My Fucking Nephew Ltr 2 - Cover

My Fucking Nephew Ltr 2

by Linda Jean

Copyright© 2002 by Linda Jean

Erotica Sex Story: The next day

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   True Story   Nephew   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Bestiality   .

Well his is straight our of one of my stories, Bart got in early this morning and turns on the light telling me to wake up, he walked over to my bed reached in his pocket and pulled out two used condoms with sperm still in them. As I was waking up he said, "Open your mouth." I did and he stuffed one of them in past my lips, he said "Chew it and get the cum out. Can you taste Judy, man she is a fucking nymph, I fucked her twice and she wanted more, I sure like your pick for my date. How's it taste? I don't know if that is the one from her cunt or the one from her ass."

He said that and I thought I was going to be sick. While this was going on, he had his hand under the sheets right at my crotch. Feeling to see if I did as he told me. He said I see you got to sleep with them in there, did you have any sexy dream's?" I looked at him wondering if I should be honest with him, I said, "yes I was dreaming when you woke me up." Then with a big smile on his fucking face he asked, " Did you come in your dream, did you dream about dad or me?" I kept chewing and finely said "your father, I always dream about your father every since we were real young." Bart unzipped my short pants and worked his hand down into them, getting hold of the one in my cunt he said, "Wow, you're soaking wet.

Do you wake up every morning soaking wet like this or is it the toys in you last night. you are a hot bitch aren't you aunt Linda?" He stopped talking and I knew he expected me to answer him. It was very hard to think with the movement he was working the rubber cock in side of me and the condom in my mouth with the sperm running through my mouth. I finely said "I always wake up wet and horny, the toys seemed to add a little more last night to my dreams." He said "good, good, I like that is wet and wants to be fucked as much as you do, how's that taste, like it Aunty? I had one hell of a load in that one. I wanted to get Judy back here so you could suck out my cum straight from her but Judy wouldn't come back with me. I promised her it was safe and she would love it, I told her it was safe here that you slept on the other side of the house. She is as fucked up as the girls back home. They will fuck everyone, but they don't want any adults to know about it. Were you like that when you were her age?"

I said as I chewed sucking the juices coming from the condom, "I guess so, but most of the adults I was around I was having sex with at her age." Bart laughed and said, "Yea, I forgot you were a fucking sex machine, any boy anywhere, right Aunty?" I looked at him and could not believe that my brother's son was making me do these things. I just shook my head yes. Bart was working my cunt with more vigor he had enough of the rubber cock to begin working it in and out increasing his sped as I was increasing my own breath

Without even giving it any thought I had opened my legs giving him as much free access as he wanted to fuck me and of course I did not just lay there on my side. I was pushing back as he would push in. I was loosing it and loosing it fast, I let out a moan as I felt a climax coming on when I did that little fucker stopped fucking me. He pulled out his hand and watched me as I kept humping my hips with the rubber dick still inside of me and held there by the crotch of my shorts. I wanted to come so I was moving my hips rather fast. He held the second condom in front of my face, it was hanging straight down and in the tip it was very full of sperm, it looked crusty on the outside. Bart said, "Take it suck it in your mouth" as he placed the full tip against my lips. I took the tip and pulled in the filled in as I began to suck the rest of it in. Bart kept holding the other end as if he was trying to pull it back out of my mouth. The more he tried to pull back I sucked it in.

He let go just as his fingers were about to touch my lips. He said, "chew it, suck that cum out, that other taste is Judy's cunt, you can taste her pussy can't you Aunt Linda?" I was going crazy trying to hump myself into a climax as this little son-of-a-bitch was talking. I moved my hand to grab hold of the rubber cock in my pants when Bart slapped it away and said "If you get off you have to do it on your own with out your hands."

All this time I was laying on my side facing him as he talked. I turned on my back, raised my knees, and began to hump air with my hips. Thank God the end of the rubber cock was stuck inside my shorts crotch. It gave me just the leverage I needed. I could see Bart getting out of his cloths and he stood there watching me and began jacking off as he watched. As he stood there he kept taunting me.

"That's it aunty, that's it make yourself come, do you feel the butt plug in your ass, is it giving you pleasure aunty, it's just like fucking two men isn't it Aunty. I bet all you need m\\now is a cock to suck don't you Aunt Linda?" he told me to spit out the two condoms so some how I managed to do it. I kept humping feeling the butt plug and rubber dick doing their job taking me higher and higher to my sweet wonderful climax. I watched as Bart got on the bed and as he straddled my neck putting his hard dick at my lips. I don't know if it was him or me, I just know that I had to have his cock in my mouth. Once it was in, he was not even close to coming, so I was able to relish his cock with my mouth. I had to grab his ass and stretch my neck to take him down my throat. When I got him in the right position, he began to fuck me mouth and throat, as it was a pussy.

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