The Start? - Cover

The Start?

Copyright© 2001 by PhoenixKiwi

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - fun on a camping holiday

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Incest   Brother   Sister  

When we had finished our meal we stacked our dirty dishes in the washing bowl and nervously went down to the rivers edge where Mum and Dad were sitting, on a fallen log, side by side, flipping pebbles into the water, waiting on us. We walked round and faced them and prepared to receive a severe telling-off at the very minimum. Mum began,

"I told your Father about finding you undressed in each others arms this morning and I also told him about what happened yesterday, Robbie. I guess that as you and Julie seem to be so close that you have told her all about it by now as well?" Mum stopped and Dad took over.

"I must admit that I was a bit shocked at your behaviour. I must admit that two children of mine at your age could let yourselves be found it such a compromising position disappoints me!" Dad grinned. "I would have thought that you would have at least managed to keep it hidden for a lot longer - my sister and I never did get caught by our parents and I don't think your mother and her brother ever did either. That's right isn't it, pet?"

Mum nodded and said, "Yes, we made sure that we were never found out, either."

"We're not angry at you. Both of us had sexual relations with our siblings and it didn't seem to do us any harm. It was probably only natural and probably pre-destined that you two should do the same. What we want to know is if you have had full sex with each other yet and, if so, are you taking any precautions?"

I looked at Julie and without saying a word we agreed that I should act as spokesman,

"No, we haven't yet. We only play with each other and we want to do more but are not sure how. We are also not too certain on the protection bit - we know that we need to be careful or Julie might have a baby, but that's all. We knew that what we were doing was naughty and we thought that you guys would be really mad if you found out."

"Well you must be relieved to have it out in the open and not be in trouble. Come and give us a hug each." Mum smiled at us and held her arms open and I stepped over and wrapped my arms around her and hugged her close, really crushing her to me, so close in fact that I could feel her breasts pressing against my chest. I looked over and saw that Julie was wrapped tightly in Dad's arms and, as the two of them seemed to be engrossed in each other, I took a chance and pressed my lips to Mum's and got a very pleasant surprise when she opened her lips and pressed her tongue briefly into my mouth and ran it over mine and all round the inside of my mouth. When we pulled our faces apart I whispered quietly in her ear,

"I loved what you did for me and I would love for you to do it again sometime and hope you'll let me do the same for you." I released her and stepped away before she could reply.

Dad and Julie also pulled apart at about the same time and Dad said,

"Why don't the two of you sit on the other log as your mother and I have an idea we want to put to you both." When we were seated he went on, " We have been talking and we have decided that while we could explain all the facts of life to you both it would be clearer if we showed you. Neither of us is shy and neither of you two seems to be so we didn't think that we would shock you by suggesting this. What do you think - do you think you could both handle watching us make love and do you think that it might help you? You don't have to answer us straight away. Go off and think and talk about it and when you decide come and tell us."

"We pleased that you are taking it so calmly as we thought that we were in deep, deep trouble! I don't know how Julie feels but I'm not the least bit embarrassed or angry at your suggestion and I'd guess that we would take you up on your offer but we had better talk about it and come back to you."

"OK Why don't you take off somewhere by yourselves and talk about it and your Mother and I will wait here at the camp for you both. Don't hurry - we'll expect you for lunch if we see you."

We returned to our tent and set off with our towels, drink bottles and some fruit, we didn't bother with swimsuits as these were rapidly becoming excess baggage. When we reached a nice swimming hole down stream from our camp we spread our towels and lay down side-by-side to sunbathe and talk. We stripped off our shorts and tee shirts and this left me naked, as I hadn't bothered with underpants, and Julie in a bra and knickers. Unhesitantly she took off her bra and lay face down, pressing her lovely breasts into her towel, giving me a clear and erotic view of her tight little buttocks covered by the white cotton of her panties. She knew that this was exciting to me and instinctively she was aware that by keeping herself partly hidden anticipation greatly increased my excitement.

"It's hard to believe how lucky we are with our parents. I really thought that they would go absolutely ballistic and at the very least separate us and ground us for life. I was pleased that you didn't let on that we had already spied on them fucking - I don't know how they would have handled that - and I'm looking forward to watching them from close up." Julie started to clench and relax her bum as she spoke and the sight of her cheeks tightening and relaxing rhythmically was almost becoming too much to bear.

"Yes it sounds wild. When do you think they will give us this 'demonstration'?" I replied.

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