Mom's Horse Hunger - Cover

Mom's Horse Hunger


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Two virgin teen girls lose their virginity to a horse, after one gets taught by her own mom on how 'to-ride-a-horse'

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Lesbian   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Patti sat at the breakfast table. She was bubbling with excitement. She gulped her juice, watching as her mother stood at the stove scrambling eggs. "Betsy's coming over soon," she said.

Alice turned and smiled at her daughter. All day yesterday, Alice had been struggling with her conscience. What she had done with Patti weighed heavily on her mind. Silently, she forked our the golden eggs on Patti's plate.

"Is anything wrong, Mommy?" Patti asked.

Alice sat across from her daughter. "What we did together, I don't think we should do again."

"I understand," Patti said. "Really."

Alice felt a sudden surge of relief. "You can still have fun with Blazer," she added, knowing that her sexually oriented child wouldn't want to stop everything.

Patti smiled proudly. "I don't need Blazer. I have Tiny."

For a second, Alice was shocked. "Tiny?" She swallowed hard.

"He's terrific, Mommy." She squirmed in her chair, eager since yesterday to relate what she had done with her pony.

Alice listened as her daughter told her everything. "Just remember, Patti," Alice said. "He's not trained like Blazer.

"I'll train him," Patti said confidently. A gleam flickered in her blue eyes. "Will you still have sex with Blazer?"

Alice nodded, not wanting to lie. "Yes, but only alone. I don't want you to be limited to just me, and that could happen."

"I understand," Patti said. "In fact--"

"Go on," Alice urged. "What were you going to say?"

Patti wasn't sure if she should tell her mother what she was planning, but she took a deep breath and continued. "When Betsy comes over, I'm going to try and talk her into messing around. I think she'll want to. She's always talking about sex and everything."

Alice smiled approvingly. Betsy was a nice girl, and she sensed she was just as sexually precocious as Patti. "I'll bet you two will have a ball together."

"With Tiny, too," Patti added.

"Just be careful," Alice warned. "I don't want you or Betsy getting hurt."

"We'll be careful," Patti said. She pushed her chair back and stood. "I hope you win at the horse show today, Mommy."

Alice gave her child a warm smile. "I do too. He's ready."

Patti giggled. "I know that." She skipped away. "Send Betsy up to my room when she comes over. Okay?"

"I will," Alice said. She settled back in her chair and sipped coffee, glad that her child was expanding her sexual horizons.

Patti rushed happily up the stairs and down the hall to her room. Inside, she closed the door and stripped off her clothes, parading around naked. Her head was in the clouds. She thought about Betsy and all the fun they would have together.

She threw herself on the bed, spread her legs and stroked the soft silky blonde hair of her pussy. Warm fuck cream oozed from her virgin cunt gash, coating her excited fingers. "Ohhh, shit." She pushed a finger into her cunthole and frowned. Cherry skin blocked her path. "Today," she vowed. "No more cherry. I'll do it right in front of Betsy."

Saying it aloud and knowing Betsy would be watching sent a rippling orgasm through her highly aroused young body. She gasped, trembling as her orgasm washed quickly over her sizzling flesh.

The sound of a pickup truck broke into her thoughts. She jumped out of bed and ran to the window. "Betsy!" she squealed. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Quickly, she ran back to bed. Legs spread, eyes closed, she waited.

Having heard the pickup truck, Alice went to the door. "Hi, Betsy," she said. "Ready for the show today?"

Betsy, a dark-haired beauty a few months older than Patti, smiled up at Alice. "I just wish I had a horse to enter."

"Maybe next year," Alice said.

"Where's Patti?" Her dark flashing eyes shifted towards the living room.

"Upstairs in her room waiting for you," Alice said, her heart beating wildly. "Go on up."

Eagerly, Betsy nodded and ran up the stairs. She banged on Patti's door. "Patti?"

"C'mon in," Patti said, her heart racing, a pounding in her temples.

Betsy threw open the door and stepped inside. She stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth open, her eyes popping. "Patti!" She closed the door quickly. Her dark eyes glowed. She stared at Patti's naked body, unable to tear her gaze away from Patti's exposed pussy.

Patti's heart leaped into her throat. Impishly, she rotated her slim hips. "You're staring," she giggled.

Betsy gulped back a lump that had clogged her throat. "You better get dressed." Her voice was raspy, scratching against her dry throat. "Your mother might come up and catch you."

"My mom won't," Patti assured her. "She respects my privacy. I can do anything I want up here." She challenged her pretty friend with her glassy blue eyes. "Anything."

Betsy was mesmerized by Patti's lush naked body. She eagerly looked over Patti's smooth creamy flesh. A tremor swept through her own body and she swayed. "You better get dressed."

"Why don't you take off your clothes instead?" Patti suggested, dying to see her friend naked.

Betsy wanted to, but didn't. A virgin herself, the only sexual thing she had done was talk about it with Patti. She shook her head.

"Don't be chicken, Betsy. We got plenty of time, and you're always talking about sex. I thought today we'd do more than talk."

A wave of heated emotion swept over Betsy. "What about your mom?" she whispered.

"I told you, she won't bother us. If you want, you can lock the door."

This Betsy agreed to. The clicking of the lock rang in her ears. A nervous smile graced her face as she turned back to a smiling Patti. "I'm scared."

"Don't be," Patti said. "It's not the same as if you were stripping for a boy."

Betsy giggled. "I wouldn't strip for a boy. I'm not a tramp."

"Neither am I," Patti said. "Now let me see you." She squirmed, anxious for Betsy to rid her body of her clothes.

Betsy tried the door again to make sure. It was still locked. With the palms of her hands sweating, she undid the buttons of her plaid shirt. Heart pounding, breathing rapid and shallow, she took off her shirt under the steady gaze of Patti's glassy blue eyes.

"God, you re so big," Patti exclaimed. "Take off your bra and let me see your tits."

Caught up in the sexual atmosphere and her own desire to experiment, Betsy unhooked her bra and dropped it over the back of a chair. Her face flushed red as she jutted out her large plump tits.

"Oh, wow!" Patti squealed. "They are big!" Her mouth watered. Betsy's tits were almost as large as her mother's. Hot spasms rippled through her pussy. She wanted to suck them, feel them against her face and in her mouth. "Take off your jeans."

Betsy leered at the pink seeping gash of Patti's cunt. An overwhelming urge to show her own pussy came over her. Eagerly, she stripped her jeans down over her full hips. They dropped to the floor.

Patti gasped, leering openly at Betsy's long legs and pantie- clad crotch. She saw the dark stain where pussy juice had soaked through. A hot flash shot through her body. "Your panties, Betsy. Take them off." Patti writhed hotly on the bed, impatiently waiting for Betsy to finish stripping.

Betsy, her gaze glued to Patti's oozing pussy, peeled down her panties. Kicking her sneaks off, she stepped out of her jeans and panties, completely naked. Her heart raced as she felt Patti's eyes devour her flesh. "I'm all wet between my legs." She swayed, passion running rampant in her young body.

"So am I," Patti whispered. "See." She brought her hands down to her crotch, parted the puffy folds of her virgin cunthole.

Betsy gulped back her heart. Her knees began to tremble. "I guess we should get dressed now, huh?"

"Oh, no," Patti sighed. She scrambled out of bed and went to her trembling friend. "We can have lots of fun together." She was inches away from Betsy, dying to grab her friend's bulging tits, but she didn't.

Betsy's head whirled with passion. The closeness of Patti's naked body made her dizzy. She looked into Patti's sparkling blue eyes. "I think we should get dressed and go downstairs."

"Don't be chicken, Betsy," Patti sighed.

She licked her lips. "We always talk on the phone about sex and what we would do if a boy wanted to play with us."

Patti's low hypnotic voice had Betsy mesmerized. She nodded. "Yes, but, we said we'd never do it with a boy." Her words came out in hot little pockets of air.

"I'm not a boy," Patti giggled. "We can pretend though and do what we talked about and have fun... nobody will know but us."

The offer was tempting, yet Betsy hesitated. It was all so sudden, so unexpected. She wavered, unable to move or make a decision.

Patti made it for her. She pressed her lithe trembling body against Betsy's and slipped her arms quickly around her back. "Just hold me, Betsy." Her insides were churning.

A gasp rushed from Betsy's mouth. The contact blew her mind. Patti's body was exciting, hot. Without thinking, Betsy wrapped her arms around her aggressive friend. Together they stood silent, holding, enjoying for the first time, the touch of each other's flesh.

"Oooooo, Betsy," Patti whispered, her lips against Betsy's ear. "You feel so good."

Betsy could only moan. Patti's hot exciting body and soft words made her hot. She couldn't think, could only respond to what Patti was doing. A soulful sigh escaped her lips as she caressed Patti's back.

"Mmmmm, Betsy. I'll bet Jimmy at school would like to be holding you like this."

In spite of her tension and passion, Betsy giggled. "He's tried often enough," she managed to say. "Always trying to feel my ass when no one is looking, or grab my tits."

"He'd cream all over if he saw you naked." Patti rocked her hips, squashing her small tits into Betsy's big ones. She squirmed out of Betsy's tight grasp and openly stared at Betsy's large ripe tits. "No wonder he likes you... your tits are gigantic."

Betsy blushed. She looked at Patti's small tits. "Yours are pretty," she whispered. "Jimmy would cream if he saw you naked, too."

"Maybe we should go over to his house and surprise him?"

"Oh no!" Betsy said emphatically. "I'm not ruining my reputation. Jimmy's got a big mouth."

"I do too," Patti giggled. She stretched her mouth wide. "The better to suck your tits with."

Betsy moaned. Things were getting far beyond anything she had imagined. "Can't we just hold each other instead?"

Patti smiled and went back into her shy friend's arms. Because of her experiences with her mother and the animals, she felt older, wiser, and more mature than Betsy. "Like this?" She rubbed her flesh into Betsy's.

Betsy sighed, trembled and held Patti close. "Unnnnn, Patti." She rocked back and forth, feeling Patti's hard bullet nipples burn into her flesh like hot tiny pokers. Spasms ripped through her virgin cunt. She felt dizzy and would have fallen if she were not in Patti's arms.

"I'll bet if I were Jimmy, you wouldn't be a virgin anymore."

"Oh, Patti," Betsy gasped. "You're getting me so hot."

Patti pressed. She brought her moist lips to Betsy's neck and began kissing her throat. She used her tongue, soaking Betsy's smooth skin. She darted her tongue into Betsy's ear and felt her friend shudder.

"Patti," Betsy gasped as hot pussy cream flowed from her cunthole. "I can't stand up. My legs are so weak."

Patti led her dazed friend over to the bed. "Lie down. We can hug each other on the bed."

Like a slave, Betsy nodded and reclined on the bed. She looked up through misty eyes at the smiling Patti. "We should get dressed," she protested meekly.

Patti rolled her hips lewdly and ogled Betsy's ripe turned-on body. "Boy, you look terrific." She got down on the bed beside Betsy and took her in her arms. "Kiss me, Betsy. Pretend I'm Jimmy."

Moaning, Betsy went immediately into Patti's arms. Her moist eager lips found Patti's. Closing her eyes tightly, she plastered her mouth to Patti's.

Patti moaned, caught off guard by Betsy's quick response. She recovered, wrapped her arms tightly around Betsy's body and wormed her tongue into Betsy's mouth. She pressed her hips forward, mashing her belly against Betsy's. Her hands, anxious and eager, roamed Betsy's back, exploring the sizzling flesh, sampling every inch of Betsy's body.

Betsy responded with overwhelming passion. She too explored the newness of Patti's hot exciting body. She sucked Patti's tongue, almost pulling it out by the root. She chewed it, throwing herself with wild abandonment into the new and daring game of sex Patty had started.

Patti squirmed from her friend's tight gripping arms. "If I were Jimmy, I'd fuck you now."

Betsy was delirious. Her head swirled with emotional conflict. "If you were Jimmy, I'd let you," she moaned. "No... no," she gasped in the next breath. "I wouldn't!"

Patti was having a ball. "If I were Jimmy, I'd climb over you like this." With Betsy gasping and writhing on the bed, Patti climbed over her friend and looked down into her flushed face. She pressed her belly tight against Betsy's and wriggled her hips.

Through glassy eyes, Betsy looked up into Patti's lust-crazed face. "I wouldn't do this with Jimmy," she moaned. "He'd fuck me and then tell everyone in school." She humped up, ground her pussy into Patti's body. "God, I'm so hot."

Patti, herself floating on a cloud of lust, lowered her head and licked her tongue over Betsy's face. "Spread your legs."

Obediently, Betsy complied with her friend's request. She spread her legs wide, humped up, and ground her pussy against Patti's. She blinked and leered up into Patti's hot smiling face. "I'm still a virgin."

Patti wriggled her body, easing her thigh between Betsy's outstretched legs. She rubbed her thigh into Betsy's sopping pussy. "If I were Jimmy, you wouldn't be."

Betsy humped up. Dazed with a passion she had never before experienced, she fought it, refusing to completely surrender, afraid of what would happen if she did. "I'm not a tramp."

"Neither am I," Patti whispered. She brought her mouth hungrily down Betsy's neck, soaking a path along Betsy's sizzling flesh. She sucked noisily, licked and chewed, slowly drawing closer to the jiggling flesh of Betsy's heaving tits.

"Oh, Patti!" The realization of what Patti was going to do hit her like a ton of bricks. "Oh no, Patti! No. We mustn't." Her body wasn't agreeing. She squirmed, humped, her nipples swelling in anticipation of Patti's mouth. "No, Patti. No!"

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