Lines Crossed - Cover

Lines Crossed

by EveryDenial

Copyright© 2024 by EveryDenial

Erotica Sex Story: Two siblings forced to share a room grow apart while being close together. To rekindle their bond they relive times from their childhood, when they were young and carefree. This leads to them becoming very comfortable with each other. Possibly more than intended.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt   ft   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Small Breasts   .

When their parents announced that they were downsizing to a smaller house, Max and Lila didn’t seem too bothered. The idea of sharing a room seemed manageable at first. After all, they’d shared everything growing up: toys, secrets, even their birthday parties some years. But at fourteen, things would definitely be different.

At first, it wasn’t so bad. They divided the small closet, each taking a side, and set up their beds in opposite corners of the room. Max hung up his posters, while Lila arranged her books on the narrow shelf above her bed. They joked about how it was just like when they were little, building forts and playing pretend.

But as the days turned into weeks, the reality of sharing such a small space began to weigh on them. Lila found herself annoyed by the way Max’s stuff seemed to spread everywhere—his clothes draped over the chair, his shoes kicked off in the middle of the floor. Max, on the other hand, couldn’t understand why Lila needed so much time at the mirror every morning, or why she insisted on everything being in its place.

Their once easygoing sibling relationship became strained. Privacy was hard to come by, and even small disagreements seemed to escalate quickly. Max started spending more time with his earbuds in, tuning out Lila’s presence, while Lila took longer showers just to have a moment to herself.

One evening, after one of those long showers, Lila stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around her. Max was lying on his bed, his music playing softly through his earbuds, and his phone in his hand. Lila hesitated in the doorway, feeling more self-conscious than she ever had before. She’d never thought twice about walking around in a towel, but this time it felt different.

Max glanced up, and their eyes met. It was just a brief moment, but Lila felt a strange, uncomfortable tension settle between them. She turned quickly, heading for the dresser with her heart pounding in her chest, her back to Max. As she rifled through her clothes, she felt his eyes on her and it made her pulse race.

Max shifted on his bed, knowing that there was no real escape from moments like this. He turned up the volume on his music, trying to focus on anything but the confusing thoughts swirling in his head about his toweled sister.

Lila got dressed while holding onto her towel, just as she did every day to hide her most intimate parts from Max. Once she was fully clothed, she dropped her towel and turned back to him. Their eyes met again and she blushed slightly.

“I’m gonna head to my friend’s house,” Max said, slipping off his bed. He didn’t want to be around her right now. Not when she was looking at him like that. Not when he was feeling like this.

Lila nodded, and Max hurried out the door. As soon as he was gone, she sank onto her bed and buried her face in her hands. She hated how much had changed between them. They were so close when they were younger but things were so different now. And she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty, even though she wasn’t sure why.

As Max left the house, he felt conflicted. He didn’t know what was happening between them, but something was definitely changing. They’d always been close, but now, being near her made his head spin. It was too confusing.

He went to the park and sat alone on the swings, listening to his music and staring at his shoes. His sister’s beautiful face kept creeping into his mind and he tried his hardest to push it away.

A few minutes later, he looked up and saw a familiar figure approaching. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized Lila, her wet hair blowing in the breeze, a slight smile on her lips.

“Hi,” she said, sitting on the swing next to his. “You okay?”

Max shrugged, not knowing how to answer her question. She smiled and looked out across the park.

“I’m sorry,” she said after a moment, “that things are weird now.”

“Yeah,” Max said, kicking at the dirt.

“I don’t want it to be,” she continued. “I miss when we could hang out together and have fun.”

“Me too,” Max agreed.

“I wish we could go back to how it was,” Lila said, her voice wistful.

Max looked at her, and for a second, it was like they were kids again, playing in the backyard, having a water gunfight, splashing each other with the hose. He laughed a little, and she looked at him curiously.

“What?” she asked with a giggle.

“I’m remembering how we used to play together,” he said, his expression softening.

“We had so much fun,” Lila smiled.

“I remember when I was five, and I broke the kitchen window and you took the blame,” Max said, his eyes glinting.

“I remember that,” Lila giggled. “Mom was so mad!”

“You know,” Max said, turning to look at his sister, “you used to run around topless when you were little.”

Lila blushed, her face turning red. She looked down, embarrassed.

“Yeah,” she mumbled. “That was a long time ago.”

“But it’s not that different now,” Max said, looking across the park. “Not really.”

“It’s not?” Lila asked, looking up at him. “I mean ... My boobs are growing and stuff.”

“I’ve noticed,” Max said, smiling at her. “But ... that doesn’t make you different.”

Lila smiled back at him, her heart beating faster.

“Are you saying I shouldn’t be so uncomfortable around you?” she asked.

“Well, we’ve always been comfortable around each other,” he said. “But it changed ... Why not change it back?”

“I guess it is a bit hard changing in a towel,” Lila admitted her cheeks still pink.

“Yeah, I mean, I’ve seen you naked plenty of times, right?” Max chuckled nervously.

Lila laughed and nodded, looking down again.

“Okay, so...” she said. “How about this. Next time, I’ll just ... Change normally, just like when we were kids.”

“And I’ll just ignore it,” Max smiled. “Like I always did.”

“Exactly,” Lila grinned.

They swung in silence for a while, enjoying the peaceful afternoon. Lila felt like a weight had been lifted from her chest. She felt closer to Max than she had in weeks, and she was glad that they were able to work things out.

“Wanna walk home?” she asked, as the sun began to set.

“Sure,” Max smiled, jumping up from the swing.

The two of them walked together, laughing and joking as they had always done. Max put his arm around his sister and gave her a squeeze.

“You’re not so bad, sis,” he said, grinning.

“You’re not either,” Lila said, giving him a playful punch.

The two of them spent the rest of the evening together, and it felt good. Max couldn’t remember the last time they had spent so much time just talking and laughing together.

That night, when they got ready for bed, Lila stood in front of the dresser, her back to Max. She took a deep breath, and then slowly pulled her shirt over her head. She could feel Max’s eyes on her, and her heart raced as she reached back and unhooked her bra. She let it fall to the floor, revealing her bare back to him.

She heard Max’s sharp intake of breath, and her whole body flushed with heat. She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself, and reached down to pull off her leggings. Once they were gone, she was standing only in her panties. She was breathing heavily now, her heart racing as she tried to imagine what Max was thinking.

Slowly, she hooked her thumbs into her panties and pushed them down. When her panties fell to the floor, she was completely naked, her whole body trembling. She could feel the heat between her legs, and she wondered if Max could see her pussy lips peeking out from between her thighs.

She looked back over her shoulder and saw Max lying on his bed, playing on his phone. He wasn’t looking at her, and she knew that he was giving her privacy, just as he had promised.

With a pleased sigh, Lila grabbed a pair of pajamas and got dressed. Pulling her top over her head and stepping into her pants. She turned back towards Max and saw his head as it swiveled back down to his phone.

“Okay,” she said, feeling relieved. “I’m dressed.”

Max looked up at her and smiled.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he asked, putting his phone down.

“No,” Lila said, blushing. “It actually felt ... kinda nice.”

“Yeah,” Max said, his gaze drifting from her face, down her body, and then back up. “I agree.”

Lila giggled and climbed into bed.

“Goodnight, Max,” she said, pulling the covers up to her chin.

“Goodnight,” he replied, switching off the lamp.

The two of them lay in the dark, each lost in their own thoughts. Lila closed her eyes and sighed. She felt happy and content, and it seemed like things were going to get better between them.

Max lay in bed, his hand touching his growing cock. He could still see his sister’s naked body in his mind, and he stroked himself harder. Even if it was only from behind, he could see her slit clearly between her thin thighs. But it was every part of the back side of her naked body that made his dick twitch.

His hand moved faster, his cock swelling and pulsing. He could hear his sister’s soft breathing, and he imagined what it would feel like to touch her, to feel her warmth against his fingers.

He bit his lip, trying to stay quiet, as his cum shot out onto his hand and stomach.

“Damn.” He whispered.

“Did you say something?” Lila asked.

“Nothing,” he whispered back, feeling guilty. “I just need to go to the washroom.”

“Okay,” Lila replied, turning over in bed.

Max got up and slipped into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He washed his hands and cleaned up the mess he’d made, trying not to think about what he’d just done. But as he went back to bed, he couldn’t help but glance over at Lila. In the dark, he could just make out her shape under the covers, knowing what half of her looked like naked. He groaned, frustrated with himself, and rolled over, facing the wall.

It took a long time for him to fall asleep, his mind racing with images of his sister’s body, knowing he was the one who pushed her to change in front of him. He promised her comfort and normality, not the desire he now had for her. But there was nothing he could do about it now. Eventually, exhaustion took over, and he drifted off.

Lila woke up early the next morning before the sun had risen. She yawned and stretched, feeling rested and refreshed. She glanced over at Max, who was still asleep, his mouth open and drooling on his pillow.

She smiled and slipped out of bed, making her way quietly to the bathroom. Once she was inside, she stripped out of her pajamas and turned on the shower. As she waited for the water to heat up, she examined her reflection in the mirror.

Hesitantly, she cupped her breasts, squeezing them gently. They were only small handfuls, but she was still proud of them. Her nipples were a rosy pink, and they perked up under her touch. She blushed and looked away, wondering what Max would think of them.

“He’s your brother, Lila,” she told herself, shaking her head.

Her hands moved down her body, over her flat stomach, and to her shaved mound, something she only needed to start maintaining recently. She spread her legs a little, and her fingers parted her pussy lips, revealing her pink center. She felt a thrill of pleasure as she touched her clit, and she gasped, her body responding to her own touch.

“Max won’t ever know what you look like here,” she said to herself, blushing. “Just like he didn’t when we were younger.”

She turned away from the mirror, unable to look at herself anymore, and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt good on her skin, and she let out a happy sigh. As she lathered up her body, she couldn’t help but think about the night before.

She was happy that Max had given her the space to change in front of him, and it wasn’t as weird as she thought it would be. But she still wasn’t sure if he was looking at her or not. It was all a blur in her mind, and she wasn’t sure if it mattered.

She stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around herself, and made her way back to her room. She moved quietly as she noticed that Max was still asleep.

As she crossed the room, her gaze landed on his sleeping form. His hair was a mess, and his face was peaceful, almost angelic. She watched him for a moment, admiring his features. He was handsome, in a boyish kind of way. She remembered him as a baby, how cute and chubby he was. She thought back to when he was a toddler, running around in just a diaper.

She smiled at the memories, and her heart ached for those simpler times. When the two of them were close and nothing could come between them. She wondered if they could ever truly get back to that.

Shaking her head, she turned away from him, not wanting to be caught staring. She sat on her bed, her back to him, and began to towel dry her hair.

“Mmm,” Max groaned, stretching. “What time is it?”

“A little after seven,” Lila replied, looking at her alarm clock.

“Great.” He groaned. “Back to bed.”

Lila laughed and rolled her eyes, knowing her brother was anything but a morning person.

“Okay, lazybutt,” she teased. “I’ll let you sleep in.”

Max grunted in response and burrowed deeper into his blankets. Lila shook her head and finished drying her hair. She felt safe knowing he was buried in his and walked over to hang her towel up behind the bedroom door, instead of just dropping it on the ground just to pick it up after.

When she turned around, her breath caught in her throat. Max had rolled over in bed. His eyes were still closed, and his face was peacefully asleep. She thought that she had accidentally flashed everything to her brother, but his eyes were definitely shut.

With a sigh of relief, she quickly tiptoed over to their shared closet that was close to the bedroom door and pulled out a dress. She quietly closed the closet door and made her way over to her dresser.

Max opened one eye as she turned her back towards him. He had a full view of her ass and pussy. She was bent slightly at the waist, rummaging through her underwear drawer. It was at this moment he was so happy their mom told Lila that keeping underwear in the bottom drawer would be more efficient and make less mess.

Max watched with fascination as his sister grabbed a pair of red lacy panties. His dick started to grow as she pulled them up her legs and over her bare ass.

“Shit.” He cursed to himself, watching as his sister wiggled into a pair of panties.

Lila had a perfect butt, round and pert. He wished he could reach out and squeeze it, see how firm it was. And the sight of her pussy disappearing behind the thin material of her underwear was almost too much to bear.

He wanted to look away, but he couldn’t.

She reached down again, and his heart skipped a beat as he realized she was grabbing a matching bra. He watched, transfixed, as she slipped her arms through the straps and clasped the hooks at the back.

His cock was rock-hard now, and he felt a mixture of guilt and excitement. As she started to turn around, he closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

He couldn’t hear what was happening, so he had no choice but to wait. He was dying to see her in her underwear, but he couldn’t risk getting caught. After a few minutes, the bedroom door opened and closed.

Max opened his eyes and let out a deep breath. He couldn’t believe what he’d just seen. Lila, his own sister, bent over and presented her naked body. Her thin slit was covered by the thin fabric of her panties.

“Fuck,” he groaned, his hand slipping under the blanket and grasping his cock. He was throbbing, desperate for release.

The bedroom door creaked open, Max forgetting that his sister does her make-up in the bedroom. He quickly turned over, his back facing her. He could hear her humming softly to herself as she moved around the room.

Max lay there, his mind racing. He was so close to cumming, he could feel it. He could feel her presence in the room, and it made his blood pump even harder. He squeezed his cock, his fingers moving quickly.

Suddenly, Lila’s voice broke the silence.

“30 minutes to go,” she sang softly.

Max looked over his shoulder at his sister sitting in front of her small vanity. Something that he argued that their room had no space for, but gave in once Lila had shown him her plans. She had a big mirror, the lightbulbs around it illuminating her beautiful face.

Lila looked back at her brother through the mirror. Their eyes met for a brief moment before he quickly turned away. She wondered what he was thinking, what he was doing.

Lila started with a light foundation, blending it smoothly across her face to even out her complexion. Next, she dabbed a touch of blush on her cheeks, giving her a subtle, natural flush. She carefully brushed on a bit of mascara, adding definition to her lashes without overdoing it. Finally, she finished with a swipe of pink lip gloss, puckering her lips together to spread the color evenly.

Max could feel his balls tightening, and he knew he was close. He bit his lip, trying to hold back his moans.

Lila stood up from her vanity, and Max could see her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a sundress, the thin straps resting delicately on her shoulders. The hem of the dress reached just above her knees, and the floral print flattered her figure. She looked gorgeous, and Max could hardly breathe.

She walked over to the door, and Max’s heart stopped as he saw her look over her shoulder. Her eyes were fixed on him, and for a moment, it seemed as though she knew exactly what he was doing. But then she smiled and left the room, closing the door behind her.

As soon as the door shut, Max grabbed a shirt off the ground and exploded. His cum spurted out, splattering the inside of his used clothing. He grunted, his body convulsing with pleasure. He could barely believe what had just happened, what he had just let happen.

He’d jerked off while looking at his sister, and worse, he’d done it while she was in the same room, and even worse, it was the second time. The thought should’ve disgusted him, but it only made him hornier. He was starting to think there was something wrong with him, that he was some kind of pervert.

“Fuck,” he cursed, tossing the cum filled shirt aside.

He got out of bed and picked up some clothes, bringing them to the bathroom so could change after he finished showering like he always did. But this time as he stripped, the thought of Lila seeing him naked sent a shiver down his spine.

“Stop thinking about her like that, you idiot,” he told himself.

But as he stood under the hot spray of water, he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering. He imagined her standing there, in the same spot she’d been moments before, her body glistening with water. He pictured her soapy hands rubbing her breasts, her fingers trailing down her stomach and slipping between her legs.

“Oh god,” he groaned, trying to shake the thought

He turned off the shower, dried himself, and got dressed, tucking his erection into his pants, knowing it would fade away soon.

Max sat on the swing, listening to his music and staring at his shoes. He was feeling guilty and confused, and he didn’t know what to do. The more time he spent with Lila in their room, the more conflicted he felt.

She was his sister, and she was supposed to be off-limits. But there was no denying the attraction he felt for her, the way his body reacted to her. He was supposed to be her big brother, the one who protected her, not the one who fantasized about her.

“You’re always out here.”

Max jumped at the sound of his sister’s voice. She was sitting on the swing next to his, her feet kicking idly at the dirt. He pulled out his headphones and turned to look at her.

Max stared at her, and he couldn’t help but notice how pretty she looked. The late afternoon sun was shining on her, casting a glow around her head like a halo. Her long brown hair was loose, and the breeze blew it gently around her face. Her eyes were a bright blue, and her skin was flawless. Her sundress was fluttering in the breeze, revealing flashes of her bare legs.

“It’s quiet,” he said after a moment.

“Are you okay?” she asked, a concerned look on her face. “You’re acting distant, but I thought we were supposed to be getting closer again.”

“We are,” he replied.

“Come on, Max,” she said, swinging sideways, nudging his shoulder with her own. “You said if I got naked in front of you like when we were younger, we could get back to being comfortable around each other. It’s not working.”

“I know,” he said, his gaze fixed on his shoes. “I’m sorry.”

“I think I know what’s wrong,” she said, her voice soft.

“You do?”

“Yes.” She giggled. “I wasn’t the only one that would run around naked, you know.”


“I remember the time you ran around the house butt naked, showing off your tiny thing,” she laughed.

Max blushed and looked down, embarrassed by the memory.

“Mom and dad would run around trying to catch you,” Lila continued, smiling. “But I thought it was funny.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not a little kid anymore,” Max mumbled, kicking at the dirt.

“I noticed.” Lila blushed, remembering the tent his penis had made in the sheets this morning.


“Nothing,” Lila said quickly, looking away.

Max didn’t respond, and the two of them fell silent. Lila kicked at the dirt, her mind racing.

“I think you should stop changing in the bathroom.” Lila finally said, breaking the silence.

“What? Why?” Max asked, shocked.

“Because it only makes sense, right? I mean, if I change in front of you, cause you saw me naked as a kid. Doesn’t it make sense for you to change in front of me because I’ve seen you naked?” Lila said, trying to sound convincing. “I know we were just kids, and it didn’t matter, but...”

“But it matters now,” Max finished.

“Yeah,” Lila said, a hopeful look on her face.

Max considered her words, knowing it was risky. What if she noticed his growing attraction to her, or worse, his erection? But at the same time, it would mean he would be able to see her naked, again.

“Okay,” he said after a moment, “I guess it’s fair.”

“Great!” Lila said, excited. “If we follow your logic, this should make us comfortable with each other again, right?”

Lila smiled, happy that they had found a solution. But there was a part of her, deep down, that was excited to see her brother’s body. She had only caught a glimpse of it this morning, and she wondered what he would look like, standing there, completely naked.

“I’m going to head home now,” Lila announced, getting up from the swing.

“Okay,” Max said, his stomach fluttering with nerves.

“Enjoy the park,” Lila smiled.

“Yeah.” Max said, watching her walk away.

Max stood in front of the mirror, taking a deep breath. He knew that this was the moment that he had to take the next step. It was now or never. His eyes traveled down his reflection, hopeful that Lila would like what she saw. He was wearing only a towel around his waist, and his hair was still wet from the shower.

His cock was slightly hard from the memory of her changing into her pajamas last night and changing into her panties this morning. His hands gripped the edge of the towel and took a deep breath, bracing himself for what was about to come. He felt a flutter in his stomach as he remembered that Lila would be waiting for him, ready to see him.

He walked back to their bedroom and stepped inside. Lila was sitting on her bed, looking at her phone. When she heard the door open, she looked up.

“Hey,” she said, her eyes moving down his body.

“Hi,” he said, nervously.

Lila looked back at her phone, her cheeks burning. It was the first time in a long time that she had still been there after his shower, and she wasn’t sure how to act. But, she couldn’t deny the thrill that was running through her body at the thought of seeing her brother’s body.

Max hesitated, unsure of what to do next. Should he drop his towel and expose himself, or should he turn around and change? He wasn’t sure which would be more awkward, but he knew that Lila was waiting.

“Well, uh, here goes nothing,” he said, dropping his towel.

Lila gasped as his naked body was revealed. His cock was fully erect, the tip glistening with precum. She couldn’t help but stare, her mouth hanging open.

“Whoa,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

“Hey,” Max said, blushing, “You’re supposed to ignore it like I did.”

“I- I’m sorry,” Lila stammered, looking away. “It’s just...”

“Yeah,” Max said, reaching for his boxers.

“So,” Lila said, her cheeks still pink, “are you going to change or...?”

“Yeah,” Max replied, feeling a little embarrassed.

He quickly slipped into his boxers, covering his throbbing erection. As he put on his t-shirt, Lila watched him from the corner of her eye. She couldn’t stop thinking about his cock, and how hard it had been. It was much larger than the tiny thing he had as a kid, and it made her pussy throb.

“So,” she said, clearing her throat, “how did that feel?”

“Pretty good, actually,” he admitted.

“Good,” she said, smiling. “I think this will help us get back to being comfortable around each other.”

“Yeah,” he said, relieved that things seemed to be working out.

“Do you mind if I...” Lila trailed off, her heart racing.

“You, uh ... Want to see it again?” Max asked, his cheeks burning.

“I’m sorry,” Lila apologized, “but ... yes.”

“It’s fine,” Max said, feeling a mixture of shame and excitement. “It’s just part of getting comfortable around each other, right?”

“Right,” Lila said, smiling.

“Well, uh, okay,” he said, slipping off his boxers.

Lila gasped as his cock sprang free. It was still hard, and it stood up proudly, the tip leaking precum. She couldn’t believe how big it was, and how thick it was. She couldn’t stop staring, her mind racing.

“You’re ... Well it’s ... I mean,” she stammered, unable to form a complete sentence.

“I told you, I’m not a little kid anymore,” he smirked.

“Yeah,” Lila said, blushing. “I can see that.”

“Do you want me to, uh, do anything with it?” he asked, feeling a bit awkward.

“What?” Lila gasped, shocked by the question.

“I mean, since you’re looking at it, I thought...”

“No!” she blurted, shaking her head. “I mean, no, that’s not necessary.”

“Okay,” Max said, his cheeks flushed.

Lila sat on her bed, trying to collect her thoughts. She couldn’t believe that Max was standing there, naked, his cock exposed to her. She wanted to touch it, to feel its weight in her hand. But she knew she couldn’t.

“I’ll, uh, let you get changed,” she said, picking up her phone as she stood up. “We gotta leave for school soon.”

“Okay,” Max said, relieved to get the awkwardness over with.

Lila hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her. As soon as she was gone, Max grabbed a pair of pants and put them on, his erection finally starting to fade. He couldn’t believe that he’d been so bold, asking her if she wanted him to touch himself. It was crazy, and yet, a part of him wished that she’d said yes.

As he slipped on his shirt, he wondered if he’d crossed a line, if he’d pushed things too far. He shook his head, telling himself that he was overthinking it. It was all part of getting back to normal, and getting comfortable with each other.

He picked up his backpack and made his way downstairs, his heart still pounding.

“Are you awake?” Lila asked softly.

“Yeah,” Max said, his eyes opening slowly.

The morning light was seeping in through the blinds, lighting up the room. Max yawned and stretched, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. When he looked over at Lila, he was surprised to see that she was completely naked and facing him.

Her breasts were small, but they were perfectly shaped, and her nipples were hard and pink. Her stomach was flat, leading down between her legs, her pussy was shaved, and her slit was glistening with arousal.

“Oh,” he said, his cheeks turning pink.

“Morning,” she said, her tone casual.

“You’re, uh, naked,” he said, feeling his cock start to stir.

“I know,” she said, a slight smile on her lips.

“Are you...?”

“Comfortable,” she finished, her cheeks reddening. “I mean, after seeing you naked, it’s only fair, right?”

“Right,” he said, nodding.

Lila’s heart was racing, and her body was tingling with excitement. She couldn’t believe she was standing naked in front of her brother, but she was also proud of herself for taking the initiative.

Max could feel his cock getting harder, and he knew that she would be able to see it, poking up beneath the covers. He wanted to pull them back, to expose himself to her, but he was afraid of what she might think.

“Are you comfortable?” she asked, her voice a little shaky.

“Yeah,” he lied.

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