Daughter's Pony Urge - Cover

Daughter's Pony Urge


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - While on summer vacation at her father's country house, Christine has so much fun with the male animals that she calls a friend of hers who joins her at the country house and also enjoys the farm animals, with an added bonus of a little lesbian-teen love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

"C'mon we'll go out to the barn, and I'll introduce you to Champion and Brownie."

Tracy, her palms sweaty, nervously followed Christine to the stable. Laddie jumped and played beside her.

"This is going to be the best two weeks of our lives," Christine promised. They stepped in the barn, out of the summer heat. "No more pretend stories, just real fun." She giggled, tingling all over. "C'mon."

Christine stopped at Champion's stall and rubbed her hand soothingly down the horse's nose, scratching the white star between his big, soulful eyes.

"This is my dad's horse," Christine said. "Champion, this is Tracy, my friend." they giggled together. "Wait until you see his cock, Tracy. It's a damn tree trunk!"

"I can't wait to see it!" Tracy bubbled. "Ohhh, shit, I'm going crazy just thinking about what we're gonna do during these two glorious weeks together!"

"So am I," Christine confessed. "I must have played with my cunt all morning waiting for you." She escorted her friend over to the other side of the stable to her pony's stall. "Tracy, I'd like you to meet Brownie. His cock isn't as big, but it's just right for us." She gave a nervous giggle. "He creams like a fountain."

"Ooo, shit, Chrissy, when do I see something? Damn, I can't wait anymore. I'm going crazy!" She shook, standing there, knowing there were two-maybe three-cocks in the stable that she would soon be sharing with the friend. "Let me see Laddie's cock."

Christine gave her friend a hot smile. "You can see all their cock's after you take your cloths off." She leaned against Brownie's stall and waited, absent-mindedly patting her pony's snout.

"What about you, Chrissy?" Tracy asked, her heart leaping. "You gonna strip, too?"

"I will." Her eyes sparkled.

"What if somebody comes?" Tracy said, hesitating. She was just a little frightened. Stripping in the bedroom was a lot safer than doing it here.

"Nobody will. You strip. I'll close the door." She walked to the big wooden door and slipped a wooden bar through the metal hinges. "Now, nobody can get in."

Tracy laid her jeans and blouse on a bale of hay. She blushing; Laddie was sniffing her ass. His cold nose made her shiver.

Laddie persisted. The panties Tracy wore were keeping him from tasting her pussymeat. He barked, annoyed.

"Ohhhh, shit, Chrissy! Laddie wants to lick my cunt."

"Then take off your panties, and let him. He loves pussy." Christine enjoyed her friend's nervousness. It made her feel older, more mature.

Once Christine was naked, Tracy relaxed a little more and slipped off her white cotton bra. The soft curve of her tits rose and fell as she sucked in quick gulps of air. "I'm getting some tits, huh? Finally!" Tracy was proud.

"Mmmmm, they look good enough to suck again." Christine jutted out her own tits at Tracy. "Remember you said you'd lick Laddie's cum off my tits?"

Tracy's gaze riveted to Christine's tits. Her mouth dried up fast, her pussy oozing even faster. "I didn't forget," she whispered hoarsely.

"Maybe you'll lick off Brownie's cum. He squirts a lot more than Laddie does." She locked at her nervous friend and smiled. "C'mon, get your panties off."

"I am," Tracy giggled, wiggling out of her pink panties. Laddie was already licking her ass cheeks before her panties hit the ground. "Oooo, Chrissy, he's licking meee!" As she bent over to pull off her panties, she felt Laddie's tongue snaking inside her deep ass crack. "Ohhh, God, I love it. His tongue feels so good!"

"Spread you legs for him, Tracy," Christine suggested.

Tracy remained bent over, not able to move. Her cherry pussy was being touched for the first time with something other than her own fingers. She groped for her friend, who was seated on a bale of hay, watching.

Christine squirmed on the coarse hay. It scratched her oozing pussy. "Tracy, you look real good bent over like that. I can't see Laddie's tongue, though; is he licking your pussy?"

"Yeahhhh!" Tracy raised her head. Her passion-glazed brown eyes met Christine's baby-blues. Tracy's mouth was parted in a heavy pant. Excitement glittered in her eyes. The dog's tongue was slithering between her gooey cuntlips. "Oh, God, Chrissy... I'm gonna fall..."

Naked and hot, Tracy stumbled on her way over to be near her friend. She swooned; Laddie walked with her. His nose and constantly-licking tongue never left her pussy.

Tracy never made it. She swooned when Laddie's tongue delved deep inside her cunt, then crumbled to the earthen floor.

Laddie's snout and long, slippery tongue found her pussy again. Standing between Tracy's outstretched legs, the dog slithered through the warmth of her syrupy cunt with his whiplike tongue.

Wiggling on her back, her legs wide apart, Tracy creamed the dog's snout. "Oh! Uh! Uh!" Her girlish hips humped; her slender legs jerked; her body spasmed. "I'm... coming, Chrissy!" The dog's snout burrowed between her buttery pussy lips. "God, I'm coming!"

She twitched-a tingling mass of writhing flesh. The persistent golden retriever attacked her creaming cunt with his long rubbery tongue, turning her into a writhing mass of flesh.

Laddie wanted more cunt sauce. His muzzle worked overtime; his bluish-red tongue licked the cushiony entrance to the teen's frothy cunt.

In the throes of climax, Tracy rolled from side to side on the floor, keeping her legs spread. Her cunt bubbled with hot and liguidy cum. "Ohhh, God, I'm coming all over the fucking dog!" She twisted, her body jerking in bliss.

Laddie's tongue whipped through her juicy cunt. the sticky coating adhered to his snout, jowls, and digging tongue. His tongue was quick and light one minute, then arduous the next, lingering inside the bubbly entrance to Tracy's succulent pussymeat. He lavished his tongue on the delicate morsel of cuntflesh laid out before him, his cock peeking slowly out of his sheath.

Tracy twisted against the dog's digging tongue-her cunt full of oozing fuck cream. She hauled her weak body to her knees in an unsuccessful effort to get away from the horny dog and stop her mind-boggling orgasm. It was useless; his tongue reamed the entrance to her brown-haired pussy; cum gushed over his snout. Tracy fell backwards again, unable to fight the dog or her sensational climax.

Laddie's prick began to expand to its full length. He was becoming aroused, ready to release his churning load of jism. His red-beamed cock jutted out menacingly.

Tracy sprawled out on her back and humped her cherry cunt into the dog's slinking tongue and hard snout. "I'm coming!" she squealed. Her childlike voice was high-pitched, uncontrolled. She writhered on the ground, ass jerking, hips lunging. She humped up, her cunt gushing buttery fuck cream, her orgasm whipping through her and ending as fast as it had begun. Tracy shook in the quit aftermath.

"Oh... oh... aaahhh..." she sighed. "Chrissy, help me..." The brown-eyed teenager pulled herself upright, attempting to get away from Laddie's perpetually moving tongue. "Help-" She was too weak to escape the dog's insistent desire.

"Heel!" Christine commanded. "Heel!"

Laddie's snout came off the teen's gooey cunt. He barked his protest, but obeyed. He obediently sat, his tongue drooping, his eyes pleading, his tail swishing along the ground, stirring up hay and dirt.

"Oooo, Chrissy," Tracy moaned dully. She finally managed to pull herself up next to her friend, plopping down on another bale of hay. "I don't believe how fabulous that was. It happened so quick... I... didn't know what was happening to me." She sat trembling, her strength returning. "It was the most fantastic thing in my whole life."

"A lot more to come," Christine promised. "It was just the beginning. you only had a taste of what country life is all about."

"God, nothing can be better than what I just went through," Tracy's dark restless eyes picked up the red pointed tip of Laddie's cock. He was quietly waiting for Christine to take care of him.

"Chrissy, Look." Tracy pointed to the formidable doggie cock jutting out to its full length. Red. Glistening. Bloated. "God, his cock looks so big."

"I'm saving Laddie until last," Christine told her friend, jumping off the hay, her tits bouncing. "I'm gonna show you a giant cock!"

"The horse?" Tracy's voice cracked with emotion. "Won't we get hurt?"

Christine smiled at her timid friend. "He's gentle."

The tall blonde teenager walked over to Champion's stall with an air of confidence. After opening the stall door, she led the sleek quarter horse out.

"Easy, boy," she soothed, showing off in front of her friend. She patted the white star on the horse's head, between his wide eyes. "Easy, boy, we just want to see your prick."

Christine felt older than her friend, flaunting her sexual know-how with animals. She was going to have some fun coaxing her friend, who had suddenly turned bashful at the sight of the large horse.

"Ohhhh, shit, Chrissy!" Tracy said, wide-eyed. "Jesus Christ-look at him! He'd rip us apart with that gigantic cock. Look at it; it's just hanging there!"

Christine laughed. "I know. Someday through, I'm gonna fuck him." The young blonde dropped to her knees and grabbed Champion's thick, bloated cock.

Champion snorted, his head tossing high. He pawed and stomped the ground, feeling the child's fingers surrounding his giant, cum-swelled prick.

Frightened out of her wits. Tracy gasped and retreated to the opposite side of the stable, away from the restless animal.

"He's okay, Tracy. Pretty soon, he'll be as calm as Brownie when I play with him." she got up and took the excited horse back to his stall. she crossed the stable to her pony and scratched his head. "Now, Brownie lets me play with him all I want. He's gentle as a lamb. Ain, tcha, boy?"

The pony whinnied and shook his golden mane. His big brown eyes were soft and gentle.

"Don't be chicken, Tracy, I want you with me. We can both play."

"Maybe I should start out with Laddie first," Tracy meekly. "Okay?"

"Not Laddie," Christine giggled, enjoying her friend's obvious nervousness. "I'm saving his cock to break your cherry today." Christine led the gentle pony into the center of the stable. Wrapping her arm around his neck, she squeezed her tits into his dark-chocolate-colored coat. "Mmmmmm, you feel good, Brownie."

A wheezing gasp came out of Tracy's parted mouth. "No, Chrissy. Not today."

"When?" Christine grabbed the pony by his tough mane and pulled herself up onto his back. "When do you want to lose your cheery?"

Tracy gulped. She sought some way out. "Before I leave. I promise I'll do it next week."

Christine pressed her pussy into the pony's back. She clutched his neck, her long legs bracketing his flanks. Her hips rocked slowly back and forth, her cunt gliding wetly. She felt the smooth soft hair of the pony's coat when she humped back and the rough prickling texture of his hair when she rocked forward. The exquisite sensation drove her insane.

"Ohhhh, Tracy, it's fantastic!" Christine sighed. "You can sit up here and cream yourself all day long." A rumbling wave of pleasure through her body made Christine sway. She trembled on the pony, working herself up slowly, her pussy overflowing. "Oooo, Tracy, this feels... Ahhhh... so... wonderful!" She leaned forward, her tits crushing into the pony's mane. As her ass jerked, fuck cream gushed from her cunt.

Tracy watched in total fascination. Her own body felt tingly, as if the pleasure Christine was enjoying reached her, too. "You coming, Chrissy?"

"Just enough to keep me red-hot." Christine carefully eased herself off the pony. She was going to show her friend everything today-all the fun of country living. She stroked her fingers through her hot wet pussy and brought out a filmy gob of pussy-cream. "See?"

Tracy wondered what was in store for her.

Christine smiled. "It's great not being cherry." She got down on the dirt floor underneath the pony, staring directly at his cock. She giggled when she heard the sound of Tracy sucking in her breath.

"Watch this, Tracy." Christine brought her hands up to the heavy skin surrounding Brownie's pony-cock. She stroked it carefully. "Wait until you see his cock hard."

Tracy squatted down on the floor, getting as close as possible. Her devouring curiosity had placed her fear in a far corner of her mind. "How does it feel, Chrissy?"

"Touch him and find out." Christine's hands were busy working their magic on the pony's growing prick. "His cock'll be hard in minutes."

Tracy reached out, her fingers skipping over the growing thickness of the pony's cock. "Aaaaah" she sighed. When she touched the pony-cock, a tremor sizzled up her arm. "Damn."

Christine concentrated on what she was doing. She stroked the thick skin back and forth slowly, her fingers drifting up and down the shaft. The gigantic prick made its appearance. The bigger it got, the hotter Christine became, the noisier Tracy's breathing became.

"See?" Christine whispered to Tracy. "God, I can't wait until it fits all the way in me."

Christine swooned; Brownie's cock was sticking out a mile-thick, swollen, ready for pussy. "You play with him now." Christine rolled out from under the pony to make room for her friend.

Tracy shook her head. "Not yet. Let me start with Laddie." the pony's cock frightened her. Nothing that big would ever fit into her body. "Let me play with Laddie instead.

Christine shook her head and walked the pony back to his stall. He snorted and shook his mane. Christine soothed him. "Don't be impatient, Brownie. I'll get you off later." She gave her friend a glance. "Maybe Tracy will." Christine locked him inside the stall and turned to Tracy. "You can get Laddie hard, okay?"

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