Shaved and Relaxed - Cover

Shaved and Relaxed

by munchkin_mrj

Copyright© 2002 by munchkin_mrj

Fiction Story: Large tits need lots of attention

Tags: Fa/Fa   Lesbian   Oral Sex  

Veronica rolled her shoulders in a vain attempt to ease some pain of the wide bra straps that were cutting into her skin, but no matter how hard she tried, the pain was always persistent and pervasive, especially at the end of a long hard day!!! Most woman would have given their eye teeth to have a chest like Veronica's, but even though most men and women would consider it the ultimate in femininity, Roni had a far different perspective on the matter!!! Yes, she was glad she was well endowed, and no, she would never want to be "normal" size, but most women never had to go through what a busty woman goes through every single day of her life, and some of it was a real drag!!! Roni's secretary dropped into her office just before quitting time and offered, "I guess that's it for today, boss, you feeling all right, you look a little bushed!?!"

"I am bushed, Jenny," Roni replied, "and my shoulders and back and killing me!!!" Would you like me to give you a massage," the young secretary asked softly, "I've can stay late if you want me to!?!"

"Oh no, dear," Veronica replied, "thanks anyway, but I have my women's meeting tonight, I think that I can wait that long!!!" Jenny gave Roni a knowing smile, and with a wave of her hand, she was out of the office in a flash!!! Veronica glanced at the clock on the wall and decided to put in another hour of paperwork before leaving for her meeting!!!

Later that evening at a large mansion in a far western suburb of Chicago, Veronica handed her coat and purse to a hat check girl and retired to the changing room where she was greeted by the Kim, the dressing room attendant with, "Good evening, Mrs. Thorpe, would you care to have some assistance with your clothing!?!"

"Yes, please, that would be just what the doctor ordered," Roni replied with a sigh, "I'm so tired I don't think I can take another step!!!"

"Would Joanne meet your approval," Kim asked!?! "Fine," Roni replied, "I think I've used her before if my memory serves me correctly!!!" Kim called Joanne from the attendant waiting room and ordered, "Please take care of Mrs. Thorpe, and do a good job, she's had quite a long day!!!"

"Yes, ma'am," Joanne replied to her boss before turning her attention to Veronica, "follow me please, I have a private changing room set up and ready to go!!!

Once inside the lavishly appointed dressing room, Joanne quickly went to work removing Veronica's clothing, stopping only when she was down to her bra and panties!!! "You have a very large chest, ma'am," Joanne commented softly while letting her hands run up and down the older woman's body, are you ready for me to remove your undies!?!"

"Oh yes, dear," Roni sighed, "I've been looking forward to this moment all day!!!"

"I'm glad," Joanne said quietly while unhooking the five clasps holding Roni's industrial strength bra in place, "oh my, your shoulders must be in awful pain, your straps have really cut into your skin!!!"

"Ohhhhhh, tha feels so nice getting that brutal contraption off my shoulders and chest," Roni moaned softly, "and yes, it is quite painful!!!"

"I have an idea," Joanne whispered into Roni's ear, "why don't we get into the hot tub and I can nurse on your big fat nipples, I really think that it would relax you!!!"

"With a low soft moan gurgling up form her throat, Veronica gasped, "Y-yes, that's a wonderful idea!!!

Once in the soothing hot water of the spa, Joanne took a wash cloth and slowly bathed every square inch of Roni's lush full body, paying particular attention to the older woman's breasts and vagina!!! "My, your breasts are simply huge," Joanne said while cupping and softly twisting her hard nipples, "what size bra do you wear!?!"

"Ohhhhhhhhh, my," Veronica moaned, "I-I wear a 42DD cup bra, but I think I might have to go to a DDD cup, my old bras seem a bit tight!!!"

"I wish my breasts were as nice as yours," Joanne offered, "while continuing to caress the older woman's incredibly full chest!!! "Yours are just beautiful, child," Veronica whispered to the cute young woman, "I'll bet your nipples are very sensitive, aren't they!?!" With a small smile breaking across her face, Joanne replied, "My nipples are extremely sensitive, I can even have an orgasm just from getting them sucked on!!!"

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