Daughter's Pony Urge - Cover

Daughter's Pony Urge


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - While on summer vacation at her father's country house, Christine has so much fun with the male animals that she calls a friend of hers who joins her at the country house and also enjoys the farm animals, with an added bonus of a little lesbian-teen love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Christine was wearing the blue terry bikini that matched her eyes. On her way downstairs, she grabbed a dry pair of jeans. She figured she had better wear them on her way over to the waterfall.

On the back pouch, after stretching her lithe body and pretending someone was watching, she slipped on her jeans and sneakers.

Her tits bounced in the skimpy top as she ran through the woods. Laddie, sated and happy, romped with her, barking and wagging his tail in gratitude.

She plopped on the ground, out of breath. She looked around the deep rippling pool that spilled out from the waterfall beyond. It looked so inviting.

She tore off her jeans and stood up, modeling for an imaginary boy. Her minds' eye conjured up Kenny Wilson. "You should be here, Kenny," she giggled. "We could swim in the was... I'd play with your cock, just like I did with Laddie." She bent over and scratched the dog on the head.

Leaving her jeans and sneakers at the foot of a tree, she eased into the cool refreshing water up to her waist, then floated on her back to the deepest part. Her blue eyes sparkled when she saw the rock where Laddie had first licked her tits. She twisted, swimming through the rushing waterfall and over to the flat piece of rock.

Before getting out, she treaded water, slipped off her bikini top and bottoms. She held her breath for a moment, summoning up courage to come out of the water. She was completely naked and loved it. She was filled with wanton lust and a desire to expose herself in the open. She bobbed in the water, feeling carefree, elated. She laid her bikini on the rock and swam back into the water. Her heart fluttered wildly.

She was excited, swimming in the pool of clear mountain water. Her cherry pussy creamed each time she drove below the surface, exposing her rounded ass to the shimmering rays of the sun filtering through the trees.

"C'mon, Laddie," she giggled, happier than ever before. She stopped and waited for him, bobbing up and down in the water, her tits on the shimmering surface like two miniature buoys.

The huge golden retriever cut through the water with ease. His head bumped into Christine's plump titties. Expertly, he swam around her, nudging her with the blunt end of his snout.

"Ooooo, if you were only Kenny." She played with the animal, grabbing below the surface for his cock. "You could dive down and goose my ass and touch my pussy."

She became bolder, floating naked on her back, her body on exhibition. Her skin glistened, the silky hairs of her cunt beaded with water and pussy juice. She opened her legs and arched her back, driving backwards into the water. For a fleeting second, her pink cunt tilted toward the sky.

"Ewwwww!" she gasped, coming up again. As she swam lazily through the water, she quickly scanned the woods and the waterline. she thought she had heard something.

"Hi," a masculine voice called out. a young man, about twenty, appeared from behind a tree. "How's the water? Better then this morning?"

Christine's head snapped around. She immediately sank down into the water, hiding herself as best she could from the leering eyes of the grinning stranger. "This is my father's property... you're trespassing!" She glanced down at herself. Her tits popped out of the halter when she bobbed. She turned. "Get out of here, Now!"

The young man laughed. "Don't be so shy."

Christine ignored him and quickly swam through the water fall. Panting in relief at being away from the brazen stare of the gold-looking man, she treaded water. She reached for her bikini. It wasn't there. Panic gripped her; she didn't know what to do.

"Hello," he called again.

Christine glanced around furtively. The voice seemed to echo in the grotto.

"I'm up here."

Christine stared up at the stranger. "Give me my bathing suit!" She remained in the water, keeping close to the rock, concealing her body from him as he peered down through a gaping hole in the rock. He could see into the secluded grotto behind the waterfall.

He grinned and carefully climbed down through the narrow crevice in the rock. Christine watched him, horror-stricken. It looked like he was descending stairs. She squinted; the rocks were hidden, but each step the stranger took brought him closer to her. Her heart drummed in her ears. What had he seen? Laddie and her this morning? She gulped.

"You're real cute," he said, crouching down on the same rock where he had witnessed Laddie licking her tits earlier.

"Why don't you give me my suit and go?" She was almost in tears. Laddie had climbed out of the water and was sitting beside the young man, sniffing, wagging his tail.

"I might," he told her. He scratched the dog behind the ears. "How you doing Laddie?" He flashed his sexy grin at Christine, then spoke to the dog again. "a lot better than I'm doing. Huh, boy?" He reverted his attention back to Christine. "I could lick your tits better than Laddie."

Christine felt like she would die right there and then. Her mouth froze; the words wouldn't come out. What she had to say wouldn't have made a difference, anyway.

"I saw you this morning, Christine." He used her name for the first time. "I've been watching you since came back. You're a very pretty girl."

Christine blushed, embarrassed but excited. He had seen her naked! She knew she was hot, but now, she was aching with passion. She studied the stranger again, wondering, He was older, handsome, probably in college. But how did he know her name? A hot shiver danced up her spine.

"How come you know my name?"

"I work with your father sometimes during the summer and when I'm home during a semester break from college. You've changed a helluva lot since last summer. You've even changed since last Easter."

The young man was lean, handsome, with a pleasant smile. He let his dark eyes catch Christine's. The bright sunlight bounced off her golden hair. She had changed, all right. His mind went back to her naked body swishing through the water. She had transformed from a lanky kid to vivacious young woman.

Christine's face was a deep scarlet. "I never saw you around before. You always peek at girls?"

"Every chance I can." He gave her a smile that heated up her insides. "Now that I know you like swimming in the raw and you like your tits licked, what else is there about you I might like to know?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat. His dirty talk was erotic, but she couldn't keep from blushing. "I like sleeping naked too," she said, trying to be daring with him-show him that she wasn't afraid of him. "If I could. I'd never wear clothes."

She eased back, away from the rock, tingling inside. She had an urge to tease him, she moved about in the water. letting her tits rise to the surface as she gently bobbed. She noticed the way he was staring; it made her cream again. She was glad she was immersed in buoyant water. If she had been on land, she would have collapsed form her consuming passion.

"If you come in the water, I might let you lick my tits." She was nervous, but looked hot and willing.

"I've been around." It was an obvious lie, but she was trying to act older. "I have lots of boyfriends."

He hung his on a high branch, pulled off his jeans, hung on the limb. "I'll bet you're still cherry, too." He grinned.

She saw his bulging prick behind his tight-fitting underwear and gulped back her rising fear. "Maybe I am, and maybe I'm not." No matter how hard she tried, she was unable to take her gaze from his bulge. "You'll never find out, through."

He smiled confidently. He notices the obvious was she was gaping. "You want me to keep my shorts on?"

"Whatever you want." Her heart beat was rampant; her pussy pulsed frantically. "I've seen plenty of cock." She watched him slip off his shorts.

"Not like this one," he bragged. His hard-on was jutting out from his groin, his bloated cock head pointing at the innocent teenager. His fingers curled around his thick cock-stem. "You're staring."

Christine was in shock-passionate shock. Except for pictures in magazines, This was her first look at a real cock. It seemed monstrous. Automatically, she found herself drifting treading water erratically. She was shaking inside and out. Her muscles wouldn't coordinate with her passion-sopped brain.

With a big splash, the young man jumped in. He sprang up out of the water beside the teenager and wrapped his arms around her lithe body. His prick pressed into her belly. "You're a sexy little nymph, Christine."

She almost fainted. If he hadn't been holding her, she would surely have drowned. "Please--" Her voice was barely a whisper. She was weak, crumbling.

"How does it feel?" He kept his prick against her.

"Ah... mmmm..." She was speechless.

He held her trembling body close to him. Christine's mind whirled. The day seemed to snowballing. Getting off on Laddie's tongue; playing with his cock and watching him come, talking to Tracy. Now this. How far would it go? She refused to think about the exciting possibilities. Refused to think beyond the thrilling moment.

"There's a cave back there, where we could go." His hands skimmed down her body, cupped the cheeks of her cute ass. "C'mon out of the water with me."

Mute, she nodded. willing to do anything he asked.

He released her, climbed up on the flat rock, and offered his hand. "C'mon."

She gulped uneasily; she was naked. Having someone watch her without her knowledge was one thing, but this... She swallowed her fear and gave him her hand. As he hauled her up on the rock, she said: "I don't even know your name."

"It's Roger." He leered at her openly; then he took her hand again. "Be careful."

Still trembling, she climbed over some jagged rocks without stepping on them. There was a wide opening behind a huge boulder. It led to a cave. "God. I never knew this was here."

As the entered the cave, Christine spotted her bikini. "There it is!" She pointed.

"A blanket too." He grinned roguishly. "When I spotted you this morning, I wanted to be prepared. I came back with a blanket, hoping you'd return." He dropped to the blanket inside the hollow cave. "I'm glad you did. C'mon down, and let me lick you."

For a split-second she hesitated, She blushed a deep red from her tits up. Her gaze lowered to Roger's hairy groin. Conflicting emotions soared wildly through her head. She wanted to run, touch his cock, act brazen, impress him, but was too shy to do any of these.

She saw his handsome face; his horny gaze told her he liked what he saw. It gave her confidence. Laddie had left to investigate the cave. She was alone with her first man.

"I like boys to look at me," she said.

"I'm not a boy." Roger grabbed her ankle and brought her down on the blanket with him. He brought his mouth down to hers.

Christine's arms circled around his neck. Open-mouthed and clinging, she kissed him back-the way she had always dreamed. She took his tongue with a hungry fervor and gave him her flaming hot body to touch, maul, caress. Her fingers combed anxiously through his hair. She was a fireball of sexual passion.

Roger crushed the soft body he was holding. Mouth on mouth, he felt wild and greedy hands caress his face, scratch his shoulders, paw the muscles on his arms. She darted her tongue into his hot mouth, and he kissed her and moved his hand over her body, she was receptive, yearning, hungry. He took his mouth off hers. "You're a damn ball of fire. How old are you?"

She told him.

Roger's eyes widened. "You gotta be kidding! Christ! A teeny-bopper!" Her exquisite body had mesmerized him; everything about her seemed older. "Last summer-a skinny runt; this summer-wow!"

She giggled. "I'm tall for my age." She sensed his reluctance to continue. It gave her and edge, heightened her own awareness of her sexual powers. She heaved a sigh. It was about time to put her talent to the test.

She squirmed out of his arms. A feeling of power surged through her. "You're not worried about my age, are you?" She purred. Her hands slid up her sides, cupping her tits. "I thought you wanted to kiss and lick these."

Roger saw the teenager as trouble. She was gorgeous, but he saw in her lithe naked body more than pleasure. He saw danger. "Easy kid. Maybe you should put your bikini back on." It was a struggle, and he chocked on each word. She was a hot sexy girl, looking for some fun, and that fun could cost him. "Come back and see when you're older." He tore his gaze away from her naked body.

Christine mustered up all the courage she had. She sat up, threw herself into his arms, kissing him, rubbing her tits into his broad chest.

She had caught him by surprise, and they tumbled to the blanket. this time, Christine was in the driver's seat. "You chicken?"

"No, Christine. I just don't want trouble. You're a nice girl, with a fantastic body, but you're a baby."

Being called a baby riled her. Her father treated her the same way. "I think you're chickenshit." Her expression softened. "I'll never tell anyone... never." She leaned over him, offered the twenty-year-old college sophomore her swollen tittie meat to suck. "Don't you want to kiss my tits?"

Roger looked at the twin tit mounds looming over his face, An overwhelming temptation. A vein in his temple began to throb. He leered at he swollen nipples of her creamy tittie meat and raised his head. His lips brushed an aching nipple.

"Roger," she gasped, her tits in her mouth. The contact seared her brain; her pussy was already in spasms. "Suck! Ohhhh, God, Roger, you suck good!" She was reeling in ecstasy.

Roger succumbed. He grabbed her slender body, rolled her over, his mouth still devouring the choice meat of her tit. He sucked her rubbery tit flesh, chewed the rubbery nipple, then licked all around the small mound. He daubed her with warm spit. Her other tit was next. He turned both creamy tits into pink mounds of raw flesh. He pulled his mouth away when he was done. His eyes mirrored his flaming passion for the hot teenager.

"Roger, it felt so good," she purred, her head in the clouds. "Touch my wet pussy. Feel it." She was out of her skull; a boy, no-a man-was doing this to her, making her feel like a lump of putty. "Teach me." She offered herself to him. opening her legs-a virgin sacrifice.

Roger teasingly caressed her slowly. Watching his moving hands, he traced designs on her silky-soft skin. When he reached her cherry cunt, his fingers slipped through her silk strands of blonds cunt hair. "Jesus Christ, Christine. You pussy's wet as hell." His fingertips teased her oozing cunt.

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