Harding House - Cover

Harding House

Copyright© 2002 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 4: Return to the House

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Return to the House - It's an old fashion house in England somewhere, however it holds secrets - Darcy and Cassandra - much to the disturbance of Kate and Billy who fall foul of their attentions

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   TransGender   Fiction   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation  

Billy's story

I quickly ate my dinner, I was in a hurry to get back the Harding House, not only to see Cassandra, although I did wonder what she had planned, I'd enjoyed the attention she was giving me, as well as the pleasure. The thought that she was dead didn't really bother me at this time.

As I approached the house I could see Kate's bike was already lying by the front door, I knew she would be heading for the broken window so I quickly dismounted and ran to the side of the house.

"Billy!" Came her voice from the garden area, I quickly looked to see if Cassandra was playing with her voice again, but I saw Kate by the steps going down into the garden area, I walked over to her.

She was dressed in a different blouse and skirt, she really did look pretty, but from the look on her face she didn't like this.

"You're still looking at me!" she accused me.

"I'm sorry Kate; I suppose you're still having problems?" I apologised to her.

She nodded, unable to look me in the eyes, "Every time I try to pick up my jeans I hear his voice, and my hands can't touch them. It's so infuriating; if he wasn't dead I would kill him!"

I wanted to tell her how nice she looked but I knew she would just snap at me, which I didn't want, so I kept quiet about that. We walked into the garden area, I could see the fountain at which the lion had been drinking, it was dry and overgrown, and of course the table wasn't there but I almost expected to see it.

Kate spoke to me as we looked around, "Have you had any more thoughts about them?" she asked,

I shook my head, "No, I think they want more from us than they're telling us, but at the moment I wouldn't mind seeing Cassandra again."

Kate snorted, "Only because you like her playing with your prick." She said.

I got angry at that, "And what about you," I said, "I saw him with his hand in your clothes, don't tell me you hated it when he played with you!" She kept quiet, I looked at her, tears were in her eyes, I felt so bad about that, I put my arm around her shoulder and hugged her close to me.

"I'm sorry Kate, I didn't mean that." I said, I could feel her sobbing into my chest.

"That's the problem," She said softly, "I do like it, I dream of him doing that whenever I'm here, I can't help it, and I hate it later." And she started to cry for real, I didn't know what to do except to just hold her.

After a few minutes she stopped and relaxed in my arms, then she realised what she was doing because she pulled away from me, and looked at me curiously.

"Why did you do that?" She asked me, "You never normally hold me, so why?"

I didn't want to answer, I mean how can I tell her that she was so pretty that I couldn't stop myself, I wanted to touch her - not just hold her, to kiss her and to feel her all over, it wasn't something I could tell her. I was getting confused, if only there was someone I could ask about my feeling. Maybe Cassandra could help me.

"I thought you needed me to." I finally said, not looking at her, she pulled my hand, and I looked up,

"Come on." She said, "I suppose we'd better go in" and we walked towards the broken window, hand in hand.

When we arrived at the window, I held it up for her to go ahead, she looked at me, "I can do that myself!" She said I kept quiet; I didn't want to go first because I knew I would want to watch her as she entered - trying to see her panties again, I mentally told myself 'This is KATE, not just another girl!' But after her grumble she slid into the room, her skirt raising itself as she went in, I slowly followed making sure my back was turned to allow her to fix her skirt without me seeing.

"Billy," She said, "Thank you." Again I didn't answer.

This time I turned on the light, we hadn't switched off the power when we were last here, the stuffed lion was still pouncing on the zebra, I looked closely at it, expecting it to roar at me, but it just stood there, a quick look around showed several birds in exotic plumage, I remember seeing them in the garden as well.

Kate opened the door and we went into the corridor and out to the hallway, Kate stood at the bottom of the stairs. But nobody was visible.

"DARCY!" She called, "WHERE ARE YOU?" Her voice echoed in the stair way, 'YOu, You, you, ou, u'

From behind us came a voice, "Ah the lovely Kate and prompt Billy," Said Darcy and then he stopped as if surprised, "I must say Kate you look a lot better as a girl than an urchin."

She angrily turned on him, "How could you." He looked surprised, "Every time I tried to change there was YOUR voice telling me how nice girls don't wear trousers, you made me do this, now stop it!"

He opened his hands, "My dear little fox, how could you say that, I wouldn't do that to you!" Her hand flew up and went to hit him but Darcy moved out of her way.

"I've told you before," Kate hissed at him, "My name is Kate not little fox." Darcy just smiled at her and gestured her away, she looked to me but Cassandra was beside be holding me back.

"Let Darcy placate her in his own way," Her voice whispered in my ear, "I've a lot more to show you!" And she turned me round to the stairs, I looked back to see Darcy taking Kate into a room, the door shutting behind them.

Kate's Version

I suffered throughout lunch, with mum smiling at me and making remarks on how nice and pretty I looked, and how the boys would love to be with me, it was making me sick!

I was glad when lunch was over, I ran upstairs and tried to change again - with no luck, that infuriating voice in my head whispering on how nice girls should dress. It was driving me mad; I vowed to seriously hurt Darcy when I met him.

I rode back to Harding House, putting my bike in the driveway near the front door, but I didn't go in first, I wanted Billy to be with me, somehow wearing a dress made me feel vulnerable - I know Darcy could touch me no matter what clothes I wore, which made me even angrier - I could have worn jeans all the time, but no he wanted me to stay in a skirt! - I was beginning to understand what a chauvinist pig was! His name was Darcy.

I was just looking at the garden, comparing its present condition with the way I saw it last night, it was a sorry mess. I almost felt sad for it, overgrown and lost with age, the fountain was damaged and had graffiti scrawled on it, I don't know who Victor Krueger was, but you don't spell duck like that! At least I think it was duck, and who's Sharon Smith?

I went back to the garden steps looking for Billy, I didn't want to enter the house alone, I was relieved to see him arrive, he was going to the window, I called out to him, he turned to look and waved to me I could see his eyes looking at my skirt and blouse, although in a way I liked it, another part of me was cringing at his gaze, I had to stop him so I spoke up "You're still looking at me!" I said.

He lowered his eyes, "I'm sorry Kate; I suppose you're still having problems?" he said

I nodded, I couldn't look at him, "Every time I try to pick up my jeans I hear his voice, and my hands can't touch them." I was so annoyed so I added, "It's so infuriating; if he wasn't dead I would kill him!"

We walked into the garden area, lost in our own thoughts, I asked Billy, "Have you had any more thoughts about them?" she asked,

He shook his head, "No, I think they want more from us than they're telling us," This I understood and then he added, "but at the moment I wouldn't mind seeing Cassandra again."

Oh yes! He must have enjoyed the way she used his cock so I told him off.

He looked annoyed when I finished, and then he accused me of wanting Darcy to touch me - But he was right in a way, I felt so ashamed at that, I could feel my control going, to my surprise he pulled me to him and hugged me. I couldn't help but cry out loud.

"I'm sorry Kate, I didn't mean that." He told me, but how could I admit to him, but then he had confessed to me so I spoke up.

"That's the problem - I do like it, I dream of him doing that whenever I'm here, I can't help it, and I hate it later." I broke down again, but he was so gentle as he held me, I could almost stay in his arms for hours, but I had to pull away from him, I wonder why he was being so nice to me so I asked him outright, he was quiet for a moment and then said

"I thought you needed me to." He kept his head down, so I knew he was trying to avoid the real truth, I took his hand, to show that I wasn't really annoyed with him, I pulled him with me as we went to the house.

"I suppose we'd better go in" I said to him, when we got to the window he held it up for me, I was grateful as I didn't really want him to enter before me, I was getting so conscious of my skirt, which decided to ride up as I climbed in. I don't think Billy saw anything as he had turned to close the window, but I thanked him for his gallantry anyway.

Billy turned on the light and looked around the glass eyes of the lion seemed to follow me so I left the room; I went into the hall with Billy behind me. I tried to find Darcy or Cassandra but couldn't see them - this was making me angry, he made me come here and then he didn't show up!

"DARCY!" I shouted out, "WHERE ARE YOU?"

He spoke from behind us, making jump. "Ah the lovely Kate and prompt Billy," He looked closely at me, "I must say Kate you look a lot better as a girl than an urchin."

This made me really angry, he made me dress like this and now he was humiliating me, I looked at him and said; "How could you. Every time I tried to change there was YOUR voice telling me how nice girls don't wear trousers, you made me do this, now stop it!"

He tried to deny this, but I knew he was to blame, he was so arrogant in the way he was standing I tried to hit him. But he just seemed to be out of my reach, then his words struck my ears, he called me little fox again, he never listened

"I've told you before," I said to him with clenched teeth, "My name is Kate not little fox." But all he did was smile at me, he reached to me and pulled me towards a side room, I turned to see Billy, but Cassandra was beside him, herding him up the stairs.

"Let my sister look after Billy," said Darcy, "We have better things to do." But I didn't want to do things with Darcy, but I went with him.

The door closed behind us and I found I was in a music room; I turned to speak to Darcy when he spoke first.

"I must apologise, Cassandra does have a strange sense of humour," He said, I just looked at him, she smiled at me, "When Cassandra spoke to you in your dream she implanted a suggestion, and reinforced it. I believe she wanted you to act as a lady of refinement, I'll endeavour to persuade her to remove it from you - later!"

I was really annoyed at that later part, I wanted removed now! And told him so, he just laughed. "Little fox, you're so beautiful when you're angry." He told me which infuriated me even more.

I decided to ignore him, and ask the question - the wrong question as it turned out. "Darcy, why are you here if you were lost at sea." He looked at me his face turning white.

"How, how did you hear about that, you wouldn't have been even thought of when that story was around!" he seemed to withdrawn into himself, he stood up and leant forwards his feet planted on the ground together, his arms drawn back as if held by ropes or chains, it looked as if he was fighting a force holding him back.

"This is my last memory," he said in a distant voice, "I'm trapped somehow, I can see my prize, but held back from it, I remember a voice saying 'The futility of lust' and then nothing, nothing except the knowledge that I'm here until the trump of doom, unable to leave, unable to move except within this house, until I felt you, Kate, I could feel you outside the house looking in, you called me back, you released my bonds, for a few hours at least, so I gave you an entry, the window latch was loose, but I released it for you, and you entered.

"I followed you as you walked around the house and then upstairs, when you layed on the bed I found I could touch you, your flesh responded to my hands, your clothes were no hindrance to me, I don't know why, but I know you felt my touch and enjoyed the sensations I gave you.

"I decided that you were the means for my release, but my sister was still trapped, unavailable to me, so I hoped that you may know of others who would free her from her entrapment, and gave you the suggestion to return, which you did. Three of your number failed me, but Billy, ah Billy he was the key.

"I felt her as she fled from her prison, she knew what his innermost thoughts were, and made them real for him." Now Darcy moved from his position to approach me, I sat still, unable to move, he was behind me now by my left ear into which he whispered, "Do you know his fantasy Kate?" then he moved to my right ear, "Dare you know his fantasy?"

I couldn't answer, I was too scared of the answer, Billy had told me how Cassandra had made him think she was me, then Darcy was before me again, nodding.

"That's right little fox, he's interested in you, he wants your body next to him, he wants to feel your body and to know your body in its entirety, I wanted to get up and run from the room, but I couldn't move, I tried to shake my head, he had to be lying, Billy was... Well Billy! A friend!

Darcy was before me again, smiling, taking in my discomfort, "That's right little fox! He's in love with you, although he doesn't know it yet. I've discussed this with Cassandra, while you two are here we are free, somehow you both have something within you that gives us movement, even that small glass fragment I slipped into your pocket allows me movement outside, why I could even follow young Bradley to his home. I do thank you Kate, but I need to teach you. Teach you things of which you've only glimpsed."

And then he was so close to me, his eyes peering into mine, so deep, his eyes, so brown, I could almost feel him as he opened a door into my head and entered within... within, within MEeee!

Billy's Story

I went with Cassandra up the stairs, we wandered down the hall and entered a room, I could see a rocking horse in the centre of the room, and Cassandra placed her hand on the mane of it.

"This was my favourite toy," she said sadly, "It became my second favourite after Darcy showed me a new game we could play. Do you know what that game was?" She asked me.

I kept quiet, I could feel what the answer was, but couldn't bring myself to speak, she seemed to be wrapped up in her thoughts.

"Do you know what age I was when Darcy taught me this game?" she didn't wait for an answer, "I was your age Billy, I was twelve, and Darcy was fifteen, our governess was asleep, and papa and mama were away, we were up in Darcy's bedroom." I could see that although she was looking at me, her eyes were unfocused as if she was looking beyond me. "For the game we had to be undressed, it was exciting, we've never been naked together before, Millie, our governess, always ensure that Darcy would never see me at all when I was bathing,

"When was stood facing each other I was fascinated, Darcy was different from me, he had hair on his body, where I just had a light covering, barely visible, and he had a wonderful stick between his legs, a fleshy pole, sticking up at me. Darcy taught me how to use it, I learnt that the pole could bring Darcy pleasure, and I enjoyed pleasing my brother.

"We kept, seeing each other over the weeks, Darcy showed me how we could become enjoined, and share mutual pleasure, finally he entered my body, causing me pain at first, but when I became used to the stretching inside me he started to move, the pleasure soon outweighed the pain, as I felt him spurting inside me I felt as if the doors of heaven had opened up for me, I was in rapture.

"Over the years we would play in this room, with new positions, once we enjoyed ourselves on this very horse, using the rocking motions to inflame our passion, we were completely in love with each other.

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