Laura's Ball Club - Cover

Laura's Ball Club


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Not being able to join a regular baseball or hocky team, 12 year-old Laura is seduced into joining an Elite Ball Club.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

"I didn't see them leave, did you?" Laura suddenly asked, pulling herself out of Mack's passionate embrace.

"Who cares?" was all he seemed able to mutter. He pulled her toward him again.

But Laura was feeling hungry and a little upset by the fact that Pete could so easily switch from her to Janie. It was not that she didn't like Mack or find his kissing very nice, but that she knew people who jumped around from mate to mate did not make very good reputations around school. Pete had started to make love to her yesterday, which by every rule she knew, was an expression of interest in her, Laura Cutter! Why was he now giving his attention to Janie Farragut? She didn't understand, and she was jealous.

"I'm hungry," she said, pushing Mack away. "Let's find out if they'll eat now."

Mack Toohey sighed. With all the alcohol he had poured into her by way of the punch, she still had her defenses up. Laura Cutter was not an easy lay, as the saying went, nothing like Janie Farragut! In fact, if he knew Janie and Pete... Hey! Maybe that was the answer! There was no doubt that wherever Janie and Pete were, they were surely making love. What else did a guy do with Janie Farragut? And since that was unarguably true, their love-making might very well be the solution to his problem with Laura! If Laura could watch someone else, someone who really knew how to make love, wouldn't that inspire her to want some of the same? Now Mack was excited! Yes, he too wanted to find Pete and Janie.

"Are you hungry? Really?" he asked Laura. "Gee, I seem to be hungry also. Funny, I hadn't noticed it before." He rose to his feet and pulled her up by the hand. He watched her hair cascade down over her ass... "Boy, it sure is long," he murmured, without realizing that he was saying anything out loud.

"Have they been gone long?" she asked surprised. "Did you see when they left? Which way did they go?"

"I... uh..." Mack looked around himself. Then he heard something. He heard what sounded like a moan. They were human sounds, at any rate, and they came from over the little hill, toward the brook. "I believe they went this way," he told her, reaching for her hand.

At the top of the little hill, almost through the trees, in sight of the brook, Laura froze in abject horror. Involuntarily, a small cry burst from her throat but was lost like a bird song in the woods. She felt as though someone had kicked her in the stomach. She couldn't seem to find her breath, and she stood stock still, gasping, her eyes bulging wide with sheer disbelief.

What she saw was a rite as old as time itself being performed like a tribal bath in a primitive spring. It was the perverted rite of fellatio, a disgusting practice which Laura had heard about at school amidst obscene tittering and blushes. She had heard women did this sort of thing for money but that a woman had to be pretty degenerate to do it for pleasure. It was something pimps got their whores to do for them, maybe, but not something a decent man expected of any decent woman. She wondered who of Pete and Janie was to blame.

Janie was no prostitute. She couldn't be, and somehow Pete DePow was just too nice to be as evil as she had always thought a man must be, one who allowed such things to be done to him. Yet there had to be some explanation. Janie Farragut was kneeling now in the rushing stream of water amidst the stones and a naked tree root, her head slaving up and down over Pete DePow's groin, her lips sliding around his huge, erect blood-swollen prick hungrily as if it were some obscene peppermint stick or licorice. His hands were wrapped in her dark hair, urging her on to even faster bobbings and lickings, and there was on his face a mask of pure and mindless lust. His lips were pulled back over his teeth; spittle was dribbling out onto his chin, and he had both his legs spread wide, one heel resting on the banking and the other on a stone on either side of the sucking dark-haired twelve year old kneeling between them.

Unable to help it, a strangled gasp escaped Laura's throat, a gasp of nightmarish rejection of the sickening picture burning the retinas of her eyes. She thought it was the sun in her eyes, but she was still standing in the shade of the trees. It was tears. She staggered backward, wanting to turn and flee, run, get out of there, blot such a terrible scene from her mind! For the first time, she realized that she had worn the shorts for Pete DePow, and this was the way she was repaid!

However, Mack caught hold of her, restraining her, preventing her from taking her gaze from the wildly jerking couple in the brook. He smiled with knowing satisfaction as he watched with admiration the way Janie's mouth and tongue were working around Pete's lust-hardened cock. Damn, but she could really give a blow job! His own cock leapt into instant arousal, watching her, and the feel of Laura Cutter's soft resilient flesh trembling under his hands sent little ripples of heat flashing through his groin.

"Pete's quite the lover, isn't he?" Mack said but with his eyes glued to Janie.

"Gollleeee!" Laura wailed in undisguised misery. "How could he? How could he?" She leaned back against Mack almost without realizing it while her mind fought to accept the reality of what she was seeing, that the lover she had thought was hers... wasn't.

"Do you realize what's happening there, Laura?" Mack asked softly, his voice almost hypnotic. "That's Pete and my girl friend, and they're making love, oral love, the best kind of love."

"Yes! Oh, no!" The words tore from little Laura's throat in almost pleading tremolo, as if she was trying to convince herself that it couldn't be happening. Her brain seethed with tumbling, reeling thoughts and emotions.

Christ, what if she had told her mother she had a date with Pete DePow? The whole town would have had its collective eye on her. How embarrassed she would have been! Pete had to think of things like that. It wasn't fair! All Laura could hope for was that her mother didn't guess at the reason for her dress and shorts today if she had seen them. Ever her mother's wild guesses were apt to circulate through the town. She had seen that happen.

And what about this so-called wonderful Pete? He certainly wasn't very faithful! Here he was, the very next day, lying with another girl's mouth on his blood-bloated prick, letting her kiss him there, obviously enjoying it, the way his face was twisted like some beast in beat, letting Janie do that to him while the girl he had first made love to... but had she been first? Well, Mack said that Janie was supposed to be his girl! What a sick, foul, perverted, disgusting thing to happen, right before Laura's and Mack's eyes.

And speaking of Mack, he was holding her very tightly now, and she suddenly became aware of a prodding against her asscheeks and the pounding of his heart. She shuddered, trying to turn. Did Mack have an erection watching this? Gosh all fishhooks, was he aroused? How could anyone, any decent person, get aroused from watching something like this?

As if sensing her thoughts, Mack Toohey moved his pelvis against her ass lightly, and in her ear, he whispered in the same mesmeric tone as before, "It's really exciting to watch, though, don't you think so? I kind of like watching Janie make love to someone else. It arouses your passions, doesn't it? It makes you want to make love yourself, doesn't it, Laura?" He was petting her very long blond hair.

"Oh, noooooo!" she moaned. What was the matter with Mack? Had he taken leave of his senses, acting this way, talking like that? Was he crazy or something? She didn't know Mack at all, in spite of the years they had spent playing baseball and hockey on the same or opposite teams, that was plainly evident. She didn't know what kind of boy he was deep inside at all. Why, it was almost as if he were reveling in the sickness before their eyes, in the horrible thing his own girl and best friend were doing together, as if he had known all along that it would happen and maybe was waiting expectantly for it.

"Will you look at the way Janie moves her mouth up and down a guy's cock?" Mack intoned behind her, his breath hot in her ear. "Just look at the way her mouth works on his prick. Man oh man! That's exciting, isn't it? You feel aroused watching it, don't you, Laura?"

"No! I sure don't!" she flung at him, struggling to break free, but his grip was like iron on her. She felt anger rising, replacing the shocked horror which had numbed her mind until then. Here in front of her was the end of her first love! This had been the love for which she had given up everything! She had lost all interest in baseball, in hockey, in everything! Did Mack expect her to be pleased about that? Was he kidding? The line between love and hate was a lot thinner than she had ever suspected as she crossed it while she watched what should have been the breaking of her heart. But she wouldn't let herself be hurt. Not by the likes of Pete Depow. No sireeee!

And she hated Mack Toohey, also, hated him almost as much as she did Peter DePow, for he was a party to this animalistic depravity. Somehow she was sure of that. No wonder there was alcohol in the punch.

She twisted and jerked in the young athlete's grasp but in vain. She was breathing hard, her eyes locked on the tableau before her, watching Janie's undulating ass lashing the rushing water in lewd motion as she slavered her mouth up and down around Pete's long hard lust-bloated cock. Her wet dark hair shone in the sunlight with glints of dark gold and the tips of it were fanned out, floating in the water over Pete's belly, and her tongue was lashing furiously around and around the head of the cock in her mouth on the outstroke. There was the same mindless lust, contorting her features as was contorting Pete's.

"Watch them. See that? Watch, Laura," Mack commanded hypnotically, holding her still, "Watch my girl suck Pete's hard cock."

His salacious words brought a gasp from Laura, but even so, she found herself obeying Mack's words for some reason. She was watching, watching with widening eyes, and her struggles ceased in spite of the fact that the hot anger of moments earlier, tempered somewhat now, still remained. The strong boy behind her began to whisper more obscene remarks into her ear, and his hand moved around under her titties, the forearm raising them up as he held her. He was telling her again how exciting it was to watch the perverted lovemaking in the brook, how it gave vent to rising passions to see other people doing it.

Suddenly, in spite of herself, Laura became aroused. She could feel her nipples harden beneath the shirt she wore, beneath the brassiere she had finally felt inspired to wear. She could feel her cuntal juices begin to flow as they had yesterday when Fido, the black-haired German Shepherd had brought her to her first climax. She tried to will the unwanted desire away, tried to turn her eyes from the lascivious sight of Pete and Janie, but she could do neither. The passion was growing inside her now, for once kindled, it was spread rapidly, like an inferno consuming her flesh, causing her to tingle deliciously all over.

Mack Toohey, sensing her arousal, felt a growing triumph. It was going to work out even better that the plot he and Pete had hatched after all! Laura Cutter was going to come across; he felt sure of it now. He had been right in his appraisal of the hidden depths of this girl, whom he had noticed in several baseball and hockey games for a couple of years now. He had suggested her to Pete before he had wanted her himself, but now, he could hardly wait!

He renewed his whispering into her ear with more and more lewd words and suggestions, and his hand moved up to cup one of her tits, lightly kneading it. Christ, some day she was going to have nice tits, he suspected! She wasn't protesting now, either. She was watching Janie sucking Peter off, and she wasn't fighting his advances. He pressed his blood-swollen erect cock tighter against her asscheeks, insinuating the hardened bulge into the soft yielding crevice between her asscheeks.

"My girl and Pete, Laura," he breathed into her ear. "My girl and Peter DePow fucking. That's what they're doing, you know. Janie is mouth-fucking Pete. Janie and Pete making love. Why shouldn't we make love, Laura? Why shouldn't you and I fuck? I want to fuck you, Laura. I want to fuck you right here, right now, while we watch your Peter and my Janie. I want to fuck you standing up here between the trees with your long hair blowing."

Laura Cutter's twelve year old mind was still a seething turmoil of anger and hatred and confusion, made irrational by the amount of liquor she had consumed in his cranberry punch, but she was rapidly becoming swamped by her rising passion. Mack's words were taking their toll now. She could feel his hand on her titty, knew she should take it away, stop him from touching her like that. She could feel his prick, hard between the sensitive cheeks of her ass, barely protected by the skimpy shorts, and she knew she should stop that, too. But the feelings they evoked were pleasant, adding fuel to her excitement, and she didn't want to stop. She wanted to... wanted to... make love! She wanted Mack Toohey, handsome Mack Toohey to make love to her!

The sudden, overwhelming realization made Laura's head pound rhythmically. Yes, God help her, that's what she wanted! She wanted him to do what he was whispering in her ear, wanted him to... to fuck her! She wanted to be fucked! If she could enjoy being fucked by a dog, surely she would enjoy being fucked by a boy even more! Of course, she had hoped it would be Pete, but Mack was real nice and... and... a bird in the hand, as her grandmother always used to say, was worth two in the bush! Nothing else seemed to matter right now, anyway. And if Pete no longer mattered, why not be fucked by Mack? What could Pete say, seeing what he was doing! If he was going to hurt her, well, she could just as well hurt him, she thought irrationally. Besides, the prurient desires which were raging in her flesh had as much right to be satisfied as his did!

"Laura," the handsome dark athlete was whispering, "Laura, I want to fuck you while we stand here watching Janie suck off Pete! Doesn't that sound exciting? Laura? I want to fuck you while we..."

"Yes! Yes!" she heard herself hissing. "Yes, Mack, yesssss! I want you to fuck me!"

Mack's hand squeezed her small titty harder, and his breath exploded into her ear. Those were the words he had waited through glass after glass of cranberry punch to hear! He cupped both of her young tits, moving his pelvis tight behind her.

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