Bring Your Daughter to Work Week - Cover

Bring Your Daughter to Work Week

Copyright© 2002 by cowgirl

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Petra's controlling mother drags her to work for a week, but seeing her mother's social standing at work brings up some disturbing feelings in the confused teen.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Humiliation   Masturbation  

"So what'd you think?" Mom not so much questioned as awaited my report.

"It was... okay. If I knew what it was you actually, like, do! What's the the point of all this dumb stuff? "my voice horse with frustration.

"This was just the first say dear. What I do isn't very interesting, trust me! But... I mean, did you learn a lot yesterday?"

"uh... sure. I guess. I learned how small your office is, since that's where we stayed all day. When's it over again? " I added with with a carefully hidden defiance.

"This being Tuesday, I'd be impressed if you make it to Friday, little miss impatient! Petra, this is an excellent peek into a possible future for you. You're going to follow in your mother's footsteps. Just think of all the exciting professional challenges awaiting a girl like you when you graduate high school. It's just around the corner you know. "

I wanted to explode, but smiled as my mom winked over at me from her confining pantsuit as she sped us back home after the first day of this torture known as "Bring Your Daughter To Work Day". Mom had big plans for me.

I'd carefully hid my slagging grades and the ugly secret that I'd never be the eager overachiever she was. I wasn't like my mom, and I didn't know who I hated more, her or myself.

"Uh... Mom, why do so many women work at your office?"

"The focus of the business is women's issues, so it's only fair to over - balance out our company with the natural imbalance created by most male dominated top heavy companies proliferating the economy in today's..." Mom droned on as I stared at some dried bird poop on the window which was much more exciting.

"Petra, did being around so many women bother you? How did it feel seeing your mother ' in action?'? Could you perhaps see yourself working in some place like that someday? Maybe even, along my side?"

"No, it didn't bother me. Everyone was really cool and stuff..."

I said, my tummy in knots as I slumped into in the car. It was Monday. Would I make it to friday? As my mind raced back over the day, I remembered what I'd never tell mother, how I was totally self conscious cause they whole office of mostly business women were all doting over me like I was just so fucking cute.

But it's a lie. I know they were really all secretly, like, looking me over and and thinking stuff about me. Judging me probably. Thinking about my face. My hair. MY body, my little boobs and my stupid butt and skinny ankles and my buck teeth and all my ugly embarrassing little faults! Thinking about how dorky I looked in what mom picked out for me to wear, and I just know every last of one of them couldn't stop staring at my stupid retainer and I hated them for smirking at how embarrassing I looked tagging along behind my mother like a baby duck and everything. What a nightmare.

As we pulled into the parking lot, I followed mom into her office, which was a small little cubical, next to the secretaries. I couldn't understand why mom didn't have a bigger office the way she dressed up and such like some big wig, - whatever!

"Now remember Petra, stay right here in my office. I have a heavy schedule today, and I might be able to squeeze some time to show you around today, okay? But don't get into trouble and just stay here and don't talk to anybody - okay? Otherwise relax and just... enjoy yourself!"

Mom soon disappeared, like she did yesterday, but I was bored silly yesterday. Today I'd wander around.

I spent a few minutes rushing past some boring other girls I assumed might also be daughters who looked even dorkier than I, and dodged some ugly fat secretaries and found a spot in the copy or mail room or whatever, with a lot of paper supplies. I found a spot under a table where I could be left alone when it happened.

I heard the sounds of breathing. I peeked from under some boxes and spied a slightly pudgy but beautiful forty year old mexican lady wearing a UPS uniform, sitting down. Her pants were around her ankles and someone was also crouched down at her feet. Someone in high heels.

OHMIGOD - Another woman was... 'doing' her, down there! This was too bizarre! I though today was gonna be a total bust too! I sat up to see more, but paper boxes blocked my view. I sat there enthralled as I watched the butch looking UPS woman roughly stroke the hair of the woman below her who I desperately tried to see more of.

Soon the UPS lady shook her body in little spasms as the lady in heels clicked her heel on the floor in some nervous tick or something! Maybe the woman on the floor was excited too, or just working real hard. The UPS lady relaxed, let out a sigh, then said " Okay Betty, go away." At which, 'Betty', a red headed woman in her twenties hopped up and scurried from the office, fixing her hair and wiping her lipstick with a tissue.

I was more than excited by all this, as it didn't look like what I thought sex was gonna me like. This was way more impersonal and stuff. I guess the UPS lady and Betty were lovers, but Betty didn't even look like she liked what she'd done. She looked...

... embarrassed. She rushed right out, and the UPS lady didn't even care. Just then I bumped into a box papers. Shit!

The UPS lady stood directly over me, looking down.

"Well, what have we here?"

I looked up at her with a small smile.

I expected the UPS lady to rat on me, but she was really cool! Her name was Edith, and we sat together in the mail room as she told me all about it.

"Petra, here's the deal. There are some woman at this company that aren't... well...

"Yeah... go on..." I said hungrily.

"You sure somebody your age should be hearing this? How old ARE you? " She narrowed her eyes at me.

"I know all about sex and stuff. I saw a special on TV about lesbians too. I know all about it. No sweat. Tell me about Betty... please, please?" I begged insanely excited by the secret that I was about to be in on.

"Shhhh. Tell the world why-don't'ch-ya?" Edith said closing the mail room door and locking it. She sat back down

"You can't tell anybody, okay? I could lose my job! Promise? Okay... there's about... a dozen of 'em that work here. They look like all the other office ladies and stuff, but they... well, they do what Betty did. You saw what Betty did, right?"

"Yeah, I caught that part. Was she... like, licking your privates, you know, down there?."

"Well... that's a bit personal, but yeah, I guess you caught us. Should've locked that door earlier huh?" Edith laughed.

"So your not lovers with her?"

" Hell no. Betty's married. Two kids! So are half the bottom girls around her. They could hate sucking other people off for all I know, but they do it just the same."

"Geee... don't you feel, like guilty? I mean, if Betty does like it and all?"

"Hey, I don't' like driving a UPS truck. The cleaning lady who cleans the up these office probably don't like it. You like going to school, or coming here?"

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