Stable Girl - Cover

Stable Girl


Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Raised at her father's stables, little Tamara only has one wish and that is to have her viginity taken by one of the horses. But her brother has other ideas about who is going to get her virginity.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Rape   Incest   Brother   Sister   BDSM   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

Larry grabbed his sister's right wrist and pulled it back harshly over her head, tugging the elbow straight.

"Please don't make it too tight," Tamara said in a tiny shaking voice that struck Larry as pitiful.

"I will tie the fucking wires as tight as I fucking please!" Larry said, spitting on his bedroom floor. He pulled Tamara's wrist so that it was pressed against the bedpost at the head of Larry's bed.

He tied the wire around her wrist and the wooden post at the same time, making it as tight as he could.

Tamara let out a squeal of pain as she felt the wire cutting into her sensitive wrist flesh, and more tears came.

She could tell that she was going to have ugly red rings around her wrists long after the bondage was removed.

"YOU ARE HURTING ME!!" the little blonde girl screamed out in protest, tossing her head wildly from side to side.

"Shut up, cunt, or I'll have to slap the shit out of you again," Larry said, his lip curled into a sneer.

Tamara did her best to keep quiet as she felt the copper wire cutting off the flow of blood to her hands.

There was a moment when she could feel pins and needles in her fingertips, but soon they were completely numbed.

Tamara could feel her knuckles in that hand getting increasingly stiffer, until she couldn't move her fingers at all.

Larry crossed around the foot of the bed, moving with large strides.

He flashed his white teeth at his beautiful baby sister.

The little girl was filled with pure hatred for Larry. She had always known that her big brother was on the weird side.

But she never suspected he would go as far as to rape her.

He circled the bed like a cat circling his prey.

He grabbed the other wrist and tied it in the same cruel manner to the bedpost at the head of the bed.

He them moved to the foot of the bed and grabbed both of her ankles at the same time, making her kick a little.

"Be still. I'm warning you," Larry said tilting his head a little to one side, his eyes burning holes through her.

Tamara remained still as he pulled her legs apart and stared boldly at the pink flesh of her virgin pussy.

Tamara could tell by her brother's manner that he would just as soon hit as look at her at that moment.

He tied her ankles to the bedposts at the foot of the bed so that her knees were locked in the straight position.

Tamara realized that she had been rendered almost completely immobile by the four pieces of copper wire.

She was certainly helpless. She could think of no way to protect herself against her horny, crazy brother.

She knew that she could do nothing to stop the tall teenage boy from having his way with her in any manner he pleased.

She could see that his hair was a shade darker than she own was, and she knew that this was because he spent a lot less time in the sun.

His skin was generally milky white, as it was almost completely untanned, but his face was very red from the flush of his ire and his arousal.

"Now you get to see your big brother's cock," Larry said.

"Keep it in your pants," Tamara said with a hateful look.

"You keep your mouth shut, bitch. I know that this is the moment you have been waiting for," Larry said.

He grabbed the bottom of his tee-shirt and pulled it up over his head, crossing his arms in the process.

Tamara could see how skinny her brother was. His ribs showed. What muscles he had, however, seemed taut and finely-toned.

She knew that the reason his skin was so white was that he spent all of his time in that clubhouse in the woods.

Tamara didn't have a good idea of what went on in that clubhouse, but she got the impression that it was disgusting.

Just like everything else her big brother did. Larry tossed his tee-shirt aside over his shoulder carelessly--without looking to see where it landed.

The sweaty tee-shirt ended up in the corner of the bedroom near the door, all crumpled up in a ball.

He then went for his belt buckle, and Tamara felt something strange happening inside her tiny body.

As Larry's long strong fingers began to unbuckle his belt she could feel herself getting horny all of a sudden.

She was a little confused by this at first, as she felt the tingling start in her pink pussy lips.

The little blonde could feel the blood pumping rapidly into both her outer and inner cunt lips by this time.

She could feel the glands inside her pussy secreting her natural lubrication for the incestuous rape.

She could feel her clitoris growing steadily, pushing well out from under its equally swollen foreskin.

She would later think of her horniness as a blessing in disguise.

There was no telling how much Larry would have hurt her if he had tried to fuck her while she was as dry as a bone.

She could feel her nipples start to burn and she saw that they too had grown larger and harder with her horniness.

She could no longer feel her toes, and she realized that the only part of her body that she could move was her head.

She could shake her head wildly from side to side whenever she pleased, and if she really struggled she could lift the back of her head from the bed a couple of inches, but this put a great strain on her neck and wasn't worth the effort.

Larry pulled his black leather belt out of all of the belt loops and folded it in half so that he was holding it by the buckle end.

He cracked the strap across his cupped palm a couple of times making a sound that reminded the virgin of firecrackers on the Fourth of July.

Larry thought about whipping her.

It seemed like fun.

But he knew he would leave marks.

He didn't want to cover her with welts.

Larry didn't want the folks to find out what he had done to his sister.

Instead the boy threw the strap aside and it scuttled across the floor, coming to a rest near his crumpled, sweat-soaked tee- shirt.

The boy could feel his cock reach full engorgement inside his pants, feeling like it was going to burst out of his underwear and jeans.

The swollen prick felt horribly cramped inside his pants and he knew that it would spring to attention the second he released it from its jail.

He quickly unbuttoned the top button of his jeans.

He grabbed the zipper to his fly between thumb and forefinger.

Tamara could see the huge bulge in the crotch of his blue jeans.

She gasped in anticipation as he prepared to expose himself.

Larry pulled the zipper to his fly all the way to the bottom.

He then hooked his thumbs under the top of his jeans and the elastic to his white underwear simultaneously.

He hitched them down together, kicking off his sneakers in the process, and his dong came popping out like some kind of horny jack-in-the-box.

Tamara could feel her tear-filled eyes going wide with awe as she got her first glimpse of Larry's manhood.

The little girl realized that she had grossly underestimated how large a human male member would be.

She could see that his prick was a full nine inches long, and thick enough to stretch her cunt painfully.

She could feel her attitude toward the rape changing rapidly, and she began to pant wildly with desire.

Her tiny youthful breasts heaved up and down with her rib- cage, and her heart began to pound loudly.

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