The Start? - Cover

The Start?

Copyright© 2001 by PhoenixKiwi

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - fun on a camping holiday

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Incest   Brother   Sister  

We were far out in the woods in a national park and we had no idea where our nearest neighbour was. As far as we were aware there was only the four of us for miles. Dad and Mum and my twin sister and I were enjoying our first holiday for a number of years. Initially Julie and I didn't want to go camping and voted enthusiastically for a theme park but we were over-ruled and now that we had been here for a few days we were having a ball. The car was back in the car park and we had packed all our equipment in to this site by the stream.

Our days had been easily filled, so far, with hiking, swimming and exploring. We were having fun as only a couple of 13 year olds could. We all pitched in and helped prepare meals, gather firewood and do any chores that were necessary. Dad and I had dug a toilet, well away from our camp, and hung some sacking round it on tree branches. We had snared a couple of rabbits in a clearing, probably illegally, and I had learnt the pleasure of dining on food that I had hunted. Dad had also taken me fishing and the thrill of hooking my first trout is something I will never forget. No doubt Mum and Julie were doing girl type things, much like Dad and I were doing the manly bit, as Julie didn't seem to be getting bored at all.

The weather was hot and still and we lived in swimsuits and were all getting tanned and healthy looking. I hadn't previously noticed how good Mum looked and watching her in a one piece made me appreciate how pretty and well built she was. She and Dad made a good-looking couple, both tall and slim, Dad was dark and Mum was blond and they were both fit and enjoyed sport and exercise. Julie and I had complexions somewhere in the middle and Julie was just beginning to fill out her suit top.

To my dismay, I was sharing a two-man tent with Julie. Mum and Dad were sharing a larger tent with all the equipment, and, as we had to backpack everything in, it was impossible to bring in separate tents for each of us. Julie and I were quite modest in each other's presence. This had only started to happen over the last couple of years as previous to that we were quite relaxed in being bare round each other, but when we both started to mature, Julie became wary about the time her chest started to expand and I hadn't seen her unclothed since then

On this particular day we had finished tea and sat round the fire until it was dark and then been sent to bed. As was our practise Julie got changed into her nightie in our tent and I went behind the big tent and climbed into my PJ's there, only going back inside when she called out that she was ready, Mum and Dad had toted in an air-mattress but we were sleeping on ground-sheets. I dozed off only to be woken by something soon after, and wanting to find out what it was I climbed out of my sleeping-bag and peeped through the partly closed tent flap. Mum and Dad had headed off to bed and it was their moving around that had woken me. I was about to climb back into my bag when I realised that they were standing in front of their light and were providing a fine shadow display on their tent wall.

They were standing with their arms wrapped round each other and were kissing. Dad pulled back from Mum and slid the blouse that she had put on over her swimsuit down and off. This was the first time I had ever seen anything like this and it was very exciting. He kissed her again and I could make out his hand fumbling at the shoulder strap of her suit. It was at this time that I heard Julie moving behind me and I spun round and made 'shushing' gestures at her. She crawled silently up behind me and whispered in my ear,

"What's going on? Let me see?"

I knew there was no way of preventing her so I moved aside a little to let her peep through the flap beside me. Dad had worked Mum's suit down to her waist by now and Julie gasped, shocked and surprised at the sight, but she didn't pull back or stop watching. She was getting as big a thrill from our voyeurism as I was. Dad bent down and sucked at Mum's breasts, which were large and stood out proudly from her chest, and pushed her suit further down and, at the same time, Mum was pushing his down as well. Their shadows were really sharp and it was as if we were standing right in the tent with them. I had grown a throbbing erection from the thrill and arousal I was getting by spying on them.

Mum had succeeded in pushing Dad's suit right off and when he stepped back to kneel in front of her, his penis was standing straight out in front of him and it looked huge. Julie sucked in her breath when she saw it and I felt her pull back in surprise, but then return to her position. She was pressing against me trying to see better and I could feel her breasts pushed into me side. They weren't nearly as big as Mum's but were a lot closer and I would have dearly loved to squeeze and fondle them - but I didn't dare. When he was on his knees Dad pushed his face into the place at the top of Mums legs and I was horrified - how could he do that? However, Mum seemed to be enjoying whatever he was doing and she was holding his head with both hands and appeared to be pushing his face harder into her. This was very, very exciting and my cock was now so hard it was hurting. I looked away for a moment and checked how all this was effecting Julie. She was watching intensely and had her clasped hands pressed into her privates and was sort of hugging herself - she seemed to be as engrossed in their display as me.

When I looked back Dad has removed his face and Mum was sinking to the bed in front of him. When she was lying down she lifted her knees by dragging her feet back and Dad lay between them and started kissing her again. I couldn't see what she was doing but Mum stretched her arm down and seemed to doing something with Dad's penis. I don't know what she did but soon he was moving up and down on her and they slowly got faster and faster until they both suddenly stopped and went rigid and then he slumped down and lay on top, not moving. By this time I was rubbing my hard cock and I was having trouble breathing deeply. Suddenly I came over funny and it felt like I was peeing only different and nothing came out. It felt good and I was sorry when it stopped. I could hear Julie breathing all funny beside me and she was moving around sort of squirming.

Their light went out and so we crawled carefully back to our sleeping bags and after we had got back in Julie moved closer and whispered in my ear.

"That was naughty of us to watch but it was thrilling wasn't it? What were they doing - I think they were having sex, you know - making a baby. And what was Daddy doing when was kneeling in front of her. Do you think he was kissing her down there? That's would be disgusting."

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