Daughter's Pony Urge - Cover

Daughter's Pony Urge


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - While on summer vacation at her father's country house, Christine has so much fun with the male animals that she calls a friend of hers who joins her at the country house and also enjoys the farm animals, with an added bonus of a little lesbian-teen love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Christine climbed through the narrow crevice in the rock and entered the cave, where Roger had first spied on her. She waited in the cave for two hours, her eyes closed, her legs spread, envisioning Roger above her, sinking his cock into her willing body. He never showed. It had been three days since she had sucked him off, and he had promised to return. Three days of waiting. Three wasted afternoons.

Today, she was still hot, ready to lose her cherry. She hurt inside. Roger wasn't interested in a little kid-especially a virgin. She hated herself, no longer feeling like a woman, but feeling like a gawky kid, who was too tall for her age.

She silently dressed. The waiting was over. She trudged back through the woods to her father's place alone. Her eyes lit up when she saw Laddie, sitting on the porch waiting for her.

"At least you don't think I'm a baby," she said to the dog, scratching his head. She went into the house, Laddie tagging along.

Laddie barked and nipped playfully at her heels, following her up the stairs. His appetite had been whetted for pussy meat. He enjoyed licking her cunt, enjoyed her loving attention afterward. His tail wagged furiously, and he sprang ahead of her, waiting at the top of the landing as she trudged up the steps slowly. He had come to expect the taste of pussymeat when she returned from the waterfall. Today was no exception. Laddie raced down the hall as her foot touched the top step. He barked enthusiastically at the door to her bedroom.

She smiled, but her heart wasn't in it. Inside her room, she closed and locked the door. Laddie was already on the bed waiting, his brown eyes peering at her. "I guess it's just you and me, Laddie," she said flatly. "I'm not going back to the cave ever again."

She plopped on the bed, threw herself onto a pillow, hiding her face. She wanted to be fucked. She had come so close. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" she screamed, her words muffled in the pillow.

On her back, she gazed at the ceiling through tear-filled eyes. Then she looked at the phone on the nightstand. she couldn't tell Tracy that Roger had never showed. Her eyes blinked. "Laddie! Stop it!" She pushed the overanxious dog away. "I don't feel like it today. Go away!" Her innocent-looking face screwed up in anger. "Leave me alone!"

Laddie had other plans. He wasn't about to be denied her pussy without a fight. His teeth latched onto her jeans. Holding the material between his fangs, he tugged and growled, shaking his head frantically.

"Shit, Laddie!" She yelled, pulling her leg away. "You're gonna rip my jeans. Stop it, Laddie."

The persistent dog knew what he wanted and ignored her demands. He knew, from her stern tone, that she wanted him to leave her alone, but he insisted. He wouldn't take no for an answer. His front paw jabbed into her crotch, scraping her soft pussy through her tight jeans. He dropped, slinking down on the bed, jamming his snout into her jean-clad pussy.

She squeezed he legs together; Laddie yelped, his muzzle caught. "I'm sorry, boy," she said to the dejected dog. "I'll bet you'd fuck me, if you were a boy. You don't care how old I am, do you?" She ruffled his golden coat.

The dog barked, happy that she was playing with him once again. His tail swished the air, and his cock began to peek out of the hairy sheath that contained it.

All of a sudden, Christine's face lit up. Her blue eyes registered joy instead of sadness. "Laddie! Holy shit!" She bolted upright in bed, threw her arms around the golden retriever and squeezed and hugged him with affection and growing excitement. "How would you like to fuck me?"

She reached under his belly, searched for his cock. "I'm no bitch in heat, but I'll bet it would be more fun than me jerking you off." Her mind soared with the possibilities. Her body swam in a vat of lust, created by her imagination and the need to be fucked.

Laddie's tongue lapped across the child's face. He squirmed energetically on the bed-Christine's excitement was contagious. He wiggled out of her embrace, nudged her back on the bed, and licked her face.

"Can't wait, huh?" she giggled. "I'll strip, Laddie." She pushed his face away from hers and smiled at him. "Be patient. I'll be ready in a minute."

She opened the buttons of her blouse. In her exuberance, she tore the garment off. Her tits bounced in their freedom, unencumbered by a bra. She held her tits in her hands, whimpering hotly, her flesh on fire as she thought about Laddie's cock fucking her. Her round, pointed nipples were swollen with passion. "Ohhh, shit, Laddie, this is going to be great!" Her voice creaked under the emotional stress. "Oh God, Laddie, I'm so hot."

Laddie remained on the bed. His instincts told him something was going to happen, something different. He fidgeted, sitting, then standing on all fours. He waited for Christine to undress. Soft puppy-like sounds came from him.

"You gonna fuck me good? Huh, Laddie?" Christine looked at the animal that was going to break her cherry. "You better."

Laddie barked his answer, his tail swishing across the sheet.

"Don't be impatient," She giggled nervously, pulling off her jeans. She threw them aside, latching her fingers into the elastic of her panties. "Ohhhh, boy."

The sound of her own voice reassured her. She skimmed her panties down her long slender legs and kicked then away. They flew across the room, landing on a corner of her dresser.

Shivering, she lay naked on the bed. She couldn't move. Fear held her stiff. She bit her bottom lip, fighting the thought of being fucked by a dog. She wanted to be fucked, and badly. Laddie was the only way.

The phone rang.

Christine seemed to jerk up off the bed as the phone jangled her frayed nerves. She reached for it, her finger curling around the receiver. She brought it to her ear and mouth. "Yes?"

"It's me, Chrissy. Hello? You there?"

"Yeah, Tracy."

"Did Roger show up today?" Tracy asked.

"No." Christine winced, hating to be reminded. "He never showed."

"Shit," Tracy moaned. "I thought for sure you'd lose your cherry today, and we could talk about it while we played with ourselves." Tracy rolled onto her belly. "I'm all juicy thinking about it, and i'm naked too, creaming the sheets."

"I'm naked too," Christine said, "and Laddie's with me."

Tracy's face brightened. "What are you going to do?"

"Fuck him," Christine bragged.

Tracy was shocked. "What?"

"I said, I was going to fuck Laddie."

"You kidding? You really gonna let the dog fuck you?"

"Yes." Christine was emphatic. "Roger doesn't want to fuck a kid, and there's no on else around. Laddie is the lucky choice." Talking about it made it seem less frightening.

"God, I wish I could be there to watch. I'm creaming just thinking about it." Tracy wriggled her soft ass, her clit pressing into the sheet beneath her. "Mmmmmm, can I listen?"

Christine thought about it for a minute. "I don't know. I'll be on the floor, and I wouldn't be able to hold the phone." She really didn't want her friend to hear her scream in pain, if it hurt.

"Awwww, please. Let me listen. You can put the phone on the floor. I'll hear you."

"I'll call you back afterward and tell you all about it." Christine took a deep sigh. "Okay?"

Grudgingly, Tracy agreed. "You call me right back. I want to know everything. I'm gonna wait right here in bed and play with myself, thinking about you fucking Laddie."

Christine giggled. "I'll call, don't worry." She stretched, dropped the phone in it place. She smiled at Laddie, who was lying at the foot of the bed, patiently waiting. "I hope you don't hurt me."

She slipped out of the bed, crawled naked to the closet. She opened the door and angled the long mirror where she wanted it. She was going to watch herself being fucked. She crawled back to the bed. "C'mon, Laddie. Break my cherry."

She looked up at the dog from the floor. "C'mon down here." Christine patted the carpet, showing him where to go. "C'mon, boy. I'm all ready for you." The teenager got into position when the dog jumped to the floor. He sniffed her wiggling body, his cold nose touching her hot flesh.

Christine looked at the mirror. She could see herself perfectly; arms and elbows on the mattress as she leaned on the bed, Knees on the floor. Tits digging into the mattress. She waited for Laddie to stop sniffing her.

"C'mon, boy, hope on, and fuck me." Christine kept her gaze on the mirror, wondering what she would look like with a cock stuck up her cunt and her cherry gone.

Casually, the golden-haired retriever sniffed the teenager. His nose skimmed her ribs, her thighs, her hips, her ass cheeks. Each time he touched her, a shivery sigh floated from Christine's panting mouth. He licked her; her skin was as smooth as velvet against his wide tongue.

"Ohhhhh, Laddie," she moaned. "Fuck me before I change my mind." As the dog licked, goose bumps dotted her flesh. She was shaking, afraid she would chicken out at the last minute. "Hurry, Laddie. I'm ready for your cock." Her pussy was juicy and hot, but her growing panic would soon dry her up.

Laddie picked up the familiar scent of her pussy and licked closer to the strong, arousing smell. He nuzzled his nose between her ass cheeks, his tongue slithering over the tiny wrinkled crack of her asshole.

"Oooooo, Laddie," she squealed in delight. His tongue lapped around her tiny shitter, and she almost fainted from the shuddering contract. "Oooooh, Laddie!" Her pussy began to ooze, coating the puffy pink lips of her cunt. The narrow slit emitted a white froth of cunt cream.

Laddie snorted. He backed up enough to slap his tongue up through her pussy and over her wrinkled ass-ring. Warm doggie spit blended with the white cream of her pussy. It was a warm soupy mixture between the virgin's legs. The dog's slapping tongue lathered up a foam of the creamy blend, and he became aroused-as always-when he licked her.

Laddie reamed her pussy with his tongue, being stopped by the annoying piece of cherry skin. He shook his head, his tongue whipping up through the crack of her ass, sloshing her pussy cream with it. He wriggled his tongue up through her tiny ass crack. coating her pinkish-brown asshole with cunt juice and drool.

Christine forgot about her panic. His tongue was turning her mind to mush. The new and wild sensations of having her asshole licked carried her into bliss. She glanced at her face in the mirror, saw it was flushed, her eyes glittering.

"Ohhhh, Laddie, go in my ass! There's no cherry there! Go in all the way!" She pushed back against his nuzzling snout. "My asshole!"

Laddie's tongue fluttered out, tickled her wrinkled shit hole. The child's wails excited him. He nipped the cheeks of her spit-soaked ass and slurped through her juicy pussy over her ass cheeks.

"Ooooh, Laddie!" She was delirious, wanting the dog's tongue in her ass. For the moment, getting fucked had been cast aside by the overpowering desire to have her asshole reamed. "Ooohhh, Laddie! Laddie!"

The beast dug his snout between the child's ripe ass cheeks, splitting apart the creamy halves. He sniffed her wrinkled ass crack, his cold nose sending shivery spasms through her body. He pressed his nose tight against her.

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