Would you like to go with me to the park, Teresa?"

"Sure," Teresa looked toward Nina as if seeking an okay but Nina seemed engrossed in a book. Nina was nominally in charge of her sister. "Just let me get my shoes on," Teresa said after Nina continued to ignore her.

"I'm coming too," said Nina finally.

Good, thought Freddy. She's suspicious already. A plan was already forming. This might be fun he thought. The park was just a block away and all three wandered around for a bit just enjoying the scenery. Freddy saw his opportunity to lose Nina when she sat down on a park bench to rest. She closed her eyes and started soaking in the sun. Freddy smiled at his younger cousin and held up his finger for quiet. Teresa smiled back and nodded her head. He took Teresa's hand and they slipped away. The boy knew it wouldn't take long for Nina to discover they were gone but even if it was as short a time as 30 seconds it would be enough. The girls were unfamiliar with this park as they were new to the neighborhood. Freddy and Teresa could stay lost until they wanted to be found.

"What's going on?" Teresa asked when they arrived at a secluded spot not far from where they'd left Nina. Freddy responded to her question by taking Teresa in his arms and kissing her. When he broke the kiss Freddy studied his cousin's expression. She didn't seem to mind at all.

"What was that for?"

"It's just that I've begun to notice you and I like what I see."

"Did Nina finally put you down?"

Freddy looked surprised. He wanted to make up a story but he finally decided to be honest with his cousin. "Was I that obvious? Heck yeah she put me down. In spades! She gave me a couple of slaps that made my teeth jiggle." He laughed like it was no big deal.

"My god! What did you do?" Teresa was laughing too. That was good.

Freddy knew he was risking another slap but he decided to show as well as tell. "Your sister didn't like it when I did this." He slid his hands down Teresa's back down to her hips and cupped her cheeks. "And she didn't like it when I did this." Freddy brought his hands up and briefly cupped his young cousin's tits. Teresa backed up a step and gave Freddy a disapproving frown.

"I don't blame her then. How do you know I won't do the same?"

"I don't know but you're welcome to do so and get it over with."

Teresa reached up and gave her cousin a light tap on the cheek. "There! Let that be a lesson to you." Freddy smiled in relief and Teresa returned the smile.

"So tell me. What made you decide to make a move on Nina?"

"Well, we'd been sleeping together the last two nights..."

"What! You're kidding!" Teresa squealed.

"Quiet! I won't be able to tell you anything if Nina finds us."

"Tell me. Tell me. Please, tell me," Teresa whispered.

Freddy gave Teresa a brief description of the events of the last two nights including a recap of that morning's confrontation.

"I knew we were driving my sister crazy having to share the same bed with her but I didn't know she was desperate enough to come crawling into your bed." Teresa giggled. "Sorry," she added when she thought her cousin would take offense.

"Not a problem," said Freddy.

"So am I the consolation prize or are you just trying to get back at Nina?"

"I guess I am trying to get back at Nina but I don't want you to think I'm just using you. I'll leave you alone if that's what you want."

In answer, Teresa embraced her cousin and kissed him sweetly. Freddy kissed back and gradually pulled his cousin down to the grass with him.

"I don't want to do anything I'll be sorry for," Teresa said when they broke the kiss.

"Like what, for instance?"

"Well, like sex. I don't want to sleep with you. I don't want to get pregnant."

"I kind of think you'd look real cute carrying around my baby," Freddy joked.

"Yeah, sure but not for a couple of years yet. Okay?"

"Okay," Freddy said with a sigh of resignation.

"If you're really anxious to become a father, you ought to get Nina pregnant."

"Nina? Now you're the one who's kidding. I couldn't get near Nina without drugging her unconscious first."

"That's not necessarily true," said Teresa. "My sister's still pretty inexperienced when it comes to boys and very shy. You probably just scared her this morning. I'm sure she's sorry she slapped you. She just won't admit it. Nina's proud too, you know."

"I know," said Freddy. "But I don't see how that helps me. Even at the best of times she still thinks of me as just a younger cousin who she can boss around."

"Well, just show her who the real boss is. It sounds like you were on the right track last night but you stopped too soon. You let her regain control."

That statement made Freddy wonder just how far he could have gone if he'd just kept doing what he wanted without regard to Nina's feelings or demands.

"Oh well," said Freddy. "It's too late now. I don't see her coming back to my bed at all."

"Don't be too sure. I'm sure I'll be awfully restless tonight and I know Mom will cooperate by continuing to snore. She never stops snoring in her sleep. It was probably part of the reason Dad started stepping out on Mom. I'm lucky it doesn't bother me like it does Nina. We'd both be fighting over who got to sleep with you."

"So why are you being so cooperative in the seduction of your sister?" Freddy asked.

"I'm not nearly as perfect as my dear sister. I'd like to see her brought down off her pedestal. If Mom happened to find out that she was having sex with a boy or if a boy happened to get her pregnant that would go a long way to showing my mom how human Nina is."

"I like your style, cuz," Freddy declared. "But will there really be enough time? I understand you guys are leaving soon.

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