Full Service - Cover

Full Service

by Gandoff

Copyright© 2024 by Gandoff

Incest Sex Story: A boy is seriously injured when a car hit him while he was saving his little sister. Throughout the summer, his mother and little sister nursed him back to health and in the process, they all fell in love and lived happily ever after.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Rags To Riches   Workplace   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Nudism   .

It is 1965 and I had just turned 18 and graduated high school with plans to attend community college in the fall. I rode my bike the six blocks into the center of our little town to begin my summer job. I had worked for Frank the last three summers, and on the weekends during the school year, pumping gas and other small jobs around his full-service station. Frank was a drunk, and a cheat, but I needed the job. In the process I learned to change oil, do turn-ups, change tires, and everything else needed to maintain the family cars around our little town. I hoped to be able to save a little money so I could buy a used car before school started again, but right now my mother needed the money for bills. Frank always paid me in cash on Fridays. On my very first payday, I found my envelope short $12.50 when I got home, but needing the job I kept my mouth shut and didn’t point out his mistake. The next week, I opened the envelope when he gave it to me and found it short $20.00. He reached into the till and handed me another 20 and said it was a simple mistake. From then on, I checked my pay before I left the shop, often finding it short. Funny how his mistake was always on the short side, and he never made the mistake of overpaying me. Having me around the station allowed Frank to do what he loved to do the best, drink beer. He kept a cold one within reach all day and stayed in the air-conditioned office, while I did all the work.

My dad, the asshole, left us when I was a freshman. He left town quickly when the 17-year-old receptionist at his used car lot became pregnant, leaving Mom, my little sister Mary, and me to pay his bills and fend for ourselves. The law caught up with him and he is now doing time, but the only thing my mom got out of all this was divorce and heartbreak. Fortunately, my grandparents gave my mom our house as a wedding gift and placed it in her name. If they hadn’t, my dad would have hocked it or just sold it out from under us and we would be homeless.

On my first Friday back to work for the summer, I was changing a set of sparkplugs when I heard the bell ring as a customer pulled up to the gas pumps. I hurried outside and started pumping the gas as I checked the oil, and air pressure of all four tires, and cleaned the front and back windows. I collected their money and went into the office to give it to Frank. He had started drinking by nine in the morning, which was early even for him.

A few minutes before six, my quitting time, Mary rode up on her bike. I collected my pay envelope, and not surprisingly $20.00 short. On our way home, we stopped by the market to pick up a few things for our dinner. With the groceries in our baskets, we had stopped at an intersection to walk our bikes across with the light. Mary was in front of me. I loved to ride behind her. She had the cutest little 15-year-old ass that would flash me from under her short dress as she rode. Mary is small, only about 5’1” and about 100 pounds. She takes after our Mom. Both are blond with green eyes and perfect figures. I am a tad over 6’, and weigh in at 198, with most of that being muscle built from hard work. I have dark, almost black hair and baby blue eyes, taking after my father’s side of the family, which has made me very popular with the girls in school, but I have a little shy streak and have only dated a few times in the last four years. The truth is, I’m in love with my Mom and little sister, and haven’t found a girl that measures up to their beauty or personality.

I saw something coming fast from our right side. I dropped my bike and lunged forward to push Mary out of the way. I woke up seeing bright lights and the tearful face of my mother looking down at me. Turning my head I saw Mary standing just outside in the hall talking to two policemen. Her head was wrapped in a bandage, but she was talking very animated, so she wasn’t too badly injured. I spoke to Mom, “Did they catch the person that hit us?”

“Yeah, about 15 minutes after he hit you,” she said. “Mary has identified him.”

“Do I know him?” I weakly asked.

Mom got an angry look on her face. I had only seen that look one other time and that was over my father. “It was Frank,” she said. “He was drunk as a skunk and ran the red light. He left the scene but crashed a mile away into a light pole. The Police have him in custody now.”

Mary turned around and saw that I was awake. She left the officers ran into the room and fell on my chest, crying. She kept saying, “Thank you. I love you. Thank you. You saved my life,” over and over as she sobbed. The officers stepped into the room and said, “You are a hero. You saved your sister’s life. If you hadn’t pushed her out of the way, that car would have killed her.”

My leg was broken in three places. I was put back together with rods and screws and my leg was in a cast from my big toe to my hip. My right arm was also in a cast from my shoulder to my hand. It had been broken and also required rods and screws. My left wrist was bandaged, but nothing was broken there. After only two days in the hospital, I was sent home with pain pills and orders to stay in bed for six weeks before trying to walk with crutches. If all went well, I would be able to start school in the fall with a cane for assistance. Mom had taken a week off of work to take care of me, but on Monday of the next week she had to go back to work at her bookkeeping job, and Mary was going to look after me. Our house is nice, but not huge. It has a large central great room and kitchen. Mom’s room was on the west side with a large master bath. Mary’s room and my room are on the east side, with a shared Jack and Jill bath between them.

For the last several years, this bathroom has been the center of some of my favorite activities. I discovered that by laying on the floor of my room I could use a mirror and look under the door to see the walk-in glass shower. I watched my little sister develop as she washed her little body. I watched as she discovered her clit and the enjoyment she got out of rubbing it to climax. At first, she masturbated every time she showered. Now she masturbates three or four times a week in the shower. I watched as her boobs went from non-existent to small A cups to perfect firm B cups that she now has. Her nipples are very sensitive. Just before she cums, she pinches them hard, twisting them and pulling on them until she explodes. Now confined to the bed, I won’t be able to get out of bed to watch her for several months.

Friday morning, a week after the accident, Mom came into my room with breakfast, wrinkled up her nose, and said, “Son, you stink. You are going to get a bath today.” She opened both of my windows and turned on the window fan to clear out the stink from my room, and to cool my room of the summer heat. When she came back for my breakfast tray, she carried a bowl of warm water and a sponge. All I was wearing was a baggy pair of gym shorts that had belonged to my father since it was the only thing that would fit over my cast. Dad had let himself go. He smoked too many cigars, drank too much beer, ate too much junk food, and moved around too little, so the shorts were huge. Mom had put a piece of elastic where the drawstring was and made the waist fit me. She threw off the sheet, untied the elastic, and carefully pulled the shorts off of my legs, leaving me on my back fully exposed. Then she did the unthinkable. She called my little sister into my room. “Mary, take these stinking shorts to the laundry room and start the wash for me,” she told her, not bothering to cover up my cock as it lay across my upper leg. Mary took her time gathering up the shorts, towel, and other items around the bed, never taking her eyes off of my manhood, and slowly left the room. The pain pills I had taken before breakfast kept me from getting a full-blown hard-on, but I did get a chubby. Mom took the washcloth and started on my face, working down my chest, stopping short of my cock. Then she went to my left foot and worked her way up. When she shot to the middle, she lifted my left leg so she could wash my ass, then my balls, and finally my cock. The pain pills did numb my system, but her soft hand stroking up and down on my cock took it from a chubby to iron in no time.

“You have grown into a fine young man since the last time I saw you,” she said as she watched her hand moving up and down on my shaft. “You are longer and fatter than your father was,” she continued as she held my 7” cock in her hand. “I know you have to relieve the pressure every day and sometimes two or three times a day, and you haven’t been able to this week, so if you don’t mind, I’ll be glad to help you out until you can do it yourself.”

I had to know, so I asked, “How do you know how often I ... uh ... take care of business?”

“I do your laundry and pick up your discarded clothes, including your crusty tee shirts,” she said, with a smirk of a smile on her face. I saw a shadow pass over the partially opened bathroom door and knew that Mary was watching what Mom was doing. My balls drew up as I was ready to shoot. “You are not going to make a mess on the clean sheets,” so she as she leaned over and took the large head of my cock into her mouth just as I erupted a massive load. She had to swallow several times to keep up with my flow. When I finally relaxed, she licked my cock clean and sat up. “Yum, you taste better than your dad did too.” I was so relaxed from my massive orgasm that I instantly fell asleep as Mom covered me back up with the sheet.

Saturday morning, I woke up starving. I could smell breakfast cooking, but I needed to pee first. I called Mom, but she was in the kitchen and couldn’t hear me. after several calls, I was afraid I would pee in the bed until Mary came in to see what I needed. “I need to pee real badly. Can you bring me the urinal from the bathroom?” I asked. She returned and handed it to me. I was hard as a rock and couldn’t get my cock pushed down and hold the urinal at the same time. She slipped her hands under the sheet. I expected her to hold the urinal as I held my cock, but she grabbed my rock-hard cock with one hand and held the urinal with the other. “Okay, it’s ready. You can let it go now.” I started slowly, but quickly increased in volume until the urinal was almost overflowing. My cock refused to go soft with her little hands holding it. Gently she rhythmically squeezed my cock, milking the last of my pee out, which if anything made my cock harder. The sheet had worked its way off of my body so Mary had a clear up-close view of my entire package and a smile on her face. When she released my cock, she patted it and said, “Now you’re all better.” She covered me up and took the urinal to the bathroom just as Mom came in with a big breakfast. Mary went to the kitchen, fixed her plate, and brought it into my bedroom. “I’m going to eat with my big brother,” she informed Mom. She crawled up on the bed beside me and dug into her pancakes.

Mary and Mom worked together to roll our TV into my room and adjust the rabbit ears for a clear picture of the three stations we could receive. Mary and I watched the Saturday cartoons and Saturday afternoon Children’s shows together. Saturday evening, Mom joined us to watch the Red Skelton Show before sending Mary off to bed. With a nightlight in the bedroom and one in the bathroom, Mom turned off the lights and kissed me goodnight. A half-hour later, there was a light tap on my door and Mom entered, wearing a see-through nighty. When she passed in front of the little night light, I saw through the thin material that mom didn’t wear panties or a bra under the little silky garment. She sat down on the side of the bed and spoke to me in whispers. “I just wanted you to get a good night’s sleep, and thought I would help you relieve a little tension so you could sleep. She placed her hands on my hairy chest and slowly ran them south. By the time she got to my cock, I was rock hard again. She ran her left hand up and down my cock and she took her right hand and held my balls, softly rolling them in her palm. As she pumped faster, she made contact with the edge of my helmet and stimulated all those nerve endings. I started leaking precum and she rubbed it across my gland making her fingers slippery and slowly picking up speed. She then leaned over and took my knob into her mouth, sucking and running her tongue around and around the head as she started gently squeezing my balls. I looked to my right to see Mary again watching Mom through the bathroom door. I could tell by the night light that she had her hand in her panties playing with her little pussy as she watched. That was all it took. As I came, Mom dropped down on my cock deep throating me as I splashed my cum against the back of her mouth, squeezing my balls to get every drop of my juice. When I was empty, she sat up and said, “You taste so sweet. It must be all that fruit you eat. Thank you, sweetheart. I love you. Goodnight.” She pulled the hall door shut behind her as I closed my eyes and dropped off into nothingness.

Sunday morning, was a repeat of Saturday, with Mary coming in my room before being asked with the urinal in hand. “Good morning big brother. Can I help you again?” she asked. Before I could reply, she pulled the sheets off of me and wrapped her little hand around my cock, and directed it into the urinal. When I finished, she placed the full urinal on the nightstand without releasing my cock from her grip. Taking the sheet she wiped the last few drops of pee from the head of my dick and ran her hands up and down several times. Instantly I was hard as a rock again.

“Mary, you shouldn’t be doing that,” I whispered.

“I’m just taking care of my big brother, and boy is my brother big,” she giggled. In no time I was ready to pop my first load of the day. Mary said, “I want to finish you like Mom does,” as she dropped her mouth over the head of my cock, sucking and using her tongue. I exploded in her mouth as she swallowed everything I had to offer. When we finished, she was breathing almost as hard as I was. I think she had an orgasm at the same time I did. “Now I know why Mom enjoys it so much. You do taste sweet. I love you, big brother.” She pulled the sheet over me, grabbed the urinal, and scampered into her room as we heard Mom coming down the hall with breakfast. A cup of mixed fruit and a banana was on the tray, along with a very nice breakfast of waffles and sausage. Mary and I spent the day together listening to albums on my turntable and watching movies in the afternoon, occasionally joined by Mom. Before bed, I overheard Mom in Mary’s room giving her instructions on how to take care of her brother while she was at work. After Mary went to bed, Mom again sucked me dry so that I could sleep through the night.

Monday I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. One look at the clock I knew it was Mary cooking because Mom would already be at work by nine o’clock. She had a low-paying job as a bookkeeper for a local accountant. Mary came in with a tray of food and the urinal. After she helped me pee, she placed the tray of food on my lap. It had two plates overflowing with food. She jumped on the bed beside me and we ate together. When we finished, she took the tray into the kitchen and returned with a bowl of warm water and a washcloth. “I have been looking forward to this,” she giggled.

First, she rolled me over to push the dirty sheets out from under me and the clean sheet in. Then I rolled the other way while she removed the dirty sheets and hooked the clean sheets over the mattress. “Where did you learn how to do this?” I asked.

“Mom told me how to do it last night,” she said. So my mom had given her consent for Mary to see me naked. Interesting. When the bed was made, Mary took the water and starting with my face, bathed me, just like Mom had. She took her time washing my ass, balls, and finally my cock. When I was clean, she started jacking on my cock, but before she could put it in her mouth, I asked her to remove the panties from under her nighty and sat on my face. The least I could do was to give her the pleasure of an orgasm with my mouth as she gave me a blow job. I had never eaten pussy before, but some of the stories in my girly book collection described how to do it. Giggling, she lifted her short gown to show me she had not put on panties. She straddled my face and lowered her pretty little pussy to my mouth. Her hair was blond like her head, very thin, straight, and silky fine. I worked my tongue into her crease as far as I could, sucking out her juice. I licked up and down both sides of her pussy, pulling out her small lips as I went and sucking on them. I even lifted my head as far as I could and ran my tongue over her little rosebud which made her squeal in pleasure. As I got closer to exploding in her mouth, I latched onto her clit with my lips and sucked as I flipped the end of my tongue over the hard little bead as fast as I could. She started forcing her pussy into my mouth as hard as she could as she came, flooding my nose with her juice which caused me to explode into her mouth. She was screaming and sucking at the same time which felt fantastic to my cock. Finally, she rolled over on her side, panting like she had just run the mile in four minutes flat. Her legs were spread wide and I watched as her little pussy pulsated with aftershocks and her juice slowly trickled out of her little pussy flowing down across her little star. I discovered that I loved the taste of pussy and vowed to eat her out as often as possible.

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