Weekend Jailbait - Cover

Weekend Jailbait

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2002 by Anonymous

Erotica Sex Story: So, they're not really cousins, but her daddy is a cop and she's only fourteen!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   .

Ted couldn't wait to leave work on a hot and sultry Friday. Twenty-one years old, one year away from his BA, and now doing intern work for a major Wall St. broker, Ted had no attachments, no agenda, just an average working stiff's yearning to start his weekend of recreation.

He collected what little he needed and began his journey to the Hamptons where his late mother's aunt still kept rooms for him and his siblings.

He had snuck out early and barely beat the traffic, but once there, Ted vowed to live it up, hitting the beach by four in the afternoon.

He could've swam in one of the pools, but the 'sightseeing' is never nearly as good as the beaches, and his aunt never tried to tether him.

As he rested after a healthy swim, he began scanning the beach for nubile young girls, trying to decide with which girl to begin the ritual.

His decision was made for him when this hot young thing recognized him and began some small talk.

As Ted drank in her lovliness, he could not help his automatic erection because this girl had creamy smooth olive skin and complexion, deep dark eyes (in contrast to his beach bum blond looks) and a smile of recognition both of Ted and his obvious preoccupation with her looks.

She also sported the look of a girl already excited, her nipples protruding through her bra piece like tent poles, and what tits they topped, maybe 40-D by now!

Ted was impressed that he couldn't see where the tan marks ended, but he was not complaining. He was with a beautiful girl that obviously remembered him from sometime past, and she had no complaints about it.

He tried hard to steer the conversation so that he could deftly remember her, but no amount of talk triggered anything from his recollection.

Finally, Ted gave up trying to pretend that he remembered. He asked her, "When exactly was the last time we met?"

Her answer shocked him, "Six years ago at Sophie's (his aunt) 70th birthday party. When our cousin Ray broke his leg and they had to get him to the hospital, you had to babysit me, my sister, and my brother Georgie!"

Ray was indeed both their cousins, but he was related to the girl on his mother's side and to Ted on his father's side.

Ted asked, incredulously, "Josephina?"

Angelina's countenance dropped slightly when Ted thought she was her older sister, but that meant he thought she was seventeen! She beamed her correction back at him, "No, silly. I'm Angelina!"

Ted recounted, "But you were only eight or nine which would make you now..."

"Fourteen!" She completed the sentence.

That should have been like ice water to Ted's balls, a wasted conversation, but Angelina's incredible sexiness was so intoxicating, Ted wrote off this Friday in favor of reacquainting himself with his 'pseudo' cousin.

Ted took another ocean dip to make his embarrassing boner go down, but Angie swam with him, making no secret of the fact that she enjoyed his fawning over her.

She made repeated contact with Ted who clearly got the message that his Angie was hot to trot, but from his point of view, it was like looking through a guillotine! If Ted wasn't careful, he'd be up to his ass in alligators of the familial kind, and if he correctly recalled, her father was a detective with the NYPD!

Smitten beyond belief, Ted steered the conversation toward the facts of life, and he told Angelina that since her body had outgrown her birth certificate, if she weren't careful, she might soon find herself in hot water up to her pretty little neck (a neck that Ted noticed was topped by an oval face, thick pouting lips, a perfectly straight nose, and eyes that seemed to see right through his body).

Fighting his own building urges, Ted found it almost easy to act 'cousinly', trying to impart wisdom to Angelina that might prevent her from becoming an easy mark for OTHER trolling bachelors, but he kept remembering how she used to cry because she was too young for the rest of the tri-family kids Ted's age and slightly younger and was left out of most of their capers, and being the youngest, she was sheltered by her mom.

It almost seemed that now she was making up for all that lost time. Ted 'billed and cooed' with her, fighting the urge to grab her and lock lips!

When it was time, they meandered back to the estate, hand in hand.

It's amazing how elders can read into a stare or a look and immediately fathom what's taking place.

Maybe Sophie could smell pheromones, but the first thing she said to Ted alone after seeing them walk up the estate grounds together was, "Cradle robber!"

Ted had no defense, except to say that he was only talking with her, but that didn't explain away his tented pants, unless he had eyes for Sophie! :)

"But what did you do when you found out who it was?" Sophie asked Ted, as if already accusing him.

Ted just smiled guiltily, and added that he invited her for dinner.

Sophie knew she was the only line of defense for those horny kids, and she hung near like glue, until Angelina's mother fetched her around 9PM.

Thanks to Sophie, the kids 21 & 14 only played cards, looked longingly at each other, and did some more billing and cooing; but also thanks to Sophie, there was no venting of emotions or sexual tension, even the harmless petting kind, so they went to their separate houses and beds with an unquenched longing.

Usually on Saturday mornings, Ted would sleep until 10 or 11 AM while Sophie would be up, tending her garden.

Today was different.

Ted awakened to find a tapping on his window. Angelina had come to collect him for another day at the beach.

Sophie saw them dart off, but since it was broad daylight, she didn't expect that these kids could find trouble, and they didn't... almost.

Ted spent so much time enjoying the water with his re-discovered 'cousin' that he got a severe sunburn, but not before the two of them engaged in many frolics designed specifically to bring them into intimate physical contact.

When they ambled home at dinner time and Sophie found her nephew helpless, she felt both sad and relieved: sad that Ted had a severe case of blueballs, but relieved that he wouldn't be able to seduce Angelina.

Ah, but this isn't Sophie's era - where there is a will, there is a way!

After Ted got out of his swim things and donned a pair of cutoff shorts (with no underware), Sophie suggested that old home remedy: cornstarch, and she had some on hand.

Angelina insisted on doing the honors, and at this point, a stern private word from Sophie to her would have done so much good to prevent the relationship from getting out of hand, but maybe there is that nurturing psyche inside women that says, "Don't interfere with two lovebirds. They'll both wind up hating you for it!"

Sophie warned Angelina to apply the cornstarch very gently on Ted, then she retired to her game room to prepare for company and their Saturday evening Mah-jongg game.

Damned if that ersatz medication didn't lessen the throbbing pain, so much so that Ted let Angelina apply it almost everywhere!

When she playfully stroked her powder filled hands up the leg of Ted's shorts, his body tingled again, but this time it had nothing to do with sunburn. Ted was clearly excited and the pain of his sunburn apparently fried his sense of propriety. He grabbed some powder as an excuse and reciprocated on Angelina!

Soon, both of the kids wore ghostly masks of powder and Ted suggested that they take this outside to the pool.

This pool, attended by day, had all the anemities: diving board, rubber rafts, and 'spa' type stairs to allow slow wading by the elderly.

Below the knees, Ted was in no need of medication, so they sat in the top stair and dranched their legs in the early evening water.

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