The Not Quite Ordinary New Girl - Cover

The Not Quite Ordinary New Girl

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2024 by Mat Twassel

Flash Sex Story: Harker spots a new girl at the health club and hopes to make artistic use of her. Illustrated.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Ma   Fa   Fiction   Illustrated   .

“So, Harker, how you coming with your triptych? I hear Moch let you make it up.”

“Ach, Niah, don’t ask.”

“Too late, I already did.”

“I’m making progress, sort of.”

“What do you mean ‘sort of’?”

“I’ve got the first two panels done.”

“Cool. Can I see?”

“I’m not sure I’m ready to show them.”

“Just a peek, Harker. I showed you mine.”

“I guess if you promise not to...”

“Not to what?”

“Forget it. I’ve got snaps on my phone. Here.”


“Mmm, she’s kind of cute, in an ordinary sort of way. Is she real or did you make her up?”

“Oh, she’s real. And she’s not ordinary at all. I was at the University Health Club the other morning.”

“Working out or just zoning on chicks?”

“Hey, I work out.”

“I know. So tell me about the girl. How old is she anyway?”

“Got to be 18 if she’s enrolled. Anyway, the place was not all that busy, but when I saw her, it was like everyone else disappeared. She was doing exercises on the mat. Wearing simple white workout shorts and top. Barefoot. I think it was her toes that got to me.”

“Ha, so you have a foot fetish now.”

“No. But oh Gosh Niah, something about her toes. I wanted to kiss each one.”

“What about her fingers?”

“Yeah, I’d kiss her fingers too.”

“And her nose?”


“And why stop at her nose? You could do her ears. Her nipples. Her clit.”

“Okay, okay, I would kiss her everywhere. But I’m saying it started with her toes.”

“So let’s see the second picture?”


“Jeepers, Harker, you barged into the women’s locker room?”

“No. Just my imagination.”

“I notice you didn’t give her any pubic hair.”

“I thought about it.”

“I bet you did. Small nipples, huh?”

“Well, I thought they were in keeping.”

“I didn’t know you preferred tiny nipples.”

“They’re not that tiny.”

“Smaller than mine. Much smaller. So what about the third picture? A triptych requires three, you know.”

“I know. I know. That’s where I’m stuck.”

“I bet you want to do one of her fucking you.”

“Niah, you have a dirty mind.”

“So, Harker, it’s been three days now. Did you get that third painting done?”

“No. I’m still struggling with it.”

“Don’t worry, it’ll come to you. In the meantime, I did the third picture.”

“You did? How is that possible?”

“Pretty simple. I went to the health club and spotted your muse. We got to talking. One thing led to another.”


“Niah! How could you?”

“Don’t be mad, Harker. And you were right about her. Not ordinary at all. Her toes are delicious, as are her nipples, her nose, her clit, her cunt. And she really knows what to do with her fingers, to say nothing of her tongue.”

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