The Start? - Cover

The Start?

Copyright© 2001 by PhoenixKiwi

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - fun on a camping holiday

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Incest   Brother   Sister  

When we had all looked each other over, somewhat embarrassedly, it was mutually decided that sunbathing was the order of the day and everyone got a towel and found a 'comfortable' spot to lie. Mum and Dad chose to lie side by side and I picked a spot that, by turning my head to the side, allowed me to peer up between Mum's legs - I couldn't help myself from taking advantage of this opportunity. Julie could see what I was up to and she placed her towel so as her head was near mine, and she smirked wickedly at me indicating that she was aware of my voyeur intentions. At first I was a bit embarrassed but then the ridiculousness of the situation struck me and I grinned back at her, here I was about to sneak a peep at my Mother's pussy when sometime later we would be watching her and Dad fuck each other in 'close-up'. It was still appealing though and I stared hard trying to make out Mum's privates.

Finally Mum spread her legs a little and I was able to get a clear view of the whole area. She had what seemed to be long shapely legs leading up to what could only be described as a magnificent bum. Her buttocks were firm, exquisitely shaped and blemish free and, with her legs apart as they were, framed her cunt nicely. I couldn't actually see he bum-hole as her cheeks were too tight but the pouting lips of her pussy were clearly visible. She obviously groomed herself down there carefully as there was no sign of any pubic hair and her pussy was as smooth as a young girls except that the lips were open a little giving an indication of the pink and wet inner lips.

This erotic view had my cock springing to attention and I found it necessary to roll onto my side to shift it to a more comfortable position. Julie watched my actions with much interest and with an extremely lewd look she slid her hand underneath herself onto her own pussy and looking me straight in the eye she stuck out her tongue and licked her lips suggestively. Still looking at Mum I reached out my hand and rubbed my first 2 fingers back and forth over Julie's lips until she opened her mouth and allowed me to thrust them in. I ran them back and forth on her tongue and gently massaged her teeth, gums and all the rest of her mouth and she was soon salivating freely and sucking on my fingers. By this time I was rubbing my lower body against my towel and could feel myself heading towards an orgasm and, by the way Julie was flushing and rubbing at herself, she was rapidly heading the same way. I noticed Mum turn her head to see what we were doing and she must have been aware of our actions but decided that it was not her business. She did however spread her legs further apart and the whole area around her pussy seemed to be getting moister.

I found it very, very arousing having my fingers sucked and it appeared that Julie was loving doing it. Her eyelids were partly closed and her eyes were rolled up a little and she was dribbling spit down my fingers and all over my hand. I was getting closer to orgasm and I was pressing my erection harder against the towel until, eventually, thrusting as hard as possible I started pumping out my sperm all over my towel and lower belly. Julie saw me cumming and she also climaxed, shaking and shivering, and unfortunately she still had my fingers in her mouth and in her excitement she bit them quite hard, causing me some pain. We were both unable to stop ourselves making any noise and our parents must have both heard us as they both turned and watched us.

" Well I see that you kids have lost a lot of your shyness!" Dad laughed and went on, "Did our talk get you both overexcited? It's good to see that you are not suppressing your natural instincts. You don't have to be shy around us - anything you want to do just go ahead and do it. We wont be embarrassed or angry. Just remember that we've both been there and know about how you feel."

"I can't speak for Julie," I replied, "but I will admit that our talk and the thought of what we are going to do later did get me started but it was the sight of Mum's bum and pussy that really got me going. They are both beautiful and enticing."

"Why thank you sweetie." Mum almost looked shy at my words. "I would have thought that you saw enough yesterday for me not to affect you quite so much."

"No! I would have to be unconscious for you not to have an effect on me. You're too beautiful to ignore and you definitely give me wicked ideas." I was laying it on a bit thick but in the back of my mind I harboured evil thoughts.

Mum just smiled and blushed faintly and this gave me some hope.

"And what about you Julie? What excited you?" Dad asked, looking at her.

'It was the thought of what we are going to see and watching Robbie get excited looking between Mum's legs. I find that I get aroused very easily now-days and I love rubbing myself off." Julie blushed but looked defiantly at both our parents.

"Well there's nothing wrong with that. Now what do you say that we go for a skinny-dip, lunch and then go for a walk before we start your 'Lessons'?" Mum replied.

"Last one in fixes lunch!" Julie cried leaping to her feet and rushing off to the river.

Mum was slowest and earned herself the privilege of feeding us all after we had splashed around, ducking each other and wrestling in the refreshing water. I managed to copy a couple of feels of both Mum and Julie and I suspect that every-one did the same. After eating we all got dressed in shorts and tee-shirts and headed upstream for our walk, returning to camp after a couple of hour of pleasant exercise. It was late afternoon by then and we were all sort of wary round one-another and finally Mum spoke up and said,

"Well, if we are all still quite sure about it I suppose that we might as well go ahead with our demonstration while there is still some sunshine left in the day. Are you 2 still happy about it and want to watch?"

"Yeah, we sure do!" we both chorused our response, eagerly.

Mum got a blanket from their tent and spread it out and taking Dad's hand she said,

"I think it's best if we make love out here rather than in the tent. It would probably be best if Dad and I stripped off and just got on with it explaining what we are doing as we go. If you guys want to ask questions or anything don't be shy, we'll try to answer."

Suiting her actions to her words she grasped the hem of Dad's shirt and lifted it over his head of threw it aside. She then dropped to her knees and unlaced his walking boots and, after he had stepped out of them, put them aside and unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them and his underpants down and off, dropping them on top of his shirt. Dad stood there stark naked with his cock at full attention, looking red and eager. The head on Dad's cock seemed huge and was so inflamed it was almost purple and I was amazed that Mum could manage to get that deep inside her.

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