Sea Cruise - Cover

Sea Cruise

Copyright© 2002 by PhoenixKiwi

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A story of a Mother and Son travelling together to get over Dad's death.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son  

The day was typically cold and wet and just what everyone expects for a funeral. We were gathered to bury our father who had finally passed away after a long, lingering, pain filled and undignified illness. His death came as a relief to us all, and I have no doubt to Dad as well, but none of us would admit to this. We were having what was basically a 'Family Only' funeral with only a few of his very close friends being invited to attend - Mum, me, my sister Julie and my brother John and his wife Sue and about 10 friends. Not a very large party for what was a popular and caring man but we knew that he would prefer it this way and had arranged everything accordingly.

After the formalities we returned to the family home for a couple of drinks and some afternoon tea and to say farewell to our beloved family member and friend. When all the visitors had departed we convinced Mom to lie down for a well-earned rest and the rest of us met in the lounge for a family discussion. Mom was looking terrible, the months of worry and work having taken a very tough toll of her, and we were worried about her health and well-being. Dad had retired at age 60, sold his business and looked forward to a long and enjoyable retirement. They managed to get one year of pleasure before discovering that he was about as ill as he could get. The fight against his forthcoming death lasted only 18 months and cost a large portion of their retirement fund and Mom was now only basically provided for rather than being 'comfortable'.

Mom, now aged 56, looks about 66 in total contrast to 2 years ago when she was 54 and looked 44. The care and worry of Dad's illness had worried and worked her far too hard and we were frightened that if we didn't do something extremely quickly she would join Dad in quick order. After a long discussion of what we should do the idea of a cruise holiday came up. All 3 of us were successful and in well paying employment and money was not too much of a problem for any one of us.

Julie lived a long way from us and had only recently separated from her husband but she had continued with her career after marriage and her ex was also well paid so she was more than able to pay a share of the costs.

John was self-employed and his wife had only just retired after finding out that she was pregnant and they were also more than willing to help defray any costs.

I plugged in my lap-top and found the site of a travel agent advertising a current cruise and found that we could fly Mom to join it over the next couple of days. It was decided that, as Mom would not go by herself, Sue should accompany her and we would split the total cost 3 ways, she being the logical choice as a break would do her the world of good as well as Mom and Julie had to get back to her work, not being in a position to take any extended time off at present. I made a definite booking for 2 using my credit card. Julie sneaked upstairs and reported back that Mom was 'right out to it' and that we should not disturb her as the sleep would be doing her the world of good.

John and Sue decided to return home for a few hours and to come back in the evening. Julie and I were left alone, it not being worth-while me returning to my empty flat, and we decided to have a drink and relax. While sitting looking into the fire I began to get a bit melancholy thinking about the gap that Dad's death would leave in our lives and when I looked over at Julie I saw that she was feeling the same and that tears were starting to ooze from her eyes. When she met my gaze she came over and sat beside me and we hugged each other comfortingly and it felt great to have her wrapped in my arms again after all this time. We had a long 'on again, off again' relationship from when she turned 16 up until she got married. Julie had decided that I was to initiate her into the rites of sex and she used to come and stay at my flat and eventually seduced me. I hadn't resisted too much and then did nothing to stop it carrying on for the six years that it lasted, our last and possibly best fuck having occurred on the eve of her marriage, when she sneaked into my hotel room, our family having stayed, for the wedding ceremony next day, in the same hotel as her.

The feel of her in my arms with her breasts pressing into my chest and her face buried against me began to get me aroused and Julie soon became aware of this and looked up at me,

"We can't! Dad's not even warm in his grave and anyway I'm sort of married now. Besides Mom could wake anytime and we can't risk her catching us." She protested but there was not much conviction in her words.

"We could go upstairs and use one of the bedrooms right at the other end of the hall. She'd never think to look in there and anyway we would hear her first. If we don't do it today we might never do it as you're going home tomorrow and it could be ages before we get together again."

I stood up and reached my hand down to her and after very little thought she grasped it and allowed me to pull her to her feet and lead her upstairs. We peeped in Mom's door and when we found her still asleep we pulled her door securely closed, proceeded down the hall to the end bedroom and closed that door behind us. As soon as we were safe in our private space I pulled Julie to me and wrapped her in my arms and plastered my mouth on hers. She was as eager for our embrace as me and we were soon both clutching at each others backsides and trying to get even closer than we already were.

I backed over to the bed and sat on the edge of it and pulled Julie to me to stand between my widespread legs with my arms now right round her bum and my face pushed between her breasts. I nuzzled at her and then slowly worked my way down her body until I was forcing my face into her groin through the material of her black dress. Her odour was just as I remembered and I was erect and uncomfortable and desperate to fuck her. I freed my cock from its twisted up position and then lifted the hem of her dress to hip height with both hands and pushed my face back into her crotch. Now the smell and feel of her pussy through just her white panties was so much stronger and I was soon licking and prodding at her barely covered pussy lips. Julie was getting excited and clutching me into her by pulling at to the back of my head.

Releasing her I stood, turned her around and unfastened the back of her dress, lifting it up and free of her as she lifted her arms to help me. Julie was left standing before me in a black slip, which I then removed by sliding the straps down her arms and letting the garment fall to the floor. She had definitely dressed for a funeral as her garb was still black, now consisting of a black bra, black garter belt and black stockings. The black underwear was in stark contrast to her lacy white nickers and in response to my enquiry she said that her husband had broken up the set of underwear when he ripped the panties off of her in one of the last bouts of unbridled passion in their marriage. This raised jealous, angry and unreasonable feelings towards him in my mind but the prospect of getting her body back as my own soon overcame these feelings and, kneeling in front of her, I unfastened the garter belt suspenders from her stockings and slid them down her legs and encouraged her to step out of them. I unfastened her garter belt and when I had removed it I stood back up and quickly stripped down to my underpants and then lowered her backwards onto the bed and stood over her.

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