Daughter's Pony Urge - Cover

Daughter's Pony Urge


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - While on summer vacation at her father's country house, Christine has so much fun with the male animals that she calls a friend of hers who joins her at the country house and also enjoys the farm animals, with an added bonus of a little lesbian-teen love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Christine stood anxiously on the front porch, her blue eyes peering into the distance, searching for her father's truck. She was excited beyond belief; Tracy was on her way over to spend a whole two weeks with her. Since the phone call, the two days of waiting had dragged on, even with her sexual diversions.

Her face lit up. In the far distance, she saw a cloud of billowing dust, her father's truck emerging from the dispersing cloud. Her father was back from the bus station with Tracy!

Christine ran off the porch, her shimmering blonde hair wafted in the gentle breeze; her titties bouncing slightly under the loose-fitting shirt she wore. Jumping up and down in place, her gaze locked on the truck.

Craig Jorden pulled into the dirt driveway and cut the motor, smiling at his overanxious daughter. "Well, this is the place, Tracy. Chissy couldn't wait until you were here. She-"

Before he finished, Christine had the door open and was pulling Tracy by the arm. "C'mon, Tracy. I got lots to show you."

Tracy gave Mr. Jordan a helpless look and climbed out of the truck with the help of her exuberant friend. As the two young girls threw themselves into each other's arms, laughing and dancing around, Craig took Tracy's luggage into the house, shaking his head at the two jumping and screaming girls. When he returned minutes later, his daughter and her friend had calmed down somewhat. He gave them both a smile.

"I took your luggage in, Tracy. I hope you'll be comfortable in Chrissy's room. We brought down another bed from the attic."

Tracy blushed and shyly thanked him. Christine giggled.

"I'll be in town for the afternoon," Craig continued. "When I get back, I'll expect you two to ready for a real treat. I'm taking you both out to dinner to celebrate tonight." He winked at the blushing Tracy. "You can adjust to my cooking tomorrow." He climbed in behind the wheel.

Christine rushed over to him and stretched her arms through the open window, hugging her father around the neck. "Ohhh, thank you, Daddy, for letting Tracy visit." She stuck her head inside and showered him with kisses. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"All right," laughed Craig. I'm just glad Tracy was able to come up. I know how lonely it can be here, especially when I'm always in town, working."

"Ohhh, daddy." She thought of Laddie and her pony. "I'm not lonely. I have everything I want here. You and nature." She said.

"I wish your mother would say that," he said.

"She will," Christine bubbled. "I talk to her about it all the time."

"You're a good girl, baby." He kissed her flushed cheek. "Now climb out of here, so I could get my work done and get back in time to take you two beautiful ladies to dinner."

"Thanks again, daddy." She kissed him one final time and wiggled out of the window.

The two girls stood side by side, waving, until Christine's father and the truck were out of sight, leaving a trail of dust behind.

Christine turned to her friend. "We are going to have a ball!"

"I know! I know! It was all I could think about on the bus. I must have creamed a hundred times." She looked around. "Where's Laddie?"

"You'll meet him." Christine grabbed her arm. "Let's go." They ran inside the house.

"Laddie! Laddie!" Christine called as they entered the high-ceilinged living room. The dog was at the top of the stairs, waiting for Christine. "C'mon down, boy, and meet Tracy."

Tracy gasped when she saw Laddie. Her legs weakened and, for a moment, she swayed, silently swooning, wondering if she would fuck the dog.

Laddie barked his welcome and came bounding down the wooden steps. He jumped on Christine, His large front paws on her tits. He was anxious to lick her cunt and taste her gooey fuck cream.

"This is a nice place, Chrissy," Tracy said, glancing around.

"I know," Christine giggled, turning her face away from Laddie's slapping tongue. "C'mom, Laddie. stop licking and meet your new friend." She pushed the exuberant dog down. "Go on, Laddie."

Laddie pranced over to Tracy and memorized the new scent of the stranger.

Tracy places a trembling hand on his head. "Nice, doggie." Laddie's head came up quickly, catching her between the legs. "Ooh, Chrissy!"

Christine laughed. "He's horny all the time. He always want to lick my pussy. now he'll have us both, and we'll wear him out. C'mon, let's go up to my room first."

"You wait outside, Laddie," Christine said to him, before closing the door to her room. "Later, we'll all have some fun. Okay, boy?" Christine blocked his way and closed the door in his face.

"How come you won't let him in?" Tracy sighed, plopping on the bed.

"We'll go out to the barn later with him. Right now I want you to get undressed with me." Christine was no longer the shy and meek girl she was a week ago. Losing her cherry had giving her a feeling of superiority over her virgin friend.

Christine began to undress, baring her body to Tracy's innocent brown eyes. "C'mon-you too, Tracy." The blonde teenager cupped her tits and watched Tracy slowly undress.

From her small plump tits to her forehead, Tracy blushed three shades of red. "I feel so funny inside. We've never done this, except on the phone."

"We're gonna do a lot of things today that you've never done before. things I haven't done either." She went to her trembling friend. "Remember, you said, you wanted to lick Laddie's cum off my tits?"

Her brown eyes wide, Tracy nodded. "I... remember." When Tracy had talked to Christine over the phone, she never imagined it would be a reality. She was nervous, afraid.

"How would you like to lick them now?" Christine asked, her pulpy tits cupped in her hands. The blonde stepped in front of her friend.

Tracy's tiny hands came up from her sides. She touched each one of her friends tits, her fingers sinking into the soft yielding tit meat. "Ohhh, Chrissy, your tits feel so soft. "I'm creaming!"

Christine threw her head back and reveled in Tracy's kneading hands. "Lets get on the bed."

Tracy followed, a slave to her friend's desires. The intimate phone calls over the months had taken their toll. She was hot and ready. She climbed on the bed, her warm body Touching Christine's. Tracy's hand rested on one of Christine's hips. "I'm nervous."

"Me too." Christine was looking at her friends tits. They were small, like her own, and creamy-white. Her friend's nipples were pink and stiff, like her own. "You're getting some nice tits, Tracy. As big as mine."

Her friend squirmed. "I know. I got a bigger bra last time. I'm finally out of the double A." A nervous giggle popped out of her. Tracy was reeling; Christine's hands were blowing her mind.

Christine's palms covered Tracy's plump, meaty tits. "You got a handful here. Hey, you want me to show you how Roger kissed mine?" the fire deep inside her pussy was raging out of control. She snuggled closer to Tracy, felt her warm breath on her face.

Tracy chewed her bottom lip, her brown eyes filming over with passion. "Ohhh, Chrissy, I'm so glad I cam here. Show me." She trembled, waiting for Christine's mouth to engulf her tit.

"He did it like this." Her soft lips pressed against Tracy's ripe nipple. "Mmmmmm," Christine hummed, sucking her friend's tittie meat into her damp mouth. Her tongue flicked across the had tip, her mouth sucking more tit flesh in.

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