Jillian’s Forbidden Awakening, Episode I: Tales of a Mother - Cover

Jillian’s Forbidden Awakening, Episode I: Tales of a Mother

by The Taboo Writer

Copyright© 2024 by The Taboo Writer

Incest Sex Story: Jillian, once a brilliant woman with a promising career, put her professional ambitions on hold to support her husband Michael and focus on raising their son Jonathan. The story delves into the psychological unraveling of a woman whose sense of self has been torn apart, exploring themes of motherhood, sacrifice, infidelity, and the dark impulses that emerge when trust is betrayed, leading to a fateful night and a game of Truth or Dare - played by mother and son.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Mother   Son   .

The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a golden, honeyed light over the coastal town where the Beckett family had decided to spend two weeks in search of some fragile reconciliation. The air was thick with the scent of salt and wet sand, while the cries of seagulls echoed distantly. Jillian sat in the passenger seat of their silver Lexus, staring blankly out at the winding road, watching the waves roll endlessly towards the shore as if the sea, with its rhythmic persistence, held some secret to cleansing old wounds. Beside her, Michael gripped the steering wheel a little too tightly, his knuckles white, his gaze fixed on the road ahead but his mind elsewhere, drifting into those murky waters of regret, guilt, and a quiet dread.

In the backseat, Jonathan wore the resigned expression of a eighteen-year-old who had already decided this vacation was doomed to fail. His headphones clung to his ears, leaking out muffled beats of some electronic music, an escape into a world where his parents’ strained silences couldn’t reach him. He had grown used to the tension in the house over the past year—the long, awkward pauses between his parents, the way his mother’s laughter had faded into something brittle, the way his father’s easygoing charm had frayed at the edges. They hadn’t said much to him, of course, not explicitly. But Jonathan had felt it, like a weight in the air. He had known that something was wrong long before anyone had bothered to explain.

Jillian, 45 but carrying herself with the weight of years much older, had spent the last months carefully constructing a life of her own, one that existed in parallel with her husband’s but never quite intersected. She had rediscovered old friends from her days in marketing, colleagues with whom she had once shared late-night brainstorming sessions and champagne toasts over successful campaigns. She had rekindled those friendships, not because she wanted to, but because she needed something to hold onto in the wake of her discovery—a way to remind herself that she wasn’t merely the wife who had sacrificed her own ambitions for the sake of her husband’s. She had left marketing behind when Michael’s career as a novelist began to take off, her talent and potential packed away with little regret at the time. She had loved him, believed in his success as much as her own, content to let her role shift into something quieter. But that belief had shattered the day she found out about the affair.

It had been three years since Michael’s brief indiscretion with a French-language translator, a woman half his age with an innocent smile and sharp ambition. Three years since the affair had ended, unceremoniously, with Michael swearing it had been a mistake, a momentary lapse in judgment that meant nothing. And yet, it had taken those three years for Jillian to learn the truth, for the secret to slip through the cracks of their marriage like a poison seeping into their lives, unseen but potent. When she confronted him, her voice had been calm, her face a mask of control, but beneath that calm had simmered an anger so deep it had taken her by surprise. She had tried to keep it together, tried to forgive him, tried to maintain the semblance of normalcy. But the anger, the betrayal, was corrosive.

In the months that followed, she had plunged herself into a whirlwind of social activity, evenings at the theatre with her old colleagues, late nights in dimly lit bars, and dinners in restaurants that felt more like escape hatches than places of enjoyment. She had acted out of spite, of course—how could she not? Michael had betrayed her trust, and she wanted to punish him, not with words or fights, but with her absence, with her own defiant independence. But as the days turned into weeks, Jillian had felt the unnaturalness of it all creeping in. She wasn’t the type to thrive in such a world. She had always preferred quiet evenings, books over cocktails, intimacy over spectacle. This new version of herself felt hollow, like a poorly constructed façade that would crumble if anyone looked too closely. Even her old friends had begun to notice, their conversations peppered with gentle concern, as if they were waiting for her to admit the truth—that she was lost.

Michael, for his part, had tried to reach out. He had taken issue with her late nights, her sudden detachment from the home they had built together. But what right did he have to complain? He had been the one who strayed, the one who had broken the fragile trust they had shared. And so, the resentment had grown, thick and unspoken between them. In the end, they had come to a fragile conclusion, one born more out of exhaustion than true understanding: a family vacation might save them. Three weeks by the sea, just the three of them, might somehow mend what had been torn apart.

Jillian wasn’t convinced. She had agreed to the trip out of obligation, more than hope. The notion that three weeks of sunshine and sand could heal the deep rift between them seemed absurd. But here they were, the three of them, bound for the coast in search of a reprieve that Jillian wasn’t even sure she wanted. The sound of the ocean, the idea of escape, was more for Jonathan’s sake than theirs. They had tried to shield him from the worst of it, tried to keep their arguments quiet, their silences subtle. But no amount of quiet could hide the truth forever. Jonathan knew. He had always known.

As they neared the small coastal town, the sky began to deepen into shades of lavender and gold, the first sign of dusk creeping over the horizon. Michael stole a glance at Jillian, her profile illuminated by the fading light, and for a brief moment, he remembered the woman she had once been—the woman who had believed in him, who had laughed easily, who had never doubted their future. But that woman was gone now, replaced by someone harder, more distant, someone he could no longer reach.

Jillian felt his eyes on her but didn’t turn. She had long stopped trying to decipher his gaze. There was a time when she could have read his thoughts just by looking at him, a time when his smallest gestures had meant everything. Now, there was only silence between them, a silence so vast and deep it seemed to swallow them whole.

The road stretched on, winding towards the inevitable, while the ocean whispered its timeless song, indifferent to the troubles of those who sought refuge on its shores.

Jillian had always been a study in quiet elegance, a woman whose beauty was not the loud, garish sort that turned heads in an instant, but rather the kind that lingered in the memory long after she had passed. At 5’6, she moved with the grace of someone whose body had long been accustomed to the discipline of classical ballet. Her slender frame, with its narrow waist, long legs, and small, firm breasts, was an echo of her youth spent in leotards and studios, where she had poured her energy into perfecting each movement, striving for that impossible combination of strength and fragility. Her dark green eyes, set against pale skin, often seemed to hold a depth of thought that spoke more than she ever did aloud. It was as though those eyes had always been seeing the world through a veil of introspection, taking in beauty but also interrogating it, examining its meaning. Her lips, full and often pursed in thought, were more often than not touched with a quiet smile that seemed to hover on the edge of restraint. She had been drawn to the arts from a young age, an artist’s soul confined within the boundaries of a world that never seemed to fully understand her. Jillian had painted once, filling canvases with vibrant bursts of color and form, had dreamed of studying comparative literature, allowing herself to lose hours in the labyrinths of Dostoevsky, Woolf, and Calvino. But her father, a stern man with little patience for the impracticalities of art, had forbidden it, dismissing her ambitions as childish whims that would lead her down a path of professional dead ends. “There’s no career in novels and paint,” he had said. He spoke with the certainty of a man who believed in the solidity of law, in the prestige of a well-defined career path. And so, Jillian, though her heart ached to swim deeper into the currents of art and literature, had chosen instead to study business, and then marketing. Marketing, she told herself, was a compromise—a field where visuals, creativity, and persuasion intersected with the practical demands of corporate life. She imagined herself working with designers and directors, crafting campaigns that would appeal to both her artistic instincts and her need for structure. It was, in her eyes, the closest she could come to art without risking her father’s disapproval. Despite her deeply intellectual nature and her preference for quiet pursuits, Jillian had always attracted attention from men. She had dated often, though cautiously, maintaining a conservative distance when it came to intimacy. Her allure was subtle but undeniable—there was something in the way she carried herself, the blend of intellect and beauty, that made her seem both accessible and distant. Jillian was never a party girl. Even as a student, she preferred quiet jazz bars to the loud, chaotic nightclubs where her peers lost themselves in liquor and bass-heavy music. In those dimly lit venues, where the smoke from clove cigarettes curled lazily through the air and the low hum of conversation created a cocoon of quietude, Jillian could lose herself in discussions about books, art, philosophy, and politics. She was an old soul, and her interests reflected that—while others danced and laughed in neon-lit clubs, Jillian sought out the company of older men, artists and intellectuals who fascinated her with their depth. She loved theatre directors, classical musicians, and writers, men whose lives seemed to be drenched in the richness of culture. And yet, she could never fully embrace their lives. Their whims and spontaneity, their almost reckless disregard for the order of things, unsettled her. She needed structure, goals, the satisfaction of watching a carefully laid plan come to fruition. Jillian’s nature was ascetic rather than hedonistic—she could appreciate beauty and indulgence, but only from a distance, with a mind that dissected even as it admired. It was this combination of creativity and discipline that had defined her—until Michael. She met him in the lobby of a small, independent theatre during the week of her college graduation. She had already lined up a few job interviews, each one a potential entry point into the world of marketing, where she hoped to carve out a career that would bridge her love of art with business. The theatre had been showing an experimental play based on Brecht’s work, and Jillian had attended it on the recommendation of a friend, eager to escape the looming weight of her future for just a few hours. Michael was there, too, introduced to her by that same friend—a man entirely different from the older, artistically inclined men she had dated in the past. Michael Beckett was unpolished, a man who bore the marks of his working-class background with a quiet pride. Where Jillian came from a renowned family of attorneys, Michael had grown up with parents who had scraped together a modest living. He had worked his way through school, taking on jobs wherever he could find them, determined to make something of himself. He had landed a position at a large publishing house after graduation, not because he loved the work, but because it paid the bills. In his heart, Michael wanted to be a novelist, wanted to write stories that could make sense of the world as he saw it—gritty, complex, and often heartbreaking. There was something about him that caught Jillian’s attention, something that unsettled her in the same way those older artists had, but with a different intensity. Michael’s ambition was raw, untempered by the frivolities of the art world. He had drive, and even though his world lacked the refinement Jillian had always craved, there was a passion in him that drew her in. They had spoken for hours that night, the experimental play already forgotten as they lingered in the lobby, discussing everything from literature to politics to the difficulties of navigating a world that seemed intent on making their dreams harder to reach. Jillian, in Michael, found someone who shared her love of intellectual pursuits but who also understood the value of structure, of perseverance. He had never been handed anything, and that fact resonated with her. Here was a man who believed in setting goals and achieving them, who knew the grind of hard work but who still held on to his artistic ambitions. In him, Jillian saw the possibility of something different, something more solid than the whimsical artists she had once been drawn to. And so, when Michael pursued her, she found herself saying yes. Their relationship had started with the promise of something greater. But as the years passed and Michael’s career took off, it was Jillian’s dreams that quietly folded away, each one placed in a box marked “someday.” She had given up her ambitions, slowly, steadily, in the name of love and partnership, all the while telling herself that it was worth it. But when Michael’s betrayal came to light, that carefully built structure had begun to crack, and Jillian found herself questioning everything.

For the first five years of their relationship, Jillian had built an enviable career in marketing. Her intelligence, discipline, and knack for creativity had earned her a higher salary than Michael, a fact that never bothered her. She loved him and believed in his potential, confident that his writing would one day find the recognition it deserved. Michael, however, quietly harbored insecurities about the imbalance. It gnawed at him, though Jillian never made him feel less. He was working at a publishing house, seeing other authors come and go, watching their success while his own manuscripts gathered dust in the slush pile. He had initially styled himself as the next Bukowski, writing gritty, raw prose about the underbelly of life—topics he felt strongly about. But after constant rejection, including from his own employer, Michael grew disillusioned.

Roughly around the fourth anniversary of their meeting, Michael, frustrated and worn down by rejection, began working on a novel that was entirely outside his usual style—a young adult fantasy novel filled with action and adventure. It was a departure from everything he had previously written, a commercial endeavor born from desperation. He had felt hollow as he wrote it, a kind of surrender to the corporate machine he had always resented. And yet, the manuscript sold, and not just sold—it became a runaway success. The novel turned into a bestseller, leading to sequels, spin-offs, and merchandise deals. Suddenly, Michael was well-known. He was booking tours, making television appearances, and earning money beyond what he had ever imagined. The transformation was swift and overwhelming.

Only after this success did he propose to Jillian. It was as though he finally felt worthy of her, as though the imbalance of their earlier years had finally been corrected. The fact that she had earned more than him during their relationship had, unbeknownst to Jillian, weighed heavily on him. Now, with his newfound wealth and relative fame, he felt he had “become a man” in his own eyes, confident enough to ask her to be his wife. Jillian accepted without hesitation, having always believed in him, but Michael’s insecurity left a scar that neither fully acknowledged. Their wedding was a grand affair, but the man Jillian had fallen in love with—the struggling artist, the idealist—had already begun to disappear.

After their wedding, Jillian’s life shifted dramatically. She had given up her career, initially to support Michael’s, and then to raise their son Jonathan. As a mother, Jillian flourished in ways she had never anticipated. She poured her creative energy into Jonathan’s upbringing, crafting an imaginative, nurturing world for him. They spent hours reading together, creating art, watching nature documentaries—Jillian always encouraged his curiosity, his sense of wonder. She had taught him to read and write at the age of five, instilling in him a love for books and knowledge. In those early years of Jonathan’s life, Jillian was content, believing that this phase of her life—motherhood, domesticity—was a worthy chapter.

But as time wore on, the shimmering surface of their lives began to dull. Michael, consumed by his career, was rarely home. He spent long hours at his desk or traveling for book tours, constantly under pressure to follow up each bestseller with another. The whirlwind of success pulled them into a world of corporate events, cocktail parties, book promotions, and shallow conversations with critics and pseudo-celebrities. Their home, which had once been a sanctuary of intellectual debate, progressive politics, and art, became a stage for appearances, a place where Jillian felt increasingly like a spectator in her own life.

She missed the person she had been before—the ambitious woman who thrived in the corporate world, who loved the challenges and creativity her marketing career had offered. Though they were financially secure, Jillian was not happy. Her world had narrowed. The social circles Michael’s success had thrust her into felt empty to her, filled with conversations that never touched on anything meaningful. She found herself surrounded by people who cared more about the New York Times bestseller list than the richness of art or the complexities of the human condition. The once lively debates about literature and philosophy that had defined her relationship with Michael were replaced by shallow discussions about sales numbers, reviews, and market trends.

She began to feel resentful, though she rarely expressed it. The sacrifices she had made for their family, the life she had built around supporting Michael, now felt like a prison of her own making. Jillian regretted quitting her job. She missed being part of the world outside, missed contributing to society in a way that went beyond chauffeuring Jonathan to school and managing Michael’s chaotic schedule. Worse still, she felt herself growing dumber, intellectually stifled by the vapid conversations and soulless interactions that filled her days. It was as though she had stepped away from her true self, the woman who once thrived on artistic and intellectual pursuits, and become a shadow in a world built on emptiness and superficial success.

Jillian’s once vibrant identity, full of passion for the arts and intellectual curiosity, was slowly being suffocated by the very success she had helped Michael achieve. She began to wonder if, in giving up her career and subsuming herself to his ambitions, she had lost something fundamental—something she might never get back.

Yet, stoic as Jillian was, she didn’t complain. She had learned early on in life to mask her vulnerabilities, to carry herself with the kind of grace that never cracked under pressure. Her childhood in a family of corporate lawyers had drilled a certain expectation of decorum into her—a steeliness that she wore like armor. But even that armor had its weak points, and it was one day when Jonathan, their son, came home from school at the age of eleven, that she felt a fissure form.

He had burst through the front door, his voice chirping with the excitement of his day, and in his innocent, offhanded way, shared that his class had been asked what their parents did for a living. “I told them Dad’s a writer,” Jonathan had said proudly, “and you’re a housewife, Mom.” The words hit Jillian like a silent blow, the weight of them sinking deep into her chest. She had smiled at him then, a practiced smile, and made light of it. But when night fell, and the house was bathed in the quiet darkness that only comes when everyone else is asleep, Jillian found herself slipping out of bed. She walked softly down the stairs, her bare feet cool against the floor, and curled up on the sofa in the living room. There, with only the muted glow of streetlights filtering through the windows, she finally let the tears come, hot and silent.

Was this what she had become? A “mere” housewife? After everything—the emancipation of women, the hard-fought battles for independence and equality—was this the sum of her existence? Raised in a family of accomplished attorneys, armed with a bachleror’s degree in business and a master’s in marketing, she had once envisioned herself as part of the world she’d so carefully studied and prepared for. And now, she was reduced to a title that felt like a betrayal of all that ambition and intellect. The word “housewife” clung to her like a bitter aftertaste.

But true to her nature, Jillian did not let it stifle her. Instead, she threw herself even more into Jonathan’s life. Her son became her project, the embodiment of all her energies, hopes, and dreams. She nurtured his intellect, his creativity, and his passions with a fierce dedication. She found herself coordinating every detail of his life—his piano lessons, soccer practices, ice hockey games, sleepovers, social studies projects. Every moment was meticulously crafted, every activity infused with her guiding hand. Jillian had created a rich, stimulating world for him, hoping to cultivate the kind of curiosity and drive that she had once fostered in herself.

But children grow, and Jonathan was no exception. By the time he turned fourteen, Jillian noticed the swift shift in his interests. Her once-attentive son, eager to discuss books or art, became more absorbed in his social life. Weekend parties with friends from the private school he attended became the norm, and Jillian, watching from the sidelines, felt the quiet pangs of loss. She knew it was a natural part of growing up, but as Jonathan began to come home late, sometimes tipsy or even drunk, her heart clenched with worry—and a bit of bewilderment. She never asked Jonathan about his social life, she left it a stone unturned.

Michael, in contrast, was enraged. His upbringing had been rougher, more grounded in the realities of a working-class neighborhood, and he knew firsthand the dangers of letting a teenage boy run wild. He had grown up on the streets, dodging trouble, and was determined that Jonathan wouldn’t fall into the same traps. Structure, hard work, discipline—these were the pillars of Michael’s philosophy, and he believed Jonathan was squandering his potential.

Jillian, though, took a different view. Raised in a gilded cage of privilege, with an overbearing father and a mother who set impossibly high standards, she knew the suffocation that came with too many rules. She argued that Jonathan needed room to explore, to enjoy his youth, to be in sync with his generation. He had a right to a carefree adolescence, to experience the same rites of passage as his peers. It was the tension between her sheltered, upper-class upbringing and Michael’s scrappy, streetwise childhood that shaped their arguments, neither fully able to understand the other’s perspective.

As Jonathan’s vibrant social life continued to grow, filling with parties, friends, and late nights, Jillian felt an emptiness take root within her. Her son was no longer the little boy who needed her guidance and creativity to shape his world. He was growing up, becoming his own person, and with each passing day, she found herself less central to his life. The void left by Jonathan’s independence gnawed at her, and for the first time in years, she realized she had no pet project to consume her. She had devoted so much of herself to her family, to Michael’s career, to Jonathan’s upbringing, that she had forgotten to nurture her own passions, her own needs.

It was around this time, in the quiet, unoccupied hours of her life, that Jillian stumbled upon Michael’s affair. She hadn’t been looking for it, hadn’t suspected a thing. But one evening, while cleaning up his office, she had opened his computer, intending to organize some files. Instead, she found old emails—emails that revealed a short-lived, but all too real affair with an employee of his publishing firm from three years prior. The shock of it hit her like a wave, leaving her breathless, as if the air had been sucked from the room. The affair had long ended, but its discovery felt like a betrayal fresh and raw.

In that moment, all the sacrifices she had made, all the years she had devoted to Michael’s success, to their family, came crashing down.

After rekindling her relationships with old friends, Jillian began to feel a glimmer of the independence and vitality she once possessed, albeit feeling like a stranger in a new world. Her social calendar slowly filled up with dinners, theater outings, and even, at the insistence of her more adventurous friends, the occasional visit to chic nightclubs that catered to a clientele too youthful for her comfort. These outings were exhilarating in a way she hadn’t anticipated—not so much for the social aspect which tended to bore her, but for the quiet rebellion they represented. She was no longer just Michael’s wife or Jonathan’s mother; she was, for a few fleeting hours, a woman again— seen, alive and indepedent.

And yet, in the dark corners of her mind, Jillian found herself toying with the idea of doing what Michael had done. The betrayal had left a scar she couldn’t hide, not even from herself. It pulsed with every casual touch he gave her, every empty apology. The thought of revenge, of stepping outside the bounds of their marriage, flitted in and out of her consciousness, sometimes like a harmless daydream, and other times with a more pressing intensity.

Her friend Monica, an enigmatic woman whose smile always seemed to hold secrets, had been her guide into this world of possibilities. Married with two kids, Monica had confessed one evening over wine, her voice low and conspiratorial, that she had indulged in brief, meaningless affairs—one-night stands during business trips, carefully compartmentalized moments that didn’t infringe on her family life. “It’s just ... something to keep the excitement alive,” Monica had said with a shrug, as if it were no more consequential than buying a new dress.

Monica’s casualness gnawed at Jillian’s moral core, but it also intrigued her. Was that what women like them did when the passion faded, when the betrayals piled up and the monotony of marriage became suffocating? The thought lingered in her mind for days afterward, the temptation swelling whenever she found herself standing before the mirror, slipping into a new dress—one with a deep, plunging neckline that she had picked up out of rebellion, and not for its aesthetics. It clung to her body like a second skin, exposing hidden curves and the occassional incuse of her long nipples, when worn without a bra. But whenever she wore one out, it was always under the protection of her long coat, the provocativeness hidden, but not entirely out of reach.

There were a few moments—brief, electric encounters—when naïve flirtation danced just on the edge of something more. She would catch the eye of a stranger across the bar, his gaze lingering a little too long, or find herself leaning in a little closer to some man, their short conversations filled with a playful tension that was unmistakably dangerous. The thrill of it was intoxicating, the power it gave her a bittersweet reminder of her passionless marriage. And yet, Jillian never crossed that invisible line. She never slipped her phone number to any of the men she met, no matter how many drinks they shared or how much their eyes promised, and she always pointed out the fact that she was married if someone showed too much interest in her.

There was a flicker of desire in her—an angry, vengeful part of her that whispered she should do it, that she deserved it after everything Michael had done. But something always pulled her back, restrained her. It wasn’t morality, exactly, but a deeper sense of herself that wouldn’t allow it. She wasn’t Monica, flitting through affairs with a sense of detachment. Jillian, for all her pain and disillusionment, still clung to something in her marriage, something she wasn’t quite ready to destroy. And though the thought of infidelity dangled before her, seductive and tantalizing, she could never quite take the leap.

On more than one occasion, she returned home late, smelling of expensive perfume and faint traces of alcohol, only to find Michael sitting in the living room, his face cast in the cold glow of his laptop screen. He would close it gently as she walked in, obviously waiting for her, his eyes sharp and questioning. “Where were you?” he would ask, his tone casual but laced with accusation. “Why are you dressed like that?”

Jillian never flinched. She met his gaze head-on, a quiet fury simmering beneath her skin. She had nothing to be ashamed of because she had done nothing wrong. His hypocrisy gnawed at her—his audacity to question her whereabouts after what he had done. But as much as she wanted to throw his infidelity in his face, to strip away the façade of their marriage and let it all unravel, she never did. Instead, she would calmly tell him the truth about where she was and who she was out with, and then casually head upstairs, feeling the bitter frustration churn in her chest, angry not just at him, but at herself for not doing the very thing she was implicitly accused of.

Once, after a particularly tense confrontation, Jillian found herself in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at her own reflection, her lips trembling with rage. “Next time,” she whispered to herself, her voice sharp, almost venomous. “Next time you go out, you’ll fuck a random in the bar bathroom. Just to feel something, just to have something to throw in his face.”

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