Wizards of Love - Cover

Wizards of Love

by SW MO Hermit

Copyright© 2024 by SW MO Hermit

Fantasy Story: Upon their 18th birthday, a select few young men and women have a night that changes their lives. They are trained to fulfill their destiny before they are let loose on the world. The potential for chaos is unimaginable. How does our Main Character choose to proceed? Read and find out.

Caution: This Fantasy Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Magic   Brother   Sister   .

Alexander Thaddeus Young came awake with a groan when his younger sister slammed his bedroom door open and bounced on his bed. “Wake up, Thad,” she screeched. “Mom has called you twice now. Your breakfast is getting cold, and you’ll be late for school if you don’t hurry. Thad groaned and pulled the covers over his head, only to have Gracie grab them and pull them down again.

Grace grinned and said, “Mom said I could throw cold water on you if you didn’t get up. Please stay there and let me. That would be soooo cool!” Grace stood and ran out the door into their shared bathroom. Thad heard the water running in the sink and almost jumped from his nice, warm bed. When Grace returned to the bedroom with a glass of water, she stopped upon seeing him standing, trying to pull a shirt over his head. “Oh, poo,” she said. “You’re no fun.”

On her way back to the kitchen, Grace entered the bathroom to pour out the water and return the now-empty glass.

After dressing, Thad almost stumbled into the bathroom, did his business, and dragged his still-sleepy body into the kitchen. Dammit, it was his birthday. He turned 18 today. There should be a law that says you could sleep in and miss school on your birthday. Thankfully, there was a steaming cup of coffee beside his milk and breakfast when he sat in his usual seat at the table. He grabbed the coffee and drank almost half the cup before diving into his eggs, ham, and hash browns. Within five minutes, he was done and ready to roll. Now, he wished he’d not spent so long gaming with his friends last night when he was supposed to be sleeping.

He arrived at school much later than usual and had to park on the back side of the lot. Those watching him cross the nearly full student parking lot saw an already disheveled young man with unkempt hair and dark circles under his eyes. He was dressed much like the other male and some female students in faded denim jeans and a T-shirt.

Thad approached a few friends standing outside the old brick school building. They yelled greetings at him, and the three who had been his teammates the night before in the RPG gave him high fives. “Hey, Wiz,” Donnie yelled. “We cleaned their clocks last night, Dude. Where did you come up with that cool confusion spell? Man, it saved the day!”

Before Thad could answer, the first warning bell sounded, and everyone outside turned to rush into the building. Like most schools, the hallway was packed with students rushing to class. Don didn’t have homeroom with Thad, so he couldn’t answer his question because they turned in opposite directions as soon as they entered the hallway.

The day dragged on. Thad didn’t think it would ever end, but finally, the final bell rang, and he could go home. He couldn’t tell you one thing he heard in class, and his notes were so sketchy as to be useless. He sat almost comatose in the local burp-and-slurp, a mom-and-pop fast food joint where the kids hung out. Burp-and-Slurp was the kid’s name for the place. Many didn’t even know the actual name, and those who did never used it.

After spending a few minutes with his friends, he returned home and went straight to his room, not even grabbing a snack like usual. He was supposed to study when he got home but fell asleep lying on his bed, trying to read one of his assignments. Thankfully, his mother and Gracie entering the house from the garage awakened him, and he was pretending to read when his mother stuck her head into his room.

The evening dragged on, and, to his family’s surprise, Thad headed to his room and went to bed at 2100. He fell into a deep sleep until a dream began. The dream was very explicit, the clearest and most detailed he had ever had. He was in a classroom with several other people.

Methuselah, himself, was lecturing them. He said, “Hello, everyone. Welcome. Today, you all attained the age of majority and are ready to don the mantle of your profession. You are wizards. Wizards of love.”

The noise in the classroom rose to an almost unbearable level before dropping off again. It was with some effort that Methuselah finally returned order to the room. He continued speaking after the customary classroom deportment was restored. “Yes, I know this surprises you all, and many of you may question the fact. How you use your ability is up to you, but you all come from a long line of Wizards of Love. This may become your vocation or avocation, as you choose.

“My friends, for such is what I hope to be to you all, we have much to cover this night. Every day, year after year, on the night of their 18th birthday, I am tasked by Aphrodite, Cupid, Ishtar, Freyja, Eros ... That’s enough name-dropping. I’m sure you get the idea. Each and every one of the Deities responsible for Love and Sex has tasked me and others with educating you this night. You will be given the basics of your abilities before you are returned to your homes, where you will begin your work.

“Again, how you use your ability is up to you. Hopefully, you will use it wisely, but some do not. Many of those labeled as ‘Players’ in your society are your older peers. Some of those who ply their trade as Escorts are also Wizards of Love. Now, let us begin.”

The class, for that is what it was, began immediately and progressed like many other lectures they had heard in the past. Methuselah droned on and on as the day progressed. It seemed this was an introduction with more in-depth instruction to follow. Still, based on the clock over the whiteboard behind Methuselah, they had been in class for almost eight hours when he said, “I think that’s enough for today. You have the basics. We’ll continue tomorrow. If you’ll follow Jazzy (a sprite),” he said while gesturing to a young being standing in the doorway, “she’ll lead you to the cafeteria and after you’ve eaten, to your dormitory. Have a good evening.”

One of the young ladies yelled, “Wait! I can’t stay here all night. My parents will freak out! What if they’ve already missed me?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Sally. Did you miss the information on your course of study? Were you not paying attention...”

He stopped talking when he heard Jazzy giggle before she flew into the room and landed on his desk. He bent down, and she whispered into his ear before he stood and said, “I AM sorry. Jazzy tells me we have not covered time dilation today. I usually let you know we move through time at a different rate here in our realm. Your training will take several days subjectively but will last only for a few moments for the remainder of the world. You will only be gone from your prior location for the blink of an eye. Should someone look at wherever you were before you came here, they would never notice you had disappeared and reappeared. Now, if that is all, please enjoy the remainder of your evening and be back here at eight tomorrow morning.”

Jazzy’s wings began humming, and she gracefully rose into the air. Her melodious voice rang throughout the room as she said, “Please follow me. We’ll have a short social hour before our repast, and then I’ll guide you to the dormitory. You can gather in a comfortable common room while you reside there. Snacks and drinks will be provided as well.”

The group of young wizards was much quieter than a typical group of kids getting out of school for the day. Almost all you heard while they walked down the hallway was their footsteps. Soon, they entered what appeared to be a typical lunchroom, the same room they’d eaten in during their lunch break. This time, they walked through the line to pick up drinks and order their meals instead of finding a seat, each receiving the same burger and fries as they did at lunch.

Thad found himself nearly bouncing impatiently, waiting for those ahead to order. It seemed they took forever to read the overhead menu and order. At least the ordering went fast after they decided. They ordered each meal by number, and no substitutions were allowed. When Thad stepped up where he could see the menu and order, he stopped in shock. Now he understood why it took so long. The selection was awesome! He had a choice of almost any high-class, luxury meal possible. There was Prime Rib and all the fixings, Crab legs, Lobster, Shrimp, fish, and numerous French, Italian, Mexican, and dishes from almost any country or region worldwide. He, too, had to stand several moments before deciding and ordering.

After each student ordered, they took their drink and found a seat. While they waited for their meals, the conversation flowed. It started slowly, with just one or two people at a table or neighboring table beginning to talk, but soon, almost everyone was talking, and the noise level rose until some had trouble hearing the person they were talking to.

Thad heard and felt his stomach growl and wished his meal would arrive. He then wondered how they would know who ordered what and if he had to pick it up or if it would be delivered as was lunch. Before he could voice his question to those at his table, everyone’s meal, cutlery, napkins, and drink refill appeared. Many exclamations of surprise reverberated through the room before the voices died out and eating sounds could be heard. One of the boys he hadn’t met yet grinned and said, “Cool. Just like the dining room at Hogwarts.”

Thad, and from the looks of others’ faces, they, too, were amazed by the taste of the food. Almost the only comment after the first bite was along the line of ‘OMG. This is sooooo GOOD!’ As always, some people ate faster than others. As soon as they emptied their plates, they disappeared. When several were done, Jazzy rose and said, “Those of you who are finished and want to go to your dorm now, please move to the door. I’ll guide you and return for the others. For those of you still eating or chatting, there is no hurry. Take as long as you want. I’ll return soon.”

Jazzy made three trips to guide everyone to their rooms. Before she left after her last trip, she said, “I’ll return at 0700 tomorrow to guide you to breakfast and back to the classroom. Have a good evening.”

Some of the newly minted wizards disappeared into their rooms, but most remained in the common room and broke into small groups to chat. One of the first things they discussed was their hometown. They were all from North America, and only the largest cities had more than one representative. New York and the Los Angeles metroplex had two each. Most came from cities several hundred miles apart, but Thad was from Springfield, MO, and Sally hailed from Branson, MO.

Sally, Thad, Rachel (from Columbia, MO), and Roger (Bentonville, AR) gathered in a conversational nook. After learning more about each other, Rachael said, “Do you believe all this? I mean, come on. Magic?”

Thad said, “I don’t know. How can we know? Are we all dreaming? This is the longest and most interactive dream I’ve ever had if it is a dream.”

Sally said, “What else could it be? Have we all been drugged and kidnapped? Are they planning to, I don’t know, turn us into sex slaves or something?”

Roger chugged the remainder of his Silver Bullet (Coors Light beer), grinned, burped, and said, “Who cares? If it’s a dream, it sure is a good one so far, and if it’s the other, right now, we can’t do anything about it. What if it’s true? Can you imagine all the pussy...” he blushed and looked at the two ladies before continuing, “I mean sex we could get if it is true? Come on. Admit it. We’re all about to get out of high school, and I bet none of us are cherry. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were all more interested in sex than our peers.”

Thad laughed and replied, “Got it in one, I think.”

Both girls blushed before Sally said, “Maaaaybeeee.”

Rachel grinned before biting her lower lip. She took a deeper-than-usual breath and squeezed her legs together. “Oh, yeah,” she breathed. “I could use some dick right now too.”

Roger crushed his can, stood, and held his hand out to Rachel before saying, “Well, I need some pussy, too. Wanna go with me?”

Rachel blushed again and glanced at the other two before smiling. She stood, took Roger’s hand, and said, “Why not? I’ll see you two in the morning.

Thad and Sally watched their two new friends scurry toward a hallway and one of their rooms. Thad said, “Wow. I, uh. I don’t know what to say here.”

Sally giggled before she said, “Maybe nothing? My Dad always says if you don’t have anything to say, don’t. Of course, I’m almost speechless. I could never do something like that. They don’t even know each other.”

Like many teenage boys, Thad almost constantly thought about sex. Listening to their two friends hook up, watching them leave together, and knowing what they were probably doing left him hard as a rock and almost hurting. He tried to surreptitiously rearrange his erection without Sally seeing him. When he was more comfortable, he glanced guiltily at her and saw two things. She was watching him and grinning and working her thighs and ass back and forth to stimulate her sex.

Their eyes met, and both blushed before Sally said, “Ok, damn it. We caught each other. I admit this whole day has made me horny. I need to go to my room.”

They both stood and headed for the hallway to the rooms. They came to Thad’s door first, and he said, “This is mine.” They stood looking at each other before he sighed and opened his door. He started to enter the room and stopped. He looked back at Sally, who was standing and watching. Her nipples were tenting out her top, and she was biting her lower lip again.

Thad whispered, “Fuck it,” reached out and took Sally’s hand. He gently pulled her, and she followed him into the room without resistance. Before the door closed, they were locked in a deep kiss while they shed their clothes.

“Oh, GOD. I can’t believe I’m, uh, we’re doing this, but I’m sooo horny. I went to bed horny and couldn’t rub one out because I was sleeping in the den while my Aunt and Uncle were in my room. Damn it, HURRY!”

Thad had the sheer top of Sally’s thin babydoll PJs off over her head quickly and was working on the thin pants while she pushed his underwear down. He looked at her and said, “Huh,” before stepping back and grabbing her hands.

Sally looked hurt, frustrated, and then angry when Thad stopped her. She almost snarled when she asked, “What’s wrong? I said hurry, and you stop?”

Thad pulled Sally into a hug and kissed her before he guided her to the bed. After the kiss broke, he said, “Nothing’s wrong, I guess, but how were you dressed during the class?”

“What do you mean? I wore my school clothes like for any school day.”

“And how were the rest of us dressed?”

“What does it matter? School clothes, I suppose. What’s the deal with all the questions?”

“Sally, what did we just take off of each other?”

“You took off my jammies, and I took off your ... OH! We weren’t dressed, were we? Oh, God. I would’ve been so embarrassed if I’d known. How am I going to face everyone tomorrow? I don’t have any clothes to wear.”

Sally began crying silently and allowed Thad to pull her into a hug. He petted her hair and ran his hand up and down her back while consoling her. “I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but all we can do is our best. Maybe we’ll look clothed when we leave the room, or maybe we’ll have to put our sleepwear back on, but we’ll manage. Now, come here. I’m sorry I ruined the mood, but it hit me so fast and hard that I had to ask you to see if you saw the same thing.”

Thad pushed Sally back onto the bed and lay partly over her while they resumed kissing. While they were kissing, he manipulated her breasts, occasionally sucking one or the other while running his hand down to play with her cunt. Sally was writhing and moaning while she pushed her breasts toward Thad’s hands or mouth, and her hips rose to meet his fingers.

Soon, Thad moved away from Sally’s breasts, and she moaned. She was about to grab and pull him back when she realized where he was heading. She grinned and spread her legs wide while watching him crawl between them and take his first lick of her oozing quim. The first time his tongue touched her clit, her hips jerked, and she let out a guttural oh. Thad took her through three orgasms before she pulled him upward by the head until they were almost face-to-face. When she felt the tip of his cock touch her cunt lips, she grabbed it with her hand and guided him where she wanted him. “Take me, Thad. Fuck my ass off, please. Pound me. We can do slow and gentle next time.”

That request suited Thad fine. He just hoped he could hold out until she got at least one more cum. He locked his arms behind her knees and pushed her legs up until her knees were on her shoulders and began slamming into her. For the next few minutes, all that could be heard in the small room was the slap, slap, slap of their bumping big uglies, Thad’s grunts when he bounced off her pelvis, and Sally’s oh, oh, oh every time Thad reached her depths. Way too fast for either of them, Thad yelled, “UNHHHH,” and slammed deeply into Sally’s cunt. He ground himself against her while his balls dumped shot after shot into her throbbing pussy.

When Thad made his last deep, hard thrust, it tipped Sally over the edge. She wailed out her pleasure, pulled him as tight as she could to her, and her hips repeatedly thrust up and back so fast they were almost a blur. When her orgasm had run its course, they both strained against each other, holding Thad as deeply inside her tight pussy as they could get him. They remained in that position kissing and whispering sweet nothings to each other until Thad softened and his cock oozed out of her draining cunt.

Sally giggled and pushed Thad away before she held her hand over her pussy and dashed to his bathroom. After she cleaned up, she returned with a wash rag on her crotch and climbed back into bed. Thad went to the facilities and returned to pull Sally against him. They were asleep before the covers were well over them.

Neither of the lovers woke until music pulled them from their sleep. The music started faint and increased in volume until they stood and then dropped to a more pleasant level. A man using a loudspeaker said, “Good morning everyone. It is now 0630. Please be outside your doors at 0700 sharp so Jazzy can guide you to the cafeteria for breakfast. For those of you who want to go on your own, there are small arrows with directions written within them at each corner.

Sally grabbed Thad’s hand and pulled him toward the bathroom. She said, “Come on. We need a shower, and we don’t have much time. We can do it together, but no horseplay, as much as I would like to.”

After they were clean, they dried each other and re-entered the bedroom. Thad found and began to put on his sleep shorts from the previous day. Sally looked around the room and even opened drawers and the tiny closet, hoping to find clean clothes. When none were evident, she sighed and put on her PJs. They were outside their room at 0655.

After they closed Thad’s door, Sally looked at the people standing in the hallway. She turned to Thad and smiled before she said, “Look, Thad! Our clothes are different. I feel so much better already. And I’m hungry. What’ll it be? Wait five minutes for Jazzy, or walk alone?”

Thad shrugged and said, “It doesn’t matter much. We’re going to walk either way, and if we go now, maybe we can be first in line.”

Sally smiled and took Thad’s hand before they headed toward the first intersection, walking by themselves.

Without Jazzy’s guidance, their early departure didn’t help much, but at least they were in the food line ahead of those who waited on Jazzy. Thad guessed only twenty or so people were in line ahead of them. He was again impressed with the food selections. Their choices were excellent. He opted for a Denver Omelet, hash browns, dry wheat toast, and sausage gravy. Sally was more traditional. She had a scrambled egg, sausage, and dry toast. They took their coffee and sat at the table they used the night before while waiting for their meal.

The couple watched their fellow wizards enter and order. Sally almost constantly grinned and made several catty comments about their peers to Thad. Their consensus was that most of the group had sex during the free evening, but not all. Several geeky boys and girls seemed bright, chipper, and well-rested, but most were like Sally and Thad—tired and wishing they could have slept longer.

Everyone sat and waited after they finished their meal. At ten until eight, Jazzy fluttered into the air and said, “Ok, gang. We have to leave now if we’re going to get to the classroom in time to begin at eight.”

The noise of chairs pushing back from the tables filled the room, and then the young wizards followed Jazzy to their classes. Upon entering the classroom, the students saw Methuselah and ten other adults waiting. All the adults looked ancient, like Methuselah, but exhibited a restrained energy and cheerfulness. Methuselah said, “Good morning. Please be seated, and we’ll get started.”

Thad could tell most of the students sat near where they were yesterday, but some, like him and Sally, had paired up. In those cases, someone was displaced and had to find a different table. It appeared between half and two-thirds of the students had paired. The way they acted, most of those pairs had been intimate, also.

After they were seated, Methuselah raised his arms and began speaking, “Quiet, please. Before we start, I have a few comments and announcements. It appears as if many of you have been intimate, which was no surprise to us. It is your nature and partly why you are here. Your genes, personality makeup, and soul push you to comply with your body’s demands. Your innate ability to do sexual magic is why you are here. I would venture to say each of you had the best, most memorable sex of your lives last night. It will get better, and you will learn how to channel your sexual ability, influence, and teach others over the next few days.

“These people with me today are your instructors for the remainder of your time here. Each of them will teach you one segment of your duties as a Wizard of Love and how to use your ability in that area. You will have sessions with each of them before you leave for home. As the instructor calls your name, please follow them to your next classroom.”

Thad and Sally were pleased when they were called to be with the same group. They followed a beautiful, dark-complected goddess from the room, down the hallway, and into another. This classroom was different than any they’d ever seen. It was filled with comfortable places to sit. Thad would have called them bean bag chairs, but they were much more luxurious and decadent feeling than any beanbag he’d sat in before. There were five bags and ten people, so sharing was an obvious choice. There were five males and five females in the class.

Sally and Thad took a chair and slid together when they settled in, and the chair conformed to their weight. There were two groupings of the same sex. The instructor frowned and then smiled before she began talking. She said, “Welcome. I am Rati, your instructor of love, carnal desire, lust, passion, and sexual pleasure. During this session, you will learn how to instill, encourage, and enflame all these feelings in others. To succeed, you must concentrate; you must see and feel with your mind and your body. From this moment onward, attune to me, try to ‘get into my head’ as you modern youngsters say. Watch my face, eyes, and body as you feel my emotions.”

About half the class snickered or laughed. One of the pairings of boys snorted and said, “Yeah, right. And this is going to make us Horny and better lovers.”

Rati smiled and continued with the lecture, pointing out various erogenous zones and giving an overview of many sex acts. While he was listening to Rati, Thad felt his cock stirring, and his nipples twinged. Before he knew it, he was becoming horny, and his whole body was unconsciously writhing. He bumped into Sally, or she bumped into him several times before he realized that the entire class was in the same situation. All at once, Sally rolled over onto him and began kissing him while she ground her crotch on his rampant erection.

Thad was shocked enough that he just sat without saying or doing anything except hold Sally’s waist while she writhed on him. He was beginning to come back to himself when Sally muttered, “FUCK,” and rose slightly. She pulled his cock from his sleep shorts (remember, their ‘school clothes’ were only an illusion), pushed her PJ pants leg aside, and dropped onto his cock. “Ohhh,” she whimpered. She rose and fell violently, tits flopping and making cute little moans while she fucked herself. She stared into Thad’s eyes and chewed on her lower lip while rising and falling.

GOD, Thad thought. Her eyes are so sultry. I could look into them forever. He pulled her closer and began kissing her deeply and matched his thrusts upward with her downward ones.

Thad’s, and indeed, everyone’s attention was wrenched from their partner when one of the two boys on a beanbag pushed the other one away and yelled, “No! I’m not a fag. Leave me alone!” Thad glanced toward the disturbance but was too far gone in his lust to do more than pay peripheral attention to the boys. He noticed, in passing, that the two girls who partnered on the same beanbag were kissing each other madly, wantonly.

Thad’s attention was called back to Sally then. She screamed and slammed down onto him hard. Her pussy fluttered, and her hips began shimmying while she moaned in delight as her orgasm ripped through her. That was too much for him, and he filled her again before she collapsed onto his chest and snuggled against him.

Soon, the action in the room became more appropriate as each couple (other than the two boys) leaked their desire and sat side by side with sultry but guilty expressions on their faces. While she observed the results of her sorcery, Rati gently played with her nipples and snatch, bringing herself to a very satisfying orgasm.

After her charges calmed down somewhat, Rati smiled and said, “Before you began sexing your partner, did any of you do as I said and ‘get into my head’?” She laughed and said, “I should ask, how many of you attempted it, and how far did you get before my magic overwhelmed you? If you are diligent over the next three hours, by lunchtime when this class ends, you will have mastered these abilities and can cause any person to act as I have you. All you will need is a couple slightly attracted to each other. Now, let us continue.”

Each group cycled through the other nine instructors’ classes, learning things they believed to be impossible before the night of their 18th birthday. They learned how to touch minds, give mental nudges, excite with a touch or thought, and give pleasure in many ways. They also learned other types of magic. They could teleport, make themselves invisible for short periods, do light telekinesis, and levitate.

Some, but not all, of the students, could even detect poison or mind-altering substances in food or drink. This ability was taught in, strangely enough, a Potions class. They learned how to concoct the many and varied ‘Love Potions’ embedded in the folklore of centuries. These potions consisted of two types. One type was more of a date-rape type and would cause the person who drank it to become infatuated with the nearest person of the opposite sex after ingesting it. The other class of potion was more truly a love potion. It worked only on people who were at least minimally attracted to another person. It was more of a potion for strengthening love and attachment.

Not surprisingly, almost all the students had formed an attachment to one of their peers. Some had made plans to get together after they ‘woke up’ the morning after their consciousness returned to their home/body. Thad and Sally were one of those couples. They agreed to meet frequently after they awakened.

There was an assembly at the end of their last class where, once again, Methuselah addressed them. He said, “You are far from trained wizards, and I hope you all understand that. We have limited time to teach our young wizards, having only one night for each crop of new 18-year-olds. You each have the basics. To be truly successful, you must study and practice. A wizard that is worth his salt never stops learning. Now, go forth and spread the love. Hopefully, I will see some of you years from now when you come back to teach a new crop of young wizards. And, you ladies, please remember that each day, the word of the day is legs. Always spread the word!”

Thad awakened in his bed at home when he heard his mother yelling for him. He was disoriented for a few moments and grinned before he shook his head. Man, he thought. That was a hell of a dream. It would be cool if something like that could be true, though. He could have a ton of fun with some of those abilities.

Thad almost staggered into the hallway bathroom he shared with his siblings. After doing his morning business, he stood at the sink to wash his hands and shave. His appearance almost scared him. His disheveled appearance was worse than usual, and the dark circles around his eyes made him look like a vampire or something. He was too whacked to even shave, so he quickly ran a comb through his hair and returned to his room to dress.

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