John and Sue
Copyright© 2002 by curious2c
Chapter 6
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Wife gets sexy photos taken for her husband, she herself gets taken in a long and hard way.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult Coercion Drunk/Drugged Fiction Slut Wife Rough Light Bond Humiliation Gang Bang White Couple Black Male Violence
Sue continues with her story.
My biggest fears had been laid to rest. John still loved me and after the last few days, I was sure of it. We had actually done more over the last days, sexually, than we had ever done in the years we had been married.
At first my fears were he would leave me, then it became he was going to pretend to love me in order to really hurt me at a later time. When he had been so silent that first day, after he read my letter to him, he had given no indication to me at all as to what he was thinking.
His questions were asked in an almost mechanical way when he started to finally talk to me. The content of them surprised, and also made me feel like there might be a little love left for me; just a spark, and I clung to that hope with my whole being.
After realizing we were going to try to stay together and watching John fight the demons I had loosed on him, I knew that this was going to be 'the' test of our marriage and our love for each other.
Our lovemaking that afternoon was a test for me. I tried my very best to let John know that I would not refuse him anything as long as he showed his love for me in a manner that let me know that love was in his actions, not anger. I had been deeply hurt by his actions those few days ago, and physically hurt as well.
His remorse at his actions towards me had left me with the feeling that he was going to leave me. He had been upset with himself at how he had 'used' me so hard and violently. I had, in my desperation, overlooked that harshness. I wanted more than anything in the world to stay with my husband.
My biggest fear at that point was his anger. He had been so rough with me that he had caused me to bleed. That blood had brought to my attention, his also, that we had more deeply set issues to deal with if we were going to try to stay together. It was going to be a long, hard journey.
After the great lovemaking, and reassurances of our expectations towards each other we began the first of what was to be many long heart to heart talks. They were difficult and sometimes very emotionally draining. We discussed things that most married couples should talk about. We also had conversations about things that no couple should have.
Things like my experiences with other men, and what I had done with them. How I had felt in the middle of being gangbanged, the tingle that caused me to beg and want any cock, anywhere, to relieve my 'need'. The fact that the tingle still haunted me, it still came over me and now, at least, John was the beneficiary of that sex.
John, for all of his love had real deep-set anger towards the whole thing, and I am sure some of that anger was how I had appeared to love what I was doing with those men. It took some time and careful restrained conversation to overcome some of those demons.
I had been victimized, drugged and raped. It had become a yearlong nightmare for me. My limits sexually had been expanded and pushed beyond anything I could have imagined a year ago. It would be good for John and I in the future since we would no have far fewer inhibitions towards each other, but the memories would be a constant interference for quite some time yet.
How many men have ever seen their wife having sex with men of a different race, or color? How have they dealt with the horror of seeing their wife acting like a whore, begging for more in such graphic detail? John had been brought into my nightmare. He had reacted with more grace than I could have believed possible.
Our sex that first time had been his letting out anger towards the whole situation. I knew that, and felt that he had at that point and time, a 'right' to show it as he had. But for our relationship to continue into the next days or hopefully years, we would have to come to terms with his anger, and my shame.
When we had next had sex, I had insisted on it being a loving union. John had hesitated which caused me some fear of losing him. What he had been hesitating about wasn't exactly that though. He had been afraid of his deep-set anger and he didn't want to end up hurting me again.
We made it through it though. While orally pleasing him my eye contact with his had been something new. As we went along further, we discovered a whole new plateau of lovemaking. We experimented and found other new things that we liked. As earlier mentioned, our inhibitions have been lowered to a level unseen by probably most couples.
We are now looking towards a brighter future. Greg is fast becoming a bad, bad, memory for me although John seems to worry about him constantly still. I thought that John had scared Greg and friends away for good. I soon found out that I was still quite naive' about Greg and what he would do in reality.
John quit his job, over the protests of his bastard boss. We also decided to turn all of the evidence over to the cops. It was the hardest thing I had ever done. Going through the last months of my dirty life and actually telling it to several detectives. Their questions were harsh, and unfeeling. I knew that they had to be certain of all of what had happened and that it wasn't a fabrication by me to cover for being 'caught' by my husband. It didn't make it any easier for me though.
A week after giving statements to the police we found out that our evidence wasn't enough for the D.A.'s office to go ahead and prosecute. I was shattered. Now even more people knew what I had been forced to do and how depraved it had all been.
John had been looking for work away from town, and now had several interviews to go to. Our finances were tight, and almost all of the companies to be interviewed at would only pay for John's flight. Scared to death, I watched as John reluctantly left for the first interview, leaving me alone, so alone, at the airport.
I went directly home and locked all of the doors. I stayed inside that whole day and the next. I talked to John on the phone several times, since he called constantly when he could to see if I was all right and safe.
After that first interview with nothing happening to me the next one didn't seem like such a big deal. We still had a little fear of my being left alone, but we worked up a plan to follow in case something should happen. He left for the next interview and after he got there he found out he would have to stay longer than the two days he had expected to be gone.
He told me that they had to have him meet several of the partners in the firm and it would take about a week! I didn't let on to him that I was very afraid to be alone that long, hoping that I sounded cheerful and brave. It could be a real great job he was to get and I didn't want our situation to hamper his chances.
The first day I stayed close to home. I had my cell phone in case I was outside and didn't hear the phone in the house ring. Part of the plan we worked out was that I would have the cell phone and John's second call would be to the cell. I was working in the flowerbed out back. On my knees, digging I had let my fears subside and was enjoying a nice sunny day. I felt the warm sun and the moist soil.
As I worked my cell phone buzzed. It was John, and we talked for a while as I worked. Soon after he hung up I went into the pool shower to clean up. While showering a strange sound came through the window. I couldn't place it. It sounded like music.
"Must be the neighbors." I thought to myself. Our stereo in the hot tub hadn't been used in some time, and I wasn't even sure if it still worked. As I was toweling off a breeze cut through my thoughts.
Turning, a hand came over my mouth, other hands grabbed my body. Greg was holding my mouth and so began my nightmare. They took me outside and up on the deck. Naked, and helpless, they controlled me. Greg started talking.
"Slut, you and your husband tried to get me. His boss is currently paying for his mistakes, and you will pay for all of the trouble you have caused me. I have a couple of movies you are going to star in and like it or not, you will be very cooperative, if you know what I mean."
Knowing that alone I could do nothing to save myself I had no choice but to do as ordered. Hoping that when John called and couldn't get an answer he would start the plan in operation.
They spread me out on our deck table and tied my wrists and ankles to the legs of it. I was naked, spread wide open, and could do nothing to protect or cover myself. Greg stepped up between my spread eagle position.
"I think you need some sparkle Sue. I have just the things to make you stand out. First, each nipple here needs a little something to remind you of who is in charge of your body."
He held in his hands a large needle. He took my left breast in his hand and after fondling it, pinched my nipple between his fingers, hard. He then took the needle and stuck it right through my nipple. The pain was sharp and I cried out in anguish.
"Shut the bitch up Carl!"
Carl, the man by my head, dropped his pants and stuck his soft cock in my mouth.
"Suck on this you little slut. Don't even think of biting though, or I will pierce your nose through both nostrils at once."
His statement brought a chill up my spine. These guys were out to hurt me in a real, very hard way.
Greg now had my other breast in his hands. He pierced that nipple also. The studs were put in my bleeding nipples and Greg super glued the ends on. They had large balls on each end, and obviously they wouldn't be coming out any time soon.
The cock in my mouth started to get hard. I was sucking and licking as directed. I needed to keep on their good side as much as possible. My only hope was that John had tried to call and not getting an answer had started the plan in motion. That was my only hope now.
Greg looked into my eyes and it appeared like he was reading my mind through them.
"John and you have a plan? He is going to call and when you don't answer he calls... who? Doesn't matter, you will answer Sue. You will answer his call and act like nothing is wrong at all. If you don't, well, you won't surely care anymore, and as soon as he gets here, neither will he. Understand SLUT?"