What a Week - Cover

What a Week

Copyright© 2002 by PhoenixKiwi

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A mother son encounter.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Voyeurism  


It was Winter-time and the darkness arrived early with the night-time cold keeping all but the foolhardy or dedicated, indoor in front of the fire at night. Monday evening and I had finished school and sports practice early and arrived home long before dark. While Mom was putting the finishing touches to our evening meal I had worked studiously in my room, completing most of my homework, finishing it after clearing the dishes into the washer and returning to my room.

The usual procedure at our place was for Mom and Dad to settle down in front of the TV for the evening, eventually stumbling off to bed about 10.00 clock. Dad usually finished up dozing and Mom reading or knitting while I liked to do crosswords. Our lounge was a long room, lavishly carpeted with 2 Lazy-boy chairs bracketing an open fireplace at one end angled towards the TV at the other end of the room. There were a sofa and a chair down each side of the room but I preferred to lie on the floor facing the flickering fire to do my crossword, the junk on TV holding little interest. Each night about 9.30 either Mom or myself made a hot drink following which we all drifted off.

By the time I reached the lounge Dad already had his chair tilted right back, the foot-rest was right up and he was dozing gently with his head tilted to the side facing the TV. Mom was leaning partially back and also had her foot-rest up and was reading her new library book and hardly looked up when I took up my usual position facedown in the middle of the room forward of my parents. I worked on my crossword for some time before dropping my pencil and resting my chin on my hands and gazing reflectively into the flames, thinking how pleasant it was in the warmth. I looked up at Dad and saw that he was completely out of it, snoring quietly and contentedly, and when I looked across to Mom I saw that she was still engrossed in her book and to my surprise I found that in her relaxed state her knees had fallen apart giving me a clear view up her dress to her panties. My mouth immediately went dry and I could not drag my gaze from the sight even though all I was seeing was the bunched up material of the crotch of her white knickers. Mom was not wearing stockings so the whole picture was in fact fairly innocent but in my 15 year old mind it was highly stimulating.

When I finally did manage to drag my eyes away from this view it was to see Mom look up from her page and see where I had been peering. She flushed and quickly closed her legs and I buried myself back in my crossword trying to look innocent. After some time I peeped up again to try and ascertain her mood, be it anger or embarrassment, and to find out how much trouble I was in. I found to my amazement that she was leaning back again and her legs were spread open once more giving me an even wider view than before and I wondered what Mom was up to. As a 15 year old my sexual imagination was on a steep rise but my experience remained at nil. I had had no involvement with girls and full or partial nudity was not something that occurred in our home. The most erotic encounter I had previously had occurred about 5 years previous when I had accidentally walked into the bathroom while my sister Wendy, 12 years old at the time, was standing in her knickers and vest. Wendy had not really started to develop at that time and her breasts did not even push out the front of her vest. Wendy's violent protestations soon had me retreating from the bathroom in acute embarrassment and I had never seen her in an undressed state since, the opportunities being few and far between now that she spent most of her time at boarding school.

I finally lifted my gaze and caught Mom's glance, when she sort of smiled at me, and asked her if she wanted a hot drink. She wanted one but Dad didn't so I headed to the kitchen and heated some milk and when I returned with the mugs Dad was snoring again and Mom was still lying back with her legs still apart. When I had delivered her drink and was back on the floor with mine I again peeped and saw that something had changed - Mom had obviously pulled her panties on tighter as now they were not bunched up at her crotch but were stretched tightly showing an outline of a bulge with what seemed to be a split down the middle. My cock was rock hard and pressed against the carpet and I was frightened that I would start spurting in my pants. I had discovered the enjoyment that I could get from rubbing and fondling my cock some time ago but I had never done anything outside the privacy of my bed where I had always been able to clean up the mess I made afterwards.

As soon as I had finished my drink I decided to head off to bed and relieve myself so I climbed carefully to my feet, trying to keep the state of my cock from Mom's view, and I went to her to give her the usual goodnight peck on the cheek but when I put my hand on the back of her chair and leant down to kiss her she turned her head and our lips met briefly. Mom smiled and. with a twinkle in her eye, said,

"Goodnight, Sweetie, have a sound sleep and don't get up to mischief."

I was soon in bed and quickly brought myself to a very messy peak, fantasising about Mom, and afterwards I wondered at her words.


When I got down for breakfast Mom was bustling around in her nightie and a very thin dressing gown. This was highly unusual as, in the past, she was always fully dressed and I suddenly started to become aware of how sexy she looked. She was a typical middle-aged woman who had borne two children and taken reasonable care of herself. She was slightly overweight but was always well groomed and she was still firm and curvy in the places that she should be. I was immediately ashamed and embarrassed at my thoughts but that didn't stop me noticing the smooth, creamy white flesh of the top of her breasts which was visible when her top gaped open as she leant over to put my breakfast in front of me. I hurriedly finished my food, got to my feet to head off to school and, after pulling on my coat, I grabbed my lunch box and went to head out the door. Mom grabbed me and gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the lips.

"Have a good day, Sweetheart. Look forward to tonight." And she kissed me again as she released me. Even through the thickness of my clothes I could still feel her breasts flattening against me as she hugged me.

School was the usual uninteresting experience and I was pleased to be finally walking up the drive, another day over. Mom greeted me with yet another hug and kiss, an unusual occurrence, us being a fairly undemonstrative family, and sent me upstairs with a mug of hot soup to do my homework with the information that dinner would be a couple of hours. Things happened as normal and I was down in the lounge with my crossword about 8.30, hopeful, but without much expectation, that I might get another sight of Mom's underwear. I lay there for only a few minutes before Mom's knees fell apart and I was on the receiving end of much the same view as last night. Tonight however Mom was wearing different knickers, this pair was pink in colour and were light, filmy and, most important of all, they were SEE THROUGH. I was awe struck - I could see a dark black mass which I took to be hair, the same as I was growing above my cock, and two bulging lips with some pink fleshy bits poking out from between them. This was a cunt which I had heard so much about but never seen or really understood before. The sight almost had me groaning and when Mom lifted her left knee and lay her right one flat, opening herself even more it was too much for me and I gushed out my discharge without so much as touching my cock. Luckily I was wearing underpants and heavy sweat pants that prevented my discomfort showing and when I met Moms gaze the look on her face seemed to indicate that she was aware of what had happened to me.

A sports program started on TV which got Dad's attention and Mom, not being a sport fan, sat up and said she was going to have an early night and for Dad not to wake her when he finally came to bed. A couple of minutes after Mom headed off I climbed to my feet, said 'Goodnight' to my father and followed her upstairs. I couldn't help myself from glancing in as I passed her open door and saw Mom standing in front of her dressing table in her underwear and when she saw me in her mirror she smiled and turned and beckoned me in.

"I see you're going to have an early night as well but would you mind staying up for a few minutes and doing me a favour first? I'd love it if you would massage the tension from my shoulders and neck?" Mom was looking in to my eyes in the mirror and I couldn't speak, my mouth being completely dry, but I did manage to nod eagerly. She smiled, removed her petticoat, sat in front of her dressing table in just her bra and panties, and picked up a bottle of body lotion and handed it to me. I was so nervous my hands were trembling and I almost dropped the lotion and Mom obviously mistook the reason for my nervousness and reassured me,

"Don't worry, Dad always watches the whole of this show and anyway we will hear him coming up if he decides not too."

For the first time I started to realise the forbidden aspect of our actions and became aware that Mom was participating in our wickedness. I opened the lotion, poured some on my palms and after rubbing my hands together to warm it I began to massage her shoulders. Mom reached up and slid the shoulder straps of her bra down her arms and then she leant back and let me rub her, gently at first but firmer and firmer as we went on. After a few minutes I could feel the tension disappearing from her and I slowly changed from massaging her shoulders to rubbing and fondling her throat and neck, softly and gently stroking her and I felt completely gratified that she was relaxed so completely as I petted her. I moved from her throat and began to run my fingers over her face and she just sat there, with her eyes closed, obviously revelling in my ministrations, and I was excited to see her legs fall apart and expose her lightly covered pussy to my view in the mirror. It appeared that her cunt was opening up but I thought that was a silly thought and that I must be mistaken

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