The Girl Who Fell Off Her Bike - Cover

The Girl Who Fell Off Her Bike

by Ale Stone

Copyright© 2001 by Ale Stone

Incest Sex Story: An accident that lead to unexpected pleasure

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   .

The door to my room opened softly. Surprised, I looked over and was surprised to see my twelve year old sister standing just inside it. Usually she just barged in and flopped down, either on my bed or in the chair in front of my computer. When I looked closer, I saw she was crying.

"What? What happened?" I asked a little worried.

"I - I hurt myself falling off my bike," she almost whispered.

"Oh. How bad is it?"

"I - I don't know. It's bleeding!"

"You don't know?"

"No, I can't see it," she said blushing a little, but I couldn't understand why. There was nothing to be ashamed of, or embarrassed about.

"Oh. It's on your back then," I concluded. "Do you want me to get a Band-Aid?"


"What do you want me to do then?"

"I - I don't know. Look maybe and see if I have to go to the doctor."

The tears were streaming freely again.

"OK. Come over here and let me have a look."

Hesitantly she came over and stood in front of me.

"Well, show me then. I can't help you if you don't show me the wound."

She fumbled with the buttons and zipper in her jeans and with a tentative but smooth motion she drew her pants, as well as her panties, down to mid-thigh.

I almost fell back in surprise as her little pussy came into view but, despite my surprise, I looked eagerly at it. It was the first one I had seen in all my fifteen year old life, except for once in some magazines. There was nothing special about it. It was just a rather high hill, coated with the finest dewy blond hair which was hardly visible against her fair skin. I noted that it ended in a soft curve with a cleft in the middle, between her thighs.

"Well," she asked.

"Well what?"

"How bad is it?"

I leaned forward and looked closer.

"I can't see a thing. Are you sure that you hurt yourself there?"

"Of course. There's blood on my panties."

I looked down and sure enough. There was a rather big stain of blood in the gusset.

"Oh. It must be just between your legs," I said. "I can't see that far in between them. You'll have to spread your legs a bit."

She did as I said, but it wasn't quite enough.

"More," I urged her.

"I can't. My pants are in the way," my sister complained.

"OK, take them off then."

I saw that she winced as she lifted her leg to remove her pants and I felt pity for her. There was after all some blood and it probably hurt a lot.

"Wait. I'll help you. Lay down on the bed, it'll be easier that way," I told her.

Slowly she eased onto her back in the middle of the bed. I stood by the end and first drew her jeans off her and then her panties. Wow. My sister lay half naked in front of me. I looked up at her face and saw that she was blushing beat red and had her eyes tightly closed.

"You'll have to spread your legs more," I instructed her.

She did as I said and now I could see all of her hidden charms. Her slit started a couple of centimeters below the downy hill and continued on down between her thighs. From what I could see, it could have ended where her two ass-cheeks bulged out, but on the other hand, it could just as easily continue all the way around, connecting with her asshole.

"I have to touch you," I stammered.

"Why?" she looked up at me, a little frightened.

"I wont hurt you. But it seems as though you've bled from... from inside the-the..."

"OH, OK."

Carefully I reached out and lay my fingers softly on her hill. It was soft and I could feel the fine hairs tickle the tips of my fingers. I traced them down to the middle of her pussy where I made contact with the two fat, tightly closed lips that hung down between her thighs. I tried to pry them apart but couldn't do so with only one hand, so I reached out and took one lip between each of my thumbs and index fingers, applying soft pressure. They reluctantly opened and I was able to look inside my sister's young pussy. It looked a little wet and pink, turning into a light red shade as I looked deeper inside her. I could see that there was a drop of blood or two about a centimeter inside the entrance.

"Yes I can see it now," I exclaimed.

"Is it bad?" my little sister asked me in a shaky voice

"No. I don't think so. Wait I'll get something to clean it with."

I went into the bathroom and took some water in the glass that held my toothbrush and some cotton balls.

I sat down beside my sister and showed her what I had gotten, then it struck me that I should use this situation to the limit to look at my sister's pussy. This was certainly the last time I would have a chance to look at it.

"I'll have to sit between your legs to reach it," I said unashamedly.

Silently my sister spread her legs wider and I sat down between them. I looked up at her face and, when I saw that she had her eyes closed, I reached inside my pants and adjusted my stiff cock so it wouldn't hurt when I bent forward to look closer at the treasure on display in front of me. I could smell her! It was the familiar smell of the soap she used, but it had a heavier fragrance to it. A warmer, almost damp, fragrance. I bent even further down and my nose touched her opening, causing her to jump a little.

"What are you doing?" she demanded.

"I have to look real close to see were I should dab..."


I dipped the cotton ball in the glass, then squeezed out most of the water until I was left with a damp shrunken little piece of material. Oh what the hell, I thought. I could as well use my finger. That way I would kill two birds with one stone. First I would be able to feel the inner side of my sister's pussy and, at the same time, I would be able to remove the little stain of blood.

Again my sister jumped a little when she felt my finger slip inside her. She lifted her head up a little and looked down between her legs. I smeared my blood-coated finger on the swab and showed it to her.

"Yes, there is some blood. I have to get it all out so I can see if there is a wound," I lied.

"OK," she mumbled and let her head fall back on the pillow.

Again I dipped my finger in the lukewarm water and inserted it into her. I felt all the way around, just inside her opening, while glancing up at her face. She just lay there with her eyes closed tightly, but I could see that she had to wet her lips nervously with the tip of her tongue.

Again a dip in the water... this time I probed a little farther in, almost to the first knuckle. As I watched I noticed a little bump on the top of her pussy.

"Oh, you must have hurt yourself on the top as well," I said to my sister as I reached out and stroked my finger over the bump.

"Oh god! What are you doing?!" my sister hissed.

"Well... There's a bump right here," I said and again let my finger softly glide over the little bump. "Like a mosquito-bite," I added as my sister's hips shook. "Does it hurt?"

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