Schoolgirl Slave - Cover

Schoolgirl Slave

Copyright© 2002 by Fantasy Stories

Chapter 8: Sleep Over

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Sleep Over - Story about a schoolgirl enslaved by the neighbours son.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Blackmail   MaleDom   First  

When Richard had said he was going to have a shower Janet foolishly thought she'd be left alone for a while. But although he took all the cuffs off he left her collar on and made her crawl to the bathroom as he told her that he was going to let her clean him.

As he stood in the large shower, letting his naked slave soap and wash him he felt like an arab shiek with a harem girl pampering him and looking after his every need. Way cool! Especially as he made her carefully soap and wash his still hard cock and run her soapy fingers through his arse crack. The other part that was great was when her boobs brushed against him. Also way cool!

Boobs had to be one of the greatest things ever invented! When she was behind him, washing his back he captured her hands, bringing them around to his chest so that her big boobs were squashed against his back.

"That's the way slave, use those tits to wash me with. Yeah, good slave girl."

He made her rub him with her soapy boob for a while, getting her to stop and soap up her tits a couple of times till the rumble in his stomach intruded. After she's washed him he'd intended playing with her soapy body but he decided that could wait till another time. Which was one of the great things about this, that there would be other time - as many of them as he wanted.

"Okay slave, I reckon I must be clean now. Your turn. I'll give you thirty minutes to be clean, dry and looking good again."

It didn't take too long for Richard to dry and then she was alone, standing under the water, finally able to relax a bit as she tried to imagine the water washing all the horror and humiliation away. When she eventually turned off the shower it felt so good to be able to cover herself, to wrap a towel around her body that she just stood there, luxuriating in the feeling although she knew she'd have to get rid of the towel when he came back.

Picking up the hair dryer she sat in front of the mirror, examining her face really carefully as she started drying her hair. Nothing. Somehow she thought she should look different. After all she'd been raped, whipped, had all sorts of disgusting things done to her so surely it would show. But it didn't, not even where he'd slapped her face. Now that she'd showered, even her eyes were clear, no longer red from all the crying she'd done.

Putting down the dryer she slowly lowered the towel, exposing her boobs.

There were a couple of faint red marks, but nothing that really looked like she been whipped. She carefully traced a finger along one of the marks across the top of her left boob but it didn't hurt. Still nothing. Then her focus went to her nipples remembering the agony when the whip had landed on them and when he'd squeezed them. Surely they'd still be sore she thought.

Tentatively she rubbed her finger over her left nipple.


Although touching her nipple brought a gasp, it wasn't from pain. She quickly pulled the towel back up, ashamed at the tingling rush of pleasure that had radiated from her nipple when she touched it. Picking up the dryer again, she resumed drying her hair, fighting back a fresh round of tears. Once again her body was betraying her, proving what a slut she really was.

Mechanically she kept brushing and drying her hair till her arm ached and she had to stop. She sat, shoulders slumped, totally defeated once again as she stared blankly at the mirror, waiting for Richard.

"Yeah, that's great, you're looking good again. Okay, towel off and get in position slave."

She hadn't heard him come into the bathroom but she quickly slid off the chair, reluctantly unwrapping the towel and letting it drop to the floor as she knelt in front of him, hands behind her back. Although her eyes were downcast she could see the end of the lead so she wasn't surprised when he put the collar around her neck again, locking it in place. Then he dropped her clothes at her feet.

"Okay slave, you can put these back on for a while."

"Thank you."


"Thank you master. I'm sorry."

"You can write it down in your punishment book later along with all the other stuff. Now get them on."

Clothes. She wouldn't have to walk around naked. She quickly picked up them up, looking for her underpants, desperate to cover herself now that he was going to let her, but they weren't there. Her bra was also missing. All that he'd given her were her skirt and t-shirt. She knew she should just put on the skirt and top but she couldn't help herself asking.

"Umm, where's the rest... master?"

"What'd you mean?"

"Well, my bra and panties aren't here master."

"Fuck. You're really asking to be punished aren't you slave. You'll wear what I want you to wear. And I don't want you wearing underpants or a bra. You know what? For asking that you're not allowed to wear underpants or a bra from now on, understand? Ever! From now on you tits and cunt have to be available to me whenever I want them. So quit complaining or you can give me back the t-shirt slave."

"No, it's ok, I'm sorry master. I'm sorry really. Look, I'm putting them on master."

Cursing herself for being so stupid she quickly pulled the skirt and t-shirt on, grateful to at least be able to cover herself this much. Sinking to her knees again she resolved to just do what he said and not give him anymore reasons for punishments.

Richard found it almost as much of a turn on watching her legs and boobs disappear under the skirt and t-shirt, as when she taken them off earlier in the day. When she was finally kneeling at his feet again he felt what was becoming a familiar rush of power, this time because he knew that if he wanted to he could just put his hands inside her clothes and play with her and she wouldn't dare object. She was so his.

"Okay but that'll be two punishments. One for not calling me master and one for asking stupid questions. Now come on. Pizza should be here soon. No... you can crawl slave girl."

"Yes master."

With a tug on the leash, he headed off and she crawled after him, starting to wonder what other horrors he had planned for tonight and trying not to think of what the punishments might be.

They'd just reached the bottom of the stairs when the doorbell rang. His first thought was that he should hide her but then he realised that there was no need. In fact he could have a bit of fun with her.

"Okay slave, up you get. Here's the money."

She stared at him blankly as he unclipped the leash.

"I want you to pay for the pizza. Come on."

With any luck the delivery guy would be someone they knew from school so he could show off his new girlfriend but unfortunately it wasn't. However the guy was obviously impressed with Janet. When she answered the door his eyes went straight to her tits, checking out her obviously braless state which caused Janet to blush a deep red. Richard took the pizza and drink, quickly getting rid of them so he could stand behind her as she paid the guy.

He carefully put his hand on her beautiful arse, wishing he could tell the guy that she was his slave but knowing he'd just have to be happy with the guy assuming she was his girlfriend. Which was a pretty cool thing anyway. For a second she tensed and he thought she was going to try to pull away but she didn't.

As Janet and the guy did their stuff, Richard dropped his hand down till he felt the back of her bare thigh, then brought it up underneath her skirt till he was holding her naked arse cheek, gently squeezing the firm flesh. She only just managed to muffle her gasp, turning it into a cough as his finger slipping into her arse crack and pressed against her arsehole. The guy gave her a funny look as she coughed again, trying to cover her discomfort as he counted out the change in front of her and as Richard pushed his finger further forward along her slit till he was just able to get the tip of his finger into her cunt.

As soon as the pizza guy had backed out the door, shutting it behind him, Richard pulled his hand out and acted as though nothing unusual had happened.

"Okay. You take this stuff into the family room, I'll go get some glasses and stuff. Thought we could watch some tv, ok?"

"Um, ok... master."

They ate the pizza in front of the tv, sitting on the sofa side by side, watching reruns of The Simpson's on cable which Janet was sort of grateful for because it allowed her to half forget what had happened. And Richard didn't try to do anything to her which was even better. By the end of the third episode she was even joining Richard's laughter at the craziness of the Simpson's. Then a made for tv movie started and Richard left her by herself for a while as he cleared away the stuff from their dinner.

The movie wasn't really very interesting but Janet watched it intently. She figured that if it looked like she was really into it Richard might leave her alone.

When he came back, Richard was feeling sort of nervous as he'd decided that for the rest of the evening he wanted to act out another of his Janet fantasies. It was a major one this time, where he'd "accidentally" met Janet somewhere and instead of ignoring him like normal, she'd told him that she was really sorry about everything that had happened. She'd finally realised how horrible she'd been to him and really wanted them to be friends again.

Richard, being such a great guy, had of course forgiven her and asked her if she wanted to come over to his place to hang out. They'd ended up watching tv and fortunately his parents were out. It was evening and they sat side by side on the sofa, watching a movie. Naturally they kissed and started to make out. It was really romantic and eventually she asked him to make love to her, telling him she wanted him to be her first. So of course he did.

Sometimes on the sofa, other times they'd go to his room. And it was always great!

Of course he knew that reality wasn't going to be quite the same but that was okay. Just as long as it was close he thought. Sitting down alongside her again, he put his right arm around her shoulder, his hand casually draped on the top of her arm. In the fantasy she would have immediately snuggled into his chest but she just stayed as she was, sort of frozen, watching the tv.

Problem. Of course Janet didn't know what the fantasy he was playing out was. He didn't want to have to tell her what to do all the time as he knew that would spoil the fantasy so he put some pressure on her arm with his hand, sort of pulling her closer to him, hoping she'd get it. For a second he thought she was going to resist but then she was changing her position, letting her head rest against his chest as she moved lower on the sofa. Although he did notice that she kept a hold of her skirt, making sure it didn't ride up her legs.

Still, he could live with that. It just felt so good to have Janet's head against his chest.

After this initial move, Janet expected him to do more but he seemed content with having her head on his chest. After a few minutes waiting for his next move she relaxed again and tried to turn her attention back to the movie.

Maybe the night was going to be okay after all she thought.

Richard resisted the temptation to do anything for as long as he could. He only half watched the movie, most of his time being spent looking down at her body, watching the way her beautiful boobs rose and fell. Because she didn't have her bra on he could see the bumps her nipple made on the tshirt. They obviously weren't hard but it was still an incredible turn on being able to look at the sexy bumps they made against the thin material of her tshirt. And below her boobs, her slim legs were like a magnet as they disappeared under her skirt.

When the temptation became too great he just shifted position a bit as though he was getting comfortable again and in doing so his left hand ended up against her left knee. For a couple of minutes he didn't do anything but then he started moving finger against her knee. Now in his fantasy she would have responded, moved even closer and let her hand drift to his leg, caressing him the same way he was caressing her. But of course she didn't do any of that so he just concentrated on his mission which was to slowly work his way up her leg to that magical place, her cunt.

As soon as his fingers touched her knee Janet knew is was on again, knew that this was the start of another round of some sort of sex. As she watched first one finger, then two, then his whole hand moving against her knee she just hoped that there would be no pain this time. Which she knew meant she'd have to do what he wanted and not try to stop him. So as his hand moved further up her leg she resisted her natural instinct to push his hand away and stayed leaning against his shoulder, trying to stay relaxed, hoping that this was what he wanted her to do. The first real test came when his hand was about a quarter the way along her thigh and his finger pressed against her other leg. She knew what this meant and immediately let her legs spread apart a bit.

When she let her legs spread at just the lightest push from his finger he felt his cock jerk. This was more like the way she should be acting, responding immediately to what he did. His hand move down between her legs, caressing the silky smooth inside of her thigh and when his fingers once again brushed against her other leg she spread them open again even further. Then a couple of seconds later he watched spellbound as, without any prompting from him, she moved her right foot, her leg spreading apart as far as her skirt would allow, giving him total access to her cunt. Yes! She was doing it totally! His stomach sort of tightened and his cock got even harder if that was possible. This was becoming such a turn on!

It wasn't that she wanted to open her legs like this but as his fingers moved further up her leg she'd figured she didn't have a choice. Of course it then made it easy for his hand and fingers to stroke the sensitive inside of her thigh which felt nice. Very nice. Increasingly nice, especially as he was taking so long about it, his fingers and nails moving almost imperceptibly closer to her pussy.

By now his hand was pushing against her skirt, inching it higher and higher up her legs, exposing more and more of her beautiful thighs. Then another movement caught his eyes and he stared transfixed as her nipples hardened, pushing out against her tshirt. She must be getting turned on by this.

Fucking amazing! He didn't really think about the next move as his other hand left her shoulder and turned her head up to him till their lips met.

One part of her was telling her just do the minimum but there was another part that really was getting turned on and there was no hesitation in parting her lips and letting his tongue invade her mouth. No, not invade because he was being nice, gentle even, his tongue just carefully probing till she let her own tongue answer.

As they kissed he let his hand move all the way up till he was pressing against her hot cunt, feeling the wonderful touch of her silky pubic hair against his thumb as it rested on her mound. This was so perfect, kissing her as he started to feel her up. Well almost perfect.

The only thing that was missing now for Richard was the feel of her hand on his cock which by now felt like it was going to burst as it pressed up against his shorts, begging to be released and played with. For a while he was content to just kiss her, hoping she'd do something herself but finally he had to get her moving. He brought his right hand down again so it was on her upper arm and then all he needed to do was apply a little bit of pressure and her hand moved from her side over to his leg.

She wasn't surprised when he did this as she knew he'd want her to touch his thing... no, his cock, it was just that she hadn't been able to bring herself to initiate it. Now however it was clear what he wanted so she moved her hand along his leg till she felt the lump made by his cock.

Richard's stomach was doing flip flops with the intensity of what was happening. He was sitting watching tv with Janet Sheen and they were petting, necking, making out, whatever anyone wanted to fucking call it. And it was so close to being the real thing, really like she was his girlfriend, so like his fantasies, that he was feeling totally satisfied. Well almost totally satisfied.

That would come when he fucked her again, but for the moment he wanted to keep enjoying kissing her and feeling her up like this while she played with his cock.

As he felt her hand wrapping around his cock, lightly squeezing it, he pressed his index finger into her slit and curling it up, managed to slide it into her cunt.

She tensed, moaning into his mouth and then it felt like she actually pushed her hips forward, as though she was trying to get more of his finger inside her.

Which he was more than happy to do except the position they were in made it hard to get more than half his finger inside her. Time to get her into a better position.

Moving his hand from between her legs he reached over and grabbed her legs with one hand while his other hand was applying pressure on her far arm. For a second nothing happened and then she obviously worked out what he wanted. She was already half twisted to him so it was fairly easy for her to reposition herself, swinging her body over his, so that she was kneeling on the couch, her knees on either side of his legs, her body now facing him.

During this they hadn't broken their kiss and her hand hadn't left his cock.

Her other hand ended up on his shoulder and for a while Richard was content to just kiss her, his hands resting on her back as he enjoyed the feel of her hand playing with his cock and her tongue in his mouth. Eventually of course he wanted more and he started caressing her back, making sure as he did so that he was starting to pull her t-shirt up, bit by bit till it wouldn't go any further.

Only then did he reluctantly break the kiss.

As he lifted the tshirt up and off, she kept her eyes down, unable to look at him. This was getting confusing again. After all he'd done to her, kissing him like this should be horrible but it wasn't. He was a good kisser, strong but not slobby like some of the guys she'd known. And although his tongue was in her mouth, it wasn't like he was trying to choke her with it. Her arms lifted up in the air as the tshirt came off and then they were down by her side as she just stopped herself from using them to hide her naked boobs from him.

It seemed kind of silly to him but seeing her boobs once again really took his breath away they were so perfect. Big, round and sitting impossibly high on her body, not sagging one little bit like so many of the boobs he'd seen in the stuff on the net. Begging him to kiss them, to worship them! So he did, leaning in till his lips captured her left nipple as his hands returned to her back. In his fantasies, her nipples had never been as exciting as they were in real life. The texture of them against his lips and tongue was unlike anything else he'd ever known and he knew that he'd keep returning to them again and again in the days ahead.

For a few seconds Janet was unsure what to do, caught in a three way fight.

She could either be a statue till he made her do something, pretend to like what he was doing or she could give into the pleasure of what he was doing to her body. She just decided to do the safe, middle choice and pretend to like what he was doing when he started to gently suck on her nipple at the same time as the tip of his tongue was circling around it.

"Ohh, mmm..."

Of their own volition, her hands came up to his head, holding him against her, as her eyes closed and she allowed herself to become lost in the tingling pleasure he was bringing to her nipples. It was like she suddenly had the most incredible itch in her nipple and he was giving her the ultimate satisfaction as he dealt with it.

For the next few minutes Richard licked and sucked at her nipples, taking the time as he moved from one to the other to really get to know them. He loved the occasional moans she made and the times when her hands tightened momentarily on his head, making a mental note of just what his lips and tongue were doing each time it happened. What she seemed to like the most was when he was using a moderate suction at the same time as he swirled his tongue around the rubbery buds. The other one that seemed to work was flicking his tongue as quickly as he could over them.

The trouble was that all she was doing now was holding his head and moaning a bit. In his fantasy she was more active than this, constantly touching him, showing how much she wanted him. This was sort of okay, but not really what he wanted and finally he had to acknowledge that she wasn't keeping up her side of his fantasy. Her hands had remained on his head for way too long. Not that having her hands on his head wasn't great, especially when her fingers tightened on his head, sort of giving him a head massage.

But by now, at least in his fantasy, she should have been taking his clothes off and she should have been touching him everywhere, not just on his head.

Reluctantly he pulled back, releasing her nipple.

Janet had sort of lost herself over the last few minutes, closing her eyes and just allowing the wonderful sensations to flow through her boobs as he licked and sucked at her nipples. It took her a couple of seconds to register that he wasn't bringing his mouth back to her nipples and she opened her eyes, slowly focusing on his face, only inches from hers, his lips parted, inviting her.

He waited for a few seconds as they stared at each other but she didn't make any move so reluctantly he ran his hands along her arms up to where they were still resting on his head. Taking her hands in his he moved them down to his chest so her fingers were against the buttons of his shirt. When he felt her fumbling with the top button, he closed the gap between them and started kissing her again.

She'd been so confused, almost at the point of panicking after he'd broken the kiss and kept staring at her. Even when he moved her hands from his head she still didn't know what he wanted. It was only as she felt the button on his shirt against her finger that she realised what he wanted. She started unbuttoning his shirt, doing them as quickly as she could, working her way down his chest till she had them all undone. He hadn't put his arms around her again and she knew that this must be so she'd be able to take his shirt off, so she did, working it over his shoulders and down his arms then letting it fall to the couch behind them.

With his shirt now off, she knew what he'd be wanting next. He'd want her to take the rest of his clothes off. She tried to do it but her fingers seemed to freeze and she just couldn't. After what felt like an eternity, she put her hands on his back and started caressing his back as they continued kissing, hoping that doing this would keep him happy.

Now that his shirt was off, he pulled her against him, loving the feel of her hard nipples touching him and then her boobs flattening out against his chest like twin pillows. But although that felt great he knew it was now totally impossible to keep the fantasy thing going. Maybe he should have told her what he wanted but that would have sort of spoiled it anyway. It was probably that she needed more training. Yeah, that was it. He was treating her like his girlfriend but she was his slave, not his girlfriend. And what he was meant to be doing now was training her to be a good sex slave. Already he'd found that punishing her was a very effective way of getting her to be a good slave so it was pretty clear that he was going to have to punish her lots more before she really got it.

He decided to mostly discard the fantasy, but not the fuck! After fucking her, he'd give her another punishment session, making sure she understood that some of the punishment was because she wasn't doing the things he wanted her to do right now. Breaking the seal between their lips, he moved her head down, tilting his head back so her lips were against his throat. For a couple of seconds she just left them against his throat, not really doing anything then he felt her tongue and the movement of her lips, licking and kissing him. As he guided her head lower, his other hand was pressing against her knee till she moved it back.

For a while Janet was confused about what he wanted, desperately trying to figure it out. Then it dawned. He wanted her to standup, probably so she could take off his pants, but she obviously had to keep kissing his body at the same time.

The way she was kissing his throat and then his chest as he pushed her head further down was kind of disappointing. Not that it wasn't great just to feel her lips on him. To know that it was Janet's tongue that was licking him but he thought it should have felt even better. It was tentative, didn't really feel like she was getting into it the way he knew he had when he'd kissed her whole body earlier in the day. He'd have to remember to punish her for that later so she'd be better at it the next time. Yeah, that was definitely the way to go, use this to set up her punishments! And then maybe have a training session.

And what he could do tomorrow maybe would be have a training session where he was punishing her as part of the session. That'd be fun. He could tell her to do things to him, punish her for not doing the properly, get her to do them again, punish her. Shit he could do that all day till she was absolutely perfect at all the sex stuff he wanted! Yeah, tomorrow was going to be an awesome day too!

Still, at least she'd worked out that she had to stand up so she could get his pants off. As he felt her hands tugging at the waist of his shorts, he lifted his bum, allowing her to pull them down his legs and off, letting his raging hard cock bounce free again. Soon, soon he'd be back inside that most amazing of places, her beautiful, tight, velvety cunthole!

Both his hands were now holding her head, guiding her lips down his body and she had no doubt where he wanted her to end up. When the underside of her chin bumped into his cockhead she heard him gasp and then he was pulling her mouth from his stomach and tilting her face down. Opening her lips wide she let the smooth swollen head of his cock slide over them into her mouth once again.

"Oh yeah. That's the way, get my cock wet."

Now that she knew exactly what he wanted, it was easy. Bringing her hands into play, her left hand cradled his balls while her right hand held the base of his cock and started moving up and down, just as the girls in the videos did.


"Oh fuck yeah. And take the rest of your clothes off. That's the way."

Maybe it was no longer his 'first time' fantasy but it was still fucking amazing he thought as he looked down at her. He was watching the top of her head bobbing up and down as she started sucking his cock, her lips tight and her tongue moving against his cockhead and shaft. Then as he looked down her back, one hand start tugging at her skirt, pulling it from where it was bunched around her waist, over her hips and bum, and then down her legs to fall to the floor. Now she was naked again, just the way a slave should be! And as she settled down onto her knees again, he felt her boobs against his thighs, her hard nipples drilling into his legs.

He kept her servicing his cock for at least ten minutes, one hand guiding her head up and down in an almost hypnotic dance with his hips providing an instinctive counter move. As her head swallowed him his hips pushed up, and then dropped down as her tight sucking mouth moved back up. Heaven!

It would have been good to let her keep sucking him till he filled her mouth with his come once again but he wanted more, he wanted to come deep inside her as he felt her body pressed against his. He lifted her head off his swollen cock.

"Ok, get back up here. Come on, sit up here like you were before."

As Janet clambered back onto the couch, her knees on either side of his thighs, he slid down a little further so that his wet cock was positioned under her, ready for her to sit on it.

"Sit on my cock. Come on, put my cock in you. I want to feel it sliding all the way into you."

As her hand started to position his hard cock at her slit his mouth hungrily covered hers again, his tongue pushing into her mouth. Rubbing his cockhead back and forth through her already damp slit she eased down a fraction as she lined the head up with the entrance to her vagina... no her cunt. For a moment she hesitated, her shame and humiliation surfacing, not sure if she could bring herself to voluntarily impale herself on his cock but the fear of his "punishments" was enough push her into action. Easing down she let him enter her. Start raping her again but this time apparently she was going to have to do all the work.


At first it was just the top of his cock stretching her again, filling her entrance but then she eased down more, once again feeling a cock opening her up, splitting her in two. With half his cock inside she stopped to get her breath before she lifted up a fraction and then dropped down again. This happened three more times until she had all his cock inside her, filling her totally. During all this their mouths had been glued together, his tongues invading her mouth as his cock invaded her cunt.

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