Harriet Hotter and the Sorcerer's Bone - Cover

Harriet Hotter and the Sorcerer's Bone

Copyright© 2002 by Couture

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A magical tale of dominance and submission. The other Harry wished he had this much fun.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Lesbian   DomSub   Humiliation  

"Hurry Hari, I heard Mom's car pull up. Come on, arms up, so I can get you dressed." Chloe said.

'I can do it myself, ' thought Harriet. However, Chloe was standing there holding the dress over Harriet's head. Just wanting to something to cover her nakedness, Harriet obeyed her cousin.

"Hari, go ahead and put some shoes on," Chloe said, as she slid her jeans up her legs.

Harriet fidgeted with the hem of the short summer dress. "I-I need something on underneath, Chloe." Harriet thought about the old saying of being naked underneath your clothes. She never really understood what it meant until now, but she really did feel naked, standing there in the light cotton dress with nothing on underneath.

"Don't be silly Hari. You're not gonna be able to wear anything like that in your condition." Chloe heard the front door close down stairs, then shouted, "Mom, come upstairs, Harriet's sick!"

Chloe's mother came into the room. "Hello, sweetie," she said to her daughter, then turned to look at her niece. "What is it this time?" she asked.

"My-my-my-" Harriet stuttered.

"Harriet's got female problems," Chloe finished for her cousin.

"Hari, lay back on the bed, so Mom can see."

Harriet lay back on the bed, thankful for once to let her cousin take charge. This feeling was short-lived, however, when her cousin squatted over her and lifted her legs up and pressed them firmly against her chest. Harriet could see anything except the firm cheeks of Chloe's denim covered ass, but she could only imagine what she looked like in this shameful position. She tried to think of something else to keep from getting more turned on than she already was, but it was impossible.

"See Mom, it's all red and swollen. And she said it was itching something awful." Chloe pulled Harriet's legs back even further.

Chloe kept a straight face, but inside she was laughing with delight. She could only imagine what her cousin must be feeling right now with her pussy and little rosebud exposed. "Mom, is it normal for the little hole to spasm like that?" she asked innocently.

Poor Harriet had been doing her best to clench her ass, to try to protect her remaining modesty, but found she wasn't even to be allowed this modesty. She reluctantly relaxed ass and was sure they could see her every dirty bit.

"You haven't been doing anything you aren't supposed to have you?" her aunt asked.

"N-no," Harriet lied and prayed Chloe would keep her secret.

"You don't sound very convinced," said her aunt. "Well, get in the car and let's get you to the doctor."

Harriet got into the backseat of the car and was surprised when Chloe sat next to her. Usually, Chloe always sat in the front seat with her mother.

Mrs. Hotter noticed, and even said something about it. "Why are you riding back there Chloe?"

"I thought I would ride back here with Hari, since she isn't feeling good."

"That is so sweet honey. Isn't that nice of Chloe, Harriet?"

'Nice? I'm being taken to the emergency room and all you care about is how nice Chloe is being?' Harriet thought to herself. "Yes, auntie," she grudgingly admitted.

However, Harriet thought Chloe wasn't being very nice at all. The moment they pulled out of the drive, Chloe was pulling Harriet's skirt up. The small girl struggled against her cousin, drawing her aunt's attention.

"Sit still back there or I'll give you something to squirm about!" Her aunt threatened, looking disapprovingly from the rearview mirror.

"Mom, the poor thing must be itching half to death," Chloe said. "Hari, just close your eyes and lean back and try to think of something else."

"But-but-" Harriet sputtered, still struggling.

"No buts, you little brat, do as your sister says."

'Damn it!' thought Harriet. 'That bitch is the reason I got in trouble in the first place. Not even my sister, anyway.' She glared at Chloe with contempt.

Chloe ignored Harriet's blistering look and grinned with her victory. "You heard mom, lean back."

Harriet pulled the skirt out of Chloe's grasp and pulled it tight underneath her thighs. Reluctantly, she leaned back in the seat.

"Now close your eyes." Chloe soothed.

Harriet closed her eyes and almost immediately she felt Chloe's hand dash up her skirt. Harriet grasped Chloe's wrist and tried to pull her hand away, but her cousin had grabbed a handful of her curly pubes. Pulling on Chloe's hand meant pulling her sensitive hairs out by the root. She had been defeated, and she knew it.

Harriet kept waiting for Chloe to do something mean and spiteful, but it seemed her cousin was still being nice for some odd reason. Now, she didn't like the fact that Chloe presumed to put a hand on her privates without regard to Harriet's thoughts or feelings. 'After all, they are my privates, ' thought Hari.

However, the slight tugging on her pubic hair and the gentle scratching of her moist nether lips was pleasing - quite pleasing. All too soon, Harriet's body overruled her mind, and the young girl's legs spread wide, as her narrow hips pumped imperceptibly.

Chloe's mother looked back in the rear view mirror and was very pleased with the results. Her daughter lovingly patted her calm and quite niece on the head, in a matronly manner. Chloe caught her mother's reflection in the mirror and smile cheerfully. Harriet was just doing her best not to moan.

When Chloe's fingers were finally removed, Harriet actually mourned the loss. Eyes still closed, she unconsciously pulled up her skirt and spread her legs wider. "Please," she breathed.

"We're here, Hari," Chloe said, startling Harriet out of her sexual daze.

"Wha-where?" Harriet's head popped up and her groggy eyes blinked and then focused. Her gaze was met by the wide open stare of the older man in the ticket booth. Harriet followed his gaze to her own very aroused and uncovered sex. "Oh God!" she exclaimed, as she pulled her skirt down and clamped her legs shut. He had seen her lewd display, but not what Chloe had been doing to her. 'What must he think of me?' she thought, blushing furiously.

Chloe sat poker faced next to her, while her mother parked the car. Harriet wondered if the Chloe had tried to embarrass her intentionally or if it was accidental. She had tried to warn her after all.

When Harriet got out of car, she found her legs were weak from the teasing.

"Easy there Hari," Chloe said, as she put an arm around the smaller girl, to steady her.

Harriet actually found herself welcoming the touch. She had always felt like an outsider in the family. Chloe's mother Ann showed little affection except when it came to Chloe. Chloe had always treated Harriet as a nuisance at best and an enemy at worst, but lately Chloe seemed to be trying to get a little closer to Harriet.

Inside the hospital, Harriet was signed in and they had a seat. Shortly, her name was called and she was escorted to one of the small examination rooms.

"Mother, do you mind if I keep Harriet company?" Chloe asked.

"Not at all, nurse Chloe," her mother beamed. She was so proud of her daughter at times like this; yet sad the girl was growing up so fast.

Harriet was waiting in the examination room with dread. The nurse had insisted she strip and put on the small backless gown. She had tried to get out of it, but the nurse insisted. So Harriet stood crying, afraid to sit down on the paper covered bed, for fear of leaving a wet spot on the paper.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked as she entered the room without knocking.

<sniff> "No. Oh God, Chloe, I-I don't know what to do. <sniff> I-I can't sit down. I-I'm... wet... down there."

"It'll be okay Harriet," Chloe said, taking charge of the situation. She grabbed a swath of cotton bandage and ordered Harriet on the examination bed.

"Thank you Chloe," Harriet said, trying to take the bandage from Chloe's hand.

Chloe snatched it back. "No," she said firmly. "Let me see."

Harriet blushed and spread her legs slightly.


Harriet's legs spread as wide as she could get them. Her tendons trembled from the strain and her growing arousal. Swollen lips parted exposing the pink folds of her flower. She was wet... very wet... and very embarrassed as her cousin stooped down to inspect her sex.

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