Harding House - Cover

Harding House

Copyright© 2002 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 7: Locked in / Sleepover

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7: Locked in / Sleepover - It's an old fashion house in England somewhere, however it holds secrets - Darcy and Cassandra - much to the disturbance of Kate and Billy who fall foul of their attentions

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   TransGender   Fiction   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation  

Billy's story

I looked at the foot of the bed, there was a brass plaque screwed onto it.

Elizabeth Harding
A Beauty in repose

I pointed this out to Kate, she nodded.

"So the only person in the family grave is Josiah himself! I hope he's lonely there." Her voice showed how angry she was, I told her what Darcy had said about there being no spirit in this part of the room she nodded absentmindedly, she seemed to be thinking to herself, and then she looked up.

"Billy?" She started, "I have to ask you a great favour." She looked frightened, as if I wouldn't be willing to help her.

She sat down on the bed, ignoring the present occupier; I sat with her and held her hand, as this was so unlike Kate I was beginning to get worried.

"Kate, all you have to do is ask!" I told her, she looked at me and gave a shy smile; again Kate was never shy about anything so this must be something... My stomach gave a slight lurch; she couldn't be talking about... Somehow we got connected again.

'Pull yourself together girl, its Billy you're talking to not Brad, yuck! Fancy thinking about Brad at a time like this'

"At a time like what?" I asked her, she looked at me and then realised what had happened,

"Oh shit," she exclaimed, not again! "Alright then Billy, we've got to help Darcy and Cassandra." Well this was obvious and I thought so, she carried on talking, "Yes I know it is! Anyway I don't know about you but I thought it was so awkward when they were in our bodies, instead of seeing you I saw Cassandra, and although she's very pretty, I don't really fancy kissing girls, I mean I hardly kiss any boys!" she added with a smile.

"You've kissed me!" I told her, she beamed at me.

"Of course I did, you're about the only boy I would kiss" she told me with a smile on her face.

I smiled back, I did like kissing her, it was different than kissing mum or my sister, I did the only thing I could think of, I bent over and kissed her again, Cassandra's lessons were being put to good use.

Kate put her arms around me and kissed me back, she then pulled back and considered, then she looked at me.

"Billy, can you promise never to tell anyone, I do mean ANYONE about this!" I was going to answer, I mean I know Kate is worried about being a girl, and she wouldn't want me bragging about kissing her, when she moved her hands and pulled up her tee-shirt.

I couldn't move, she was so beautiful, sitting in front of me with her jeans on and her small breasts poking out at me, she seemed to be bashful, she started to raise her shirt in front of her, and I spoke up.

"No please, don't. They're so pretty."

She looked shyly at me, "Do you mean it? You're not just saying that?"

I shook my head, "I really mean it, and they're perfect on you." This seemed to cheer her up she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me again.

"When I first got them I was so ashamed, I didn't want to be a girl, that's why I stayed with Brad and his gang, to prove I was just as good as you lot were!" She said, this time I felt awkward, I wanted to wrap my arms around her but I didn't want to frighten her.

"Billy!" Cassandra's voice called from the partition, "Go on! She wants to feel your love for her." I turned to see them both watching, somehow they couldn't enter this side still.

I kissed Kate back, my arms touching her now luxuriating in the feel of her flesh, I know I had touched her earlier, but that was with Cassandra using me, and the body I could see was her vision of Darcy, which did put me off slightly, but for now this was just Kate and me together.

"Hold me Billy," she said, "I'm frightened." I looked into her eyes. I could see tears in them.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, she shook her head.

"I want to do this, but I'm scared. What if we do it? What if I get pregnant? How would I explain that to mum?"

I just stared at her, Pregnant! I thought she was just interested in kissing, I didn't think she'd want to do it now; she pulled back and looked at me in the eyes.

"Of course I want to do it now,"she said, "if only to get back at that Josiah! Now do you want to do it?" She had 'heard' me - did I want to have... have, well, sex with her - of course I did, but not because I was going to get back at someone, I'd want to do it for the love of the person, I know it sounds sissy, but that was my reason. I did love Kate, I knew that, she was the image I kept in my mind at night when I masturbated, but I wasn't going to tell her that, then I saw the smile on her face - I was really going to have to watch my thoughts down here!

"Kate!" I said, "Then we're going to get into trouble together." I smiled at her, "Remember what they said in class - 'it takes two people to make a baby' and so we'll face your mother, hand in hand if necessary."

She laughed and then kissed me again, this time I hugged her close, feeling her small breasts rubbing against my covered chest, 'Oh this feels so nice' I heard and agreed, watching her back start to blush - I hadn't realised that it went so far down her body.

I whispered into her ear, "Shall I get undressed, or do you want to undress me?" her blush got redder, if possible, she shook her head, I took this to mean that she didn't want to undress me.

I disentangled myself from her grip and stood up, my hands moving to the buttons on my shirt.

Kate's Version

I was sure who the person in the bed was, the feeling was too much it almost overwhelmed me, how could he be so arrogant, so uncaring. He displays his own children as some waxworks and then in the other part of the room has his own wife, in a bed as if asleep.

I couldn't be surprised at Billy's reaction, even with all we've seen so far, ghosts, corpses tied up behind glass, a skeleton does still seem frightening, especially when it's head starts bouncing towards you!

I gently pulled the bedcovers off from the body, I could just make out the lace on the remaining tatters, I suppose it was a nightdress, so she was female. Billy came up beside me, I had to show that there was nothing to worry about, I smiled at him.

"She wouldn't have hurt you," I said, "She hasn't been in this room for years, they would have known." And I pointed to where Darcy and Cassandra were still waiting by the partition; they still couldn't enter this part of the room.

Billy said something, which I didn't really catch, and then asked who I thought she was, the answer was obvious to me and I told him. "I think that's Elizabeth Harding, Josiah's wife, what she's doing here instead of safely in her grave I don't know!"

Billy looked around at the bed and then pointed to a plaque screwed into it, I read the inscription. Boy this Josiah Harding was sick! He made all his relatives into a bloody display for his own fun, I decided that I really didn't like him, and wanted to piss him off. But if she was here then,

"The only person in the family grave is old Josiah himself! Ump. Well I hope he's lonely there!" Billy said something about Darcy not sensing anyone in this part of the room, but I wasn't really listening, Josiah was really adamant about Darcy and Cassandra not being able to touch each other, but what if that was the only way they could be released? What if being in us touching each other could do it? That would deprive him, and that would serve him right, but would Billy agree.

"Billy?" I started; I didn't really know how to ask him, "I have to ask you a big favour." I had to stop there, I couldn't get myself to say the words, I sat down on the bed, and I heard the rattle of the bones as more of them were dislodged, but they were in the background of my thoughts.

Billy said something, I think he was trying to encourage me, I had to smile at the tone of his voice, I thought to myself 'Pull yourself together girl, this is Billy you're talking to not Brad!' where the hell did that thought come from? Fancy thinking of Brad at a time like this!

Then Billy spoke which showed that we were connected again, "At a time like what?" He asked

"Oh shit!" I said, and then drew myself up, I had to ask him. "Alright Billy, we've got to help Darcy and Cassandra." I started, I heard him say 'That's obvious!' and I agreed with him, "Yes I know it is!" and then I realised that he hadn't said a word, so I carried on, "Anyway I don't know about you but I found it bloody awkward when they were in our bodies, instead of seeing you I saw Cassandra, she's very pretty but I don't really fancy kissing girls, I hardly kiss any boys!"

"You've kissed me!" he said, I had to smile at that, but I also had to defend myself...

"Of course I did," I told him, "because you're about the only boy I would kiss" he was smiling now, and then he kissed me again, it was so wonderful; I started to see flashing lights in my head. I pulled him closer to me and started to kiss him back He was really very nice.

I broke the kiss, would he do it I wonder? But then would he tell everybody, then how would I feel! I looked at him and spoke.

"Billy, can you promise never to tell anyone, I do mean ANYONE about this!" I let him think about this for a moment and then took off my tee-shirt, he just sat there looking at me, I was starting to feel ashamed, he didn't like me! I started to cover my chest up with the shirt again when he spoke.

"No please, don't." He said, "They're so pretty." I couldn't believe that he'd said that, I looked at him

"Do you mean it?" I asked and then added, "You're not just saying that?"

"I really mean it!" He said, "They're perfect on you." I was so happy, he liked me! I grabbed hold of him and kissed him. I started to babble about how I felt about my breasts; I think I told him too much. I heard Cassandra speak from behind her vantage point, but didn't hear what she said, but Billy started kissing me back, I had this feeling down between my legs, now I knew what I wanted to do, and then I heard the voice of Josiah Harding in my head 'If you do it now you'll have a bastard son, your mother will disown you and you'll be cast out into the streets - no-one will have you! You'll be forever alone!' This scared me, to be thrown out because I got pregnant, which is what I might get if I let Billy do this to me!

"Hold me Billy, I'm frightened" I blurted out to him.

He looked at me, confused. "What's wrong?" He asked, I tried to ask him what would happen if I got pregnant - how would I explain it to mum. I heard him say 'Pregnant! I didn't realise she wanted to have sex!' I couldn't believe it! All this time and he still didn't understand.

"Of course I want to do it now!" I exclaimed, "If only to get back at Josiah," his whisper just then had strengthen my resolve, "Now do YOU want to do it?" I asked him, somehow I saw a picture of him in bed, jacking off and saying my name, I had to smile

Billy started to blush, I knew where that image had come from now, then he looked seriously at me and said,

"Kate, we're going to get into trouble together, remember what they said in sex-education class, it takes two to make a baby, and we'll face your mother! Hand in hand if necessary!" he added smiling, it was such a wonderful thing for him to say, that I just had to kiss him again, feeling his shirt on my breasts as I did, I thought it felt so nice and he said, "Yes it does, doesn't it!" - Oh god I did it again! He heard me.

Then he whispered into my ear, "Shall I get undressed? Or do you want to undress me?" I couldn't answer, I didn't trust my hands to undress him, I'd get entangled I knew it, so I shook my head, I watched as he stood up, his hands moving to his shirt, undoing the buttons there, his shirt was soon removed, I looked at his chest, expecting to see hair there, I'd noticed that Darcy had a hairy chest in the display, but Billy was bare - well hairless anyway, I suppose they grow with age, he then sat on the bed and started to untie his shoes, I bent down to take off mine, how we missed bumping our heads I don't know, we were very close at that point.

Again we both stood up, as if we were on strings, I spoke up. "This is scary!" Billy agreed. We decided to turn our backs to each other and undid our jeans, leaving just our underwear on, and we turned to face each other, I could see Billy's pants with the tent showing in front, although I was slightly scared I also felt tingly, down there! He looked at my eyes again, I could see he was having second thoughts again, so I took the plunge and bent down holding his pants in my hands and dragging them down to his feet.

His, his - come on girl don't be shy now. His cock was larger than I expected it to be, and stood out from his body, like his chest he didn't have any hair on it, no I was wrong there was a light covering of hair, but they were so fine as not to be there at all. Now it was his turn, I stood in front of him, my arms by my sides; it was too late to think about covering myself up,

"Go on Billy," I said, "Do it now, please!" I begged him, he nodded to me and then approached me, his hands were warm on my hips as he gripped my panties, he looked me straight in the eyes as he lowered them down my legs, I felt a slight stickiness as they came down, then they were round my legs, I stepped out of them and walked, naked, to Billy.

I heard Cassandra say something to Billy again, but the blood was pounding in my ears, I felt his arms around me, lowering me gently to the floor, it was cold! He took his trousers and shirt and placed them under me, he kissed me again,

"Kate," He said his voice was slightly hoarse as he spoke, "We can stop now if you want," I held him tight.

"Oh no," I said, "We're going through with this, I want YOU to be my first, not Cassandra and Darcy, they already know how it feels, I don't. I want you Billy, and I want you now!"

He kissed my face again, and then I could feel his body as he lowered himself onto me.

"This is how I'm going to feel when I do it." He told me, and then his head started to move downwards, kissing my neck, and then I could feel his breath on my breasts.

"What are you doing?" I gasped out; he paused in his ministrations to smile up at me,

"You need to get more relaxed, Cassandra explained to me how you'll feel at first, and so she taught me this." And he returned his mouth to my other breast, it was like electricity running though my body, I could feel so warm and tingly all over, I almost cried out when he left my breasts and moved further down, he couldn't be... He wouldn't, would he?

I did cry out when I felt his breath on my small slit, I could feel his lips on me as he kissed around the mound down there, and then he found it, my 'magic button' and he started to suckle on it as he had my breasts, it felt so good, so wonderful, I found that my hands had moved of their own will and I was holding his head against me as his tongue started to play with the hardened nubbin there, I couldn't control myself, I started to cry out in ecstasy as I could feel my climax approaching, getting closer, almost there, and then it arrived like a wave of passion.

It was such an intense feeling I didn't notice that Billy had moved quickly up and was on top of me again, when I did notice I found that there was an odd feeling - inside me, I looked at him.

"Billy!" I exclaimed, "You didn't? Did you?" he nodded.

"Cassandra told me that when Darcy first entered her she was so scared that it hurt when he broke her hymen," he started and then carried on by saying, "I didn't want you to suffer as she did, so while you were still enjoying your cum, I'm afraid I went ahead, I'm sorry if you didn't like it." He finished apologetically.

He had been thinking of me! And was apologising about denying me pain!! I kissed him, "Don't be so daft!" I said, "I didn't even feel you entering me, you were so wonderful. And where did you learn about licking my clit?"

He smiled down at me, "That was Cassandra again, she told me to do that when I wanted to really excite a girl, but I only wanted to do it with you!" He told me, I pulled his face close to me and kissed him, getting a strange but exciting taste on my lips, I brushed my tongue over his lips.

"Is that what I taste like?" I asked him, he nodded, and then started to move backwards slightly, I started to follow him, "Noo Billy! I want you inside me, I feel so full up when you're there." He nodded and started to push back, I could feel him expanding my insides, it had taken me by surprise that I was still moving towards him, as he pulled back I

allowed him, and then rose to meet him again, then I realised what we were doing, we were fucking, I felt ashamed thinking that word, but that was what we were doing, know I knew what I'd been missing, oh god why had no-one mentioned how good it could feel, there was a slight stab of pain which must have been from where he broke through my hymen, but even that was nothing compared to the pleasure I was feeling. For some reason the fountain came to mind and the scrawled writing on the side of it, I started laughing, I couldn't help it, Billy looked at me worried, but I just smiled back at him.

"Duck me Billy, duck me hard." I said laughing, I could see he was puzzled but started to increase his speed, I came again and again before he started to spurt inside me, and I don't care what the other girls say, I could feel it as he came inside me.

He fell on top of me exhausted; I managed to roll us onto our sides before he could really cover me too much, I started kissing his face.

"Oh Billy that was so wonderful," I said and then looked down at his naked body, I could see his... his cock (I can almost say it now) so small, but then I could see that it had blood streaks on it, I started to get worried, "Billy I think you've hurt yourself." I started to say.

"Kate!" came Cassandra's voice, "Don't worry, its not Billy's blood you see there, it's yours!" Mine, but how did I get cut? I wondered and then realised, I was annoyed at myself for not being as quick as I normally was. Then I wondered if I should repay the favour Billy had done me, I had seen Cassandra using her mouth on him and he seemed to like it, and he had licked me, I swallowed hard, I'd tasted my blood before, but it was the thought of that white stuff, his semen that I wasn't sure of, still the longer I debated about it the less time I'd have to masturbate it, I joked in my mind and so I acted.

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