Sea Cruise - Cover

Sea Cruise

Copyright© 2002 by PhoenixKiwi

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A story of a Mother and Son travelling together to get over Dad's death.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son  

Julie came to my room as we had planned and we spent what seemed like the whole night having sex. Every time we finished and I was settling down to sleep and regain my strength she soon had me aroused and hard at it again. I had forgotten how much she liked to fuck and how convincing and forceful she could be with her mouth and active little tongue. As a consequence, when she finally returned to her own room in the early hours I felt as if I hadn't closed my eyes all night. With the prospect of a really frantic day ahead of me I was up, showered and dressed early and was brewing coffee when Mom and Julie came into the kitchen.

"Morning, sleep well?" Mom asked and I noticed a bit of a twinkle in her eye when I leant over to kiss her good-morning. I wondered if we were fooling her or if she had noticed our closeness or maybe heard us.

"Yep, had a great night." I replied, 'What about you Julie - you get a good night as well being as how it was a strange bed and all?"

"Yes, as good a night as I've had in a while," Julie smiled at both of us, "Now I need to phone a cab as my flight leaves early and I really can't afford to miss it."

"I'll run you out. I need to get going as well if I'm to get everything done. Maybe we might have time for a quick bite of breakfast at the airport. Sue will be over early, Mom, and I will give you a ring about tomorrow's arrangements later. I don't think I'll have time to get back here today so I'll see you tomorrow. I am really looking forward to our break - it's years since I had a holiday."

I kissed Mom goodbye and carried Julie's bag out to my car as she made her farewells to Mom and we were soon heading for the airport. When we were on the freeway I reached over and ran my hand up Julie's leg under her skirt.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked as she clamped her legs together, trapping my hand half-way up her thigh.

"Just thought I'd make sure you were wearing underwear, today." I replied, giving her my best lecherous grin. "I was shocked when you were parading around, bare-arsed, in front of your Mother and brother and sister-in-law yesterday."

Julie smiled back at me and relaxed her legs to let my hand slide up, investigate the bare flesh of her thigh at the top of her stockings and then proceed higher and learn that her modesty was preserved by panties. When I didn't show any inclination to remove my hand she slid closer to me and allowed me to work my fingers under the leg opening of her nickers and to play with her rapidly moistening cunt. The trip to the airport took long enough for me to bring her to yet another orgasm and she lay back against the seat shaking, gasping and crying out and I hoped that none of the cars passing by would notice and, thinking that I might be harming her, call the cops. When we arrived at the airport she had regained her composure and looking down into my lap she suggested that I had better find a secluded corner and she would take the pressure off for me.

I had no sooner parked the car and turned the motor off when she unzipped my fly and worked my cock out through my underpants and dove down on it. Once again she had me in her hot sucking mouth but this time she was going at it for real, not just getting me up and ready for a further fuck. Her sucking and licking soon had me ejaculating in her mouth and she swallowed everything that I spouted out without missing a beat. In all probability, I had cum that many times in the past few hours I probably only managed to produce an infinitesimal amount. When I was finished she tucked me away, zipped me up and then sat up herself, examined her face in the mirror and declared herself ready to go.

We found that there was a short delay in take-off that would allow us to breakfast together and afterwards I felt quite distressed as she left me, knowing that it would more than likely be some time before we got together again.

I finally got back to my flat and after arranging with my cleaner to keep coming in during the time that I was away, I sorted out what I wanted to take with me and dropped it into a quick-fire cleaners to be collected later in the day and went down to my shop. My senior assistant was more than happy to take over the running of the place and I decided to look into keeping the arrangement permanent when I got back. By late in the day I had completed all my arrangements, visited my bank and was home with my clean clothes. After contacting Mom and, after confirming that I would collect her in the morning, I spoke to Sue and arranged for her to go to the airport with us and to take my car away and use it during my absence.

Next morning we all arrived safely at the airport and Mom and I were soon winging our way towards our meeting with our 'Holiday Home from Home'. We spotted it moored in the harbour as we circled our way towards the runway and 'She' looked very pretty in the bright sunshine, all white and sparkling, moored at the wharf. We had no trouble working our way through customs and Mom and I were soon heading for our ship in the courtesy coach provided.

Our home for the next couple of weeks looked even more beautiful from close up and she matched her name, The White Wanderer, perfectly. In her glistening white livery she looked like a great white bird eager to be off and Mom and I went on board quickly, not wanting to risk being left behind. We were welcomed aboard by the Purser and sent to find our cabin behind a steward bearing our luggage. When we were shown into our cabin we found it to be slightly larger than we expected, but not by much. Behind the door were our bunks - being about as wide as a 3/4 sized double bed. The ceiling was high enough for there to be plenty of space between the bunks and they actually looked very roomy and comfortable, each one having curtains that could be pulled for complete privacy. Opposite the bunks was a dressing table with a recessed mirror and, over- head, a light and next to that was a single-door closet. An armchair, small built-in table with a phone on it and the end of a three-person settee filled the right hand wall. T settee and another armchair took up the full length of the back wall and between the armchair and the end of the bunks, on the left wall, was a doorway into a small but functional bathroom containing a toilet, shower and small hand-basin. It would be difficult drying off after a shower and keeping clothes dry while showering but it was good not to have to share facilities with other passengers.

We checked out our new temporary home and decide that we would be very comfortable. Mom decided that, since she was much lighter than me, she would take the top bunk, assuring me that she could climb in and out of it as easily as I could and there was a lot more chance of my being able to catch her if she fell than there was of her catching me. I had to agree with her logic so I agreed, somewhat against my better judgement and I discovered, to my relief, that there were bars that could be placed in position to stop one from rolling out during sleep.

We decided to unpack our things and get organised before we sailed and working together we soon had everything 'shipshape' and our bags stored under the settee. We found that we had facilities for making coffee or tea and, that there was a small but efficient fridge in the top of the wardrobe When we had finished our chores we settled down for a coffee and to relax.

"I think we are going to have a really marvellous time together and the whole trip should be great fun and quite an experience." Mom looked really pleased with her forthcoming adventure and she already looked younger than she had just two days ago. "The only thing is that we will have to learn to be relaxed in each others company, since we are living in such close quarters, and not get embarrassed easily. I was married to your father for 37 and a half years and I have no illusions left about the habits of men. - There's no need to work it out - yes - I was pregnant with you when we married - I thought you would have worked that out long before now."

"No, it never occurred to me - I assumed that you had been married 18 months when I was born. Still what difference does it make anyway. I was just sitting here thinking the same about our circumstances and I was about to bring the subject up. The bathrooms so small it might be hard to use it completely to get changed in so I don't think we should worry too much about the occasional glimpse of underwear if it occurs. I know it won't bother me, anyway."

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