The Bridge to Nowhere - Cover

The Bridge to Nowhere

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2024 by Mat Twassel

Flash Sex Story: The Smith twins are out for a walk when they run into an old man. Actually he almost runs into them. The race is on. Illustrated.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Fiction   Illustrated   .

We were out for a walk, down the old trail to the lost bridge, when we heard this jingling, like some Salvation Army Christmas Santa, but it was nowhere near Christmas and we were nowhere near Macy’s or wherever.


We turned around and there was this old guy jogging towards us, huffing and puffing and jingling like crazy.

“What’s up with the bells?” we asked, as he came near.

“Bears,” he gasped.

“We don’t see any bears,” we told him.

“See, it’s working,” he sputtered.

“If you say so,” we agreed. “So where you headed?”

“Just out runnin’” he said. “Nowhere in particular.”

“Well, up ahead’s the old bridge,” we told him. “After that it drops off to nowhere.”

“I guess that’s where I’m headed,” he said.

“Cool,” we said. “Wanna race?” Maybe we were joking.

“I’m not that fast anymore,” he said. “Back when I was twenty ... But now at eighty-one.”

“Gosh,” we said, “if we were quadruplets you’d still be a year older than us.”

“Yeah, these old legs,” he said.

“Maybe what you need is incentive,” we said.

He seemed doubtful. “What kind of incentive?”

Sister and I looked at each other. “If you catch us you can fuck us.”

“Oh gosh,” he huffed.

“What have you got to lose?”

“All right, you’re on,” he said, and he took off.

We looked at each other, a ‘whadaya-think?’ look. Could it be we’d been had? Naw!

We thought about turning around, but that would be mean. We thought about letting the old guy win, but we have our pride. We took off after him.

We passed him like he was standing still.

For a while we could hear him behind us, snuffling and snorting, along with the jingly-jangly bear-bell, and then there was a gasp and a moan and then just the bell, but faintly.


We had to wonder if he was all right, but we kept running, finally coming over the hill and down to the old bridge.

We could still hear the bell, faint, but getting louder, and then a couple of minutes later he came over the hill, breathing hard, practically staggering.

“Made it,” he gasped.

“You did!” we exclaimed. “For a minute or two or six we were a little worried.”

“Yeah, it took a lot out of me. And you gals are fast. I lost sight of you almost immediately.”

“That’s funny, cuz we could hear your bells the whole way. I guess that proves once and for all that sound travels faster than light.”

For some reason he laughed. He laughed so hard he almost collapsed. Finally he recovered. “Well,” he said, “it looks like I didn’t catch you, so I don’t get to fuck you.”

We took pity on him. “Right, you don’t get to fuck us, be we get to fuck you.”

We got him laid out on the old bridge, and we took turns, one of us riding his face while the other rode his cock. One thing about old guys, once they get it up, it doesn’t go down. We each had four or five good cums before he gushed, and what a good gush it was. He bucked so hard and high the old bridge nearly broke when we came down.


“Whew, that about did me in,” he managed to say after he’d more or less caught his breath. “I did okay for an old guy, didn’t I?”

“You did,” we told him. “You did great.”

We offered to walk back with him, but he said he was going to do some exploring on the other side of the bridge. “Might as well find out what nowhere is like,” he said.

He was on the other side before we realized he’d forgotten his bell.

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