Room 222: Hit the Showers - Cover

Room 222: Hit the Showers

by Uncle Mike

Copyright© 2002 by Uncle Mike

Erotica Sex Story: Bernie is a tall, gawky high school kid who goofs off once too often and has to stay after gym class. Punishment? Not so much, when dawdling in the shower means he's surprised by two of his teachers, the naive white English teacher, Alice Johnson, and the shapely black guidance counselor, Liz McIntyre. They teach him a thing or two. (Celeste's score: 10, 9.5, 9.5: "A pretty good story in its own right."

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Humor   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   .

Maybe it was pulling down the gym coach's shorts that started it all. If that's true, it was the smartest prank Bernie ever pulled.

Bernie, a tall, skinny, gangly white kid with a head of red cotton wool, was the champion goof-off of Walt Whitman High. He didn't have a great deal of concern about his regular classes, but he actively disliked gym.

With the coach, the feeling was mutual. So when Bernie pantsed him, the coach sent Bernie on 10 extra laps around the gym, and then made him clean up the bleachers and stack towels. By the time he was done, he'd worked almost clear through his lunch period.

Bernie was feeling pretty punk when he dragged his sorry behind into the boys' locker room. It was deserted, with just a few soggy towels puddling on the floor and the odd jockstrap or two dangling from lockers. Bernie twiddled and spun the lock on his own locker several times before it would finally come loose. He stripped off his sweaty shorts, jock and T-shirt and stuffed them into the top of the tiny metal box before trudging off to the showers, flip-flopping in his sandals across the slippery tiles. He picked a shower all the way in the back, the one that most reliably gave hot water, and twisted the knob to full blast.

Liz McIntyre, a shapely black woman, stopped short on the cinder track and sucked in a bushel of air greedily while a troupe of young girls pounded past her. After the last of the herd had thundered past, Alice Johnson skidded to a halt beside her and reached out to her.

"Liz? Liz, are you OK?"

The older woman got her breathing under control and turned to her young friend.

"Y-yes, I th-think so," Liz puffed out. "Whew, that was a workout. How many miles did we run?"

"Just three," Alice said perkily. "How about a couple more?" Alice was just a year out of college, giving her at least a decade on Liz. While her face was a bit red from the workout, Alice was breathing evenly and, as usual, smiling broadly.

Liz looked up at her and groaned. Alice got the message and she put her arm around Liz and joined her in walking back toward the school.

Liz, a guidance counselor, had let Alice, the new English teacher, convince her that they needed to get some regular exercise. Liz's idea of regular exercise was a nice brisk walk once in a while, but by the time Alice got around to explaining her plan to run the track with one of the girls' gym classes, it was too late to protest. From the grimace showing through the sweat pouring down her face, it was clear she now regretted the decision even more.

Liz was so worn out that she insisted they stop just outside the school and rest on the steps. It was a shaded spot, and with a cool breeze it wasn't long before she felt almost as perky as her young friend. Almost, of course -- no one over 22 ever felt THAT perky again.

But as they turned to go into the school, the herd of young girls came marching up behind them.

"Great," Liz said, looking behind her. "Just what I need, a shower room full of teenagers. Child, I am NOT going to take a shower with that group."

"But, Liz," Alice said, pressing against the wall as the girls trooped past, "I can't go into class like this! And I have my honors seniors next period -- I have to shower now!"

"No problem," Liz said. "We'll use the coach's shower." She led Alice down to the private room and pushed open the door partway when a bellow stopped her.

"Hey! Who's there?" The voice was unmistakably male.

"Hey, coach, it's Liz McIntyre! I need to take a shower!"

"Well, you can come on in, but I ain't going to be out of here for another 10 minutes," the voice boomed as tendrils of steam began to curl around the half-opened door. "It's on the schedule."

Liz slammed the door and stalked down the hallway, swinging the duffel bag with their clothes.

"Now what?" Alice said, running to catch up with her.

Liz said nothing. She walked quickly down the hallway and then made an abrupt turn, pushing open a pair of double doors.

"Liz! You can't go in there!" Alice tugged at her friend's T- shirt. "Liz, this is the boy's locker room! They'll kill us if they find out!"

"Look, there's no boy's gym class this period, and we'll be out before the next one starts. I am going to have my shower. If you don't want to join me, that's your business." She sniffed daintily. "Wow, this place really does smell as bad as they say."

Shrugging her shoulders, Alice joined Liz in stripping off her clothes and piling them up on a bench next to their duffel bag.

Liz had a smooth, cocoa-brown body, with long legs and full breasts. Alice sneaked a peek at her friend's body admiringly. Her own creamy white skin seemed far less exotic and alluring, and she felt pudgy alongside Liz's taut limbs even though she preferred to think of herself as full- figured. At least she was young enough to still have firm breasts, jutting straight out from her chest and ending in eraser-sized nipples made erect by rubbing against the cotton T-shirt. Liz's breasts were bigger, but age had drawn them down slightly. Even so, Alice noted ruefully, there was no denying the attraction of the huge dark circles of puckered skin that surrounded the nipples, even bigger than her own.

As Alice looked away, Liz did some peeking of her own. She had agreed to this exercise thing in the first place in hopes of reducing the one body part she hated, the wide ass that had earned her the nickname "Aircraft Carrier" back in college. Through diligent effort she'd knocked it down since then, but she feared the tide of time. She looked over Alice appraisingly, noting that the younger woman's behind, although no smaller than her own, seemed more in proportion to Alice's body. She grimaced.

As they neared the showers they could hear water running, but neither one thought much about it. A couple of times when they'd played tennis together after school they'd hit the girls' showers only to find someone had left the water running. Thinking of forgetful students reminded Alice of a girl in one her morning classes who'd forgotten her homework three days running, and she began to ask Liz for advice about it as they turned the corner into the shower room.

Bernie was facing the showerhead, rinsing off the last of the soapsuds, when he heard a gasp. He spun around quickly, droplets of water spraying off his hair.

At first he was so surprised to see someone else in the showers that he didn't even register that they were women.

"Hey!" he said, and his voice cracked. He tried again. "Hey, what are... yiiipes!" Those tits! Those were...

He slapped his hands down over his crotch and backed up against the tile wall. The women looked as surprised as he felt, but instead of covering themselves they had flung their hands wide, giving him a clear view of their ample breasts, the tufts of hair above their cunts, their smooth legs.

"Bernie!" The name came out as a single outburst, both women speaking at the same time. "What are you..."

That time only the dark-skinned woman spoke. That voice! Bernie forced his eyes up to their faces. "Miss McIntyre! Miss Johnson? What are you doing here?" Without thinking, Bernie lifted his hands from his crotch and walked toward them. "This is -- geez, I didn't go into the girls' locker room, did I? Hey, wait, no, I found my locker, so this must be..."

Liz and Alice stared at Bernie. Strangely, he didn't look as skinny out of his clothes as in them; perhaps he deliberately chose clothes a size too big. And as he walked toward them, their eyes were drawn down toward... that certainly wasn't skinny. His cock stood out and jiggled as he walked, looking at least eight inches long and almost fully erect.

Alice blushed and pulled her eyes away. "Liz, we -- Liz!"

The older woman started and turned toward Alice. "Huh? Oh, uh -- " She turned toward Bernie again, who had stopped and seemed to once again realize they were women; he didn't seem to know what to do with his hands, though. "Uh, Bernie," she went on, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "We're sorry for barging in like this. We..."

"We didn't know anyone was here," Alice finished for her. The younger woman took a step back and tugged on her friend's shoulder. "But we were just leaving."

"Look, you don't have to go," Bernie said, and then he blushed deeply. "I mean, I'll go. I..." As he spoke, he waved his arms around. His hand slapped against the showerhead, directing the spray across the room, splashing across the teachers' legs.

Liz jumped back, jostling Alice.

Impulsively, the younger woman reached out and cranked open the tap nearest her, quickly pointing the showerhead to send a jet of cold water splattering across the floor toward the tall young boy. "Take that," Alice said.

Bernie leaped away as the cold water hit his flesh. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" As he shouted, he cranked open another tap and lifted his hand to the showerhead, squeezing the spray into a narrow, forceful stream that shot across Liz's belly and drilled down Alice's crotch.

Now Liz moved toward him, opening two taps at once and flicking her hands to splash Bernie in the face. He ducked and ran toward another tap; as he turned to open it Alice hit him in the ass with an icy blast. Then Bernie got his showerheads going full blast and sent a spray toward Alice. While he held her at bay, though, Liz circled around him and caught him from the side with a lukewarm stream.

Soon jets of water were shooting all over the room, splashing and splattering against the tile walls and floor while the women and Bernie laughed and giggled.

They maneuvered around the room, running from showerhead to showerhead, Bernie always being outflanked by the two women.

Then Liz made a miscalculation, zigging when she should have zagged, and ran right into a stream of water that hit her full in the face. As she tried to get out of the way she slipped on the wet floor. Bernie grabbed her and helped her regain her balance, bringing her back to her feet just inches away from his naked body.

"That was no fair," Liz said, laughter dancing in her eyes as she shook her head, spraying water all around.

"Yeah," Bernie said, smiling. "What are you going to do about it?"

Alice was running over to another showerhead when she stopped short as she saw Liz reach up and put her arms around Bernie's neck, pulling the boy down to her and kissing him soundly.

While Alice looked on, stunned, Liz pressed herself tightly to the boy's naked frame. Her tongue shot into his mouth as her arms groped at his sides, her dark flesh standing out sharply against his paleness.

"Liz! -- Liz, I don't think..." Alice protested weakly.

Liz paid no attention. Instead, she broke the kiss, but only to push Bernie back against the wall. Then Liz slid down, fluttering kisses down the boy's chest and stomach. When she was on her knees before him, she took his stiff cock in her hands, rubbing it against her wet cheek as she looked up at him.

Bernie wasn't sure how all this had happened. He had fought back instinctively when Miss Johnson hit him with the cold spray, and through all their horseplay he was too busy ducking and running to realize that he was in the shower with two naked women -- two naked teachers, in fact.

But now time seemed to be standing still as he looked into Miss McIntyre's eyes, wide with lust, as his cock poked at her cheek. His heart was already pounding from all the running around, and now he was afraid it would burst out of his chest.

"Do you want to do this?" Miss McIntyre's soft voice floated up to him.

Did he want to do this? Was she crazy? Did he want some sexy black woman deep-throating his cock? What could he say? "Gee, no, if it's all the same to you I'll pass?"

There is more of this story...
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