What a Week - Cover

What a Week

Copyright© 2002 by PhoenixKiwi

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A mother son encounter.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Voyeurism  


All day at school the ramifications of what was occurring between Mom and me ran round and round in my head - what was all this leading up to and was I getting the right answers to the questions that Mom's actions were asking? Did she in fact want to have sex with me and if so why? I was only an inexperienced boy and she seemed more that satisfied with what she and Dad had done. Maybe what we were doing was completely normal and happened between all mothers and sons as part of growing up. Should I discuss it with some of my friends? For some unexplainable reason I was reluctant to talk to anyone about it at this stage and decided to wait for a while and let things just happen and see where it would all lead.

After a long, long day at school I finally arrived home to what was becoming a normal expected hug and kiss, and was soon in my room with a hot drink working on my schoolwork. At dinner the usual chatter and discussion of the days' events took place and about half way through the meal Mom asked,

"Do you have anything planned for the weekend? Wendy has a meet on this Saturday and I would like to watch her race. Dad would prefer to stay for his golf match and his lodge meeting on Saturday night but will go with me if you don't want to. What do you think - will you come?"

It took me about 2 seconds to agree and Mom looked pleased and went on,

"That's great, Dear. Wendy's first race is mid-morning and her second is in the afternoon. I thought I could pick you up from school and we could travel down tomorrow night, get a motel and go straight to the pool in the morning. We will take Wendy out to dinner in the evening, stay the night and come home on Sunday. Does that sound OK?"

Once again it took me no time to agree and I sat through the rest of the meal with funny thoughts running through my brain. After clearing up I went to head off to my room and just as I was leaving the kitchen Mom said,

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart, but I couldn't find any transparent nickers like you wanted and I'm so sorry to have to disappoint you." She gave me a quick peck as I headed out the door.

It took me a bit longer to finish up my homework as I kept thinking about this being the end of my voyeuristic peeping and how sorry I was that it was ended. I felt slightly relieved that I hadn't acted on my earlier thoughts as I had obviously picked up the wrong message from Mom and God knows what may have happened if I had tried to go any further with her.

When I finally went down to the lounge Dad was once again snoozing, as expected - following last night's night outing and sexual activity, and Mom was reading. She was tilted back and had her legs crossed and closely together and this confirmed to me that it was all over and I might as well get on with my crossword. After some time I looked up from the page to find Mom looking at me and when she saw she had my attention she looked down at her crossed legs and then cocked her eyebrow questioningly at me. I wasn't sure what she meant but I was agreeing to anything so, after checking that Dad was still semi-comatose, I nodded eagerly, not knowing what to expect.

Mom sort of swallowed and moistened her lips with her tongue and then slowly uncrossed her ankles and lifted her left knee, the one closest Dad, until her left foot was resting on the edge of the footrest, at the same time slowly bending her other knee and pulling that foot back until it was resting flat on the footrest. This left her spread wide open but because her dress was draped over her upraised knee and down over her other leg to below knee level my view was blocked.

Again Mom looked into my eyes and, after licking her lips yet again - her mouth must have been as dry as mine, she mouthed silently to me ' Are you sure about this?' and raised her eyebrows quizzically. When I nodded eagerly she slowly lowered her hand and grasped the right side of her dress and, after lifting her leg slightly, slowly inched it up, exposing herself to me. Mom made sure that the dress remained over her left knee so as to stop Dad from seeing anything amiss if he did wake and the picture of the soft white flesh of her inner thigh slowly becoming visible will stay with me for the rest of my life. As her dress slid higher her eyelids slowly drooped half closed, her face flushed slightly and she was biting gently on her tongue which was poking out a little from between her lips.

As her dress slowly rose I got more and more of a view of her and it suddenly became clear to me that she was not wearing any underwear at all and what I was seeing was her bare pussy in all its glory. Because of the way her legs were spread so wide apart the lips of her cunt gaped open a little exposing the pretty pink inner flesh to my incredulous view and the amount of dark frizzy hair that surrounded the whole area was a complete eye-opener to me as I was not aware that there would be such an abundance of it. Suddenly my trousers and underpants became terribly uncomfortable as my aroused cock became entangled and trapped and I found it absolutely necessary to roll slightly onto my side and fumble it to a less constraining position. Mom watched my fumbling at my cock and she sort of looked contented and then to my absolute amazement she let go her grasp of her dress and lowered her hand to rub at the top of her pussy with her first two fingers.

I swear that as she rubbed at herself her cunt lips spread wider open and the whole area suddenly looked very wet and hot. I had an almost irresistible urge to crawl to her and examine things from a lot closer but fortunately my survival instincts kept me from doing this as suddenly Dad coughed and spluttered a bit and he began to come back to the land of the living. Mom quickly brought her legs together and pushed her dress back down again, looking very disappointed, and I rolled back face down, hurting my cock a little as I did so. Everything appeared normal when he was fully awake and decided that he would have a hot drink with Mom so I headed off and prepared them, deciding to take mine to bed with me.

When I returned with mugs for the two of them I delivered Dad's and, after saying 'Good-night' to both of them, gave him a quick buss on the cheek and gave Mom her drink. I then rested my right hand on the chair back and placed my other hand on her dress covered thigh and bent down to kiss her goodnight. The way I was standing blocked Dad's view of my right hand and, because of the drink, Mom could not do anything about it when I quickly slid my hand up and squeezed her thigh almost touching her pussy. She flushed faintly and looked very relieved when I removed my invading hand and headed off upstairs. Yet again I had to play with myself and had to wipe up copious quantities of discharge - I felt like I was sporting a permanent hard-on.


This morning when I came down Mom was back to being fully dressed and as soon as I saw Dad sitting with coffee reading the paper I realised why. This morning's kiss was just a quick meeting of lips and then Dad looked up and said,

"I've got an early meeting near your school so I thought I would give you a lift. I need to be away in about 10 minutes so don't waste too much time." He returned to his paper and I felt quite pleased to be off the bus for a day.

"I'll sort out some clothes for you and pack a bag. Is there anything in particular you want? We won't need to return here from school then." Our forthcoming trip had, unbelievably, slipped from my mind and I suddenly grew excited again at the prospect of being alone with my mother.

"Nah - anything will do just make certain you chuck in a couple of tee shirts and my shaving gear." I was proud of the fact that I was shaving now and wanted to make sure that Mom was fully aware of this fact - even if my beard was thin and sparse.

The day passed by with out me paying much attention, being lost in the vision I was having of the weekends' possibilities, and when I finally climbed in to the car with Mom it was as if we were setting out to a new beginning. Mom was dressed for travelling comfortably and she was wearing a short black skirt, loose white top and comfortable looking casual slip-on shoes. She looked and smelt great and I leaned across and kissed her in greeting. Both our mouths opened and our tongues met for a few seconds before we pulled apart, somewhat guiltily, before any of my fellow pupils noticed.

"Right, Sport. Let's go. I've been looking forward to this all day. I'll drive for the first hour while you relax and wind down from school and then you can do the last couple of hours if that suits?" Mom started the car and pulled out into the traffic and headed for the freeway chattering avidly as we travelled. She was a very competent driver and I sat back and relaxed completely trusting of her skill. I watched her as she drove, wondering as to what she was wearing under her outer clothing and she was soon aware of my attention.

"Do you approve of what I am wearing?" she finally asked and when I replied that she looked absolutely 'Ravishing' she preened and looked very pleased with my response.

"Did you bring some gear for me? And if so where's my bag? " I asked. "I think I might get out of these school clothes if that's all right?"

"I just packed one bag for the both of us. That's it in the back seat." Mom responded. I turned and reached over for it thinking how intimate and sexy it was sharing a bag and sorted out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt.

I settled back in my seat and removed my shirt and wriggled out of my slacks, ending up sitting in just my underpants. I shook out my jeans and prepared to put them on, Mom glancing at me regularly to watch what I was doing, and when I moved to push my feet into the jean legs my cock, which had stiffened up a lot from my semi nudity, poked it's way through the fly of my shorts and stood proudly erect as if looking round for some sort of prey. I was immediately embarrassed and, blushing brightly, I quickly fumbled it back inside my underwear. I pulled up my jeans, dragged on the tee shirt and slipped my sneakers back on. When fully clothed again I turned towards Mom with the intention of apologising for my exposure but she beat me to the punch and said,

"Thanks for that quick display, Dear. I enjoyed it probably almost as much a you have been enjoying my little shows." She smiled at me and went on "Do you think you'd like to drive now?" and when I confirmed it she pulled over and parked, climbing out and coming round to my side of the car.

I climbed out and, playing the gentleman, I helped her in to the passenger seat and waited to close the door for her. I got a great display as she climbed in and I found out that she was wearing black lacy nickers, which she made certain I got a good look at as she sat talking, spread wide open with one foot in the car and the other still on the ground, for some time before pulling her leg inside and allowing me to close the door. I also saw that her nipples were poking out prominently through the material of her top.

We continued on our journey and eventually the lights of my sisters' new hometown came into view and we began to see more and more buildings and people. It was early evening by now and most places were lighting up and Mom suggested that we stop at the first reasonable sized motel we came across that had a 'Vacancy' sign showing and a restaurant attached.

We soon found one and I pulled in to allow Mom to book us in for a couple of nights. She soon returned, brandishing a key, and, after climbing in, directed me to a unit right at the end of a group. When we were parked outside it she said,

"I'm starving. Let's just throw the bag inside and then go to the restaurant. I was told that it's very good and has a bar attached. We should be able to sneak you some wine."

I was more than happy with this plan as I was also desperately hungry, having not bothered with lunch. We dropped our bag on the table just inside the door and found that the unit consisted of one large room with a table and 2 comfortable chairs, a TV and two double beds in it. There was also a bathroom/ toilet attached and there were facilities to make coffee or tea and toast - just a normal utilitarian motel, really. It seemed as if I would definitely be sharing a room with Mom and I eagerly pictured in my mind the views of her that I might get.

The meal was as good as advertised and we managed to work our way through a couple of carafes of the house wine and by the time we got back to our unit we were both feeling satisfied and relaxed. After locking the door behind us Mom suggested that I use the bathroom to get ready for bed as I would be much quicker than her so I grabbed our toilet bag and a clean tee shirt and headed off as she switched on the TV and settled down into one of the chairs. When I came out Mom looked me over, in my nightwear of tee shirt and underpants, and then stood up with her stuff in her hand and headed in to the bathroom telling me to choose either one of the beds, she didn't care which. I switched off all the lights and the TV and climbed between the sheets of the bed nearest the door leaving just the bed lamp on.

When I was lying there comfortable in the warmth I finally noticed that Mom had left the bathroom door quite widely ajar and I could clearly see almost the whole of the bathroom refected in the mirror on the wall over the table. Mom was perched on the toilet, peeing, and while I could not actually see her pissing I could definitely hear it and could clearly see her face. She was siting there with her eyes closed looking very contented to be emptying her bladder and I guessed that she had maybe been waiting for a while. When she was finished I watched her wipe herself dry with wads of toilet paper and I got a glimpse of her pussy as she did so, and I noticed that when she was finished she did not pull her panties back up, just stepped out of them and, as the toilet was flushing she bent down and picked them up. Mom turned on the taps over the hand-basin and as the basin was filling she removed her top and stood there in just her short skirt. She soaped a facecloth and proceeded to wash herself, attentively soaping under each arm and lifting each breast to wash under them. When she had completely soaped the top half of her body she rinsed and then dried off carefully. I was looking in the living-room mirror watching the reflection of her in the bathroom mirror but it was as clear as if I was standing beside her. My cock was so hard it was hurting and I was worried that I might involuntarily mess up the nice clean motel sheets.

When Mom had re-soaped the face cloth she did something that almost but not quite sent me over the edge. With one hand she reached down and grabbed the hem of her skirt and lifting it to waist level, she spread her feet apart a little and sort of crouched down a bit to open her crotch to the cloth with which she washed her cunt carefully, using her other hand. She rinsed off and then dried, rubbing vigorously with the towel. Mom then moved out of my sight for a few seconds and then returned, stark naked, and stood in front of the mirror again and shook talc all over her body, massaging it gently in, and then lifted her nightie over her head and lowered it slowly down over her body. As her face came clear of the see through material her eyes met mine in the mirror and I became aware that she knew I was watching her and I looked away, guiltily.

Mom came out of the bathroom carrying her skirt and blouse in one hand and she paused, framed with the bathroom light behind her, for a few seconds giving an even closer view of her all but nude figure and then she moved, breaking the spell, and placed her clothing on the other bed.

"I'm pleased you chose that bed." She said, "That's the one I would have picked as well." And not giving me a chance to think about it she flicked off the bathroom light in passing, threw back the bed covers and said,

"Move over! You don't need all that much room!"

I was in shock but did as she ordered and watched open mouthed as she climbed in beside me and pulled the covers back over both of us. Mom turned to face me and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me close to her. I could feel her lightly covered breasts pressing into my chest and I could even feel her hard erect nipples digging in. I knew she would be aware of my erection pressing against her soft tummy and I was embarrassed about it but it didn't seem as if she was.

"Do you want to sleep with me?" Mom asked, "I can easily jump in the other bed if you're not happy." I mumbled something in reply and Mom got the idea and pressing herself even harder against me she proceeded to give me the kiss of my life. Her tongue probed and investigated every inch of my mouth and the sensation of swapping saliva with her was very, very exciting. When we pulled apart she put her lips close to my ear and whispered,

"Did you enjoy the little show I put on for you in the bathroom? Your eyes were nearly sticking out of your head and I was sure that you would have masturbated before I was finished with you. Did you?" Mom stuck her tongue in my ear and licked all round, sending shivers up and down my spine - what else was going to happen to me? It appeared that life would definitely never be the same by the time this night ended.

"With what you were doing I nearly didn't have to. I nearly popped off without so much as touching myself. It was touch and go there for a few seconds - but I didn't."

Mom slid her hand down and gently ran her fingers over my erection and whispered in my ear again,

"So this is still fully loaded for me? I think it's time that you returned the favour and let me see you - since you've already had a good look at all I've got." And she threw the bed covers back and urged me to sit up so that she could take my tee shirt off. When I was bare to the waist she pushed me back down onto the bed and lowered her face to my chest and proceeded to lick and titillate me with her tongue, working her way down from my throat to my nipples which she sucked into her mouth and bit gently and teased with her tongue. I had never guessed just how touchy and arousing my nipples could be and I was soon panting for relief, at which time Mom sat up and began to work my underpants down. She urged me to lift my hips to let her get them right off and when I did so she very carefully slid them down, taking great care to lift the elasticised waist-band over and clear of my cock. When I was completely bare and exposed to her gaze I lay back down flat and my cock was so hard and erect it was pressed hard against my stomach. Mom looked admiringly at it and stood up to remove her nightie saying,

"Goodness. That certainly looks ready and eager for something. You don't have any ideas about doing to me what you watched your father doing the other night? Do you?" Mom stood completely nude beside the bed, only inches from me, waiting for my reply. I didn't know what to say so I said nothing, just groaned quietly. I was sure that Mom was as excited as I was, as what I could see of her cunt seemed to be very wet and the smell of her arousal was apparent even to my inexperience senses. Mom moved back onto the bed and lay back down beside me,

"I guess we'll just have to see where this all leads to, then." She said and she slowly ran her hand down the length of my body to gently wrap her fingers round the shaft of my cock.

"I think the first one should be just for you and we can then proceed from there." Mom slowly began to slide her hand up and down my cock at the same time reaching down with her other hand and cupping my balls and softly squeezing them a little. The feeling was exquisite - to actually have someone other than myself playing with my privates was absolutely unbelievable and the sensation was so different from my own ministrations that I couldn't believe that it was happening. It rook no time at all to bring me to a climax and the first squirt was so forceful that the sticky white fluid actually hit me on the chin. It seemed to go on for ever, each blast being slightly weaker and Mom kept up her rubbing right through the whole eruption, milking my cock completely dry.

When it was all over and I was lying there gasping and still shaking, trying to regain my composure, Mom finally released me and said,

"WOW! You certainly needed that. God - I've never seen so much cum.

It shot out all over the place. What brought that about? You must have jacked off last night didn't you?"

"Well I've been imagining and hoping for something like this all day and the teasing in the car and in the bathroom certainly helped wind me up. I thought I was going to die in the middle of that." I managed to gasp this out, still feeling as weak as a kitten.

Mom got up and headed in to the bathroom and returned with a facecloth and hand towel.

"We can't leave you like that." She said and she sat on the edge of the bed and washed all the discharge off my belly and chin with the warm soapy face cloth. She dried me off with the towel and taking up the facecloth again she began to wipe my groin clean. Her movements with the warm cloth soon had my cock sitting up and beginning to stand to attention once more and she was careful to finish the cleaning and drying gently, not wanting me to get overexcited at this time. When she had dropped the cloth and towel in a heap beside the bed she lay back down beside me and went on,

"Well - as I said the first one was for you, and you seemed to enjoy it, now we'll make this one for both of us." Mom moved closer to me and kissed me again and then guided my head down till I could take her nipple in my mouth.

"Work at it gently but not too gently." She ordered, "Woman love to have attention paid to their breasts and nipples and if you suck and lick them and occasionally bite them very softly you will get almost any woman highly excited and ready to have sex with you." This seemed like it might be a steep but rewarding learning curve and I followed her directions eagerly until she was groaning and writhing on the bed under my attention. Mom grabbed one of my hands and guided it down to her cunt and showed me how to run my fingers up and down between the lips of her pussy and then to rub firmly on the small hard nubbin at the top of these lips. The harder I rubbed the more she seemed to like it and she was moaning and crying out quite loudly as we went on. Her whole pussy area seemed to be soaking wet and the sounds my fingers were making as the probed and slipped around were much the same as those I had heard while watching Dad fucking her the other night. I was amazed to discover a large hole gaping open at the bottom of her cunt and Mom seemed very pleased when I instinctively probed with a finger. Pushing more and more in when I found that there was room, I finally had four fingers thrusting in and out of her and she was lying there with her legs flung wide apart, completely open and seemingly mine to do with as I wanted.

"I can't wait any longer. Put your cock in me and fuck me. Please! I've got to have you. Please." Mom pulled me over so as I was lying on top of her and I thrust desperately at her, trying in vain to satisfy her needs.

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