Daughter's Pony Urge - Cover

Daughter's Pony Urge


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - While on summer vacation at her father's country house, Christine has so much fun with the male animals that she calls a friend of hers who joins her at the country house and also enjoys the farm animals, with an added bonus of a little lesbian-teen love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   First   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Out of the woods, Laddie, tagging close behind her, Christine bounced up the porch steps. Her father had not returned; his car was not there. With the dog barking at her heels, she took the steps to the upstairs bedroom two at a time. Once inside her room, she closed the door, and Laddie squatted obediently beside her.

After regaining her breath, she said: "Now my handsome dog. You and I are going to have some fun. Apprehension and over-whelming desire seized her, She began undressing, "God, I'm burning up."

She took off her wet shirt and kicked off her sneakers. After peeling her wet jeans down her slim body, she let then fall into a crumpled pile at her ankles.

"Gonna let you lick me all over, Laddie!" Her growing excitement was obvious in her high-pitched voice. She wriggled out of her wet panties.

Clothes in hand, she strode to the closet and opened the door wide. She threw her clothes inside and utilized the full-length mirror. "Now I can watch."

She turned and faced the waiting dog. "C'mon, Laddie, it's time." She dropped to the floor in front of the mirror, wiggling her soft rounded ass on the thick bedroom carpet. "Lick me all over, Laddie."

Laddie came prancing over. He sensed something exciting. It made him frenzied and anxious. He slapped his tongue across her flushed face. His tongue wormed in her mouth, then out again. In his exuberance, he knocked her off balance, standing above her. His paws on either side of her, he looked down at her. His tongue lapped her skin, shoulders, neck, and tits.

"Ohhhh, Laddie." Christine whimpered. She reached up. petting him, played with his ears.

Her wide-open innocent eyes stared at her slim figure in the mirror, then at the dog looming above her.

A gasp escaped her mouth. She saw the red pointed tip of his growing prick. She wriggled hotly on the carpet, the forbidden sight sending her into a spin. "Laddie, I wish you could talk."

A lump formed in her throat. She stared at his prick-red cockflesh protruding from a hairy sheath. "You're getting a hard-on." She swooned with the thought of his being just as hot as she was.

She wriggled over to the bed, Laddie still licking her and moving with her. "Now, Laddie." She sighed, settling herself against the foot of the bed, her ass squiggling hotly on the floor.

From there, she had a clear view of everything: her opened legs and dripping pussy; Laddie's protruding cock; his hairy body, which was practically smothering her.

Caressing his snout, she let him wind his tongue through her hands to her tits, showing him where to go. Her fingers squeezed one pulpy tit.

"Chew my tit, Laddie. Bite the nipple like you did before." She was watching the mirror intently, seeing his tongue lapping her plump tit. "Bite." She jiggled her tit and held it for him. "Ewwwww, yeah, like that."

Laddie nipped gently on her rubbery nipple, sending her in rapture. He nipped, then licked. His nose picked up the pungent scent of her aroused cunt again. He ignored her offered tit and went to her opened thighs. Stepping over her slender leg, he plopped down on his belly between both curvy legs.

The heated scent was stronger there, like before, and the red glistening slit of her cherry cunt was not hidden behind panties. The silky strands of her pussy hair were matted with cunt juice, and her cunt looked swollen and puffy. She shivered, watching herself grow hotter and hotter.

With passion-dulled vision, she gazed at the large dog between her sprawled legs. Seeing herself in the mirror, a dog between her legs, was wild. Her gaze locked on her reflection, and she mauled the flesh of her budding tits while Laddie licked his was slowly toward her pussy, methodically wetting each inch of her inner thighs.

She swooned, her senses sharpened, her gaze dropping to the dog in front of her, She brought her hands down her trembling naked body to her cunt. Her fingers opened the pink puffy lips of her oozing pussy.

"Laddie, lick my cunt for me." Her body quaked as she exposed herself to the golden retriever, waiting anxiously for him to devour her cherry pussy. "Ohhhh, shit, Laddie, do it. Use your tongue."

The arousing scent of Christine's turned-on cunt was too overpowering for the dog to resist. He wriggled on his belly, bringing his head closer, his nose skimming up her thigh, catching even more of the scent. One long swipe of his long tongue over Christine's wet cunt sent her into blissful heaven.

"Aaaaaaa, Laddie! Ooooooh!" A spasm shot thorough her pussy, and her gut tightened. She let out a low gasp, watching the dog through glassy eyes.

Laddie licked his chops, tasting the creamy ooze of her pussy.

"Don't stop, Laddie!" She gasped in a rush of panic. She was completely committed to getting herself off on the dog's tongue, although she hadn't consciously thought it through. "Please don't stop." Her soothing childlike voice had an edge to it, a brittle edge of urgency. "Pleeease."

Laddie, apparently enjoying the taste of her cunt cream. whimpered. His tail slapped the floor, thudding in a quick jerky rhythm. He swiped his tongue over his jowls again, then returned to Christine's seeping pussy. He sniffed, then licked up her pussy and over her clit, getting a thick coat of cunt cream on his tongue. He licked it off noisily and lapped her cunt again, much to her delight.

"Yes, yes, yes... oooh, Laddie." She was out of her head, floating on a cloud, her mind bombarded, her senses heightened. She gave the mirror her rapt attention. "Ohhh, God. I'm letting a dog lick my cunt!" She wriggled her ass on the floor, causing her tits to jiggle. She held her finger to her cunt, keeping her pussy open for his slapping tongue. "Ooh! Ooooh!"

Christine felt his tongue whip through her pussy and over her fingers. "Ooooo... Laddie!" She thrilled to every sizzling swipe.

The pussy scent and the excited sounds of the whimpering child were arousing the golden retriever. His sexual instincts were being awakened. He snorted. His tongue slapped her cunt, slithering up her cunt gash, where her fuck juices originated. He lapped up the cream seeping from deep within her cunt.

Christine's bare ass rubbed the carpet. Her head lolled about her creamy shoulders. Her face was flushed with heated passion. Never before had she been this hot.

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