Daughter's Pony Urge - Cover

Daughter's Pony Urge


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - While on summer vacation at her father's country house, Christine has so much fun with the male animals that she calls a friend of hers who joins her at the country house and also enjoys the farm animals, with an added bonus of a little lesbian-teen love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Craig knocked on the door of his daughter's bedroom. "You in there, Chrissy?"

Christine blinked away the sleep in her eyes. Her face flooded with shock. She gulped. "Y-yes, Daddy." She stammered.

She glances at the open closet and her pile of wet clothes on the floor. She thew back the covers to close the closet door before her father came in. Then she gasped, realizing that she naked. She yanked the covers back, her face flushed, her face fixed on the door, her hands holding the covers at her neck. She caught a glimpse of Laddie going to the door.

"Well?" Craig asked impatiently form the other side of the closed door. "Can I come in?"

Christine gulped uneasily. "Yes, Daddy." She was afraid to face her father. Afraid that the minute he stepped in her room, he would know what she had done. "Come in, Daddy."

Craig opened the door. His gaze settled on her long slender body beneath the covers. "I'm surprised. I though you'd be out getting some fresh air and sunshine. It's not the city, with all the damn smog and noise." He knelt down to scratch the head of the golden retriever sniffing his leg. "You're teaching him bad habits too, I see." He grinned roguishly.

Christine opened her mouth to speak. "I was up, Daddy," she explained, the covers tight around her neck. "Laddie and I went into the woods and followed the stream to the waterfall." Her gaze again drifted to the pile of clothes. "I got wet and came home to change, I guess country life tires me out." She gave him a weak nervous smile.

"You should put your clothes in the washer." he grabbed then off the closet floor. "I'll take them downstairs for you. Mille can wash them when she comes tomorrow to clean up." He went over to the bed and bent over, placing a kiss on Christine's forehead.

She shivered, hoping he didn't know she was naked under the sheet and blanket, "I'll get up soon, Daddy. Can Laddie stay with me in the room?"

He gave his daughter a loving smile, then bent down and ruffled the retriever's ears and coat. "I guess so. You'll have him spoiled by the end of the summer, and he won't be worth a damn during hunting season." He turned toward the door, then remembered why he had come looking for her. "Listen, babe. I got to go back into town, and I won't be home until after dark. You want to come and hang around town? I'll wait until you're dressed."

Christine looked up at her tall father. "No thanks, Daddy. I'd rather stay here."

He shrugged. "Suite yourself. There's plenty of food in the fridge." When he stepped out of the room, he poked his head back in. "You're supposed to sleep in your pj's-not in the buff." He pointed the pajamas that were peeking out from under the bed. He winked. "See ya, babe."

Christine smiled. Her father wasn't such a prude, after all. She remained in bed, listening to the sounds of her father leaving the house. when she heard the front door close, she jumped out of the bed, ran to the window, peered out. Seeing his truck going down the lonely road, she hurried back to bed, excited as a kid on Christmas.

She slapped the bed. "C'mon, Laddie. We got all day now to play."

Laddie barked in response to her soothing voice. He leaped up on the bed, his tail wagging, and licked her face. then he rolled on his side, wanting his belly scratched.

"Mmmmmmm," Christine murmured, her wide blue eyes setting on his hairy cock sheath. The memory of his glistening red cock rushed back to haunt her. "God, I gotta tell Tracy." She grabbed the phone off the nightstand and dialed. "Hello, Mrs. Chandler?" Christine recognized the voice of Tracy's mother immediately. "Is Tracy home?"

"Yes." Mrs. Chandler paused. "How's the country treating you?"

"Great, Mrs. Chandler." Christine was brimming with excitement, eager to talk to her friend. "It's fantastic here!"

"I'll glad to hear it." Mrs. Chandler said. "I'll get Tracy."

Christine petted the golden retriever's belly while she waited. Soft jagged breaths emanated from her mouth as she looked at he dog's heavy furry balls and cock sheath.

"Chrissy!" Tracy oozed enthusiasm.

"Where are you... Is your mother around?" Christine asked her friend; she was anxious to tell her what she had done with Laddie. She knew Tracy wouldn't be able to talk with her mother there.

"Shit. Crissy... what's going on?"

"Answer me." Christine said.

"I'm up in my room. Mom's downstairs in the kitchen. Why? What's the shit?"

"You'll never guess." Christine said smugly. "Never in a million years."

"Awww, C'mon, Chrissy. Tell me."

"I'm naked right now," she said to her best friend. "Naked in bed."

Tracy quickly unsnapped her shorts and wriggled out of them, crushing the phone to her ear with her shoulder. "Hold on a minute. "I'm getting undressed, too."

Christine waited. They had played sex games over the phone before: sitting naked on there beds, trying to get each other hot with sizzling sex fantasies. The big difference this time was that Christine's story was a fantasy. She held the phone and her breath. Already, her cherry pussy was seeping hot cunt juice. She stroked the retriever's belly absent- mindedly.

"Okay, I'm ready, I'm naked, too." Tracy lay on her bed, the phone propped against her ear, anxiously waiting for her friend to begin a story that would soon have them both creaming. "Start talking."

Tracy's hands caressed the tender meat of her tits, her fingers kneading the pulpy flesh. Her cherry pussy, like Christine's foamed with fuck cream.

"This morning..." Christine recounted every hot detail of what had happened that morning between her and Laddie. "... and now, he's laying on the bed with me." Christine sighed, her story finished.

"Jesus Christ!" Tracy gasped, trembling. Her fingers were slipping through the puffy slit of her turned-on cherry pussy. "I'm creaming all over my fucking bed, Chrissy." She shivered. "Damn, you make up the best stories ever."

"I didn't make it up," Christine corrected. "It's true... every hot sexy word of it. I swear!"

Tracy gulped, her heart racing. "I believe you," she whispered almost reverently. "Ohhh, shit, I wish I were there with you." She was tingling all over. Flames in her cherry pussy flickered to life. "Tell me again about his tongue." She closed her eyes, shuddering with joy, listening intently to Christine's every word. "I'm creaming... ooo... let him lick you now, and tell me how it feels."

This was the best conversation she ever had with Christine, ever since they started talking dirty on the phone a few months ago.

"Okay," Christine conceded. The excitement of having her friend involved stirred the passion in her again. She tugged on Laddie's collar, bringing his snout to her tit. She jiggled her tit meat at him, and the dog immediately tool the hint. His tongue slapped across her arm jiggling shin.

"Ooooooh!" Christine gasped. "He's licking my titties, Tracy. His tongue is warm and nice. his spit is getting me all wet!"

"Ohhhh, Chrissy!" Tracy gasped, her eyes closed, imagining the dog licking her friend's tits. "Your pussy now. Have him lick that." She held the phone against her ear, Christine's hot panting sighs arousing her more. "Your pussy now, Christine."

"Okay, okay." Christine lay back on the bed, her legs spread wide, her pussy vulnerable to attack. "I'm waiting for him to begin," she told Tracy. She was glad she had climaxed earlier; she was able to be more at ease, dispassionate. "He's licking my belly now... going down my body."

Christine wiggled her hips, tempting the dog between her legs to go to her cunt. "C'mon, Laddie, lick my pussy for Tracy. C'mon, boy. Lick my cunt!" She heard the excited whimpers of her friend; it sounded as if they were in the same room.

"Ooooh!" Christine gasped when Laddie's tongue swiped through her wet pussy. His tongue immediately received a coating of pussy juice-a filmy sheen of fuck cream. "Ooooo, Tracy. His tongue is so wet and squiggly!" She rocked her hips, swirling with joy. "Ohhh, shit, I'm creaming his tongue again!"

"Tell me more!" Tracy gasped, greedy for every detail. Her hands were clawing the almost-bald mound of her cherry pussy. She squeezed her blood-filled clit. "Tell me, so I can cum."

"I'll put the phone between my legs and let you listen," Christine suggested. "Hold on."

Tracy grunted. She listened carefully, her mind soaring. Her ears strained to hear the dog's tongue licking her friend. Her body was on fire.

Christine trembled, holding the phone next to her pussy. She knew Tracy was able to hear now.

Tracy gasped. the slurping noises, the slapping sounds of tongue hitting flesh seared through her mind. Laddie was licking Christine's cunt! She could hear it loud and clear. In the back ground, she hear Christine's helpless sighs of ecstasy. A hot series of orgasms, one after the other, rippled through the girl's body.

"Oooohhh, shit, ohhhhh, God." Tracy humped her small ass on the bed, riding the blissful current of her orgasm until she heard Christine's voice. It snapped he out of her passion-induced stupor and jarred her back to reality.

"Did you hear?" Christine asked in excitement. She was still reeling under Laddie's tongue-licking.

"Oh, God, did I hear!" Tracy panted. "I had a damn climax! I think I creamed all over the fucking bed listening to you and the dog!"

"I would have liked to have seen that," Christine sighed dreamily. The dog was making her feel warm and wonderful all over. "I still haven't told you about Laddie's prick."

"What about his cock?"

"When he gets hot, his prick sticks out. It's pointed and red." Talking about it made Christine want to see his prick again.

"What else," Tracy moaned impatiently.

"Wait a sec," Christine said. "I'm gonna look at his cock while I talk to you." The teenager wriggled away from the hungry dog, the laid the phone down. "C'mon, Laddie." She tugged on his collar, her other hand stroking his shiny, thick golden coat. She coaxed him to lay on his side.

Laddie whimpered, not wanting to give up tasting her pussymeat. He squirmed in the opposite direction wile teenager eased him over on his side. He whimpered, his soft brown eyes looking up at her, not understanding.

Christine knew what to do. Her soothing voice and gentle stroking relaxed him at once. "Easy, boy. I just want you to lie down." Her voice was soft as Laddie's eyes, as smooth as his thick golden coat. "Easy, boy, just relax. We'll have lots of fun together." She stroked his soft belly, her hand smoothing over his fur. Laddie calmed down, his head dropping to the mattress.

Christine picked up the phone; the dog was resting serenely now. "He's on his side now, Tracy, and I'm rubbing his belly."

"Is his prick sticking out yet?" Tracy asked anxiously, her body quaking with heated desire. She shut her eyelids.

"Not yet," Christine sighed. "I'm rubbing his belly close to his prick. It's hidden now in the hairy thing." She caressed him with shaking fingers. She heard Tracy's heavy labored breathing. "His balls are real big, Tracy-hairy, too."

"Touch them, Chrissy! Touch his balls!" Tracy was close to insanity. Her cunt spasmed, the juices dripping down the crack of her ass. "Hold his balls, Chrissy!"

"I will," Christine answered.

She stared at his hairy nut sac and skimmed her hand over the dog's thigh. She raised one leg and touched him where his thigh met his body. Her fingertips touched his hairy sac of cum-filled balls. Spasms of desire attacked Christine's pussy, and she became light-headed.

Laddie whimpered in response. He sensed the tension in the teenager. His own anxiety was acute while the child's hand fondled his aching balls. He whimpered and lifted his head, twisting it, his tongue lapping gently over Christine's hand.

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