Sea Cruise - Cover

Sea Cruise

Copyright© 2002 by PhoenixKiwi

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A story of a Mother and Son travelling together to get over Dad's death.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son  

I awoke reasonably early next morning after a great nights sleep, the slow rocking of the ship having lulled me into as deep a sleep as I could remember for a long time. I lay there for a few minutes just enjoying the pleasurable relaxed feelings the ships motion was inducing but I was eventually forced to get up by the growing pressure on my bladder. I shut myself in the toilet and after a long satisfying piss I stripped off my P.J.s and had a good wash and shave then returned to the cabin in clean underpants, where I put on light-weight slacks and a golf shirt. Mum was not moving yet, so I made myself a cup of tea and settled down in the chair bedside the table and read the daily handout newsletter that had been pushed under our door.

From behind the curtains round the top bunk, I finally heard sounds of movement that was Mom stretching and yawning, and then a gap in the curtains opened and Moms tousled head poked out and she smiled at me and said,

"Good-morning. What a great nights sleep! I didn't move all night. What about you? Sleep OK?" when I confirmed what a good night I had had as well she went on. "I see it's nearly time for breakfast and I need to go to the toilet so I suppose I had better get a move on."

Her head disappeared back behind the curtains and then the whole curtain slid back and Mom moved to climb down. She sat on the side of the bunk, beside the ladder, with her legs dangling intending to twist onto the ladder and climb down. I stood and moved over to help her and ensure that she didn't fall and then I suggested,

"Here, let me lift you down - you don't weigh much and it will be a lot safer and easier. Lift your arms a bit and I'll hold you there."

Mom lifted her arms clear of her body and I grasped her with my hands in her armpits and sort of pulled her towards me and slowly lowered her to the floor. She sort of slid down against my front and we finished up virtually in a hug. Mom smiled up into my eyes and wrapped her arms round me and hugged me tightly,

"Thank you, Kindly Sir, you must be stronger than I thought being able to lift my chubby little body. Now, what about a quick kiss to go with our early morning hug?"

She was obviously fishing for a compliment as there was hardly an extra ounce on her. Mom's face was slightly puffy from sleep and she still had sleepy eyes but to me she was beautiful and desirable and I had no hesitation in lowering my face and quickly pecking her lips before releasing her and turning her towards the bathroom and, with a quick slap on her delightful bum, sent her on her way,

"You'd better hurry your pretty little backside in there and do your thing or breakfast will be over before we get there, and I'm starving." Mom giggled and headed through the door rubbing her bum with one hand as she did so. That was a great sight, it being covered by only thin satiny pyjama pants and I was smiling contentedly as I settled back to my mug of tea and newsletter.

Even though the walls seemed reasonably soundproof I could still here Mom's toileting. The rattle of her piddle splashing into the toilet and then it's flushing preceded the filling of the basin. Mom was obviously just going to have a good wash down the same as me. Soon I heard her swear and then the bathroom door opened a little and she looked out while standing behind the door.

"In all the excitement I forgot to grab my undies. Would you be a dear and hand me the bra and nickers that I left on the chair last night?"

I went over and picked up the underwear from the settee where I had shifted it to and took it over to her, where, still from behind the door, she stretched out her arm to receive them. Mom was careful to preserve her modesty and all I got to see was a narrow view of part of her side before she pushed the door to again. I noticed that she hadn't closed the door to the catch and I sat back in my chair eagerly waiting to see her come out in just her undies.

The boat was rocking slowly and gently and I guessed that the sea was so smooth that it was not worth the while using the stabilisers. A slightly larger swell must have come through as suddenly the ship leaned just a little bit more than usual and this was enough to cause the bathroom door to swing open and then closed again. In the short time that it was ajar I got a clear view of Mom facing away from me pulling up her panties, I saw the waist band get momentarily caught below the bulge of her buttocks and then slide up and over them allowing them to 'snap' into place. Her bum was a highly erotic sight, the cheeks being small but prominent, well shaped and blemish free and there was a delightful gap between them leading down to a small space where her thighs met. Unfortunately my glimpse was far too brief and I sat with my eyes glued to the door hoping for another 'roll' but this did not occur. I am sure that Mom was not aware of what had happened and what I had seen.

The sight of Mom in her brief black bra and panties when she came out was almost more stimulating than the glimpse of her bare bum and I found that I was sitting there with the front of my slacks bulging out yet again. Fortunately, Mom went over to sit at the dresser to make up her face and get dressed, and my view of her was blocked out by the closet. This allowed me to calm down before setting off to the dining room where we dined excellently on juice, cereal, bacon, eggs and toast accompanied by absolutely fabulous coffee available in seemingly unlimited supply. During the meal Mom asked what my plans were for the day.

"Well, I feel that I must go for a walk after we finish here otherwise I'll be twice the size by the time I get home. I understand that 3 laps of the deck are about 3/4 of a mile and I'm going to try to do 3 laps today and tomorrow and add on a lap every two days. Do you want to walk with me?

"Yes, it sounds like that will be good exercise to keep us in trim. I see that there is a beauty salon on board and the first visit is included in the fare. I am going to try to get in sometime today. I might even get a facial and manicure. What do you think? Is it worth-while?"

I reassured her that she would definitely not be wasting her money and told her that there was to be an old-time dance in the main bar tonight and, as we were in the early sitting for meals, we should be able to get a good table if she wanted to go with me.

Mom eagerly agreed and said that she would probably have a snooze in the afternoon so as she would last for a while tonight and we finished up and headed out to have our walk.

After our 3 laps, and I hadn't realised what a social occasion it would be, with a lot of couples striding out and nodding greetings as we past each other, we returned to our cabin where I collected a towels, hat, book sunglasses and lotion for my lazy morning and Mom grabbed her purse. I spent the rest of the morning in the sunshine reading, dozing and chatting to strangers until Mom found her way back to me looking at least ten years younger than her age. This was the Mom of old starting to re-emerge and the makeover had done her the world of good.

"Good morning, Beautiful Sexy Stranger. Sit down here beside me, but I have to warn you, I'm actually spoken for and she will be back soon." I said, absolutely poker faced.

"Oh, you!" Mom giggled and pushed me on the shoulder, sitting on the lounger next to mine, "What do you think - was it worth the time, effort and money?" She knew that she was looking great but I decided to compliment her anyway.

"You look wonderful. More like the Mom of old, not a day over 21"

"Lunch is not far away so I am not going back to our cabin, I'm just going to lie here in the sun until the bell rings. I think we should do another couple of laps after lunch and then I'm going for an afternoon nap before getting ready for our date with the bar, the dinner and the dance." She swung her legs up and reclined back, pulling her dress high up her legs, taking care to keep a fold of her skirt between her thighs to preserve her modesty.

"Could you pass me the sun-tan lotion?" she requested, "I'd better put some on my legs just in case."

"Would you like me to rub it on for you?" I asked, sitting up to hand it to her and, when she nodded eagerly, I sat at her feet and slowly began to rub the oily liquid onto her. She lay back, inscrutable behind her sunglasses and allowed me to slowly work my way right up her legs until the movements of my hands, massaging each leg firmly, was pressing her bunched up dress hard into her crotch. It was a good thing that no-one was paying us any particular attention as it would have seemed as if I was rubbing her pussy which I really wasn't, there being so much clothing in the way preventing me.

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