Laura's Ball Club - Cover

Laura's Ball Club


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Not being able to join a regular baseball or hocky team, 12 year-old Laura is seduced into joining an Elite Ball Club.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

If her mother noticed the dress, she didn't make any indication. She was too much in a hurry, had been interrupted in whatever she had been doing, also.

"Telephone," she told Laura briefly as soon as her young daughter appeared. Then the mother returned to the kitchen.

Laura was a little out of breath, whether from the frustrated and unfinished love-making or from the strain of hiding her guilt from whoever, specifically her mother, might see, it would be hard to say. Nevertheless, her breathing was a little hard, raspy. She paused a few moments before taking the receiver from the telephone bench where her mother had placed it to await her coming. She sat down, took one deep breath, and tried to speak in as normal a tone of voice as she could muster.


"I feel terrible and have to apologize," a voice thinly said after a pause. It was Pete DePow. Of all the nerve! Yet, she couldn't be too angry. She couldn't shake the memory that upstairs just now, on the bed, she had just about willed him to be with her. Who knows? Maybe that's why he was calling. Maybe he knew she wasn't really mad, at least not any more.

"I guess we might as well forget it," she said sternly. Gosh, she didn't know what to say! She couldn't admit to him that she... well... that she liked him! And on the other hand, she hadn't really had the time to think it all out, but she had a sneaking suspicion that it would be better if she made herself get over all this and went back to concentrating on baseball and hockey.

"I don't know if I can forget it, Laura. I... you're pretty special, you know. I decided, though, that I just won't stay alone with you any more. Will that be all right? You do still want to join the club, don't you? You wouldn't let a little... slip like that get in the way, would you?"

It wouldn't hurt to be forgiving, would it? Laura asked herself. And as long as he promised not to trust himself alone with her, she should be all right, shouldn't she? A nasty little devil in the back of her mind hinted to her that she didn't want to be that all right, but she thrust the naughty thought away.

"I suppose," she mumbled. She didn't have time to say what it was she supposed before Pete's voice came back to her all excited.

"Great!" he exclaimed. "Janie and Mack are at the clubhouse now. I gotta do something, but you come back and they'll tell you about things, okay?"

"Okay," she muttered. She was just hanging up the telephone when her mother returned to the hallway.

"Who was that? I didn't recognize his voice," her mother said.

"Oh, Peter DePow." she said, not without some pride that she knew him.

"You look lovely in that little dress," her mother enthused before the name she had heard registered on her brain. "DePow? Any relation to Ernest DePow?" her mother asked, stunned.

"I don't know. His son, maybe," Laura said, now sorry she had been proud of her new friend and had mentioned his name. Her mother was bearing down on her, forgetting whatever errand had brought her through the hall. She looked as though she were bursting with a million questions. "Look, Mom, I don't really know and I got to go in a big hurry."

Her mother's face look disappointed, rejected. Laura, forgetting that she was wearing a dress, bolted out the door in her usual fashion, like a barn-crazed colt let out to pasture for the first time in a long winter.

Laura easily remembered the way to Peter's house, and she turned into the yard not knowing whether she hoped someone saw her going into such an important place or hoped no one saw her because she understood now that playing with Pete was going to make of her a social oddity in her family and among her relatives. They would all stop making fun of her boyish interests and start to talk to her like a human being, and she didn't know if she could take that notoriety. There was a price to fame that she hadn't known about before she had seen it in her mother's avid eyes. Thinking about that, she wondered about something else. If everybody bugged a person for being a friend of someone important like Peter, what must it be like to actually be Peter DePow? Maybe that's why he had to go to a private school and play baseball in some other secret place, part of a secret club. Gosh, imagine having to sneak around avoiding people all the time! How lonely!

By the time she had finished that kind of wondering, she had arrived at the big red maples, and there was Janie.

"Mack's gone to get some sodas," her girl friend explained. "Pete will be awhile. I'm going to get some cookies or something. Would you mind picking up the club house a little?" Janie asked.

"No, I don't mind," Laura said generously. She was feeling kindly and understanding now after her sympathetic thoughts of Pete and all the problems he must have being wealthy and related to a former mayor. She looked around. No, the boys were not in sight. She had been silly to wear a dress, but as long as they weren't here to watch her climb into the tree house, she guessed she would be fine. At the moment she wasn't as worried about being seen as she was about knowing she was seen, feeling the hot eyes staring at her under her dress. She doubted it would take much to force those incredible feelings to the front once more, burning away her will power and her reserve.

"Tell Fido to be good," Janie added. "Tell him I'll bring him a bone if I can find one!" The dark-haired little girl laughed.

"Who's Fido?"

"Club mascot," Janie explained with a twinkle in her eye. With that she turned on her heel and started back to the street.

Fido turned out to be a dog. From his name, Laura had guessed he would be a dog. What she had not guessed was that he would be such a big dog! He was a full grown German Shepherd, his long hair a soft black color. How in the world had they gotten such a big dog up into a tree house, she wondered.

"Well, my goodness, aren't you a mystery, though," she cooed gently to the beautiful dog, lovingly stroking his large head.

The pleasing sound of the girl's soft, crooning voice together with the gentle pressure of her small, stroking hand filled Fido with warm-hearted relish. Instinctively, he raised his head and began licking her hand to seal this new friendship. Imagine getting goosebumps from an animal's licking tongue! I'm in a bad way, thought the pig-tailed little girl. She kept hoping that the sexual stimulation that she had now undergone twice without fulfillment, would go away with the passing of time, yet it seemed to be roused more easily as time went by instead of less easily.

"Maybe they'll bring something for you, too," she said, patting the dog's head again but more absently because of her divided thoughts, half on him and half on the unwanted heat in her body.

The intelligent animal whined, almost as if he knew what she was saying, Laura thought, unable to repress an urge to embrace him against her thigh and continue stroking his warm, creased, fur-covered head. He whimpered again softly, partially in awareness to her melodious voice bestowing kindness and love, but even more because he had sensed in his closeness against her, a poignant smell not unfamiliar to him, a heady scent which immediately inspired trained responses in his glistening muscular body, the human mating aura he had been skillfully educated by the club members to recognize.

Laura tore herself from the dog with a will. It was time to forget herself and do the picking up she had promised. Then when the others came back, they would this time talk about safe things like sports, she hoped. Her mind still a conglomeration of mixed- veined thoughts, Laura picked up some papers from the floor and then bent over to fix the pillows on which Pete DePow had introduced her to a new side of herself earlier. And behind the bent figure, Fido's head abruptly nudged forward in underneath the hem of the rosebud-studded dress.

The twelve year old girl was frozen into immobility at the feel of the unmistakable cool wetness of Fido's nose high on the softness of her inner thigh! Why she didn't jerk upright in shock, fear, or at least, a smattering of self-respect, she could only lay to the prurient excitement which still smoldered inside her aching loins. Instead of doing any of those wise things, she continued to stoop there, waiting, thrilled by the fact that the big dog's beautiful head was wedged up under her short dress from behind, animalishly sniffing. And then, the hot unmistakable lap of his long slippery tongue snaked up against her still moistened cuntal area! Could a dog know? Could he sense the erotic state of a human being?

It had to be that, she admitted to herself. His searing tongue felt like a firebrand caressing the swollen lips of her still feverishly throbbing pussy just as though she had no panties on at all, and how she would dearly love to take them down! Again he licked, and she hung there in her stooped-over position as he drew the long wet length of his tongue undeniably between her partially spread cuntal lips, licking along the entire panty- covered furrow.

Slowly, Laura raised up, straightening. She turned to gaze in bewilderment at the handsome black animal who was staring up at her with brown eyes twinkling, ears slightly cocked, mouth opened and tongue lolling, and graceful tail wagging in a friendly motion. Then he softly growled.

"What... what is it, boy?" the frightened little girl asked.

The strange dog uttered another muted grow], and the sensually intoxicated young tomboy wasn't sure if she were imagining things or not but it seemed he growled because he sensed the rekindled passion up between her trembling thighs! Oh, how silly I can be! she told herself, scolding then. I seem to have my mind on one thing, and now I'm even suspecting a dog of being attracted to me. Wow! That's really going some! Then, without warning, a shiver of lewd excitement coursed the length of her body, and for a moment she shook uncontrollably. When it had passed, she sank weakly to the pillows in the corner. Once again she wished she were home where she could do as she pleased, hide or sob or... or... masturbate!

It was certainly a long time, and no one was coming. She might easily have been asleep. Strange sensations of tingling warmth rippled through her abdomen as she lay limply on the pillows on her back, a maze of disconnected thought-waves suddenly swirling through her head. Confusion swept through her, and she tried to move but stopped at the sound of a low, animal-like snarl. She partially opened her eyes then, yet continued to lie there, unmoving, the strange stirring sensations in her belly ever-increasing with a weirdly rising excitement. She opened her eyes a little more. No, the others had not yet come, but further charges of stimulating arousal raced through her loins and belly. Laura raised her hands to her throat in instinctive fear, then lifted herself to her elbows to see what was going on. Her dress was pulled up, and she was lying with her legs obscenely spread apart and Fido, the club mascot, was standing between her thighs, his tongue laxly out and his great black head lowered just above... above her panty-covered cunt!

Once again a flood of fire-filled sensations charged through the core of her desire-stimulated body. The warm wet contact of his saliva-drenched tongue was too much. Like a puppet on a string, Laura slipped her panties down out of the way and thrilled with the incredible touch of the unhindered tongue as it spread open the hair-fuzzed lips of her young cuntal crack as the dog began laving her sensitive inner-flesh with a taunting upsweep that sent uncontrollable shivers of sudden passion bursting over her! Good God! He was licking her down there between her open thighs! The unbelievably lewd sight of what was happening to herself, combined with the realization that Fido was once again licking at her nakedly defenseless pussy, was about to drive the twelve year old baseball aspirant hysterical.

She gaped at him and then over to the door of the tree house. There were no sounds from below. She looked back at the dog and saw his own burning eyes staring hotly at her nakedness as he continued to obscenely lick and nuzzle at her exposed cuntal lips. A tremor of incredible sensations caused her to convulse, and she found her hips rising of their own accord.

Good grief, the child thought, he was almost human. That expression in his unrelenting eyes was much like Pete's had been, and what the dog was doing to her nakedly betraying loins was no different from the boy! Ooooohhhhh, what was he doing to her! She had never known such sensuous feelings in her belly from the other attempts at arousal today, and her wildly excited little pussy felt as if there were a hot billowing fire glowing inside it! Even her young titties tingled in lewd excitement, she realized, as she mentally cupped, then pinched their tiny, hardened pink nipples. But this was all insane! She had to stop him!

Feebly, Laura Cutter cried out, then attempted to scramble onto hands and knees and blindly crawl away toward the doorway. Fido waited only long enough for her to reach the all-fours position before unleashing a savage growl, stopping the newly blossoming young girl in icy-veined terror. She knew absolutely nothing about this strange kind of dog. Would he bite her?

From the point of that growl, the huge dog never seemed to hesitate, but he moved as if his intentions had been pre- determined. He mounted her from behind, his powerful forepaws, belying the gentleness his silky hair suggested, clutching at the soft, white flesh of her youthfully curved hips, his tongue hanging loosely from his open mouth. He was born a hunter. What chance did she think she had?

Laura dared not breath! She was that terrified with his sudden clamber up behind her unprotected nakedness, his strong, hairy forelegs clutching at her narrow waist and the arch of her hips. Her small firm young tits quivered and, hanging downwards, swayed ever so slightly in fright beneath her chest as the big animal's hind legs came in closer to her defenselessly upraised asscheeks. Suddenly then, she felt the coolness of the metal license tag that hung from his collar grazing the smooth-fleshed hollow of her naked back. Her dress was almost to her shoulders. He... he was going to... to do it to her... like she had dreamed of Pete DePow... as if she were nothing more than a bitch!

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