Sea Cruise - Cover

Sea Cruise

Copyright© 2002 by PhoenixKiwi

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A story of a Mother and Son travelling together to get over Dad's death.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son  

There was no reply for some moments and I thought that, as was normal, I had opened my mouth and put my foot in it. Mom remained sort of curled up, face buried into her pillow and not moving until finally she muttered faintly,

"I think I would like that but I couldn't let you do it."

I understood her reluctance and decided to give her some encouragement,

"Why ever not? Who would be hurt or who would even know? I just know you would enjoy it, not just for the sexual pleasure but you certainly could do with some love and attention. Just let yourself go and if it feels right, do it and enjoy it."

"You're probably right but it just doesn't seem right or proper. It would be incest and, anyway, your Dad's not even cold in his grave. You're right about another thing as well - it's been nearly 3 years since he touched me - it was his lack of interest that first alerted us to his illness." Mom stayed with her face buried in her pillow and I heard a quiet sob come from her.

"It would only be incest if we make proper love and I wouldn't do that unless you asked." This was not strictly (or legally) correct, but Mom needed some quick reassurance. "Look why don't we just have a kiss and cuddle and see where it leads." Mom nodded, hesitantly, and muttered 'OK' so I pulled her towards me and dragging her top blanket with us I carried her to the settee and sat down with her sitting sideways on my lap with her legs stretched along the seat.

Thinking that she might feel more secure if she was covered, I pulled the blanket right over both of us, leaving just our heads exposed. It was warm enough not to need the heat that the blanket provided, but my guess about it's security effect seemed right when I felt Mom relax after she was covered over. I wrapped one arm round her and managed to cup her breast in one hand while I placed the other hand on her hip. I bent my head down till our lips could meet and I began a prolonged passionate kiss with her. Our lips intertwined and investigated each others mouth as we sucked frantically, swapping spittle and trying to get as close together as we could. Once Mom started kissing she relaxed even more and suddenly seemed willing to just let matters progress.

With one hand I was gently squeezing and fondling her breast, occasionally tweaking her hard swollen nipple while slowly rubbing her hip and the outside of her upper thigh with the other. I was soon sporting a very uncomfortable erection and I stopped stroking her hip long enough to reach down and free it from the confines of my underwear. I moved it to a position where was standing up in the space at the top of her thighs and pressing along the lips of her pussy through the cotton of her panties. Mom moved to pull back from this invasion and I quickly soothed her,

"It's all right. I'm just getting comfortable. I told you nothing would happen without you requesting it. Just relax and enjoy." I returned my hand, this time to her other leg and now on the inside of her thigh and slowly began stroking again. I also moved to her other breast and went to work on it, at the same time kissing and pecking her all over her face and neck, and pushing the tip of my tongue into any recess or hollow that I could find - her ears, her eyes and the hollows below and behind her ears. I could tell that she was enjoying it as her legs moved apart to allow my stroking hand more access and she was starting to pant a little.

"I haven't done anything like this since I was just a horny schoolboy? It's great. Are you enjoying it as well and happy to carry on?" And when Mom pulled me even closer, I took that as a 'yes' and removed my hand from her leg and shifted it onto her tummy. I stroked her there and then inserted my fingers below the waistband of her nickers and slowly worked my hand down towards her pussy. I played in her pubic hair stroking it, combing it with my fingers and tugging gently on little tufts of it. Mom was squirming on my lap by now and trying to press her cunt firmer against my hard-on where it still pressed against her through her panties. I was now licking the side of her face and her neck as she buried her face into the join of my neck and shoulder and I slowly moved my hand right on to her pussy.

Slowly sliding my fingers back and forth between the lips of her cunt I discovered that she was really wet and excited, the lips were open and the inner lips unfolded and protruding and I felt that Mom was not far from her climax. When I began to rub and pinch her clitoris, gently, she bit down on my shoulder, began to sort of croon deep in her throat and she was a blotchy red in colour and shaking softly. I pushed the first 2 fingers of my invading hand as deeply in her as I could and continued pressing and rubbing on her clitoris with my thumb as I moved my fingers around, still pinching her nipples with my other hand.

Suddenly she erupted, crying out, shaking violently, biting hard on my shoulder and clamping her cunt hard on my fingers. I went back to kissing and hugging her and I rocked her gently, helping her ride out her orgasm and showing her how much I loved and cared for her. Mom seemed very shaken when she finally finished her climax and her panties and her whole crotch area felt completely drenched.

"Are you all right and did you enjoy that? You seemed to get right into it."

"God! You have no idea! I had forgotten how absolutely wonderful a proper orgasm could be. I feel as weak as a kitten and just want to go to sleep." Mom's eyes were only partly open, with her eye-lids drooping down giving her that recently satisfied look that sexually active women get after a satisfactory session.

I carried her back over and placed her back on her bunk.

"Don't go away, I'll be right back." I ordered, going into the bathroom where I soaped up a warm face cloth and returned with it and a towel.

"Roll onto your back and lift up so as I can get your panties off." I directed, and Mom did as she was told but would not look at me. I slid her panties off and held them up, teasing her,

"Look at the state of these. They're dripping. You certainly enjoyed yourself, didn't you?" Mom blushed and turned away from me as I buried my face in them and then went on, "You're definitely a very sexy woman alright. You smell wonderful, all hot and horny."

"Oh, Don't. You're embarrassing me."

"Open you legs wide and I'll dry you off." Once again she did as she was told and spread her legs wide apart, looking even more embarrassed and blushing even redder, if that was possible. I carefully washed her, getting the face cloth deep inside her and then dried her off just as carefully. I bent over her and kissed her and drew the blanket over her.

"Sleep well, my lovely. I'm going to take you on a date tonight so I want you to be well rested." Her eyes were closing as I stepped away and after returning the towel and cloth to the bathroom and crawled onto my own bunk and dozed off as well.

The sounds of movement in the bunk above me woke me and I opened my eyes to a view of Mom making her way down the ladder. The picture of her naked body slowly coming into sight is one that will stay with me forever. Legs, thighs, hairy pussy, tummy, breasts and finally an embarrassed looking face slowly appeared as she climbed down and stood looking in on me. I could see that she was still a bit uncomfortable standing brazenly nude in front of me but she made herself stay there as she said,

"Hi, you're awake then? Thank you for what you did for me. You couldn't have got any satisfaction from it. Would you like me to bring you off again?" I was surprised that she could bring herself to speak like this and when I told her that I was ok she leant in and gave me a brief kiss and went on,

"I think I can remember you saying we were going on a date tonight? Is that right or was it my imagination? Things are a bit of a blur."

"Yes that's right. You had better get ready and put on your 'glad rags' as I'll be collecting you at 4.30." Mom smiled in anticipation and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving the door wide open, all pretence at modesty now gone. I lay on my bed and listened to the sounds of her showering and didn't move until she came back in, still naked and towelling her hair.

"What should I wear for our date? What sort of place are we going to and how dressed up do I need to be?"

"A skirt and blouse with a wrap would be very suitable, I should think, and I'm not telling you till afterwards where we are going after dinner. You'll just have to wait."

Mom opened the closet and held up a blue skirt and a yellow, flowery blouse.

"What do you think about these? And what should I wear under them - do I need pantihose?"

"They will be lovely. You'll look amazing in them. No pantihose, just that sexy grey underwear if our laundry's back." saying this I got up and headed off to shower and shave myself.

Mom was dressed and seated in front of the mirror when I came out of the shower and she looked me over closely, her gaze lingering on my cock and balls, as I selected and stepped into fresh underpants. Casual grey slacks and an open necked shirt saw me dressed and when I slipped on loafers, I was ready to go. Mom had put on her make-up by then and she collected her white wrapper and we headed for the bar for our pre-dinner drinks.

We were sitting chatting, with me still refusing to tell her where we were going to, when I had a remember.

"Are you still playing bridge?" I asked and when she replied that she was, regularly, and why did I want to know? I went on, " I saw in this mornings' news-sheet that the front lounge is reserved tomorrow for a two session tournament, afternoon and evening, with a smorgasbord meal between sessions. I haven't played a lot lately but I still have a game now and then. I thought that we could deal and bid a few hands in the morning for practice and maybe enter in it? What do you think? The entries have to be in tonight."

Mom didn't even have to think about it before agreeing and we decided to put our entry in straight after dinner. We had our usual wonderful meal and, afterwards, went out on deck to lean and watch the waves for a few minutes, before we made our way to the pursers' office and filled out our entry form. I was keeping a close eye on the time and I took Mom by the hand and pulled her with me,

"Come on, we don't want to be late." And, after she had begged for information, I told her, "Have some patience, woman, you'll know in just a couple of minutes."

We finally came to the ships movie theatre, which she hadn't realised existed, and, when she discovered what was playing, she was overjoyed.

I had seen that the theatre played a mixture of new and old movies of all types and tonight's was a Golden Oldie, 'Love Story'. I hated it, bloody Ryan O'Neil - the wimp, but I was sure that Mom would love this tear- jerker and I was prepared to suffer through it to please her. When we went inside we found that it had attracted only a very small audience who were scattered widely around the theatre and we managed to find ourselves a secluded spot with no bother. The theatre darkened and the picture began just a couple of minutes after we had settled down. Mom was soon engrossed in the story and made no protest when I put my arm round her shoulder and pulled her over to lean her head on my shoulder.

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