Welcome Back, Kotter: The Joke's on You - Cover

Welcome Back, Kotter: The Joke's on You

by Uncle Mike

Copyright© 2002 by Uncle Mike

Erotica Sex Story: Julie Kotter is home alone when she accidentally discovers a letter that suggests her husband is having an affair with one of his students. She's pissed and ready for revenge when two of his male students, a dumb white guy and a tall, thin black guy, show up. Inspiration strikes. When a third Sweathog pops in, she finds a way to fit him in, too. (Celeste's score: 10, 10, 10)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   FemaleDom   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   .

Julie was halfheartedly cleaning the small apartment when she found the letter, jammed in between some of Gabe's textbooks.

"Dear Mr. Kotter," it began, in lavender ink on pale pink paper that smelled of some of that cheap perfume teenage girls love. "Gee, that sounds funny now. Shod I call you Gabe? Or lover?

"I can't wate untill our next time to gether. I know you have to be carful becauzze of your wife and what it wod mean if any one at school ever found out, but I am sure it is Fate that we are to gether. I can stil feel the tingel of your cock inside me! LUV!, Chrissy."

Julie's lips grew thin and hard as she read. With that spelling, it had to be one of his sweathogs, those juvenile delinquents he taught. So he was fucking her, hmmm? Julie went over to the desk where Gabe kept his records: Chrissy, Chris, Christine? There it was. She made a note of the full name, address and phone number. She'd deal with Chrissy.

And as for Gabe -- Julie paused. Her first instinct was to dump the bastard, but that seemed too good for him. Besides, his salary wasn't much but she could use it. Yes, she'd pretend she knew nothing about Chrissy. But she'd draw the line at sleeping with him; she wasn't going to be anybody's sloppy seconds. She made up her mind that when he came home from school that evening she'd be cold as ice.

She was still angry an hour later as she slapped the iron onto the board and slashed it across Gabe's trousers. Perhaps a singe here or there? She was picking out the best spot when a noise behind her made her turn around.

As she turned, she figured out what the noise was: the window opening onto the fire escape. Sure enough, climbing through were two of Gabe's kids, Vinnie Barbarino and Freddy Washington.

Vinnie was a white guy, well-built, very cute but incredibly dumb. Maybe the dumbest kid in Gabe's class, which was saying a lot. Freddy was a tall, thin black guy that everybody called "Boom Boom." Gabe said it was because he liked to play air cello, "boom-boom boom de boom." That was about as funny as any other of Gabe's jokes.

"Hey, Mrs. Kot-terrrr," Freddy greeted her. "Where's Mr. Kot-terrrr?"

Julie was startled momentarily. Gabe had said he was going to be at school late; he never did anything there without the sweathogs, so what...? Then she thought of the letter. Quickly, she composed her face.

"He... He's at a teacher's conference -- across town. He'll be home late. So what are you guys doing here, anyway?"

Vinnie ducked his head with a shy grin. "Uh, we was just, uh, you know, around?"

"Hey, man," Freddy interrupted, "you can tell her. She's cool. Fact is, Mrs. Kotter, Vinnie here wanted some help. He's got the hot... I mean, he's interested in one of the girls in our class, but she don't dig him. She said she wants a smart guy. So Vinnie here wanted Mr. Kotter to give him like tutoring, you know, in some smart stuff to say."

Julie smiled in wonder. The great Vinnie Barbarino looking for advice with girls? From what Gabe had told her, Vinnie had to beat them off with a stick. A thought occurred to her.

"What's this girl's name?"

"What's that matter?" Vinnie wanted to know. "Chrissy," Freddy said.

Julie's face clouded over briefly. Then she looked appraisingly at the two boys. Both were in their late teens, she thought -- wasn't that when men were at their sexual peak? Whereas women, like herself, tended to peak later... and if Gabe was getting something on the side...

Trying to keep a tremor out of her voice, she managed to convince the boys that she could take Gabe's place and give Vinnie a few lessons. Yes, she thought, there'll be a few lessons, indeed. She invited them to make themselves at home while she ducked into the other room.

Vinnie was slugging down some orange juice from the fridge and Freddy was sitting back against the window sill when Julie came back into the living room. Poor Freddy almost fell out of the window and Vinnie sprayed out a mouthful of juice when they saw her.

Shucking her frumpy blouse and jeans, Julie had reappeared in a sheer red nightgown. A bit of embroidery at the chest did nothing to hide the outline of her pert breasts and dark, erect nipples. The gown ended just above her crotch, revealing a tiny wisp of red silk that clung tightly to the folds of her labia, letting several curly brown hairs peek out. A pair of black, thigh-high fishnet stockings, held up by thin bands of elastic, ended in shiny black pumps with enormous spike heels, emphasizing the curve of her ankles and the swell of her calves.

Julie watched with delight as the boy's crotches showed clear evidence of their reactions. Even under the tight jeans, their erections looked enormous. This, she thought, was going to be even better than she'd hoped.

She strutted over to the couch and tossed aside a couple of days' worth of old newspapers and a pillow or two, being careful to bend over and give first Vinnie and then Freddy a clear view of her tight butt. When she looked up, both of them were still frozen like statues, staring with their mouths agape.

She smirked and tossed her head, flinging aside her brown hair. "You said you wanted some lessons," she said in a throaty whisper. "You're not going to get them standing all the way over there!"

Like robots, Vinnie and Freddy marched over to the couch and stopped, staring up and down at her sexy body. Julie parted her legs and began to caress herself, slipping her fingers underneath the scanty g-string. With her other hand, she reached under her nightgown and rubbed her breasts. Vinnie's eyes were as big as silver dollars and Freddy's tongue was lolling out of his mouth.

"First lesson, boys," Julie said quietly. "Show the merchandise." They didn't move. "That means strip," she said.

Coming out of their trances, Vinnie and Freddy hastily pulled off their T-shirts and began to peel off their jeans. Both had almost hairless chests, but Vinnie's was muscular and well-toned. Freddy's reed-thin body was a slight disappointment, but when he yanked down his bikini briefs the sight more than made up for it. He was hung like a horse, at least eight inches, standing out thick and hard already. Vinnie wasn't quite as well-endowed, but his cock too was ready for action.

Once they were naked, the boys quickly moved in on Julie, but she held them back with the palm of her hand. "Second lesson," she purred. "Take it slow and follow orders."

Under her guidance, Vinnie moved behind her and began kissing and nuzzling her back and neck while his eager hands caressed her breasts through the thin material of her nightgown. Freddy knelt before her and undid the knots that held up her g-string. As it fell away, Julie parted her legs still more and pulled him to her.

She sighed as his tongue flicked over her pussy. With some suggestions from her, he did an expert job of licking and touching her without actually making entry. She was amazed to discover that she was so hot that juices were already oozing out of her heavily. When at last Freddy stuck his tongue between her lips and into her cunt, she melted and would have collapsed to the floor if Vinnie hadn't been gripping her tightly. She could feel his stiff cock riding in the crack of her butt as he nuzzled her neck and sent electric shocks through her when he swished his tongue into her ear.

Freddy's probing tongue was driving her crazy and in just a minute or two she lost control and launched into a screaming orgasm. "Su-su-su-suck me, deeper, deeper, I wanna... unnnnnngggghhhhhAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

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