They ALL Want To - Cover

They ALL Want To

by Masked Wolf

Copyright© 2002 by Masked Wolf

Erotica Sex Story: A sailor on a night out looking for sex finds a suitable candidate

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   MaleDom   First   Slow   .

All rights reserved. This work may NOT be on sold for any reason without the express written permission of the author. Copies may be made for personal use only but may NOT be sent on to a third party... ever!

Once again it was Friday night and it was time to trawl "The Rocks". That part of Circular Quay in Sydney that lies near that great tourist attraction, the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

The areas was full of "pubs" in buildings dating back to the founding of Sydney on the shores of Sydney Cove (soon to be Port Jackson) with small, smoke-filled bars every hundred yards or so. In an area no more than half a mile wide by one mile long there was over a dozen decent bars crammed in; and that made no count of the different restaurants that also served alcohol.

The area was often a hangout for sailors of many different nationalities that pulled into Garden Island Naval Dockyard less than a mile away as the crow flies. Australian sailors based at the Dockyard enjoyed a "game" called pub-crawl where they went from one bar to the next, sculling a drink down at each before racing off to the next.

However, one sailor in particular liked to play an entirely different game... he went trawling the pubs looking for his next fuck. And "The Rocks" was the perfect place to pick up a bit of willing pussy.

That sailor, me, was ready to go.

Travel to The Rocks wasn't difficult. Many sailors made The Rocks their first (and often their last) point of call for the night so getting into a "taxi-pool" with a foursome heading that way wasn't difficult. Taxi drivers were used to the Friday evening run so there was a small queue of taxis waiting just outside the front gate to the dockyard. As soon as the others in the group that I was travelling with arrived they simply jumped into the taxi at the front of the rank and off they went.

Arriving at the Rocks the others went straight into the first pub to start their pub-crawl. Knowing better I headed deeper into the maze of narrow, twisty roads looking for one of the pubs that hadn't yet been hit by the mass of sailors coming off duty.

I headed for the newest pub to have opened in the area. A pub that had been built inside an old shipping warehouse converted for the purpose. Under Australia's laws the building was listed as a heritage site (as were many of the buildings in the Rocks area) so the pub could only build within the confines of the building itself without altering any of the structure. And all such conversion had to be able to be pulled out without affecting the original structure. This left a building with small areas inside that were warm and cosy... and cramped. But I had been there the previous weekend and knew that this led to being able to meet and talk with "the chicks".

Having nursed a few cokes (I didn't like to drink too much when sex was on the cards) over a few hours the venue was really starting to get going with many new arrivals coming in through the door. The entertainment for the evening would be a one-man show guitarist by the name of Steve Orrell who had a good voice and a wide ranging repertoire.

It wasn't long before I was wandering through the small areas and alcoves away from the stage and came across a likely candidate for amorous adventures.

A group of five girls, obviously out on the town together, and together for the old safety in numbers schtick, were getting up to leave from a table tucked into a little alcove and surrounded by a horesshoe-shaped bench. But one wasn't. I moved to within hearing range, trying not to be too obvious, to hear what was going on.

One of the girls, a small redhead with a body that wasn't skinny but definitely not fat, was trying to convince the others to stay.

"Come on," the readhead said, "This guy is good. You'll like him, I promise!"

Obviously, she liked the pop tunes the guitarist played, I thought.

"I, for one, didn't come in to listen to some wannabe play a guitar and sit at a table all night", a taller slender brunette replied.

"Me neither", a second brunette said. "I wanna party!"

"Give him a chance", the redhead pleaded, "He's good."

"Nope", a fourth member of the group, a blonde, said, "the nightclub down the street's the place for us. Plenty of sailors in there who'll buy us drinks all night thinking we'll fuck 'em if they do."

This brought snickers from the rest of the group but not the redhead.

The little readhead gave one more try at convincing the others to stay. "Well, I'm staying here. I like this guy's playing."

"Then stay", the first brunette said. "When you get sick of spending what little money you've got on drinks we'll be just down the road. Just remember that we have to be leaving by 11.30 or we won't be able to catch the last train home!"

"Yeah, and if you're not there by that time we'll know you've already gone home bored and sober."

And with that the other four, with a bleach-dyed blonde who hadn't said anything to this point, walked out towards the front door leaving the little redhead sitting there on her own.

This was my chance to get in there before anyone else made a move on her. Holding my drink in my hand I took a couple of steps away from the corner near the alcove and made a quick walking bee-line for the table.

I then made a show that I thought that the table was empty and gave a bit of a theatric start as if I hadn't seen her there on her own.

"Oh!", I said. "I thought this table was free." Yeah, right. "I saw the other ladies leave and thought the table was now clear."

The little redhead was looking quite dejected and was about to say something so I thought I'd better say something pretty quick. "Look, do you mind if I sit here for a while until your friends come back? I've been on my feet all day and even a few minutes of sitting would be a god send!" And threw her a big cheesy grin.

I could see she was debating with herself whether she should chase after her friends or stay. I decided to make the decision easy for her.

"I tell ya what", I said, "How about I buy you a drink for the 'hire' of the chair for a while, okay?"

That got her. I could see it right away in her eyes. Why go to the night club and get sailors to buy her free drinks there when she could stay here and get free drinks of this guy AND still listen to the wonderful guitar music.

"Well, my friends'll be back soon...", she said, thinking it over.

Yeah, right.

"... but I guess it's okay for you to sit here for a while", she smiled sweetly. "I'll have a baccardi and coke, if it's okay with you."

Well, now. If this girl wanted to drink white rum mixers it was okay with me. But I wasn't going to appear too eager.

"Of, course", I said gallantly. "Would you like that with or without ice?"

"With, please"

"And would that be a half nip of baccardi or full?" After all, I didn't want it to seem as if I wanted her to get drunk, did I? I knew I was going to need her trust.

She looked at me with some level of surprise and said, "Half, please. I have no intention of getting drunk tonight."

Ah, laying her cards on the table early, I see. It would do her no good. Of course, all I needed to do was buy her first two drinks with halves and buy the rest full... or more. It would only take a couple of hours at most.

I went and bought her the drink she wanted and, with a flourish, placed it on the table in front of her. She accepted it graciously and we started to chat. You know the kind; generalities about nothing but crap. Sometime to pass the time with. I told her my name was "Paul" and she told me hers was Kate. For her it was passing the time until Steve Orrell came on stage and for me it was until I'd managed to get her drunk enough to take her somewhere to fuck.

Soon, I'd finished my own drink and went and bought another for each of us. However, I asked for my straight coke in a mixer glass the same as her half-baccardi and coke was in. At least this way it appeared I was drinking the same level of alcohol as she was. When I returned to the table I sat one "spot" closer to her own using the excuse of mentioning how much louder the crowd was getting "in here".

Orrell finally climbed upon the stage and started a great night of entertainment. The night wore on and I slowly continued to up the amount of baccardi in Kate's drinks. The entertainment kept her occupied and her mind off just how drunk she was getting.

At about 10.00pm I noticed just how drunk she was getting and, having slowly moved around the bench after going for more drinks, we were now nearly thigh-to-thigh with me sitting alongside her.

"I think I'd better just drink coke from now on", she said. "I'm starting to get a little tipsy."

Tipsy? She was well and truly past that stage. However, I could also see that she was still too determined to not be "forthcoming", if you know what I mean.

"No worries", I said. "Finish that and I'll buy you a coke. At least it'll be cheaper on my wallet."

Her face took on a bit of a worried look and I could see she was thinking about something.

Wrong thing to say, I thought to myself.

"I... I don't have much money but I should, at least, pay for some drinks, too", she said.

"Don't worry about it", I smiled. "I get paid well enough from the Navy and don't have any other expenses to worry about. It's just been more than worth it to enjoy your lovely company for this evening's entertainment."

She looked a lot more relieved after that and blushed a bit over the compliment. Ahh, I thought to myself, I can turn on the charm when the situation needs it.

When she'd finished her drink I returned to the bar and ordered her a drink, a half-nip baccardi and coke in a normal coke glass, but asked the bartender to hold them behind the bar for a few minutes for me. As soon as I moved away from the bar I walked outside and then took off in a run for a small hotel I knew just up the road. I booked a room at the back at a cheap "last minute" price and then ran back to the bar to collect the drinks.

I had managed to get Kate up to drinking double-baccardi's and coke without her noticing so dropping back down to half nips she'd think she was just drinking straight coke. I then returned to the alcove with both drinks not even breathing heavy. Thank God the Navy made sure we were in a constant state of good aerobic fitness!

At about 1.00am Orrell sang his signature final number and left the stage to loud applause. By this time Kate was well and truly drunk and I knew I'd be pumping cock to her within the hour.

"Oh, God!", she exclaimed. "What's the time?"

I made a move to check my watch but already knew she was way too late to meet up with her friends again.

"It's just gone 1.00am", I said showing concern. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I was supposed to have met my friends down at the nightclub by 11.30", she moaned. "Oh, God. They've gone home without me."

I allowed my face to show some quite 'sincere' concern and made some noises of sympathy.

Remembering that one of her so-called friends said that she didn't have a lot of money I said, "It looks like you'll have to catch a taxi home by yourself".

"I can't!", she blubbered. "I don't have enough money and there's no one home who can pay the fare when I get there!"

You're mine! I thought to myself.

"Well, let's go outside and get some air and see if we can figure something out", I suggested. So we got up from the table and started to make a move towards the door.

As soon as she got to her feet she staggered against me.

"Woah!, she exclaimed. "I think I must've drunk too much!"

Nope, just enough, I thought.

"Wow, you are a little unsteady on your feet, aren't you?", I said.

"I must've drunk more than I thought", she replied.

Yep, I thought. "Here, put your arm around me and I'll help you to get outside", I said.

And with that I half assisted and half carried the stumbling little vixen out to the footpath in front of the bar.

As soon as we got outside she turned quite pale and moaned. "I think I'm gonna be sick!", she said.

So I hurried her over to a bin next to the gutter and held her in front of me while she threw what was left in her stomach up into the bin.

When she settled down again I pulled her back upright and held her face close to mine and looked at her with an expression of deep concern on my face.

"Hmmm.", I hummed. "You're in no condition to go anywhere", I said.

"Oh, God. What am I going to do!", she wailed and sobbed into my chest.

I could barely stand still and make suitable caring and calming sounds while holding her in my arms.

"There, there", I soothed. "We'll think of something".

After about five seconds, just long enough for her to think I'd given the matter some thought, I allowed my body to stiffen up in her arms.

She noticed the move and pulled her head back to stare owlishly into my eyes.

"What?", she asked.

I then gave the appearance of a slight slump of defeat and said, "No, no... it's okay. It wouldn't be right and you'd think my intentions weren't honourable."

"No, tell me!", she asked a little excitedly. She thought she'd seen me come up with some brilliant idea and she wanted to know what it was. The 'defeat' statement was just so she wouldn't get suspicious when I put my 'brilliant solution' to her.

"I'm staying in the hotel up the road there", I said pointing with my chin in the direction of the hotel room I'd booked a few hours ago.

She turned and looked in the general direction.

"But it wouldn't be right", I sighed. "You'd think I was a cad for suggesting that you could stay in the room with me for the night and get a train home in the morning when you were feeling better".

I could see her give the situation some thought while she bit her bottom lip.

C'mon, I thought. You know it's the only option left open to you so just make whatever internal justifications you need to make and let's get going.

After a few seconds (which felt, like it always does, like hours) she gave a me a long speculative look before finally noodding her head just slightly.

"Okay", she said. I'll come and see this room of yours and might stay a couple of hours... if you don't mind... before going home."

While inside I was doing backflips in joy I allowed my face to give a little expression of a smile and said, "Fair enough. I can at least help that much. After all, I was the one buying the drinks and should have realised that some people aren't as tolerant to alcohol as I am."

I staggered with her in my arms up to the hotel and in through the front door which I had to open with my room key. This hotel was very cheap (one of its advantages) and didn't have night staff on call. Once inside I let the door relock behind me and carried her to the single old lift.

I pushed the button on the lift and held her upright against me while we waited for the lift to come back down to the lobby and, so as not to give her time to think about the possible consequences of coming up to my room inside a locked up hotel, I apologised for the poor condition of the hotel.

When we got to the room I unlocked and opened the door and, gallantly, picked her up in my arms and "carried her over the threshold" into the room.

Now, here's why I liked this hotel so much. Because the hotel itself was quite old and had poor ventilation the hotel caretaker staff always went into the rooms while the guests were out and opened the windows a fraction to allow air to flow and rid the room of any lingering odours. This meant that, since it was almost in the middle of winter here, the room was quite cold and unheated.

"Brrr...", I said smiling. "Quite cold in here, isn't it?"

I put her back down on the floor next to the bed and had her sit on the edge of it.

Another reason why I liked the hotel so much, and this floor especially, was that there was nowhere to sit except on the bed. Actually, there was no other furniture in the room at all except for a wide ledge with a small electric kettle, two coffee cups and half a dozen each of instant tea, coffe and sugar sachets on a tray on it. And a small bar fridge tucked just under it. There was no tv, no radio, no nothing except a small "bedlight" mounted over the head of the bed.

I called it "The extra-marital affair suite". laugh

Just after I sat her on the bed she said she needed to go to the toilet, stood up, and damned near fell over. I went over, helped her up and helped her into the tiny bathroom ensuite of the room. I led her over to where the toilet was, asked her if she was going to be okay, and then walked out of the bathroom shutting the door behind me. As long as I was acting the real gentleman it would be easier to get her naked in the bed very soon.

I set up the kettle and set it to boil. Then I set up a cup of coffee for each of us. I didn't know if Kate drank coffee with or without milk or even had sugar in it so I left hers ready to add both if needed.

By the time I'd finished setting things up she had managed to get off the crapper and over to open the door back into the room. She managed to stagger over to the bed herself this time and collapsed down on it.

"I'm making coffee, Kate", I said. "Do you have milk and sugar?"

"Yes, please", she groaned. "White with one sugar."

I made the coffees but added a little something to hers while I still had my back to her. It was a crushed Viagra. I then took hers over to her sitting down beside her before I gave her her cup.

"Here", I said. "It'll rehydrate you a bit from all that vomitting."

She took the cup and sipped at it gingerly.

"Not bad", she said.

We chatted for a little while about how we were to get her home. As the trains didn't start running again until 7.00am she would have quite a wait so I suggested she make herself comfortable by lying down and resting for a while.

I knew that the "depressant" nature of the alcohol would not take long to kick in and make her sleepy so I simply waited for her to drain the last of her coffee and stretch out on the bed while I walked over to the window, closed it, and just stared outside for a while.

I watched her reflection in the window out of the corner of my eye as she tried to stay awake by keeping an eye on me but it wasn't long before her eyes drifted close.

After about thirty minutes I went to the side of the bed she was lying on and gave her a bit of a nudge. She woke a little startled but I calmed her with shushing noises for a moment while she settled back down for a bit.

I told her she'd been asleep for only a few minutes (drunks really have no idea how long they've been asleep for) and that I was starting to drift off myself.

"I'm going to go stretch my legs for a little while while you rest", I said to her. "I suggest you at least strip down to your underwear and get under the covers. You don't want to sleep in your clothes, you'll ruin them."

There is more of this story...

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