Laura's Ball Club - Cover

Laura's Ball Club


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Not being able to join a regular baseball or hocky team, 12 year-old Laura is seduced into joining an Elite Ball Club.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

They were to take their bicycles on the picnic. Pete said jokingly that Fido couldn't come because no one could compete with him. Laura didn't see what there was to joke about, but she said nothing, smiling wanly. Anyway, it was Fido's job to take care of the club house while the boys were away, Pete said. Laura wondered why he didn't say members, instead of boys, but she said nothing because she realized that if Janie had not yet finished her initiation and Laura had only just started, they might be the only girls so far. She didn't feel like arguing. She was a little girl in crisis. All last night she had tried to get herself excited about baseball. She had thumbed through her well worn baseball cards. When that failed, she had pulled out her scrap book on the Toronto Maple Leafs, but one picture blurred right into the other. Yet, blushingly, she could remember Pete's touch as though she had been feeling it all her life.

In the morning, when she started to dress for the picnic, she found herself unable to decide between jeans and shorts, when not so long ago the choice of jeans would have been incontrovertible. Now, having noticed that her legs were thinning and becoming most pleasant to look at, she wanted to wear the shorts. She would, of course, get a better tan on her legs if she wore the shorts, so lying to herself for her own peace of mind, she put on the brief little green shorts that she had really outgrown. Her mother had despaired of buying more to keep up with her growth because she had always claimed she wouldn't be caught dead in shorts!

Pete DePow was providing the sandwiches and Janie was bringing cupcakes. Mack was bringing something to drink, and Laura raided the refrigerator for fruit. She was glad she had something easy and could get out of the house before her mother found her in the kitchen and tried to hold her up with innocent- sounding questions about the DePow's. Laura knew that whatever she said would turn into gossip that would circle the town inside of one day, so she had told her mother that she and Janie were going for a bike ride and were taking lunch.

There had been no mention of boys, but something in her mother's eyes the night before when she told her of the picnic made Laura suspect that her mother knew Janie would not be her only companion today.

It was too hot to bicycle very far. Laura congratulated herself on the wisdom she had shown in wearing shorts, and the boys soon had their shirts off and tied around their waists. Pete needed the girls to rub him down with suntan oil if he was to wear no shirt in the sun.

"I'd blister so badly that my freckles would all peel off," he said, and Laura found the remark so funny she had trouble stopping laughing. She felt a strange pride, too, that she didn't understand, being out there on the open road, rubbing a boy down with suntan oil in front of passing cars, what few passed.

Where they stopped for lunch was a wooded area that gave welcome shade from the sun. They leaned the bikes against the trees, and where they stopped they could hear the sound of running water.

"It's a brook," Mack explained. "Sometimes there's even fish in there. Do you like to fish?" he asked Laura. For some reason, Mack had been paying Laura a great deal of attention since they stopped, and Pete seemed to have gravitated toward Janie.

"Yes," said Laura, remembering that she once had liked fishing and so probably would again some day. The only fishing she felt like doing right now though, was for Pete DePow, and there he was with her best friend, Janie Farragut, not doing anything terribly suspicious, but paying a little more attention to the dark haired girl than to the blond.

"Hey, did you ever think of taking out your pigtails?" Mack asked her suddenly. They weren't eating yet. It was far too early, but they had decided to cool off with some of the punch Mack had brought in a gallon thermos.

"This punch is good," she said before answering his question about her hair. "The trouble with cranberry flavor is, though, it makes you drink more, I think."

"That's why I brought a whole gallon," Mack said, filling her paper cup again without being asked. "Let's take out your pigtails."

"Why?" she asked. Janie's hair was short enough to wear loose. "It's too hot."

"Is your hair long?" Mack asked. He had never in all their lives paid so much attention to her, not even when he was on her team and she scored well.

"It sure is," she assured him. "Too long."

"A girl's hair can never be too long," he assured her, reaching for one of the braided plaits.

At one time, Laura would have instantly retorted that she did not notice he was wearing his hair that long. She would have asked why a girl's hair had to be any longer than a boy's. But she was now beginning to feel a reason even if she could not yet express what that reason was in so many words. She felt Mack removing the elastic, and she couldn't bring herself to stop him. Her hair was very long, because her mother didn't want to have it cut. For the first time in years, she was feeling grateful in some inexplicable way for that long hair and her mother's strength of will. She knew that the length of it would impress the boys, and impressing them had become important.

Now she felt Mack's finger drawing the strands apart, combing through it. He undid the other braid, too. Then he took his own comb out of his hip pocket and proceeded to comb it, the entire length. He didn't say much but kept combing and combing. It felt so good, that she watched the trees silently and let him comb. From time to time, he refilled her glass with the sweet cranberry- tasting punch, and she found herself growing giddy, wanting to float away, and not knowing at all what gave her such sublime feelings.

By the time Mack kissed her, Laura was floating on such a pleasant euphoric cloud, that she didn't even realize how it got started. But she was aware now that there had been something alcoholic in the punch and that she was drunk! Gosh, it felt very good to be drunk. Why hadn't she ever gotten drunk before? It was at that point in her questioning that she felt strong hands pulling her to her feet so that she dropped her empty cup. She felt strong arms encircle her, and she saw Mack's smiling handsome face before her blurred eyes. She brought her arms up as though it were the most natural and accepted action in the world and clung to Mack's neck as he kissed her, opening her mouth eagerly to accept his tongue. Pete was a forgotten mirage. Wantonly, she rubbed her blossoming tits against Mack's naked chest, enjoying the feeling of sensuality which the liquor had sent rippling through her body and Mack's embrace was magnifying. She could feel his prick pressing against her belly. She felt it jerk slightly in his pants, and she knew he was aroused by her passionate kiss.

She thought liquor was supposed to smell, but his breath smelled sweet and warm, she thought numbly as she kissed him. Gosh, he really knew how to kiss, too. His lips were so soft. Laura was feeling slightly wicked, letting Mack Toohey kiss her this way, right in front of everyone else. Suddenly, his mouth pressured hers open very wide, and his tongue slipped along her wetly parted lips before plunging in farther than before. She felt wonderful tremors of excitement course through her at such familiarity, such closeness. In spite of herself, instead of feeling angry or frightened, she was being oddly responsive to his invasion of her mouth. She clung to him almost as passionately as she had clung to Pete and... and the dog! She allowed Mack's moistly flicking tongue to fill her mouth for a long moment more, swirling round and round her own, before she drew back, giggling, of all things, to break the embrace.

Pete and Janie watched with amusement for a little while, but the scene was too much, and Janie was more the temptress than Laura. Her twelve year old lips were already full and sensuous and often glistened invitingly because of her damn habit of moistening them constantly with the tip of her little pink tongue, making a guy want to taste them more and more each time he looked at them. She had adopted the habit from her mother without thinking.

By the time Pete turned to Janie, she was smiling, and her eyes said that she knew what he wanted to do and that it was just fine with her. She opened her arms to him, and he pressed in close to her, feeling the taut, hard-nippled firmness of her developing tits brand his chest hotly, even through her tank top. Then his lips were on hers, and her tongue flickered into his mouth to fuse with his, teasing along the ridged roof and over his teeth.

Christ Almighty, thought Pete. No wonder Mack had given him trouble about switching girls for the picnic! Janie was a real surprise and knew how to French-kiss better than he had ever had any girl do it. Now he couldn't wait to get her other ways as well!

Janie Farragut's hot probing tongue began to flash in and out of Pete's mouth as if she was trying to rape him with it, and he felt his prick give an involuntary leap of arousal. The dark- haired, freckle-nosed beauty seemed to sense his passion and wantonly ground her pelvis against his loins, moving her hips in a lewd circular motion. Christ in heaven, what was she doing? Wow, she was something. It felt like she trying to screw him standing up, right there with all their clothes on! Hell, she dry-fucked better than any girl he knew could actually make love, and his eagerly throbbing cock was almost erect from her erotic movements against him.

But then suddenly Janie withdrew her tongue from his mouth and pulled back, smiling sultrily at him, with her eyes smoky- looking and half-lidded. She smoothed down her tank top with the palms of her hands, and Pete flushed at the bulge along the right leg of his trousers. He darted a look to see if the others were watching, but they were too involved in their own lovemaking. Janie was laughing merrily as though he had told a joke, and he poured them each another punch from the jug, hoping his prick would go down. It was not that he would not use it later, but he and Mack had planned a kind of four-way deal. Still, his mind was filled with lewd thoughts of Janie alone, how she would look and feel nakedly spread out beneath him on the ground with her cloud of dark hair tangled in his fingers while he fucked into the tightness of her hungering cunt again and again. His restlessly stirring cock ached with a growing lust, and it was rising again into half-erectness from his thoughts alone.

Pete DePow was sure his face and neck must be flushed red and not with sunburn. He supposed his pulsating prick could be seen by Janie. He and Mack had meant to heat the girls up, but Laura would take much longer, and he had to wait. Would Janie become impatient or angry? She surely knew what was on his mind. Suddenly, she spoke.

"I can hear water, Pete. Where is it? Let's go see!"

That would be something to do while they waited for Mack and Laura, he thought, grateful to her. He took her hand and led her up a little hill and through a ring of trees to a brook that was not more than six inches deep but was fast enough to sound like a river of miniature waterfalls as it rushed over all the stones that were scattered throughout its course. They were standing there watching the water, listening to its refreshing music, when Janie surprised him.

"Do you still have a hard-on, Pete? Let me see," she said, grinning. "Let me see if that beautiful freckled cock of yours is still hard!"

"What... what do you mean 'freckled'?" He tried to keep everything light and easy, just for a little while longer. Mack had not told him that Janie was this forward. Now he saw her eyes lower to the front of his trousers and her lips formed a mock pout when she saw that there was no longer a bulge present.

"I didn't think you just wanted to see the old brook," she said petulantly. But then she laughed softly, sensually. "I was sure you wanted to fuck me. I thought that you would like to put your big hard cock into my sweet cunt and fill me up with a great load of your cum. Wasn't I right, Peter DePow?"

Quite involuntarily, Pete's prick jumped once more into erection at the continued lasciviousness of Janie Farragut. It was throbbing wildly in his pants and his brain was reeling. He and Mack were supposed to be initiating these girls into sex, not the other way around. What was the matter with her; was she over- sexed? Christ, maybe she had made every kid in her school and he and Mack were just fools. She leaned close to him now and put her hand on his still naked chest. She let it remain there for a moment before she moved it slowly down over his stomach and began tantalizingly stroking the pulsating bulge in his pants.

"Well, Pete?" she asked, her breath like hot flowing honey against his cheek. "Did we come here to fuck or didn't we? Don't you want to fuck me?"

He didn't know what to think or say. Maybe it was the alcohol in the punch that affected her this way, although Laura had been given far more than Janie.

"Say, if you could wait a bit, Janie," he begged her. He thought he ought to turn and walk down stream a little, cooling her off that way, but he was rooted to the spot. The pressure of her gently kneading fingers on his balls and prick brought great swirling billows of heat rising upward through his loins, and his testicles ached almost painfully with sexual need.

"Wait for what, Peter?" she asked. "My cunt is on fire! Can't you tell? And your cock keeps getting big. What are we waiting for?"

Pete DePow was vainly trying to remember what his and Mack's plans had been for the girls, but his attempts were in vain. His mind was a blank. Janie was rhythmically stroking his lust- swollen cock and balls now through his trousers, moving closer to him so that the tips of her still not full tits touched his chest. Then she leaned forward, and her lips touched his cheek. Her tongue came out like a molten firebrand and traced a quick, liquid path down over his jawline and then back up over his lips before she drew her head back again.

"Gosh, Janie!" he managed to say.

"I want to fuck, Peter," she pouted but in a sensuous tone of voice. "I want you to fuck me, and I want to fuck you. Don't you like to fuck?"

Christ, what a silly question. He was trembling almost uncontrollably, his mind awhirl with panic. He wished he could remember what the plans had been. He didn't want to spoil anything, but this was a staggering situation, and he simply couldn't think. He could feel the heat of lust rising still higher inside of him from her ministrations, from her lips and tongue, threatening to consume him completely. His whole being was crying out for release.

"First I'll suck you," the twelve year old offered, and the licentious words tore through Pete like a hot knife. "First I'll take your big cock in my mouth and suck you. Maybe I'll even suck you until you cum, if you want, until you fill my mouth with your hot sticky semen. Then later we could fuck, too."

It didn't seem to Pete at this point that there was any reason why he couldn't make love to Janie first and then move on to whatever those magnificent group plans were that they had made. And they couldn't be that great anyway, he decided, if he couldn't even remember them!

"You think you want to?" he asked, not knowing whether he hoped she would say yes or no.

"Yes," she answered sensuously, squeezing and stroking down between his legs. "You do want me to suck you don't you, Pete? You want me to suck you and fuck you, suck you and fuck you, suck you and fuck you..." She was bearing down at him while she crooned the obscenities, grinning, her eyes sparkling now where they were sensuously half-lidded before. It was as though she were trying to hypnotize him. Jesus! As though he had to be hypnotized to let himself get sucked off! What had Mack been teaching this girl? Well, man, it was Mack's fault if he couldn't wait for later. Pete had to have Janie right now. Nothing mattered but the acute pleasure-pain in his groin, nothing but this hot-blooded little pixie who was stroking and caressing him.

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