Vanity - Cover


by Anonymous

Copyright© 2002 by Anonymous

Incest Sex Story: One girl's loss leads to others' pleasures!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   Size   .

"If you have it, why not flaunt it?" Regina always used to say, especially because she 'had' it.

She was doll faced, almost seventeen, captain of the cheerleading squad, and her tits were gaining in size, seemingly, each new period... that is, each new school period!

Coming from fairly well to do parents who gave their children way too much leeway at home, Regina was one of those girls who 'played the field'.

Generally, when a girl plays the field, the next boy has already gotten a hint about how far she'll go, since most boys talk, but Regina was a cock tease deluxe and didn't mind the challenge of the next guy trying to get into her pants.

It was because Regina monopolized most of the hunks, dangling them like fuzzy dice from a rear view mirror, that she became somewhat unpopular with her fellow cheerleaders.

The brother of one of them (Mark) was never into 'jumping through hoops' for any girl, but even he became enamored by Regina's 'come hither' looks and wound up taking a turn, dating her.

The very first night, when he picked her up, she made him wait for almost forty five minutes!

But by then, Regina's fourteen year old fresmhan sister (Rosa) had come dripping wet from the back yard pool, giggling at Mark because she knew he was being made to wait on purpose. She must've felt sorry for Mark though because when she returned toward the pool, she handed Mark an iced tea.

When Mark smiled and thanked Rosa, she caught him, eye to eye, and he was quite disarming, so she delayed her trip back to the pool.

Not that Rosa should have presented any competition to Regina, she was still somewhat skinny as well as flat chested (maybe 'B' cups by the summer), but she found Mark's eyes on her, sizing her up as what, a potential partner?

She DID have those same high cheekbone, aryan doll face good looks, possibly even sweeter than her older sister in the facial department, but boys wanted sex and her body was still a kid's.

Yet Mark felt very comfortable with her presence and even begged her for another iced tea.

When she returned, Mark told Rosa she reminded him of his sister, Pamela.

Rosa said, "That's the oldest line in the book!"

Mark said, "I'm sorry, but it's true! Here, look!"

Mark took a picture of his sister and him at some sports function about three years earlier.

"Wow!" Rosa said. "She DOES look a lot like me."

And with that, Rosa started eying Mark up and down, wondering if he had ever 'done' anything with his sister since he showed such an interest in her (Rosa), if only indirectly.

Even though Rosa's bathing suit was quickly drying out, her sudden mental picture made her nipples erect and, flat chested or not, they popped out quite noticably.

This was not lost on Mark, whose pants also tented noticably!

All their mutually idle thoughts were dashed when, with the most incredible timing possible, Regina rumbled down the steps, waiting for Mark to make what she thought was an obligatory comment about how beautiful she looked tonight!

Finally, Regina went into an obvious pose and, almost visibly annoyed, asked, "Well?"

Mark, thinking quickly, whispered into Regina's ear, "If you want to know what I think about how you look, all you need to do is reach down."

As he backed away just enough for her to see, Regina smiled at his noticable 'tent' and gave Rosa one of those looks that convey possession and led Mark out the front door.

With freedom until midnight because it was a Friday night, Regina wanted to be 'seen' first, so she sort of ordered Mark to drive her to the local hangout, a fast food place near where they could illegally obtain some beer.

Mark knew that was part and parcel of their date so he capitulated. He also later maneuvered Regina into graduating from beer to something tastier!

Instead of coming back with a six pack of beer, he had a six pack of pepsi, but along with that was a half liter of Southern Comfort!

Regina immediately made a face, claiming that Southern Comfort was like battery acid, but Mark smoothly reminded her, "Southern Comfort no longer comes only in 100 proof. It's down to 70. Cripes, my grandmother can swig it straight!"

He continued, "So many people love rum and coke, but when I switched to Southern Comfort, I never went back!"

(Mark pretended to have been drinking for quite a while, as if it meant he was an adult, a typical male teen bravado.)

Regina had a somewhat full stomach from her burger, fries, and onion rings so she showed herself to be 'game' and let Mark pour some SC into her pepsi, as well as his.

When they were later joined by other dating couples from school, she offered them some mixed drinks as if it had been her idea, all along.

It only takes two or three drinks and a little time to make young teenage girls tipsy, or to let them pretend to be tipsy so they can quickly allow boys up their blouses, but from there on in, they have to fend for themselves.

With drive-ins almost totally extinct and too much illumination in many of the formerly popular parking strips, Mark had found a wonderful side road in a park that was seldomly patrolled.

With three or four cars there, the girls felt safer than otherwise and many a boy got their first hand job.

Mark knew he would be rebuffed, but he gamely went up Regina's blouse, finding her more than willing to be felt up.

When he put Regina's hand on his bulge, he half expected her to slap him but, (surprise!), she squeezed him to firmer life!

Taking that cue, and guessing she was tipsy, Mark kissed Regina hotly about the lips and face, continually fondling her breasts, and to his great surprise, Regina kept fondling his penis through the pants.

Regina hadn't even noticed when Mark popped the snap of her jeans, but there was no mistaking the sound of her zipper going down. She also felt a cool rush of air against her panty.

In an instant, like a light switch being snapped, Regina put her hand atop Mark's and said, "Na-uh! I didn't come here to fuck on the first date!"

Mark, surprised he even got THAT far, didn't go for the home run, but when he casually asked her to relieve his case of blueballs by wanking him, he found his tipsy date happy for the compromise.

While she had her hand on his penis, it seemed Regina felt safe, so when Mark's lips suddenly engulfed a nipple, instead of another rebuke, Regina cradled him to her bosom!

Their mutual masturbation finally led to a last confrontation, with Mark asking Regina to finish him with her mouth!

When she protested, he offered to finish her any way she wanted, but she remained adamant on this point.

Mark was forced to ejaculate into tissue that Regina held over his glans.

When he offered her another drink, Regina saw through the facade. She was disappointed that Mark was just like the other boys and demanded to be taken home instantly.

As he lit up the engine, Mark reminded Regina that they could clearly hear noises that indicated other couples had gone further than just petting.

Regina calmly defended herself, saying, "I'm not them! Let's go!"

Mark knew at least to not speed since he might flunk a breathylizer test, and he calmly reminded Regina that despite the fact that he tried to seduce her, he wasn't a forcible rapist, stopping when she said stop, just like the teenage ritual is supposed to work.

Regina, perhaps still tipsy to some degree, and mildly annoyed that now she was home by 10:15 when she could've been out until midnight, let Mark bring her in via the back door near the pool. When he tried to kiss her 'goodnight', she told him, "You're all wet!" and she pushed him. He flew backwards, splashing into the pool, fully clothed!

Her last words, as she went through her door were, "That'll cool you off!"

Mark decided to make the best of his punishment and he stripped out of his clothes, entirely. He thought twice about leaving them on the side of the pool lest Regina pull some stunt on him and snatch them, so he piled them onto one of the floating rafts.

He knew Regina could see him from her window, so he gently floated on his back while brandishing his penis for her perusal.

Despite some 'shrinkage', Mark's package was clearly an asset, but when Regina's light went out, he didn't know whether she was stealing unseen glances or really went to sleep, or maybe just went into another room, so he figured he'd cool down, sober up, and then wring out his duds as best he could and go home.

His manhood suddenly came alive, not ten minutes later, when he saw Regina sneak silently toward the pool, remove her top and bikini bottom, and slide into the water quietly, not expecting him to notice her in the dark.

She was a surprisingly gifted swimmer, Mark noticed, because she didn't even surface until she was maybe fifteen feet away. She got some air, and disappeared under the water again.

When he felt her hands on his hips, Mark wanted desperately to pull her against him frontally, but in a shocking turn of events, his penis was suddenly enveloped by warm lips urging him to greater heights! He couldn't help the bucking of his hips as he tried to finish off inside Regina's throat. She let him!

When he let go, she only mildly backed off, but she dutifully drank virtually all his jism!

Now it was his turn, and Mark gulped some air and dove down to her warm pussy as her legs parted to let him work.

He worked as best he could, but each time he came up for breath, Regina dove under, momentarily.

Finally, they found themselves with her braced against the side of the pool by her arms while Mark tended to her floating vulva, and he became animated, chewing her clit until her muffled scream indicated that she climaxed under Mark's active tongue.

Mark was hotter than a firecracker. His penis was back up again, and he knew he was gonna get laid tonight!

It became a game of cat and mouse, Mark chasing Regina around her pool, always just being out of reach until, with a lunge, he found himself atop his quarry with his penis aligned along her butt crack.

They had made it to shallow water and breathlessly, he heard her murmer, "Do it quickly," as if she had reservations about this next dramatic step!

Mark found himself hovering over this damsel, their genitalia just inches off the water. He felt if they touched that water right now, they'd hiss from the heat!

He put some spit on the tip of his penis and rubbed it along that wonderfully soft pussy groove while his girl cooed.

He put another wad on it and found her opening, gaining two or three quick inches of insertion.

Then, Mark grabbed her hips and hunched hard, not even shocked to find he had just taken her maidenhead, confirmed by her sudden wincing, almost a scream, as she bravely gave up her prize to him!

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