Fun with the Family - Cover

Fun with the Family

by Stosh79_00

Copyright© 2002 by Stosh79_00

Incest Sex Story: Brother and stepsister enjoy each others company.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   .

It was my freshman year at the Prep College. I had just come home for the summer. My parents dropped me off and I headed inside and to my room. As I sat on my bed I thought damn is this summer gonna suck. I missed all the fun I had at College and especially all the boys. I stood up and looked at myself in the full-length mirror. My body was looking good; I had worked real hard that whole year with the sports I took. My legs were like rocks the thigh muscles were like tree trunks and my tits and ass were enough to have any man drooling. I started to undress and while I was undressing I lost control and started caressing myself. I slid my hands down my belly into my already wet underwear. I slipped my finger into my pussy and started to rub my clit. Man it felt so good; I started going faster and faster. Then out of nowhere came a knock on my door... I froze like a deer in headlights.

Who is it?

It's me John... can I come in?

In a minute I exclaimed... I quickly grabbed the kimono I got as a going away present and threw it on. I loved the feel of the silk on my naked body.

Come on in.

John came in and sat down on my bed as we sat facing each other me sitting Indian style. John is really my stepbrother not my blood brother. Our parents married two years ago. I always thought he had a crush on me. He is just a year younger at 17. Anyway he asked what college was like cause he was going there in the fall. I told him a lot about the parties and my new friends. Then he hit me with the one question I knew was coming.

Did you have sex at school?

Of course, I said

Oh, I can not wait to go to school I am still a virgin and I wanna have sex so bad.

You a virgin John, you couldn't be. You're a good-looking fellow hell if you weren't my brother I would fuck you.

You would! He said as his chin hit the floor.

Yeah, I would...

As I said that my body began to heat up and that feeling between my legs started to come again. I without realizing switched my position and must have given him quite the show cause he damn near fainted. I told I'm to calm down a little and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips and said that's the end of lesson one. Goodnight John.

As John left I got up and slipped my robe off and pulled out my vibrator that I had bought at school and started to masturbate with it. I shoved it in my pussy thinking about John and his cock being in there. It felt so good and I was so into it. Now unbeknownst to me John had a peephole cut into the wall and he was watching me masturbate as he was masturbating. I came real hard and then a heard a moan that was not my own. That's when I knew that he was watching me.

I then shut off my light and went to bed...

The Next Morning...

I went downstairs with my folks and had breakfast. I started thumbing through the employment pages of the paper. I then noticed my brother had walked into the room with a full hard on. He must not have noticed, believe me I did. I told myself to look away but I couldn't. Then my mother spoke up and said that they would be leaving shortly for the weekend and that we were not to have any parties. Yeah right... I thought.

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