Sparks Fly - Cover

Sparks Fly

by Rod O'Steele

Copyright© 2002 by Rod O'Steele

Erotica Sex Story: A friendly gesture toward a young neighbor causes the sexual sparks to fly.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   .

All rights reserved by the author, 2002. No commercial re-prints are authorized without written consent of the author.

I opened the front door to pick up the morning paper. The house across the street was hidden behind a network of toilet paper hanging from the tree.

I smiled. Looks like somebody got their house papered. I remembered the time my friends and I papered Sue's house. I had a crush on Sue and talked my friends into papering her house. We stopped at Safeway and bought thirty rolls. We parked down the street and snuck up to the house. It was after 11 and the only illumination was from a street light down the block. I threw the first roll high into her tree and watched as it bounced down through the branches trailing toilet paper behind. It bounced a few feet from me. Another heave and another and quickly we were creating a forest of paper hanging from the tree. My friends were working on the other tree as well. We were down to the last few rolls when we heard the front door open. The four of us took off down the street like a shot. Poor Greg was trailing well behind. We piled into the car and started the car letting it inch down the street as Greg pounded up the sidewalk. As soon as he hit the back seat we sped off laughing like crazy men. Sue found out at school the next week that I instigated the whole thing. She was mad at all of us, especially me. Oh well. Another strike out on the love life front.

I looked over again and wondered whose love life was going to suffer. I picked up the newspaper and went back into the house to have breakfast. Later that morning I went by the front windows and saw the neighbor girl out trying to clean up the mess. She was using a rake to try to get the paper out of the tree. That was going to be next to impossible using a four-foot rake.

Well, I thought. Maybe this is my chance to make up for my little escapade with Sue. I could use some good Karma. I walked across the street.


She looked over. "Hi," she said with a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Need help?"

I saw what looked like a tear forming, "Yeah."

"Hey, it's not that bad."

"Yes it is," she countered. "My dad was so mad this morning that he said I was grounded for the rest of summer vacation unless I got this cleaned up before he got home."

"I suppose this isn't the time for me to say summer is almost over anyway," with a smile and a little bit of a laugh.

She forced a smile. "No, it isn't. I start my senior year next week. I don't want to spend what's left of my last summer vacation grounded."

"Well, I owe somebody a favor. I had a crush on a girl and talked my friends into papering her house. So I guess I still owe somebody a clean up. Might as well be you."

"Did you really papered somebody's house?"

"Not last week. When I was a teenager. I'll get my ladder and be right back." I have a metal ladder that makes a ten-foot A frame but also folds out straight as a twenty-foot ladder. I grabbed it and my pruning stick, which extends out about ten feet. With the ladder, me and the stick I figured to reach well into the tree.

She was still working on the lower branches when I returned. I unfolded the ladder and set it against the trunk. I headed up with the pruning stick. It was a real pain getting the fragile paper out of the tree. It ripped; it caught on lower branches. The August temperature made the late morning steamy. Pretty soon I was sweating, dirty, scratched and cursing under my breath.

I headed down the ladder. She glanced up as I descended. I saw her eyes get a little wide. I remembered that I hadn't put briefs on under my running shorts. She was probably getting a show. She turned her head when she realized that I was watching her. There appeared to be a slight blush on her neck. Maybe it was from the heat. "I think I need a break."

She turned back toward me now that I was at ground level. "Me too. Do you want something to drink?" she asked.

I said the first thing that popped into my head. "Yeah, an ice cold beer."

"Ok," as she headed into her house. She was back in seconds with two beers. I cast a glance at the beers and then a pointed look at her. She handed me one of the beers. "I'm old enough."

I took the beer, popped the top and drew in a long cold swig. My God. Is there anything to equal the taste of a cold beer on a hot, sweaty summer day? Even if it is Coors instead of a real beer it tasted downright wonderful. "By the way, we haven't been introduced. I'm Mike."

"Jenn. So you papered a girl's house?"

I smiled. "Yep. I had a crush on Sue. I talked my friends into papering her house. When she found out it was me she was pissed. She balled me out 'cuz it took her hours to clean it all up. Wouldn't talk to me after that. Sure was a fast way to ruin the love life."

"You had one to ruin," under her breath. I pretended not to hear her say that. Looking off she added, "It wasn't a boy who did this. I know it was my girlfriends. They were out last night, had some beer and decided to do it. Cindy called me this morning to confess." Looking at me again she asked, "What did Sue look like?"

"She was beautiful." I looked at Jenn. "Actually, she looked a lot like you."

"But pretty."

"Jenn, you're beautiful. Quit it. I don't like false modesty." I watched her face and realized she didn't think she was pretty. "You don't think you're pretty do you?"

She glanced down at her chest which admittedly didn't create much of an impression on her T-shirt. "No. Boys think someone like Brittany Spears is beautiful. Not me."

"Brittany Spears?" I choked on the beer. "That slut? Jenn, be happy you don't look like her. She's already had so many surgeries the doctors will have to put zippers in. In twenty years they'll be pulling out all that crap they're putting in now and she'll look like an old sack of potatoes."

She laughed, then turned serious. "She's not a slut, she's a virgin."

"Yeah," I answered. "And so is Madonna." She laughed at that. "She acts like one. If you're gonna act like one, people have a right to consider you one."

"I hear the boys dissing her songs and they call her a bopper and say only freshman like her. At the same time they're drooling over her picture."

"No, boys think she acts like a slut and they fantasize about her. They're impressed by the silicone and the fame. That's way different." I shook my head.

"I'm not pretty. I still don't have a boyfriend."

She's not pretty because she doesn't have a boyfriend? "Jenn. Your looks don't change when you have a boyfriend. Take my word. I'm not impressed by silicone and know real beauty when I see it."

She laughed again when I said silicone. "But I can't get a boyfriend. If I looked like Brittany I could, silicone and all."

"No, I'm sorry but you're wrong Jenn. Looks, or plastic um... enhancements can't get you a boyfriend. Looking like Brittany won't either. What it will get you is a boy, but not a friend." She looked thoughtful. I let her digest that for a minute.

She looked at me. "Did Sue really look like me?"

"Yeah, a lot."

"So why didn't you become her boyfriend? It wasn't just the paper."

"No. You're right. I wasn't mature enough. Mature enough to know how to treat a woman. Mature enough to let her know how I really felt about her. I played too many games, like papering her yard. I should've just let her know how much I liked her. I was too insecure to be open and straight up. It took me years to learn that."

"I wish a boy would let me know he likes me."

"Jenn, there are boys who like you. They just don't know how to go about letting you know. Don't worry, they'll figure it out soon enough. If I was younger I'd be chasing you myself."

She gave me a strange look. "You would?"

"Sure. You're beautiful. We can have an intelligent conversation. You laughed at my jokes. That's all you need to start. After that, it's finding out if you can grow together as a couple." I threw the empty can down and stood up. "Come on. Let's get this done."

Back in the tree I noticed Jenn moving around picking up the paper as it fell. She kept moving around and glancing almost guiltily up at me. I figured I was too high for her to see much. I took it as a compliment that she was sneaking peaks.

A while later I stood looking up into the tree. There were a few scraps left. The first rain would wash those away. I was sure dad would be happy it looked as good as it did. I grabbed my stuff and said to Jenn, "I think it's good enough to keep you out of trouble."

She was picking up the last scraps from the lawn and looked up. "Great." Looking at me now, "Thank you, Mr..."


"Thank you Mike. I won't be in prison the rest of the summer."

I laughed and headed across the street. I called back, "Looks like you're a free woman." She waved and bent down to pick up the last remnants.

Electric Nights

That night Jenn lay in bed. The lights were out and the window open. It was still warm and she threw the covers off. She started thinking about the day. Mike was sure a nice guy. He worked so hard helping her. Did he really think she was pretty? He was kind of good looking. He had the nicest eyes, gentle and expressive. When he smiled at her they lit up. He had a nice chest. He wasn't a body builder. But it was nice. He had short dark hair that made him look, well, manly, without looking primitive. She remembered how his chest glistened when he climbed down from the tree. Watching him climb down the ladder the legs on his shorts gaped open and she could dimly see his genitals. The image was indistinct but it caused the heat to rise in her face. She wondered if she had blushed. She saw him looking at her. She remembered turning away in embarrassment. She couldn't stop herself from glancing up when he was back in the tree hoping to get a better look. In the night she started to imagine what he would look like without the shorts.

She was tossing on the bed. The night seemed to be getting warmer. Did she really look like the girl he was in love with? Would he want to kiss her like she was Sue? She began to fantasize about Mike and...

It was morning again and they sat on the lawn. This time Mike told her how beautiful she was and leaned toward her. She moved her head up and their lips touched. They kissed and tongues began dancing together.

They parted and Jenn asked, "Would you like to come in and get something to drink?"

"Yes." Mike followed her into the house. Jenn stopped in the front room and Mike came to her, pulling her into his arms. They kissed and she felt herself molding to his body He was hot and her hands felt the heat of his skin on his back. Her breasts pressed against his bare chest. Her nipples were pressed against his chest. She felt his muscles ripple against her as his arms moved to seize her. His lips seized hers and she felt herself melting.

She tossed in her bed again coming to rest on her back. Her hand lay on her chest. She could feel her hard nipple through her nightie. Her palm pressed against her nipple like his chest would have.

Mike kissed her until she felt her will to resist dissolve. She knew he felt it also. She was his. She wanted to surrender to him. He picked her up in his strong arms and carried her into her bedroom. He lay her on her bed. She watched mesmerized as he removed the shorts he was wearing. His cock looked just as she thought it would. Just like the one she has seen in Playgirl. He lay on the bed covering her with his body. She could feel his chest rubbing her nipples, mashing them, stimulating them. They kissed. She was lost in an ocean of desire. She wanted him. She ran her hands over his back feeling the wetness from his exertions. He removed her shirt and then her bra. He bent to her chest and took a nipple in her mouth.

She was pulling on her nipples with both hands, simulating the feel of his mouth on them. What would it feel like to have Mike's mouth on them? She tried to make her fingers into lips.

Mike kissed her nipples and sucked them into his mouth. He licked around her breasts. Jenn felt his hand move across her belly. He undid her pants and his hand trailed down lower...

Jenn's hand found the waistband of her panties. Her fingers snaked under and trailed through her downy hair. She could feel the heat emanating from her pussy. Her finger ran along her labia. She pushed it down until it parted her lips. She was wet with arousal. Her finger trailed along her pussy and then moved up until it touched the apex of her pussy. The exquisite sensation brought a moan from deep in her throat.

Mike's finger had found her clit. He ran his finger over her clit and then down into her pussy. He started a slow rhythm running his finger over her, stimulating her all along her pussy. His palm pressed down on her making the sensations more intense. Jenn felt his penis pressing against her. She reached out and touched it. It was perfect. She knew it would fill her up and make her feel so wonderful. Mike moved between her legs, which parted, inviting him further.

Jenn pushed her panties down and off her legs. She let her thighs part in her passion imagining that a man was moving between them. Her hand kept moving between her legs.

Mike moved between her legs until his penis touched her pussy. He kissed her gently as she felt it touch her and then move up inside her. Oh God, it felt so good. He began to move between her legs and she felt the fullness in her body. Her clitoris was rubbing against him. She was glistening with perspiration from the exertion of their lovemaking.

Her hand moved faster between her legs. She was wet from the hot night. She moaned as she neared her peak. She felt it rising from deep inside. The last few touches exactly right to her clit...

Jenn felt him cumming inside her, filling her with his seed. As she felt his explosion, she felt her own orgasm start. The walls of her pussy contracted around his cock. Her breath came in ragged gasps. Then it was over. Jenn felt her orgasm fade.

Jenn's hand stopped moving and she lay panting in the heat of the night. After she recovered she pulled on her panties and pulled the sheet over her. She wished he were here to hold her in his arms. She wanted a man to hold her after she came. She wrapped her arms around her pillow pulling it to her chest. She drifted off to sleep thinking about Mike. Would he think she was too young for him? He was right; the boys she knew just weren't mature enough. What had he said, If he were younger he'd be chasing me? I don't want a boy impressed by silicone. What I need is an older man who knows how to treat a woman. A man who would like me the way I am, like Mike. Her eyes closed and she drifted off into dreams of love and Mike.

It was hot that night as Mike lay in bed. He thought about Jenn. Damn, she is cute. She does look a lot like Sue. His hand slid across his stomach and found his cock. He curled his fingers around it lightly pulling. His mind returned to Jenn and the morning.

He looked up at the tree. Jenn came over and thanked him. She put her hand on his arm and looked into his eyes. There was something in those eyes. Mike could feel it. He invited her over to his house. When they got to his house he said he needed a shower. Jenn said that she needed one as well.

Mike's cock responded to his fingers and was rising. He wrapped his hand around it just below the head. Squeezing it felt good. His hand started to stroke his cock.

He walked into the shower with Jenn following. He pulled off his sweaty shirt as Jenn watched. He told her to take off her clothes. She hesitated and then started to pull off her clothes. Mike started the shower and then dropped his shorts. Jenn was skinning out of her clothes. She was gorgeous. Her skin was flawless. She had an hourglass shape. It was funny that she had seemed so flat in her shirt since in his mind tonight she had medium size breasts. He stepped into the shower inviting Jenn to follow. The water splashed off her shoulder as she stepped into the shower. Mike grabbed the soap and ran it over her shoulders, then down her back and around to her front. He paused below her breasts lightly circling with the soap as Jenn held her breath. Mike smiled and moved his soapy hands up to her breasts. The soap made his hands slide over her nipple so softly. Jenn's eyes were closed and her lips had parted. She looked so sexy. Mike felt his cock pressing between her legs.

Mike's hand began to move more quickly over his cock. He felt to the first drops of his pre-cum flowing down his cock lubricating the motion of his hand.

Jenn took his cock in her slippery hand and began to stroke. He leaned over and kissed her their tongues meeting in a lewd tango. She squeezed his cock as they kissed. He moved forward and lifted one of her legs wrapping it around his back. His cock found the wet entrance to her pussy. She moaned into his mouth as he slid his cock into her. The warm water continued to pelt down their bodies.

Mike was breathing hard. His hand was a blur of motion on his cock. He felt a contraction beginning.

He pounded into her pussy as she begged him to cum in her. He felt his cum rising in his balls. He poured his cum into her pussy as she screamed out her orgasm. Mike felt Jenn cumming on his cock as he pumped his last few strokes into her pussy.

The first contraction in his balls exploded and sent the cum up his cock. He felt it land on his belly. The second glob landed in the hair surrounding his cock and the last few spurts coated his hand and cock. His hand slowed and gradually came to rest holding his softening cock. Jenn was gone.

He looked down and saw his cum covering his cock and pooled on his stomach. He rolled out of bed and walked into the bath. Starting the shower, Mike looked in the mirror. Would Jenn like someone as old as him? God, that was a good wet dream. She really did remind him of his high school days. He stepped into the shower letting the warm water wash the cum off. He stood with his eyes closed in the warm spray thinking about Jenn.

Crossed Wires

They didn't see each other for several days. Their dreams kept recurring. Jenn and Mike, Mike and Jenn locked in passionate embrace. Jenn thought about Mike. She was nervous. Mike was a man. He was used to women. He probably had lots of experience. Would she be able to satisfy him?

Mike was nervous. Jenn was legally a girl even though in the body of a woman. She was seventeen. Christ. He could get in big trouble. Would she think he was too old? Would she want to be with an older man?

Mike would glance out his window when he was home hoping to see Jenn. Jenn would try to time her arrival home from school with Mike's schedule. The connection never happened.

On the fourth day after school had resumed, Jenn timed it exactly. She was walking up her steps as Mike pulled into his driveway. She paused as he got out of his car. 'See me,' she shouted in her mind. Mike stepped out of his car and glanced her way.

He waved, "Hi."

A smile and Jenn waved. She stood and waited hoping he would come over.

Mike saw her just standing and thought, 'Maybe it's my chance.' He walked over to where she waited. "How you doing?"

"I'm good."

"Was your Dad mad when he got home?"

"No, thank God." Jenn shook her head, "He was real happy when he got home. I told him some friends helped."

"You didn't tell him about me? Why not?"

Jenn blushed and glanced down. "I'm sorry. I guess I didn't want him to think I was, you know, seeing you or something."

"Oh. That's ok." His mind was racing. Seeing her? Why would she say that? Could it be... ? "Would you like to come over for a while?" motioning across the street.

The idea of going to his house scared her. What if her parents found out? Mrs. Schultz, two doors down, was a notorious busybody. She could see his front door from her living room. She was always sitting in her front window watching the coming and goings. Jenn had heard Mrs. Schultz telling too many stories to her Mom to take that chance.

She shook her head. "No, I shouldn't." Her mind raced. I can't go over there. I wish he would come in. "I really appreciated you helping. You only got a beer out of it. Would you like another?" hoping he would say yes and she could use that as an excuse to invite him in. Once they were alone who knows.

"No thank you," he said. He noticed that she looked nervous or something. But he didn't know what it was. Well, he'd given it a shot. Maybe she was just too young. Probably better this way. He won't be getting his neighbors pissed. "Well, I have to start dinner. Another dinner alone." He turned and started to walk back down the steps, "See you later."

That night Jenn lay in bed thinking about the afternoon. Why hadn't he accepted the beer? What else could I have said? That's so sad he has to eat dinner alone. Maybe I could tell Mom that I was going to eat dinner with him because he's alone all the time.

Her mind drifted back. In her dream state Mike had accepted the beer. Her hand stole down to her pussy and lightly began rubbing. He had taken her in his arms and soon they were making love again. Jenn's finger stroked her clit. She felt the heat and wetness emanating from her pussy. Her other hand stroked her nipples. Quickly the pressure built in her loins and she felt her pussy dripping with wetness. Her heart was pounding, she let out a muffled moan and then her orgasm burst upon her. 'Oh Mike,' she thought. 'Why didn't you come in my house?'

That night Mike lay in bed thinking about the afternoon. Why hadn't she accepted my invitation? What else could I have said? Man, I would love to have her for dinner sometime. He laughed to himself; she could be the main course. Oh, to be between her thighs.

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