Wendy's Sleepover - Cover

Wendy's Sleepover

by Wendy Steele

Copyright© 2001 by Wendy Steele

Incest Sex Story: She goes to sleep over at her best friend's place and she finds a sexual adventure

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Rough   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Size   .

Hi Friends! Thank you for looking in on my little story! I'd like to say that everything you are about to read is all made up, but this is pretty much the whole true story of my small town adventure during a sleepover at my neighbor Amber's house. Amber & I were 15 at the time, sophomores at our High School. If you have read my other stories, I try to put a time line in the beginning so you know where I'm coming from. The Wendy-High story took place year after this sleepover at Amber's house.

Amber lives six houses down my street in a little suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. We have been friends since elementary school and have just began going out on teen-night dates We try to meet our boyfriends at the library which is a five minute walk from my house, or we would meet the boys at mall after school. Amber is really cute. She is 5'2" with long strawberry blonde hair, straight & waist length. She is very muscular from all the dance classes her dad put her through. Amber has a lot of boys calling her. She still is very reserved after the tragedy in her family, and really is only open about her feelings with me. Amber and I have never been together sexually before the sleepover, but we have definitely touched each other during little tickling / wrestling play times. I always catch myself staring at her. Her nipples always seem to be poking out of whatever she is wearing. I've pinched her nipples a few times while laughing and really didn't get much response from her so I wasn't sure if I should make any serious movement sexually. Her body turns me on, but she didn't seem interested in anything but boys. Both of us had had intercourse during the summer at camp when we were 14. We didn't know the boys and never heard from them again. Neither of us had a serious boyfriend for any length of time, but we were dating.

Amber's mom died a year ago in a car accident and she has since grown very close to her dad. He works a lot of hours in a salt mine on Lake Erie. Amber & I get together after school at the library to study. When it would start to get dark she has lately been coming home with me until her dad got home at 8:30pm every night. Amber has stayed some weekend nights over at my house because we have a spare bedroom. This weekend Amber's dad will be home on Saturday so he told Amber it would be ok if I slept over Friday night. Amber's house is a one story, two bedroom little house, so I brought my pillow & sleeping bag over for sleepover. It was about 9:00pm and Amber's dad had been home for about a half hour when I ran up the front steps and was just about to ring the doorbell. With finger on the button, I looked through the front door glass and although distorted, I could see Amber hugging her dad just outside the kitchen door. I pushed the doorbell & I could see them as they parted and Amber was pulling down her skirt and her dad was hopping as he faced away, zipping up his pants was my guess. Amber opened the door and Snickers came up and gave me some familiar licks on the face. I came inside with my sleeping bag in tow and headed for Amber's room. I haven't been over to her house in about a month. Her room seemed perfectly clean, bed made everything in it's place, which seemed strange to me because the rest of the house wasn't near as tidy. It was almost like it hadn't been used in awhile. I threw my stuff on the floor in the bedroom and walked back out into the living room. Rusty, Amber's dad was a very attractive "rustic" looking guy. He was 45 then and was still wearing his work clothes. He had sexy thinning gray hair and I could see some hair on his muscular chest peeking out the top of his shirt. I think hair on a man's chest is very sexy. He said "Wendy, come over here & give me a hug & a kiss!" I walked up to Amber's dad and he took me in his arms and lifted me off the ground swirling me around. Amber was giggling as Rusty slid my body down his chest. Snickers started barking and jumping up on our legs as we were whirling around. Snickers is a beautiful black lab. As my toes touched the ground Snickers burrowed his snoot in my crotch. "Snickers! What are you doing? Get your nose out of my butt!" I complained, but his wet nose crunched into my pussy and I got a tingle all over. I was a little embarrassed as I turned back to Rusty, Amber's dad, and smiled. "Snickers is happy to see you Wendy!" Rusty said as he put his arm around me & guided me into the living room. I never looked at Rusty in a sexual way before, but he was holding me so close and I was still a little tingly from Snickers nosy adventure up my skirt.

Amber's dad gave me a loving smile as I walked over to the sofa and sat down. Rusty looked over at his daughter and said, "Amber, why don't you break out a bottle of wine. This seems like a pretty special night. We never have Wendy over and I think you two are old enough to have just one glass". Amber winked at her dad and went into the kitchen to get the bottle of wine. "Girls, I'm going to go change out of my work clothes and take a quick shower, so go ahead and start with the wine and I'll be down in just a few minutes". Amber looked over at me and started to giggle! "Can you believe he's letting us drink wine?" After we both drank a couple of big swallows about half the glass was gone and I was feeling the warmth all over. Amber said, "Come on... follow me Wendy, I want you to see something!" I picked up my wine and Amber took my hand and guided me into her bedroom. Amber told me to sit right on the edge of the bed while she got up to crack open the bathroom door. Both her father's room and her room led to the bathroom. Through the cracked door I could see Rusty's reflection in the steamy mirror. Amber looked at me and giggled as she sat back down beside me in the dark room. Rusty opened the glass shower door and walked up to the sink completely naked! Dripping wet he reached for a towel and began to dry his hair. I could clearly see his buttocks shake as he dried himself off. He turned slightly to the side and I could see his hairy cock slapping his leg. My God, I thought. I had never seen a grown man's cock before. It looked scary. My hand went over my mouth as Amber put her hand on my thigh and said... "Wendy, watch this!" Amber gave my leg a titillating squeeze, as she got up and headed through the door. What was she doing? Amber looked beautiful in the light as she kissed her naked father. He lightly pushed on her slender shoulders as she slid down onto her knees. Amber gently brought her fingers around Rusty's shaft lifting his still limp cock into her mouth. Rusty appeared to be about 4" hanging limp but he was growing and straightening out quickly. My eyes were bugging out and my legs were quivering, my jaw was wide open watching the erotic scene. Amber pulled her lips off Rusty's cock with a kiss and she turned and looked my way into the bedroom. "I'll be right back daddy" Amber said. She got off her knees and slowly crossed the room with a wicked smile on her face. "Did you like what you saw Wendy?" I couldn't move. Amber sat next to me and placed her light fingertips on my thigh again. She looked into my eyes with that fuck me look of lust. She slid her finger tips up my skirt at the same time she moved right into my lips. I closed my eyes, shocked into my first girl-girl kiss. Her dad came walking up behind me and began rubbing my shoulders. I couldn't believe the sensations running though me as I turned and saw Rusty's cock 2" from my eye. I jumped, and he laughed and began tickling me. Amber took advantage of my lightening up to slip her fingers under my panties while Rusty was feeling me up all over. I turned and looked at him in shock. I couldn't believe all this was happening, but I was so turned on I couldn't think. Almost by instinct I parted my lips as Rusty lightly slapped my cheek with his cock. The head of his cock was leaking slightly as he touched my lips with the head of his cock. It then slipped into my lips. I reached up and wrapped my hand around his now fully hard cock. He was a good 7" and thick as I let him slide his shaft through my teeth. I reached under his shaft and cupped his dangling balls. A little hairy but lick-able. Amber had removed her top and was kissing my cheek while I was sucking her dad. I took Rusty's cock out of my mouth and began licking down the side of his shaft and Amber took her dad's cock in her mouth. I worked my way down to his balls while I squeezed his butt cheek in my hand. It felt so good! I traced his crack with my hand as he moaned and pulled me closer. As Amber and I worked on his loving tool. Amber began fondling my nipple through my blouse and began unbuttoning my top and Rusty slipped his hand under my bra and roughly squeezed my boob while pinching my nipple. I liked it, but he was too rough! Amber slipped her arms around me and unhooked my bra. She kissed her daddy's shaft and moved into my chest and began sucking on my other nipple while I was working Rusty's shaft. I looked down at my childhood friend sucking and biting my nipple in disbelief that she was so into us. I don't know if we would have taken this sexual step if it hadn't been for seeing her father in the shower. Her father kind of took off the sexual edge and I didn't mind it at all having my girlfrind sucking me. My real concentration was on this delicious matured cock. I felt a power come over me as I took his shaft deeper into my mouth. It warmed me and I could feel control as my head bobbed from sise to side taking him almost all the way in my mouth.

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