Harding House - Cover

Harding House

Copyright© 2002 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 5: Return to the Dream

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Return to the Dream - It's an old fashion house in England somewhere, however it holds secrets - Darcy and Cassandra - much to the disturbance of Kate and Billy who fall foul of their attentions

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   TransGender   Fiction   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation  

Billy's story

I heard Kate calling to me as I/Cassandra was about to enter her body, I could hear the anguish in her voice, see Darcy standing beside us, Cassandra saying to me 'Go on Billy, do it, she'll love it eventually!' I didn't like the eventually part of her words, and so I pushed her out of my mind and rolled away from Kate before I could touch her. I tried to concentrate on my feeling and so I didn't notice what was happening at first

Cassandra was speaking. "... did to you, I thought it would be fun to guide you to act as a lady should, which is why I entered your mind and planted the command to dress as you have, but I'm now removing that." She turned to me and said, "I have to thank you for the use of your body, I hope the lessons I've now given you bear fruit and allow you to use them with the one you want!" She bent close to me and handed me a small crystal, "Take this so that you can remember today." As if I'd forget the picture of Kate's body.

Darcy was saying something about us returning on Monday, but I wanted to keep away from here for some time so I was glad when Kate said,

"I can't I've got netball practise after school on Monday and Wednesday, the next time would be next Saturday!"

Cassandra shook her head, "But yesterday you weren't at school in fact you had been off all day!"

I spoke up, "The teachers had an incept day, when they meet and learn things themselves, and they give us the day off. But we've still got lessons next week. So Kate's right the next time would be next Saturday."

Darcy spoke "Then we are agreed, we will meet here in the flesh so to speak, next Saturday, now I suggest you get dressed and leave, again we thank you for the use of your bodies." He motioned to Cassandra and they both left the room.

I quickly got dressed, keeping my back to Kate; I didn't watch her as she dressed, much as the thought of her doing so did arouse a part of me, then Kate spoke to me

"Thank you Billy, you were kind to stop when you did." I thought about what I had seen and done with her, I had to tell her the truth.

"Kate, I have to tell you, it was very hard to do that, I wanted to carry on, Cassandra told me that it would be so easy and wouldn't hurt you too much, but then I could really hear your words - I had to stop," I rushed the last bit, so I took a deep breath and added, "I'm sorry I did what I did."

She smiled at me, "But you did stop Billy," She said, "You were able to." And she kissed me, I almost melted but the thought came to me, 'Wow, she must really like me to do that'

She smiled at me, "You're my friend Billy, and I trust you it's not just a matter of liking you!" she knew what I was thinking.

"I didn't say anything but I did think that!" I told her...

"But if you didn't..." she said and then I heard, 'what the hell did they do to me'

I had to answer her, "I don't know, but I hope it doesn't last!"

We ran out of the house and cycled away, again our thoughts seemed to have a voice between us, and embarrassed us both. It was with relief that I finally got home, mum had made some sandwiches for tea, which I quickly ate before going upstairs.

Even after the episode at the house I still felt excited and my cock was also rigid, it almost hurt me, I couldn't help it, I dashed into the bathroom, locked the door and sat on the loo, and jacked off, rubbing away until it spurted onto my stomach. The release felt so good.

I quickly wiped myself off and returned downstairs to watch the t.v., but after a few minutes dad answered the phone and called to me, I went to it and picked up the handset.

"You just couldn't wait could you?" It was Kate's voice, I was confused. What was she on about? Then she continued, "I was in the middle of dinner, and I felt you. It was all I could do not to scream out. Can't you wait until bedtime to do that?"

"Kate what are you talking about? I was watching television, I haven't done... Oh yes, I did didn't I" I had finally remembered what I'd done after tea. I couldn't speak too loudly as mum and dad were in the same room

"You did and I could feel it, I don't know why we're still connected but please don't do it until later, if you have to!" she said, I agreed and we hung up.

Later I went to bed, although I still felt slightly excited, I thought I could do without for one night at least. But my body had other ideas, I had closed my eyes trying to get to sleep when I felt excitement building up inside me, I couldn't tell where it was coming from, I lost myself with the feelings, as they increased building up and up, my cock was also standing up as if it was being manipulated, until a wave of release came over me, it was like nothing I'd ever felt before, it was wonderful. I fell asleep with the feeling.

I opened my eyes; I was in the garden again Kate was beside me, she was wearing a nightdress, plain white with a lace collar, she looked beautiful in it. I was conscious of my pyjamas, but then a thought occurred to me if I was dreaming then I could change what I was wearing.

I concentrated and then found I was wearing my football shirt and trousers, I smiled at this. Kate was watching me 'how did he do that' I heard in my head.

"We're still connected Kate," I said, "Just picture what you want to wear and it will happen, we're back in the dream." I looked around and saw the lion and zebra come from out of the house, I stepped back as the lion passed me, but apart from heavy breathing sound he took no notice of me.

I looked back at Kate who was now in her normal jeans and tee-shirt, then I remembered something.

"You were jerking off just before you went to sleep weren't you?" She blushed and then said

"Well its better than when people are at dinner, honestly I didn't know where to put myself, mum asked me if I was alright because I looked flushed, and do you know how strange it is to feel that stuff squirting out?"

I smiled, "I quite like it myself, but what was that feeling when you did it? It's different to the way I feel." But for some reason Kate didn't want to carry on with the conversation.

"Ah! There you are," Darcy was approaching from the house, "I thought you were going to wait until next week."

Kate just stared at him, for some reason she didn't want to say anything to him, I spoke instead,

"It seems we can't keep away from this house, is there a reason for that?" I realised that there had to be a reason, but I didn't know what.

Darcy kept his eyes on Kate as he answered, "My sister and I are most anxious to keep our acquaintances as active as possible," He smiled to Kate as he said this, "It is your youth that keeps us alive, for this we do thank you both." He bowed as he was speaking.

"Why Darcy, showing manners at last!" Cassandra emerged from the house and approached us, "Kate, Billy thank you for coming here to this lovely day in the garden, shall we walk further in?"

She took my arm and walked past the fountain, "Billy," she began, "I've just realised that I never properly thanked you for letting me use your body earlier." To tell you the truth I don't think she ever really asked if she could do that she had just taken me over.

She bent over and kissed my cheek, I could feel my face turning red, she giggled, "I'm forgetting how young you are, just the same age as I was when I first experienced the pleasures of sexual congress" She smiled at me her eyes unfocused as she obviously was thinking about her past.

We stood on the grass, in silence, watching the Zebra grazing away, its tail flicking imaginary flies away from its body, the Lion was resting in a classic cat pose, front paws forwards sphinx like.

With a slight touch of apprehension I noticed that Darcy and Kate were approaching the Lion, I wanted to shout out to warn her, but then she reached down and touched it, my heart was in my mouth.

Kate's Version.

While I was eating dinner I started to feel very strange, I started breathing fast and could feel my face blushing, it was almost as if I was playing with myself, at first I thought Darcy, but then I felt smaller hands on me, but not on me - Billy! It had to be.

"Are you alright Kate, you look agitated?" Asked mum, I mumbled a reply, saying that the bike ride this afternoon had tired me out, and then I felt the spurting and a wetness on my tummy, it was so real I almost moaned in pleasure, I quickly finished off my dinner and asked if I could leave the table, my dad said something like 'please do, we need something to eat off of later!' it was an old family joke.

I ran upstairs to my bedroom, convinced that I'd have to wipe myself off, but when I undid my jeans, my stomach was dry!! But I could have sworn that - then it was obvious, I was feeling Billy as he jerked off, why he had to pick that time to do it I don't know, but it was likely that when he did it again I would also feel it - I wonder if it works the other way round?

Mum knocked on my door and asked if I was really feeling okay? I quickly did up my jeans and opened the door.

Mum looked at my face and touched it to see if I was running a temperature, and seemed slightly disappointed when I wasn't, she sat down on my bed and asked me what I'd been doing today, I told her that I'd been playing with the gang at the Harding House, she shook her head.

"I wish you'd start playing with girls instead of those boys, you never know what they'd get up to given half a chance!" she said, I smiled.

"Don't worry mum, I can deal with them if they get fresh, I do know about boys you know, the class did have sex-Ed last term, I know what they'd do and how to stop them as well!" She smiled at that.

"Well, just be careful. But what's the attraction of that place anyway, I'm surprised that it hasn't fallen down over the years, I remember my mother telling me about that place, you know we're related to the original owners?"

I just stared at her, "But I thought their children died on a voyage to America?" I blurted out.

Mum blinked, "How did you find that out?" she said, "Yes they did, but we're related to the family on their mother's side, Elizabeth I think her name was, I remember my mum saying that there was a lot of bad feelings about the Doctor at the time, they thought he'd killed the two, but when they found the letter it cleared the whole thing up, and then when the news of that ship sinking broke then everybody felt bad about it, at least that was what she heard from her mother."

I sat down and just looked at her, we were related to them? Was that why they could reach out to me - us I almost forgot Billy, what was his connection to the house, I asked mum.

"Didn't you know? Billy is your... third cousin, yes I think that's it, you know with a small town like this eventually everyone's related somehow." She smiled at me, "You're lucky we don't have a family reunion, Rebecca's also related to us you know!"

I made a face, Rebecca Jones is the type of person you go out of your way to avoid, she was nasty and knew it! We used to fight in the infants school and had to be placed in separate classes after that. And she was related to me! Uugh!

I managed to get to a phone later to moan at Billy, for doing that so early in the evening, I managed to get him to agree to only do 'it' when he was going to bed, I watched some television before deciding to go to bed.

I undressed and put on my nightdress, it the only concession to being a girl that I've allowed, pyjama's always seemed childish to me, as I was settling down I thought of the day's events, in a way I felt it was a pity that I didn't let Billy carry on with Cassandra's and Darcy's plans.

The memory of Billy's body started to burn itself into my mind his was the first body I've seen in the flesh - apart from the pictures at the sex-education classes of course - I could almost feel him poised on my body, I couldn't help it my hands started to move down to that place between my legs, I realised that Billy would soon be feeling this, after all he had already done the same himself it was only fair to return the favour.

I kept picturing Billy's cock as I saw it with Darcy, I was glad he didn't make me take it in my mouth, although the thought did make my pussy tingle, I turned over on the bed, trapping my hand between the mattress and my body, I could feel that Billy was also receiving the benefit of my efforts, I idly thought what would he do if I just stopped at that point - but I couldn't, I had to keep on, until, until - the release was so great that I couldn't do anything else but close my eyes and sleep.

I was outside the house this time, but back in the garden, Billy was next to me, he was dressed in his pyjamas and I noticed that I was in a slightly different nightdress, I didn't know where all the lace had come from, but somehow I liked it, I turned to Billy to find he was now dressed in a tee-shirt and trousers. ''How did he do that' I thought,

Billy turned to me and said.

"We're still connected Kate just picture what you want to wear and it will happen, we are back in the dream." As if that explained it all! But then I realised that it did, and so I concentrated. And found that my favourite jeans and tee-shirt were around me, Billy then said something that embarrassed me.

"You were jerking off just before you went to sleep weren't you?" I really didn't know what to say to that, but then remembered where I was when he started it and told him so. He wanted to compare the feelings which, quite frankly, I found completely embarrassing, and so I welcomed when Cassandra and Darcy arrived.

"Ah! There you are," Darcy said, "I thought you were going to wait until next week." Well of course he would say that, he knew that while I kept the crystal that I would be drawn back here in my dreams, I just hoped it wouldn't interfere with my school work.

Billy spoke up for both of us, "It seems we can't keep away from this house, is there a reason for that?" When he said that I knew that he wasn't aware of the crystal Darcy had given me. I could feel Darcy's eyes on me when he replied to Billy

"My sister and I are most anxious to keep our acquaintances as active as possible," I looked at him as he said this, he smiled, "It is your youth that keeps us alive, for this we do thank you both." He bent down in a bow as he finished this. Cassandra then joined us, she spoke to her brother,

"Why Darcy, showing manners at last!" She then looked at us both, "Kate, Billy thank you for coming here to this lovely day in the garden, shall we walk further in?"

Darcy turned to me, "Why not?" He said and offered me his arm, which made me feel really grown up. We watched the animals as they took their rest in the sunshine, I looked at Darcy, there was some resemblance to my dad in his face, a faint shadow I supposed, he looked at me quizzically.

"Now Kate, what is it that intrigues you so about me?" He said.

I could feel myself blushing, "It seems that we're related," I said and explained what mum had told me, he nodded

"Of course," He said, "There had to be some connection between us, something that allows us to be like this, so greetings cousin, I'm glad to make your acquaintance." And he kissed my cheek, I almost melted with that, but pulled myself together.

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