Undercover Humiliation - Cover

Undercover Humiliation

Copyright© 2002 by cowgirl

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Two female reporters go undercover to understand young secretaries lurid behavior toward older female excutives they work for.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   Humiliation   Anal Sex  

"Now, where did you get this again?" I asked as we sat in katie's car.

"Don't know. Found it in the same dumpster, where I found the other bottles, remember? Behind some advertising agency called Noricom. I'm betting it all ties back to them somehow." Katie peered ai it as we studied at tape in her hand. "So, that's where you got this? Noricom?" I asked.

"Yup, and I already listened to some of it. Jennifer, It's intense. I hope... well... listening to the rest of it... you know... doesn't mess you up further, I mean after the 'dose' I gave you yesterday." Katie warned sheepishly as she pushed the tape her car's deck and paused, looked at me dramatically.

"Puullllease! Listen kid, I was doing this when you were young enough to be my..." I paused.

"... daughter?" She her eyes danced.

I poked out my tongue in mock anger. "... younger sister." I shot back drying to disguise being a little miffed at her.

"You sure your ready?" She asked almost sounding like she hoped I wasn't!

"Katie, I'm a professional reporter with twenty years experience, not some horny little freak, okay? What you slipped me yesterday's... all... gone. Trust me. I'll be fine." I impatiently snapped, a little embarrassed by her kid gloves.

"Sorry jen. Just checking..." She shrugged, as I took a deep breath and katie pushed 'play'.

The voice of a phone rang, then a young woman's voice answered.


"Yes, may I speak to Doris Please? "

"This is Doris."

"Doris, I'm calling from M.C.I. and I need to speak to you about your phone bill. "

"uh... is there a problem?"

"No, I'm just here to let you know you qualify for a fantastic new savings plan -"

"... uhh... I'm not really interested... "

"Why not Doris? Wouldn't you like to save money?"

"I'm sorry, but you guys have already called me today. Don't you check with each other? I'm afraid I have to go. Sorry."

"Doris - WAIT -- your making a MAJOR mistake..."


"Hanging up. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes trying to explain to your hubby why you missed out on these great savings, what with your current... er... situation... "

"Why with our N.C.I. Plan, you could already be saving 38 cents more per --"

"Situation? What do you mean?"

"Well, I heard your baby bawling somewhere back there, but I don't hear his voice, so your so namby pamby he probably ditched you, which explains how you white trash like yourself spawns a grubby little kid in the first place, what with your passive personality and lack of will power, a simple and sure plan like this would really help you, Doris, believe -"

"Hey, how DARE you!!! You don't know the first thing about me! And... and my boyfriend d-did NOT ditch me. He just needed... some... space, that's all. He's coming back. Hey, I don't have to explain ANY of this too you! The nerve of - Okay, I'm REALLY hanging up now..."

"No you're not, Doris."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, If you were gonna to hang up, you'd have done it by now. Your just embarrassed by how I nailed your whole life, right? Admit it..."

"Your being quite rude. What's your name? Where do you work, huh? I'm tempted report all this to your boss. What do you think of those apples, huh?"

"Wow. Pretty scary Doris. Are you a lesbo Doris?"

"huh? NO, of course not. Why in the world... ?"

"Well, your luck with men stinks, and your flirting with me big time, aren't you? I Have other customers, and you can't stop begging for my name and are curious where I work... Pretty sad stuff, huh?"

"Okay, your now NUTS!!! Give me your boss, immediately young lady! "

"Hush. I don't blame you for being a defensive repressed sexually frustrated closet dyke, and It's not your fault your not pretty or smart enough to make a good wife. Doris? Still there?"

"Please hang up..."

"Don't lie to yourself Doris. You are loving this, aren't you? You relish my pushing you around, don't you? Isn't your strange little quirk of draw cuter girls like myself into endless personal conversations the REAL reason you should listen to me and save what money you have left... Doris? Your breathing's getting heavier, isn't it?..."

"Yes, sorry. I mean... No, it's... darn it, your twisting things around. Why am I even talking to you? I'm not some sick lesbian or that other stuff... I don't even know your name, and I'mNOT interested in your mother fucking plan - - OKAY???."

"Oooohhh... such language! (chuckle) That tongue of yours has a mind of it's own, doesn't it?"

"Go to hell!"

"Doris honey? Your DON'T want to save money? Even 38 cents?"


"Why not? It adds up you know. "

"ARRRRHGHH!!!... 'cause I'm too... 'stupid', okay? Will THAT make you go away?"

"You're the one who's too weak to hanging up Doris. If your too weak to save 38 pennies, I guess it's up to step in, isn't it?"

"I don't follow..."

"Big surprise THERE, huh? (laughter) Okay, let's simplify this for my stupid lezbo friend - - quick, go grab a pencil."

"Huh? a Pencil? But I TOLD you - - "

"Doris, Stop trying to think. Were doing something ELSE, now do as I say. Fetch me a pencil... now scoot. I'll wait."

"Uh... jus' a second... (muffled noise)... Okay, got it. But I really don't see... "

"Good Girl! Now hurry up and jot this down: 4928 Cedear Lane, Beverly Hills, CA, 90212... Got it?"

"Yeah, but... what's this?"

"It's MY home address, silly. You may as send me a check for 38 cents each month, since you're so too fucking stupid to hold onto it - - "

" (Sob)... please... for god's sake... Why are you DOING this to me?... please... stop talking to me like this..."

"Hey, don't come crying to me because you get your kicks from being a friggin' doormat. It's people like you who need people like me to ball you out. If you'd wise up and keep your hairy knees together, maybe you wouldn't stay knocked up and keep pumping out more 'little Doris''!"

"Okay, that's IT-- your clearly a SICK-O!!! I DEMAND to speak with your manager. You're in big trouble lady! Gimmie your name. I already have your gosh darned address..."

"Pipe down, cunt. I'm not finished. The really interesting part is, we don't even know each other, your such a stupid shit you get all worked up and horny, simply BECAUSE I call w you a stupid shit. Is that sick or what?"

"Did you just say what I thought you said?"

"'Stupid shit', 'worked up' or 'horny'? Which one gets you off more? I bet your... touching yourself right now, aren't you Doris?"

"I hate you. I hope you ROT IN HELL and die, you stupid FUCKING bitch!!!"

"You're avoiding the question. It gets you HOT and BOTHERED when I call you humiliating names, doesn't it you stupid horny dyke?"

"Fuck you."

"Doris, if you keep using profanity, I'll have to hang up. "

"Wait -- "

"Got YA --" (hysterical giggles) "Suuuuucker!!!"

Then the tape broke off in mid sentence and went dead.

Katie looked at my raspy breath, flickering eyelashes and the beads of sweat across my quivering upper lip. She calmly pulled up in front of a house and shut off the engine.

"You okay jen?"

"Jesus... this stuff's... it's..."

"Yeah. I know. Are you... I mean, did it..."

"The stuff you slipped me has WORN OFF Katie, trust me."

"Sorry, I wasn't implying... you just look..."

"I know. Okay... I'll confess this much... listening to this weird 'phone lady' bark orders to this poor Doris woman, It did shake me up a little..."

"I noticed. You paid wrapped attention to every word during our drive over. The report I found mentioned something about women who drink the liquid responding either aggressively like this sales woman did, or passively and excitedly, like Doris. I also found a blood tests with the tape that shows both of these woman ingested the fluid. Not sure how the sales lady found this woman Doris. Maybe pure luck.

"Maybe This sales lady was looking for her, or just fucking with her for her own jollies..." I said dumbfounded at the Idea.

"Well... Doris sure was pissed, wasn't she?" Katie said, eyeing me.

"She didn't hang up though, did she?" I asked thinking deeply. I hated how excited it all made me, and hoped kate hadn't noticed.

"Katie, we can't stop here. I gotta know what happens! I mean... uh... for the story's sake. Is that's all that's on the tape?"

"Yeah, unfortunately..."

"So, what are we doing here?"

"This is her house. The woman on the tape, the house wife. The tape's date shows it's was made a while ago. Nobody's seen this poor house wife 'Doris' or her kids since this tape was made."

"This is pretty creepy stuff Kate, are you sure we shouldn't involve the authorities?" I asked, kicking myself that every sentence kept coming out as a question. I meant to TELL kate my worries, but I just kept slipping into this warm regressively relaxed state when we worked together, which kate was impatient with too.

"No, I'm not 'sure', but jen, if we go to the cops now, we risk being shut out of the biggest story in years! Think about it jen, there are, what, still twenty little bottles of that stuff still floating around town? This is only the tip of the Ice Berg. Are you coming? "

"To do what?"

"Since this wimpy little house wife's obviously missing, I say we break in. Look for signs of what happened. We'll call the police if things get hairy, okay?"

I wanted to say no, that it was a dangerous Idea and my rookie reporter's bravado could get us both in deep trouble, or killed. That's what I wanted to say, but somehow I became flustered when I said,

"Okeey Dokeey!... right behind you..." My face burned as we got out of her car. I tried not to panic, horrified how randy the tape had made me, sure Katie could smell me stewing in my own juices. God she must think me a fool!

Finally, fed up with my own passivity, In a burst of angry, I clumsily rushed past her racing up to the door so I'd be first. Kate glared at me.

"Jesus jen, - okay. You can 'knock' first, okay?" She sighed. I shrugged a weak shrug, realizing I'd stupidly only made myself looked ever more childish. I raised my hand, but before I could knock,

it opened.

We were surprised to see an average looking young woman her mid twenties in jeans, T shirt answered the door, much younger than Doris had sounded. "Excuse me miss? Is your name... Doris?" I asked with a serious expression as Katie stood dutifully behind me.

"No. I'm Tyler McCoy. Doris's... 'friend'. How do you two know her?" She sneered.

Kate and I both froze.

We exchanging stunned looks. It was HER, the woman humiliating this Doris woman on the tape we'd just listened too in the car! It was spooky to be face to face with the woman who'd uttered those nasty rude things. I wondered if we were crazy, but her voice was unmistakable!

"Well, this is Doris' house isn't it?" Katie asked.

"What's it too you?" She demanded.

I struggled to speak, but was petrified. For some reason, I felt just like Doris must have, and my heart lurched madly at the thought of possibly embarrassing myself if she was half as mean to me. The younger woman eyed me as she asked katie: "What's her problem?"

Kate didn't answer fast enough, she the woman quickly returned to me, sensing my weakness. Part of it was her commanding presence and her firm little body for such a young little thing!

"... what's a matter?... lose your voice pumpkin?" The 'phone lady' scoffed at me sarcastically, eyeing Katie and I dubiously. Our credibility sinking fast as.

The phone lady, (as I now started to think of her) then got a superior snotty look, goaded on by my fear. Though horrified, the tape and Doris kept flashing by, and I felt giddy inside for some reason. "Well, go on..." The phone lady asked, but I just stood there dumbly, forgetting what was expected of me. What was the question again?

Katie shrugged apologetically at the woman, and I winced in embarrassment at how I was humiliating myself before a total stranger. If I didn't speak quick, I knew I'd telegraph my vulnerability!

I finally managed: "Miss Muuu... I mean, Miss... Mcccc... ? Oh I mean... Oh gosh,... er... sorry I goofed." I broke into stupid giggles, flustered as my breast rose and fell with fearful anticipating of how she'd NOW be forced to chastise me.

"Your not terribly bright, are you? You could start by remembering my name, okay miss... miss... ?" The phone lady smirked at me.

"... uhh..." I said, knowing full well what my name was, but unable to get the words out fast enough. Kate looked to the ground, embarrassed for me.

"Aawwww... the poor thing can't even guess her own name now?" Her voice dripped with mockery now as she winked at Katie, her eyes coming back to me and wonderfully pinning me to the porch, stripping me of my pride mercilessly.

I wanted to die inside, and my privates were on fire! I was dangerously close to becoming another 'Doris'. Why was I sinking into this erotic fog, just like I did with Katie yesterday!

"Cat got her tongue?" The phone lady winked at Katie, who frowned at me. " What are you two anyways... ? Sisters? Girlfriends. What?

"We... uh... work together." Katie sniped.

"Oh? Really... why, I'll bet you do..." The phone lady smirked back as I fell another rung. She had no Idea I was gay, and nether did Katie or anyone at work, but that wasn't the point. I forgot how lesbian obsessed the 'phone lady' was, but I was too paralyzed by fear and desire to rebuff her.

"Well, sister, if your stupid little girl friend here won't chirp up, I guess were done!" The phone lady chuckled as she stared at me distractedly for a moment, looking carefully at my face and hair.

"Hold still, little miss deaf mute..." She whispered, as this younger girl casually brushed aside a lock of hair which was tickling my face. It was simple little touch, but I felt thunderous excitement bursting under my breasts! I became feverish and love struck over how close this sick disturbed girl had some to actually touching me. I felt both invaded and flattered, all at once!

The whole thing only lasted a second, and Kate got a worried look at my blissfully stupid expression and took a protective step between us, pointed her tape recorder in the woman's face like a weapon. "Miss McCoy, were doing a story about Noricom and wondered if you could answer a few ques -- "

"You're the PRESS? There's a load of stuff I could say about Noricom, but not to a couple of half assed reporters!" She spat violently.

"Wait, so tell us about it. Just two minutes, can I can tape what you just said... ? Miss... " Katie tried, but Miss McCoy Ignored...

... her and bored her gaze into me!

"Okay, cutie, let's try again. Just take a little breath and tell me your name, okay? Come on 'Little Miss Reporter'... You can do it..."

"I'm... uhm... my name's... Jennifer..." I said softly.

Kate stepped guardedly between the woman and me, shoving her tape back at the woman's face. " Ma'am, if we could just --"

"Your annoying me dip shit." she barked at Kate who flinched as she turned back to me: "What's her name?" She demanded, pointing to Kate.

"Katie..." I said blushing, as I added a sexy little curl to my mouth as I said it, and Kate glared over at me. I know, I just couldn't help humiliate myself further, somehow. The fact it pissed kate off excited me also.

"Well... your girlfriends Katie's a pushy little thing, ain't she?" The woman's eyes sparkled at my obvious squirming arousal.

"Uh huh..." I cooed.

"JEN!" Katie scolded as she butted in, turning back to the phone lady.

Miss McCoy... if we could just..." Katie tried, but only sounding like a whinny little girl as the woman ignored Katie, snatched her purse and keys, starting out her door and towards her car as we trailed behind her like a couple of little girls selling cookies.

"But Miss McCoy... where's Doris? Have you seen her?" Kate begged,

"No comment. Look, I still work there..."

"May I ask in what position?" Kate quickly shot. Miss McCoy shot back.

"As a receptionist, okay?"

"A... secretary? I thought you were a tele marketer... ?" Kate queried.

"Why the heck would you think that? Jesus you two little fucks better not be tapping my fucking phone line at work! WERE you??? Huh?"

"We found a tape by accident." I heard myself admit.

"Jen!" Kate gave me a very betrayed look, and blushed at the admission as Miss McCoy smiled smugly at us...

" So what! So I make tapes, play games. It's my right, and you two fucking nobodies better SWEAR you'll not breath a word to either my boss or another living soul - GOT IT???" She barked at us, and of course we both found ourselves nodding compliantly to keep prank calls a secret. I knew in my head this haunty little secretary must really must be full of herself to expect us to buckle to her demands since being a fucking peon, she had no leverage.

But, at that moment, our bodies were rooted to the spot and totally intimidated, just as the woman on the tape had been. I winced at the obvious age connection between myself and this 'Doris' woman's obedience, but Kate's being intimidated confused me, though she hid it better. I guess even Katie's no match for the bitchy bottle blonde secretary.

Tyler McCoy's flashed us a triumphant sharp smirk as she got in her car and started to back out, then stuck her head out the car's window

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