Mom's Horse Hunger - Cover

Mom's Horse Hunger


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Two virgin teen girls lose their virginity to a horse, after one gets taught by her own mom on how 'to-ride-a-horse'

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Lesbian   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

With her small tits bouncing, Patti dragged her mother from the bedroom. They dashed down the stairs, laughing like two schoolgirls.

"I think this is crazy," Alice said as they reached the kitchen door.

"Yeah, but fun, right, Mommy?" Patti opened the door and peered out.

"You're right," Alice said. "Let's go." She stepped out onto the back porch and stretched, basking in the warmth of the sun. The heat felt good against her naked flesh.

Patti joined her mother, feeling older than she really was. She pinched her mother's ass and ran down the stairs. "C'mon."

Alice shook her head and watched as her daughter raced across the yard, the sunlight reflecting from her slim hips and jiggling ass. "Wait for me."

Patti stopped at the barn door, her heart racing, pounding in her ears. Her young excited body pulsed with a surging passion. "Hurry, Mommy."

"I'm coming," Alice called. Boldly, she ran down the stairs, tits flopping as she cut across the yard and joined her daughter at the barn door. She opened the door and allowed Patti to run inside first.

"Oooo, Blazer," Patti cooed, running right to his stall. She had all the exuberance of her youth and all of its sexual curiosity. She scratched the white streak that ran down his forehead. "You going to lick and chew me like you did my Mommy?" She laughed.

"Relax, Patti," Alice said. "I'll bring him out."

Patti stepped aside, ' eyes bright, face flushed. Her gaze darted to the stall where Tiny, her pony, was chewing hay. In her lust, she had forgotten completely about him. "What about Tiny? Can I do it with him?"

"I don't think so," Alice said. "Blazer has been trained." She smiled. "It was the reason I bought him."

Patti giggled, feeling grownup. "You've done it before?"

Alice led the dark chestnut stallion out to the center of the barn. "Ever since I got him."

She started to speak, but decided to wait. The rest of what she had done with Blazer could wait. She didn't want to overwhelm Patti with too much sexual knowledge. All in due time.

"Ohhh, I wish I had known." Patti stroked Blazer's flank, trembled. She was excited, horny.

Alice petted Blazer's back. She smiled. "I think things worked out for the best. If you had known before, you might not have understood."

Patti giggled. "I would have. I've been playing with myself for months." She rubbed her small budding tits into the horse's flank. "Mmmm, can I get on top of him, Mommy?"

"Sure, honey." She calmed the giant animal, stroking his thick neck. "Climb up and enjoy yourself."

Expertly, Patti pulled her lean naked body up. She straddled Blazer's back. "Ooooo, God, Mommy." Warm pussy cream gushed from her cunt. She squirmed. "I think I'm going to cum."

"Go ahead. I'll make sure you don't fall." Alice placed a hand on Patti's hip, steadying her. "Ride him, honey. Cream all over his back."

Dizzy with desire, the blonde girl humped her virgin cunt against Blazer's tough coat. Prickling hairs jabbed into her pussy folds. The horse's short hairs stabbed her cut. She was swirling on a cloud, humping and jerking her young body. "Oooo, Mommy. I want him to eat me like he ate you."

Alice understood her child's desire to try it all. "Whatever you want, honey.

Patti wrapped her arms around Blazer's neck, mashed her clit into his back and rubbed her tits into him. Hot sizzling spasms rippled through her virgin body. "Oh... ohhh! Ohhhh!"

Her head snapped back. Her exuberance had her in ecstasy. She twisted and churned on the horse's back.

Blazer, calmed by Alice's voice, remained quiet as Patti squealed and drenched his back with warm sudsy pussy juice. He flicked his tail and nudged his head against Alice's flesh.

"I'm falling... aaaaah!" Patti's passion was out of control. She swayed, slipping from the horse's back and into her mother's arms.

Both fell laughing to the hay-strewn ground.

"Shit, Mommy," Patti gasped. "I couldn't hold on." She scrambled out of her mother's arms and danced lewdly in front of Blazer.

"I can't either," Alice admitted.

Patti laughed. "I know. I saw you fall." She rubbed her tits against the soft lips of the horse, soaking her creamy flesh with his spit. "Oooo, it feels so good."

Alice pulled herself up, her glowing brown eyes catching a glimpse of Blazer's cock. A shuddering spasm tore through her cunt. She needed his prick, needed his big cock badly, but held her emotions in check. She didn't think Patti was ready.

Blazer tossed his head high, brushing against Patti and knocking her back in the hay. He dropped his head, found her virgin pussy and began chomping noisily between the little girl's long outstretched legs.

"Oooo, Mommy... he's... he's licking me!" She writhed in bliss, grinding her young cunt into the horse's mouth. "Un! Unnnn, Mommy!"

Alice stared at her daughter, Seeing her child in the throes of passion churned her own lust. She dropped her gaze once again to Blazer's cock. The temptation was there, drawing her to indulge herself. She was a slave to her own desires. She knew it, accepted it, loved it.

Patti followed her mother's gaze. She squirmed, innocent curiosity beckoning. She scrambled away from Blazer's mouth and gasped. "Mommy! Look!" The sight of Blazer's extended cock sent shivers down her spine.

"I am," Alice said weakly, tottering on the brink of giving full vent to her lustful emotions.

Blazer's balls throbbed and his cock grew longer, extending fully from the thick-skinned sheath that housed his prick. He found the child's pussy again, the sweet taste of her fuck juices inflaming his brain.

"Oh, Mommy. It's... it's so big! God!" Patti was out of her mind. She stared at his prick and at the same time enjoyed the pleasure of his greedy mouth.

"It is big, isn't it?" Alice panted. Her pussy was on fire. She needed his cock where his prick would do the most good--in her cunt. "Oh, Mommy." Patti crawled away from Blazer's mouth. She had lost all interest in getting her cunt licked. His cock fascinated her completely. "I wish I wasn't a virgin," she said dreamily.

Alice was surprised. She stared at her daughter, realizing the child was growing up faster than she had imagined. "Why, honey?" she asked, not quite sure of Patti's reasons.

Patti giggled, her cheeks flaring red. "Because, Mommy," she giggled. "I'd want his cock up inside me."

Alice nodded and blushed, her gaze drawn back to the throbbing prick hanging down between the stallion's hind legs.

Patti's face brightened. "Have you... fucked him?" She already knew the answer. It made her head spin.

Alice nodded. Her mouth watered, and her pussy seeped. She squeezed her thighs together and shook.

"Oh, Mommy. Can I fuck him?" She wanted Blazer's cock, craved his prick inside her virgin body. The thought made the insides of her cunt ache.

"He's too big for you," Alice said. "He'd rip you apart."

Patti crawled to her mother, leered hungrily at Blazer's prick. "Can I touch it?"

As Blazer stood in the center of the barn flicking his tail back and forth, Alice agreed. "Go ahead." Her voice was coated with lust.

Excited and just a little bit frightened, Patti reached under and with trembling fingers caressed the hard slab of thick cockmeat. A shuddering spasm shot up her arm. "Oooo, Mommy. Please. Please let him fuck me." She stroked the horse's prick.

Blazer neighed and tossed his head, his thick mane swishing over his muscled neck. He pawed the ground with his hoofs, and his cock throbbed under the gentle caressing fingers of the horny little girl.

"No, honey. He'd hurt you." She stared at Patti's shaking fingers which were fondling Blazer's cock.

"You do it. You fuck him." Patti looked up at her mother. "Let me watch."

Alice couldn't refuse even if she had wanted to. "Okay, honey," she panted. She grabbed a short bench. "Move out of the way."

Eagerly, Patti obeyed. She scrambled away. Eyes wide, she watched her mother position the bench beneath the horse's body.

"Will you tell me all about it?" Patti asked.

"Yes, Patti."

Patti licked her lips, her blue eyes bugging out as her mother carefully climbed on the bench beneath Blazer's body. "Does it all go inside you?" Patti asked inquisitively.

Alice nodded, never turning her eyes away from Blazer's gorgeous cock. She felt as if she were drowning. Passion enveloped her like a warm blanket.

Patti let out a gasping sigh as she watched her mother play with Blazer's long thick cock. "It throbs a lot, huh?" Patti's body was shaking, her pussy pulsing greedily for Blazer's prick.

"It sure does," Alice moaned. She squirmed on the bench, legs spread, hands gripping the horse's slab of throbbing cock. She stroked his prick, panting rapidly, preparing herself for the full impact of filling her cunt with his cock. Fucking the horse was always traumatic, always wonderful. She looked over at Patti. "I'm ready."

"Do it, Mommy. Stick his cock in you." Patti was enthralled. She had never talked dirty before, and she loved it. She also loved this new and exciting game of sex. "Fuck him, Mommy. Fuck him good."

It was strange hearing Patti talk like that. Alice giggled, getting quickly into the mood. "I'll fuck him blind," she laughed.

Blazer stood his ground. Trained, he knew what to expect. He tossed his head and whinnied, ready for whatever Alice would do. He stepped forward, fucking his cock through her two hands. The pleasure made his heavy cum-crammed balls rumble.

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