Daughter's Pony Urge - Cover

Daughter's Pony Urge


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - While on summer vacation at her father's country house, Christine has so much fun with the male animals that she calls a friend of hers who joins her at the country house and also enjoys the farm animals, with an added bonus of a little lesbian-teen love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Christine grabbed her jeans off the floor and hauled herself up, sliding the faded denim up her long legs. Swaying slightly, she stood on wobbly legs, stiff from being on her knees for so long.

Moaning and sore-muscled, she bent over and grabbed the shirt. As she slipped her arms through the sleeves, she staggered out the bedroom. Having been fucked by Laddie had unleashed the full fury of her passion-she wanted more. She knew where to get it.

Outside on the porch, her shirt open, her jeans not yet snapped, but clinging to the swell of her hips, she looked around. There was still plenty of time before her father came home. In her exuberance, she stumbled down the stairs, heading for the small stable. Champion, her father's quarter horse, and her pony, Brownie, were kept there.

A lewd smile cracked her face as she stepped out of the sun into the cool stable. she went over to her father's horse and patted his nose. "Mmmmmm, Champion, I think you might be just a little too big for me." She stroked his thick-muscled neck with smooth long caresses.

Curiosity got the better of her. She opened the stall and led her father's horse out to the middle of the stable. Petting his flank, she slid her hand nervously down to his hind quarters. She knelt down and gasped. The animal's huge meaty prick, jutting out from the thick wrinkled skin that held it, was a formidable sight for the teenager. She had never seen such a cock-a thick trunk that would rip her apart.

"Goddamn, Champion, you sure are big." She wanted to touch his cock, but couldn't. It was, for the moment, too overwhelming. She took Champion back into his stall and went over to her pony. she felt safer with gentle Brownie.

"I'm gonna play with your cock," she whispered in the pony's ear, leading the sleek chocolate-colored animal out of his stall. "Is you cock as big as Champion's? She hoped it wasn't. She couldn't handle the right now.

Brownie whinnied and tossed his huge head in the air. His golden mane swished across Christine's flushed and excited face.

"Easy, boy, easy," Christine said. "I'm just here to have some fun with you. We'll go for a ride later. Okay, boy?"

Neighing his response, Brownie nuzzled his long snout into Christine, hitting one of her tits. He snorted, his hind legs prancing in place.

"Brownie, you must calm down." Christine looked down at her tits through her open shirt. The Pony had slobbered all over them. She tore off her shirt and threw it across the stable.

Getting closer to the pony, she crushed her tit into his neck, tormenting her tender skin with his prickly coat. She hugged him close, running her tits against the grain of his dark-brown hair. She rubbed back and forth, still under the spell of her insatiable lust.

Brownie had settled down and was standing patiently next to his mistress, who was stroking his glossy coat and snuggling her body into his. His tail swatted his backside, then his head began to bob. Her whimpering voice made his ears flick.

Out of her mind, Christine staggered; all kinds of erotic thoughts rushed through her head. She fell back on the hay-strewn floor and yanked her jeans off.

Naked, she crawled to the pony, her pussy oozing a blend of doggie spume and pussy juice. Down on her hands and knees, she saw Brownie's cockhead. She gasped with hunger.

"Holy shit!" She said, gawking at the pony's protruding prick. She got up and stood in front of Brownie, jiggling her tits in his face. "Nibble on me, Brownie. Pretend I'm an apple, or something." She held her tits in her cupped hands, offering them to the gentle pony.

Brownie snorted at her, then chomped with his big lips on the tender tit flesh offered to him.

Christine almost collapsed. He was slobbering on her tits. His rubbery lips were gently driving her berserk. Amazed and burning with passion, she watched him slobber his drool over each tit.

"Brownie!" Her back arched as she jutted her tits out for him. She scratched his bobbing head and skimmed down to his active lips that were munching noisily and wetly on her sensitive tittie flesh.

A wave of bliss washed over her; her knees buckled for a moment. The pony's lips felt great. She held on to him, staggering, losing the ability to stand. "Ohhhhh, shit, I'm gonna come until I go crazy."

She stepped back, breathless. She swayed on her feet, Her shiny blue eyes looked like pieces of glass. She made smacking sounds with her lips, backing up, falling backwards into a bale of hay.

"Ooooops," she squealed, tumbling back, her legs flying wide apart.

Brownie stepped toward her. Lowering his head between her outstretched legs, he nudged her cunt and chomped on her hot, oozing pussy.

Christine went insane. She humped frantically, her cunt banging into the beast's muzzle, her legs high in the air, opened wide. She looked at Brownie's nose on her pussy. "Ohhhh, Brownie! Brownie!" She humped up and creamed his snout.

Brownie snorted again and shook his head between her parted thighs. The taste of her pussy, her squeals, her humping body were exciting him, and he pawed the earth, shoving his hard muzzle into her cunt.

"Agggghhhh!" she cried out in joyous delight. She twitched, then rolled in the hay, turning, She wiggled her ass back at the pony. "Lick me, Brownie. "Ohhhhh!"

His lips gently nuzzled into her ass cheeks, squiggling around between the opened halves in her hot ass crack. His saliva wet the deep crack of her ass as she rammed back against him.

"Lick me all over, Brownie. Do whatever you want." Her body twitched with bliss when he nestled into her wet squishy cunt. "Ohhhhh..." Her head spun; the pony's moving lips went up and down the opening of her cunt. "Ohhhhh..." her pussy was creaming the pony's nose.

Christine shook, tumbling off the bale of hay when an orgasm rippled through her. Crawling in frustration, she went to the chocolate-brown pony and wearily climbed on him straddling his smooth bare back. Her hot oozing pussy was mashed against him. "I'm gonna come all over you, you horny pony."

Crazy with passion and the need to come, she rocked on the animal, her pussy drumming against itself-an empty void. She began to bounce up and down, her cunt squishing wetly, her small firm tits jiggling, her nipples aching. She clutched his thick mane. "Ohhhhh, Brownie! Brownie! "I'm gonna cream! Hold still so I can come!"

The pony pawed the earth, one front paw at a time. With Christine clinging to him, he jerked his head from side to side and neighed. Champion, in the corner stall, whinnied in response, his hind hoofs kicking the wall behind him. The excitement in the stable-the child's urgent moans and Brownie's noises, agitated the quarter horse.

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