Happy 16th Birthday Haley - Cover

Happy 16th Birthday Haley

by Emma Young

Copyright© 2024 by Emma Young

Pedo Sex Story: Tragedy befalls a girl before her 16th Birthday and what happens to her that day.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft   Drunk/Drugged   Zoophilia   Rough   Bestiality   First   Oral Sex   .

I was your average 15 year old girl, wanting to grow up but still wanting to be my Dad’s little princess. It was a week away to my sweet 16th birthday when suddenly, my world changed and certainly not for the better. My Dad worked out of the country quite often for his company and most of the time, he would get a taxi or a rideshare to get home, but so close to my birthday, my Mom wanted to pick him up at the airport and go into the city to do some last minute shopping for yours truly. They had made plans to spend the night at a hotel and I was to stay at my Aunt’s till they picked me up the next day. My Uncle was picking up pizza and wings for supper on his way home from work and just before 6pm, he walked into the door but without anything in his hands. He was crying and could hardly walk through the door.

My Aunt rushed to him as I watched him leaning against the wall. “Brian, what happened, what’s the matter”? my Aunt asked him.

“I just got a call from my friend at police headquarters, there was an accident and it went really bad, Joyce had run a red light and they crashed into another car, killing the driver as well, Joyce and Phil and after being rushed to the hospital, they were both pronounced dead.”

I heard what he said but it didn’t register that he was talking about my parents. They both turned and looked at me and then it sunk in what had happened and I slowly slid off my chair and hit the floor unconscious.

I woke up on the couch with my Aunt Donna wiping my head with a cold cloth. I looked at her and it hit me what happened and as I burst into tears, she held me tight as I spilled every tear I had in me, realizing I was never going to see my parents again. I could see my Uncle through my tears sitting at the table and holding his head between his hands. We held each other for awhile then my Aunt said we should probably try to eat something, I nodded my head agreeing with her then my Uncle said he forgot about the food that was still in the car. Wiping his eyes, he got up from the table and went out to the car to get the food that he had picked up earlier. After heating it up in the oven, we sat down and tried to get some food into us, it was going to be strange for a while for us all. After eating what I could, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and after finishing, I came back towards the kitchen and heard my Uncle and Aunt talking about me.

“We are her only relatives Brian, of course she will stay with us.”

“I know Donna but it is going to be hard with another mouth to feed with you not working again and me with reduced hours.”

“Maybe they had some insurance that could help us out, I am sure we are going to be hearing from a lawyer very soon.” my Uncle stated.

I wasn’t aware that my new guardians were so strapped for cash, my parents never mentioned anything that I could remember. It seems that bad news follows bad news as the next day we learned that my Dad didn’t have much insurance and my Mom didn’t have any as she was home most of the time. Not only that but the man’s family was sueing our estate and it looked like our house was going to go to the man’s family. What we would get, would basically pay for the funeral and to bury them. It was the day before my birthday when I heard my Uncle talking on the phone to someone. From the one sided conversation I heard, it was about money and what it would pay if it happened and they had ways to make it almost painless. He wasn’t sure if he could do whatever they were talking about but agreed with the caller that it would help pay the bills that were piling up.

My Uncle was just hanging up the phone as I walked in the room and he gave me a bit of a weird look, then came over and hugged me and told me he loves me. Surprised, I told him I loved him too as he then left and went into his bedroom where my Aunt was. I went to my room and was looking at a magazine and could hear my Aunt and Uncle arguing about something, I couldn’t really hear what they were talking about but then I heard him yelling, saying it was the only way. After looking through the magazine, I tried putting the argument I heard behind me then decided to turn in for the night. Waking up the next morning I could smell something really good and after putting on my housecoat, I walked into the kitchen and saw my Aunt standing at the stove making bacon and eggs with home fries.

“Geez Aunt Donna, that smells good. “ and looking around I asked where Uncle Brian was?

“Happy Birthday Haley, I thought you would like something special for breakfast. He should be back in a couple of minutes, he had to meet a friend of his.”

Just then I heard the front door open and watched as he walked in the kitchen and looking at my Aunt, saw him nod his head. “Good morning Haley, Happy Birthday”, and walking by went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of orange juice. He then reached into the cupboard for a couple of glasses and I could hear him pouring the juice into them. Aunt Donna, put my plate of food in front of me and after eating some egg and home fries, Uncle Brian handed me a glass of orange juice. I wasn’t a big juice drinker but the home fries tasted a bit salty so I drained the glass of juice rather quickly.

Finishing my eggs and bacon I left the fries and took my plate to the sink to toss the fries into the garbage. Just then I heard my Uncle say that we needed a bit of a break and were going for a drive in the country to rewind and grab some fresh air before I was given my Birthday presents. I was told to go get dressed and we would take off after I was ready. As I climbed the stairs my vision seemed a bit cloudy and seemed to get fuzzy. Shaking my head it cleared up and after getting dressed in a skirt and top went downstairs and followed my Aunt out to the car. Sitting down in the back seat, I felt fuzzy again, then heard my Aunt ask my Uncle how long before it started to work. My Uncle looked into the back seat and then told my Aunt it seemed to be already.

I closed my eyes as we drove and while not put to sleep I could hear them talking but not make out what they were saying. I then felt us turn into a driveway of crushed stone and watched as we drove up to a big house. I felt the car stop and watched as my Uncle and Aunt got out of the car and walked over to a couple that just came out of the house. I watched as they walked together to the car and the older man reached out and opened the door.

“Well hello Haley, I have heard alot about you from your Uncle, we can’t wait to get to know you better. My Name is Robert and this is my friend Eve, let’s get you into the house and chat for awhile. “ Robert said.

Eve looked at me as I was taken from the car and heard her tell my Uncle it seemed that I was almost ready for them, whoever them was. Walking up the stairs, I seemed to get that fuzzy feeling again and Robert put his arm around my waist and helped me up the stairs into the house.

“Let’s go into the living room,” said Eve, and we walked into a large room with a few couches in it. “Sit down here Haley. “ and Robert led me to a flat couch, where he pushed me down onto my back.

I heard Eve tell him I was ready and saw her walk over to a cabinet and pull something out of it.

“Haley, roll over onto your side hun. “ and in doing so I could feel my skirt being lifted and my panties pulled down a bit. I then felt a pinch on my butt and then saw Eve with a syringe in her hand.

“That’s a good girl Haley, let’s wait a minute and we will get you more comfortable.”

I heard Eve tell me. As I laid there on my side I could hear things being dragged around and also there were more people in the room with us, mostly men from what I could see. I saw some bright lights go on and then I heard Robert tell someone to go get Brutus and Caesar and then I felt a flush go through me and my skin seemed to glow. I heard Eve say that I was ready and then felt someone reach under my skirt and pull down my panties, while someone else was opening my top then removing my bra. I felt Eve bend over me then take a nipple in her mouth and start to suck it gently.

“Haley dear, is it true you are still a virgin?” I heard her but it took me a second to respond that yes I was.

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