Gangbanging His Sister - Cover

Gangbanging His Sister

by brabo1978

Copyright© 2024 by brabo1978

Erotica Sex Story: Three college friends are annoyed that they can't get rid of a younger sister. That is, until they devise a way to have her service all of them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Cream Pie   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

The room was quiet except for the sounds of guns firing and cars screeching from the game blasting from the speakers. Matt, Tyler, and Aiden sat on the worn couch in the dimly lit basement, faces glued to the screen. The familiar banter between the three friends filled the air.

“Dude, you’re going down!” Aiden shouted as he gunned down Tyler’s character.

Tyler rolled his eyes and grabbed another controller. “Not if I have anything to say about it.” He tossed it to Matt, “Your turn to take him out, Matt.” Matt chuckled and accepted the controller. He had never been one for competitive gaming, but he couldn’t resist the spirited rivalry between himself and his friends. With a confident swagger, he jumped into the game, vowing to wreak havoc on Tyler’s digital world.

As the night wore on, the battle grew fierce. The three friends were so engrossed in the game, they didn’t even notice the time slipping away until a gentle knock at the door interrupted their play.

“What is it?” Matt called out, not moving from the couch.

He didn’t even need to look to know who it was. They all knew. The same person who always seemed to show up uninvited when they were hanging out.


Matt’s sister Chloe was the one who always seemed to show up uninvited. Early on in high school she had developed a crush on Tyler and ever since, she clung to the three friends like a lost puppy. The age gap between the three friends and Chloe made them avoid her as much as possible from the beginning. Chloe never gave up, though, as she was just too happy to spend time with such mature friends. Too eager to get noticed by Tyler, fantasizing that someday he would finally fall in love with her.

When they finally went to college, they enjoyed the reprieve from Chloe’s constant attention. And now that they were home for the summer break, she was lurking around them again. It was almost as if she’d never left.

“Hey, guys!” Chloe opened the door and bounded down the wooden basement stairs with a beaming smile on her face, wearing denim shorts that accentuated a pair of shapely legs. A purple top with spaghetti straps revealed her tanned shoulders. “You guys doing some gaming?” she asked, not hiding her interest with the slightest tint of excitement in her voice.

Matt sighed heavily, pausing the game. “Chloe, do you have to come in here every single time we’re hanging out?” He couldn’t understand why she insisted on spending so much time with them. They weren’t mean to her, but they definitely didn’t go out of their way to include her in their activities. They were three college guys after all.

Chloe shrugged. “You know I can’t help it. I love spending time with you all.”

“Well, sometimes guys just want to hang with guys, you know?” Matt said, trying to sound as gentle as he could.

“I know, I know,” Chloe replied, her tone filled with a hint of frustration. “I just haven’t seen you guys in ages. I mean, what’s the point of being friends if you don’t spend time together?”

Matt and Aiden looked at each other, rolling their eyes at Chloe’s conception of being friends with them. Tyler, however, didn’t seem as disgusted as his friends.

“Maybe we can make a deal?” Tyler suggested, turning his attentions away from the game and focusing his gaze on Chloe. “If you let us have tonight for ourselves, we’ll spend tomorrow with you - all day.”

Chloe’s eyes lit up. “Is that a deal? Just me and you guys for the whole day? Tomorrow?”

“You got it, Chloe,” Tyler confirmed. “But as long as you agree to tomorrow, you should head back upstairs now.”

“I can’t believe you’re kicking me out!” Chloe mock-pouted, but turned around nonetheless and climbed back up the stairs with her usual energy.

The three friends watched her go, each with a different expression. After Chloe had closed the door behind her, Matt and Aiden looked at Tyler questioningly.

“Did you seriously just agree to spend an entire day with her?” Aiden asked wearily. Matt cocked his head and raised an eyebrow.

Tyler chuckled, “Hey, it got her out of our hair for tonight, didn’t it?”

Matt looked dubious. “Sure, but I’m not so sure if that was a smart move, man. I mean, a whole day?”

“Look, you know she was gonna pester us all day anyways,” Tyler reasoned, “At least now we have her off our back tonight in return. And besides, you’ve got to admit, she isn’t half bad to look at.”

“That’s true, man. Your sister has become real hot these last months,” Aiden concurred.

Matt didn’t like where this conversation was going. “Bro, do you have to? That’s still my sister we’re talking about.”

“Oh, come on!” Tyler exclaimed. “I know she’s your sister, but you still have eyes, don’t you?” Tyler retorted.

“Okay, yes, she’s easy on the eyes. So what? Just because she always wants to hang out with us, doesn’t mean she wants ... that.” Matt shook his head, trying to get the idea out of his mind. What he didn’t mention, was that he had noticed immediately upon coming home that Chloe, now 16 years old, had filled out nicely over the past couple of months. Nor the fact that this observation had led to some very impure thoughts in his head.

“All I’m saying is, she’s not hard to look at, and we all know she has a thing for me,” Tyler shrugged, as if it was the most obvious fact in the world.

“Okay, even if we accept that she wants to hook up with you, what good would that do us?” Aiden said sceptically. “I’m not interested in getting blue balls as a reward for spending a whole day with her.”

“I just think that if we play this right, under the right circumstances, we could all get a piece of the action,” Tyler suggested slyly.

“Wait a minute, I never said I wanted ‘action’ with Chloe,” Matt protested.

Tyler immediately retorted, “So now you don’t want a little something from a girl you agreed is hot?”

Matt swallowed hard, feeling like he’d been caught in a trap. Technically, Tyler was right. Chloe was stunning, and he hadn’t denied that earlier. He had fantasized about her since coming back home for the Summer, knowing it could never be anything but a fantasy. Tyler’s plan was a long shot, he still couldn’t see it working out, but even a long shot was better than no shot at all.

“Come on, Matt,” Aiden chimed in. “It’s just a little harmless fun, right? You’re attracted to her, I’m sure of it. And as Tyler said, it’s not every day we get to snag a girl like Chloe.”

Matt remained silent, mulling over Tyler’s plan. “I guess...” Matt hesitated, still unsure. “But if we do this, we have to make sure we don’t mess it up,” he said. “I don’t want this blowing up in our faces and me facing the fall out with my parents.”

Tyler and Aiden high-fived each other and the three boys started discussing the best ways to approach their plan.

Shortly after lunch the next day, Chloe was hanging out in the living room, flipping through channels on the massive TV. She had presumed Tyler and Aiden would have been there already, but Matt had told her they needed to get some essentials for a true college style party. Whatever that meant. Matt had promised her they would be here right after lunch, which meant they could arrive any minute now.

Impatiently, Chloe ran her fingers through her hair. Today she wore a fitted white tank top over a black bra, the material clinging to her figure in all the right places. Her midriff was exposed, accentuating her toned stomach. Short denim shorts hugged her legs, highlighting her slim waist. She knew the shadow of her black bra was visible from underneath her top and she hoped it would be enough to tempt Tyler.

She glanced at the clock and sighed. Already 1:30 PM. For a moment, she questioned if they’d forgotten about their agreement. As if on cue, she could hear a car pull up outside. Chloe wanted to jump up and wait for them at the door, but she managed to play it cool. She stayed in the sofa, watching the tv without seeing anything, and when the doorbell finally rang, she waited until Matt came down from his room and let him open the door. She knew she had a chance to prove herself worthy of spending time with her grownup friends—if only they could see her as more than just the young girl they knew.

Finally, Matt walked in the living room, followed closely by Aiden and Tyler. They carried a few cases of beer and assorted snacks into the house.

“Hi, Chloe, you coming?” Aiden called out as they passed by.

Chloe stood up and followed them to the basement, a little bit happy that Aiden had actively invited her to join them. When she entered the room, Matt and Aiden were setting up the gaming console and Tyler had turned on the music system. All three of them looked up when she entered, and Chloe couldn’t help but notice the anticipation in their eyes.

“Ready for some fun and games, Chloe?” Tyler asked in an amused tone. His usually messy hair was styled to perfection, and he wore a tight black shirt that hugged his chest just right. His jeans hung low on his hips, and Chloe couldn’t help but stare. She had always had a crush on Tyler, and today he looked better than ever. Actually, it seemed like Aiden and even her brother had put some effort into their appearance today as well.

“Sure thing,” she replied, with more excitement than she intended to let on. Tyler then grabbed one of the remotes and turned up the volume. Soon enough, music filled the dimly lit room. Matt opened a couple of beers and handed one to her as he took a swig from another.

“Want to play a game against me, Chloe?” Aiden asked with a charming smile as he held out a controller.

Chloe’s heart skipped a beat, but she quickly recovered her composure and took the controller from him. “Sure!” she said brightly, taking a seat on the couch next to him.

The console hummed as the game loaded, and a few moments later, they were off. Aiden and Chloe raced against each other, their avatars darting across the screen in a blur of color. Matt and Tyler commented on their game, cheering them on and teasing them when they made mistakes.

“That’s right, Chloe! You can do this!” Matt shouted, grinning as Chloe’s character pulled ahead of Aiden’s.

“You’re almost there, Chloe!” Tyler encouraged.

Her eyes glued to the screen, the faint but unmistakable smell was the first thing she noticed, a pungent, earthy aroma that could only mean one thing. She glanced over and saw Matt passing a joint to Tyler. She stared for a few seconds, eyes wide, before returning her gaze to the game. She knew they weren’t strangers to the substance, but they had never smoked within her sight before.

The brief loss of concentration allowed Aiden to inch ahead of her in the game. Catching on to the situation, she refocused on the race and tried to catch up to him, but it was too late. Aiden celebrated his victory by stretching his arms high, as Matt and Tyler commiserated with Chloe. The triumphant notes of the game music began to fade as the competition ended.

Tyler offered the joint to Chloe when she handed him the controller. She felt strangely proud of being offered, and she took the joint, placing it between her lips. It tasted harsh and unfamiliar against her tongue, but she took a deep drag anyways. Tyler watched as her eyes widened and she choked out the smoke, followed by a fit of coughs. Matt, Tyler, and Aiden all laughed at her antics, but there was no malice in their actions. They merely found amusement in her inexperience with the substance.

“Easy does it, sweetie,” Tyler said, offering her a second hit. This time, she took the joint gingerly, inhaled at a slow and steady pace, and exhaled with a core of satisfaction before handing the joint to Aiden. After opening a new beer, Matt and Tyler started up the next game, while Aiden moved over to sit beside Chloe on the couch.

Though she had never thought of Aiden that way, she did like that he was paying her more attention now, as if she was no longer the young girl they had once known. Aiden’s body pressed against her side, making her heart race. She could feel the warmth radiating from his body and the tension between them grew palpable. Chloe took another sip of her beer, trying to calm her nerves. The alcohol seemed to have little effect on her though, as she was still very aware of Aiden’s presence.

Together they cheered -and mocked- their friends as they played. Aiden and Chloe kept passing the joint back and forth, their laughter growing louder and more frequent along with their high. When Chloe finished her beer, Aiden offered her another, and she gratefully accepted. It felt amazing to be included as a part of the group; for once, she felt mature and part of their college-aged world. She was determined to make sure this became a day they would all remember.

Matt ended up beating Tyler at the video game and he suggested he’d play against Aiden next as a finale between the winners. Aiden accepted the challenge, and he and Tyler switched places on the couch. If Chloe liked how close Aiden had been sitting next to her, she loved it now that Tyler took the exact same position. As Tyler lit up another joint, she snuggled up against him, inhaling the sweet scent of marijuana as he passed her the hit. She could feel the excitement grow as she leaned into him, and to her delight, Tyler didn’t pull away. Instead, he wrapped his arm casually around her shoulders, letting her settle deeper into his side.

At first, they watched Matt and Aiden battle it out, but Chloe’s mind was elsewhere. His hand rested on her shoulder, gently caressing her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. The two of them were locked in conversation, oblivious to the game still being played out in front of them. Aiden and Matt were too engrossed in their battle to notice the charged atmosphere brewing between Chloe and Tyler. Suddenly, Tyler leaned in and whispered in Chloe’s ear, “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

Chloe’s heart skipped a beat as she turned to look at him. She had fantasized about him saying something like this for years, but never imagined it would actually happen. Her lips slightly parted in surprise, Tyler took advantage of the moment and pressed his lips to hers, initiating a soft kiss. Chloe’s mind went blank as she responded, her body melting into his embrace. The kiss was soft and tender, sending a spark through her veins. It was everything she’d ever imagined and more. But all too soon, Tyler broke the kiss, leaving Chloe wanting more. “Tyler, I...”, she began, struggling to find the right words.

“Shh,” Tyler soothed, placing a finger on her lips. “Let’s just enjoy this moment, okay?”

Chloe nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she snuggled back up against him, all too happy to let the moment stretch on endlessly. Aiden and Matt were still playing, but she couldn’t care less as her wildest dream was coming true. Her senses were heightened as Tyler’s hand ran gently through her hair, caressing her and leaving her feeling utterly safe yet excited. The whole time Tyler was looking into her eyes. The warmth in his gaze made Chloe feel cherished and desired, as if she was the only girl in the world who mattered to him.

Their first kiss had been unexpected, but this time, as their lips met again, they both knew what was happening. It was more passionate, more intense, and it sent a shiver down Chloe’s spine. She wrapped her arms around Tyler’s neck, deepening the kiss as he responded in kind. And when Tyler’s tongue sought entrance, she opened her mouth eagerly, savoring the taste of him.

Chloe enjoyed their kiss and the caress of his gentle hand so much that she had all but forgotten about Aiden and Matt. But when that same gentle hand ventured to cup her left breast over her top, Chloe froze mid-kiss. They couldn’t continue this with Aiden and her brother here!

She grabbed his hand to stop him and broke the kiss. “Wait, Tyler. I-I can’t do this here, with them right there,” she whispered hesitantly.

“Come on, Chloe. College girls make out at parties in public all the time. It’s fun, it’s exciting, and it’s nothing they haven’t seen before.”

Chloe blinked, trying to wrap her mind around the sudden turn of events. But between her longing to resume their kiss, the effect of the weed and the alcohol, and the desire to be accepted as a worthy member of the group, as someone who was just as good as any college girl, she relented.

She glanced over at Aiden and Matt, who seemed to be in the middle of a fierce competition, completely unaware of the intimate moment unfolding on the other end of the couch. And she had to admit that, even completely still, she did love the feeling of his hand on her. Slowly she released his hand from her grip, and with their eyes locked onto each other, Tyler didn’t waste any time to softly knead her breast.

For a moment they just stared at each other as Tyler kept slowly massaging her breast. Chloe was a little proud of how she managed to overcome her inhibitions, but mostly she couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed the feeling. Finally, Tyler leaned in again, and once more they began making out. Losing herself in the kiss, Chloe pressed herself into his hand. She wished she could feel him touch her without the layers of clothing between them, but she knew that was impossible with the others in the room.

When Tyler put his hand on her butt to pull her over, she was more than willing, though, to straddle him. They didn’t even break their kiss as she moved into his lap. Tyler’s hands, now both free to explore her body, seemed to be everywhere. They roamed over her back, firmly grabbed her butt, tangled in her hair, returned to her waist or fondling both her breasts. A quick, daring moment his hands even slipped under her jeans shorts to feel her bare butt cheeks. They left again before she could protest. If she wanted to protest, that is, something Chloe wasn’t sure of.

Chloe responded in kind, as her hands moved over Tyler’s broad shoulders, through his messy hair, and explored the contours of his chest. Her legs were wrapped around Tyler’s waist, her core rubbing against his as they continued to explore each other’s mouths. She couldn’t believe what was happening, and how hot she felt at this very moment.

The throbbing between her legs grew more intense as Tyler cupped her butt and pressed her even closer to him. She could feel his hardness pressing against her through their jeans, and it only fueled the fire inside her. Despite the initial shock, Chloe was surprised at how much she wanted him. She moaned, lost in the feelings he was evoking within her, totally forgetting where they were. Her hips moved of their own accord, grinding against his.

When she felt Tyler’s hand play around the hem of her top, she knew he intended to slip his hands under her top, maybe even under her bra. In that moment, Chloe decided she’d let him. She wanted him to touch her bare skin, she wanted to feel his hands on her bare breasts, on her nipples. Slowly Tyler’s fingers disappeared under her top, gaging her reaction. Chloe’s heart pounded with anticipation, but his fingers had barely touched the bottom of her bra when his hands moved south again.

Internally, Chloe was actually cursing his teasing when, suddenly, she felt him lift her top over her bra. She quickly blocked him from taking it off completely. This was not what she had in mind! For several seconds, they found themselves in a stalemate, their eyes locked onto each other as in an old western movie. Tyler’s hands kept her top partially up, her bra-clad breasts out for Aiden and Matt to see if they’d care to look up from their game. Chloe’s arms blocked him from taking off her top completely.

“Please?” Tyler pleaded. “You still have your bra on, you’re not showing anything you wouldn’t show on a beach.”

His eyes were full of desire and longing, making Chloe melt. She looked deep into his eyes and nodded, giving in to his wish. He flashed her a heart-melting smile as she lifted her arms, allowing him to remove her top. As Tyler’s gaze lingered on her breasts, Chloe decided that at the very least, the score should be even. She reached out and unbuttoned Tyler’s shirt, the whole time looking into his eyes. The last button finally undone, she slid his shirt off his shoulders, revealing his toned, smooth chest.

Chloe loved what she saw. When her hands began exploring his bare chest, Tyler took that as permission to touch her as well. He slowly glided his fingertips over her newfound, bare skin. Both watched their hands as they touched each other. Chloe’s hands went from his shoulders to his chest, his stomach and back up again. At the same time, Tyler’s hands roamed over her back, her side and her stomach before finally brushing against the lace of her bra.

Chloe felt Tyler alternating between taking her whole breasts in his hands and tracing the edge of her bra with his fingers. Exploring the border between lace and warm, soft skin, his fingers danced around the edges and tried to get closer to her nipples. After a little while he seemingly gave up his quest and cupped her breasts again before going back to her stomach and her back. However, it never took long before the whole process was repeated with a new, futile attempt to touch her nipples under her bra.

By now, Chloe was incredibly horny. Hungrily she kissed him again. Once more, she pushed her pelvis into him to rub herself against his erection. She caught herself wanting to get the two of them naked, to feel his dick against her pussy. And to finally allow his fingers to satisfy her nipples, aching more and more to be touched. It didn’t surprise her that Tyler clearly felt the same way. After another turn at her breasts, he reached behind her, searching for the clasp of her bra.

Breaking their kiss once more, Chloe quickly looked towards Aiden and Matt. It appeared they were still completely immersed in their game, not having noticed the intimate turn things had taken between her and Tyler.

As Tyler’s hands took hold of the clasp, Chloe felt the last vestiges of her reservations slip away. She offered no resistance as Tyler first unhooked her bra and then slowly slipped the straps off her shoulders. His gaze dropped to her chest as her full, perky breasts were revealed, the rose-colored nipples hardened with arousal. She loved how he couldn’t take his eyes off her bare breasts. They both watched his hands move back up after removing her bra from between them, to finally cup her bare breasts. Her pointy nipples poked his palms urgently, inviting him to give them his attention. Tyler instinctively knew and rolled one of her nipples between his fingers, then the other, eliciting a soft moan from Chloe.

It didn’t take him long before he hefted her right breast and lowered his head, taking one stiff nipple gently between his lips. Attacking it with a hunger, he circled it with his tongue while gently squeezing her breast with his hand. She sighed softly, feeling the shiver run through her body as he lavished attention on her sensitive bud.

As Tyler switched his focus to her other breast, his lips trailed the outline of her nipple before sucking it in gently, sending a surge of pleasure through her. Chloe moaned again, writhing against Tyler’s body as he worshipped her with his mouth. With her hands in his hair, she held him close, savoring the feeling of his lips and tongue on her nipples, as she arched her back, pressing her breast into Tyler’s mouth.

Everything Tyler did, kissing her breasts and her nipples, sucking on her nipples, even occasionally biting them lightly, it felt like heaven to Chloe. And as Tyler continued, Chloe found herself wanting more, much more. She could feel her arousal growing with every touch of his lips, every roll of his tongue, and every gentle squeeze of her breast. When Tyler took her hand and placed it squarely on his bulge, Chloe didn’t resist. She gently grasped it, but Tyler’s hand encouraged her to be bolder. Soon she was firmly squeezing him through his pants, exploring the shape and the size of his dick. It was so big and hard, Chloe couldn’t help but feel excited. She longed to see it and know what it would feel like inside her.

With all the sensations she experienced from his mouth on her breasts and her attention on her exploration of his dick, Chloe barely noticed Tyler unbuttoning her shorts. But when his fingers reached inside her panties, she drew in a sharp breath. Tyler’s fingers gently stroked her pussy lips up and down before parting the delicate skin to reveal her swollen clit. She couldn’t believe this was happening. And instead of stopping him, she found herself urging him on internally.

Chloe’s whole body trembled as he lightly touched her sensitive button before parting her pussy lips and slipping a finger inside her. She sucked in a sharp breath, feeling Tyler enter her. Her body tensed up as a feeling of fullness and pleasure washed over her. She’d never been this turned on before. It was as if all her experiences with boys before had been building up to this very moment. She found herself gyrating her hips against his hand as Tyler rhythmically stroked her inner walls, matching his rhythm and creating a delicious friction that drove her wild.

“Take it out,” Tyler hoarsely whispered, his voice filled with lust.

Chloe hesitated, glancing quickly towards Aiden and Matt who still appeared engrossed in the game. She swallowed hard, all too aware that they were out in the open, but a sudden boldness surged within her as Tyler’s fingers brushed against her clit again, sending another wave of pleasure washing over her.

Her hands were shaking slightly as she undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, slowly pulling down the zipper. It took some wiggling from both of them, but they managed to get his jeans low enough for Chloe to reach inside his boxers and free his cock. When her hand finally closed around his bare shaft, Tyler let out a low groan of pleasure. Chloe couldn’t believe that she was holding Tyler’s dick in her hand. It felt so big and warm in her small hands. She moved her hand slowly up and down his shaft, savoring the feel of him in her hand. She marveled at the feeling of his velvety skin over the hard core beneath.

With all the sensations she was experiencing, Chloe didn’t register that Matt and Aiden had paused their game. They were now watching the scene unfolding in front of them, glancing at each other occasionally to exchange grins. It was what they had been hoping for, but they were still surprised Chloe had actually allowed Tyler to get her completely topless and to touch her naked tits while they were in the same room. And now, as they watched Tyler reach inside Chloe’s shorts, they couldn’t believe what was happening. Their jaws dropped when Chloe took out Tyler’s cock, completely exposed and hard in her hands. Matt and Aiden exchanged glances, their eyes wide with shock and excitement.

Out of the corner of her eye, Chloe detected movement as Matt went to get another beer for Aiden and himself. Only then did she regain awareness of their presence. When she glanced over, she saw Aiden watching her.

“Oh my God!” Chloe blurted out, breaking the spell of the intimate moment as her hands shot to her chest protectively, covering her exposed breasts. Tyler’s gaze followed Chloe’s eyes to Aiden. Matt settled next to Aiden again, and smiled as he looked at her, at her breasts, before turning and continued his hushed conversation with Aiden, seemingly without a care at all of what she and Tyler were doing.

Chloe watched them, not really sure what to say or do. Her instinct told her to get up and put on her top again, but her body seemed reluctant to move. Tyler’s hand was still inside her shorts with his other hand on her hip, encouraging her to stay put. Her heart raced as she tried to come up with a solution, feeling very vulnerable being completely topless in front of the others.

She knew she could, should stop Tyler, but part of her didn’t want to. Tyler’s fingers, still inside her, gently began moving again, stirring up a whole new wave of sensations that traveled from her lower body to her breasts and back. She shivered as goosebumps appeared on her skin, making her breasts feel more sensitive than ever. With some difficulty she managed to suppress a moan from escaping her lips.

Tyler softly soothed her, “Chloe? Look at me, Chloe.” Tyler gently guided her chin towards him, trying to meet her gaze... “It’s okay, Chloe. I understand this is new for you, but in college, stuff like this happens all the time. They have seen it before. See, they’re not even paying us that much attention anymore.” In between reasoning to her, he gave her small pecks on her lips, attempting to reassure her.

Chloe wasn’t sure if she believed him, but she did notice that he didn’t make any attempt whatsoever to hide his erection from their view. So maybe it was true that college girl were even wilder than she thought, maybe it was okay for her to do this. And if she had crossed the lines of what was considered acceptable in college, wouldn’t her brother have objected by now to what she was doing?

Slowly, her resistance crumbled. Her lips were the first part to betray her, when she began responding to his pecks. Tyler used his free hand to pull her upper body closer to him again for another deep kiss, and gently but insistently pulled her right hand away from her breasts back to his still hard cock. With her breasts pressing against his bare chest, Chloe figured Matt and Aiden wouldn’t be able to see much this way and gave herself over to the sensations running through her body.

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